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Problem of where to put the GE Memorial Helipad solved: Put it on a boat
By adamg on Tue, 06/07/2016 - 5:57pm

Adam Castiglioni noticed this floating helipad docked by Long Wharf today.
Free tagging:
I didn't know Swirly
had a pilots license.
Are you kidding me?
Pilot's licence? Moi? Oh honey, I got people for that!
You mean these guys?
You mean these guys?
Rumor is that is Brad Pitts
Rumor is that is Brad Pitts boat-- frmr New Zealand navy heavily refurbished. Has submarine as well as helo on board.
Could B
Private yacht "Plan B". Cayman flagged out of New Zealand. Former Australian Navy refit.
Yep, Plan B
Pretty cool color scheme. It does look military or expeditionary. Looks like hulled 2 boats on deck, the helo and "Zodiacs."
This guy is the killer on the docks right now though:
It is not owned by Brad Pitt
The yacht is believed to be owned by Billionaire Ted Waitt, co-founder of Gateway.
There is a little blurb about the boat being in Boston on the Waitt Foundation website. It is on a research project.
makes sense - he's a trustee
makes sense - he's a trustee at NAtGeo...
More Pictures
If anyone is interested.