By adamg on Tue., 6/28/2016 - 9:48 am
A gaggle of city and school officials will gather in City Hall today, along with "elected leaders and community members," to announce who is temporarily replacing Lynne Mooney Teta as headmaster of the nation's oldest public school.
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Ah yes
By anon
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 9:52am
'community members'
Meaning parents in BPS or BLS? Or various ministers and other self-appointed, unelected community 'representatives' of looking to work on their brand?
Branded folk obviously.
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 10:24am
Branded folk obviously.
Token minority?
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 10:07am
I have to call you out here (again)
By John Costello
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 10:17am
There has been an absolute witch hunt at Latin. However, anyone replacing LMT is not a "token" appointment by any means.
Your blind racism seems to color (pun intended) the fact that there are plenty of candidates of many backgrounds available to try to fix the Mayor's and LA Chang's absolute disaster that they caused.
The person selected to save face for the school and more importantly for the mayor, could be Half Thai and Half Plutonian as far as I am concerned. As long as this person is qualified to run the school, and run it properly, by the standards of (almost near) excellence that it has been run in the past, then that is what needs to be done.
Revenge by the electorate and the money behind the electorate will come later. Latin has been around for 381 years, it will see out the idiocy that has played out over the past few weeks by City Hall and the Bolling Building.
I'm colorblind
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 2:31pm
John, I don't see race, I'm colorblind (ask my Cape Verdean girlfriend), but calling me a racist is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Are you what BLS is producing? Yikes, maybe a change is needed after all. For years, I lived with and worked with great African Americans. Many could run the show at BLS. As my fellow conservative Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (R-TN) said, I see the content of their character. I would take the bet that the end result at BLS will be a minority, hopefully qualified but if not, it will be another example of the soft bigotry of low expectations. No different than unqualified whites appointed for the wrong reasons. Maybe Elizabeth Warren could jump in, it would be nice to have a Native American.
Some of my best friends are
By bulgingbuick
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 2:50pm
Mitt is
By bulgingbuick
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 1:47pm
too busy.
It's ridiculous to schedule a
By anon
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 11:21am
It's ridiculous to schedule a "big reveal" of a temporary appointment for a school principal.
Is this what their communications expert advised them to do?
Then you haven't been following the story
By adamg
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 11:28am
Aside from the fact this is the city's largest high school, aside from the fact that it's been under a cloud of controversy for several months now, aside from the fact that you're seeing large numbers of people being polarized over the school, aside from the fact the story has gotten national attention, there's a federal investigation going on. It's become a story where what, yes, would normally be a relatively minor thing of importance only to people directly associated with the school, is newsworthy.
That having been said, it is curious BPS has yet to say a word about how it's going to replace the headmaster at another exam school, who quit the same week as BLS's.
It's clear you have a strong
By anon
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 2:59pm
It's clear you have a strong interest in the situation. So wouldn't you appreciate if BPS simply sent out a press release at 9am naming the interim headmaster, instead of sending out an email at 9am saying they were going to hold a presser at noon where they would announce the name of the interim headmaster? This mindset of controlling the message wastes everyone's time, and represents the opposite of transparency and openness.
You are exactly the person the city was withholding the information from. Wouldn't you have preferred getting the information right away?
Yeah, scoops are nice, but ...
By adamg
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 3:43pm
9 a.m., noon, makes no real difference to me. You're right I have a strong interest in the story. And the reason I even posted that an announcement was impending (not something I normally do) was because I know a lot of other people have a strong interest in the issue (based just on the number of comments every single BLS post I do gets, never mind what's going on elsewhere) and might want to know that it was coming.
I heard a rumor...
By Michael Kerpan
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 12:05pm
... that they were trying to coax former headmaster Contompasis to take the helm on an interim basis.
Change the oil in your time machine
By Jeff F
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 1:08pm
You submitted that 'rumor' five minutes after the scheduled press release.
By bulgingbuick
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 1:50pm
I checked (googled) right before posting...
By Michael Kerpan
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 2:06pm
... nothing was online yet. ;-)
By Elaine Conroy
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 12:05pm
Maybe we wouldn't be where we are today if Adam G hadn't been so quick to report on the original #Black at BLS video. If it had been handled in house without outside interference from various special interest groups, the needs of all students could have been met. But with today's journalism, never let the facts get in the way of a good story! The "scoop" probably came from a member of the class of 2016, you know who you are. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Cute story, but 100% wrong
By adamg
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 1:27pm
I didn't get it from a member of the class of 2016; I got it from an adult whom I follow on Facebook. The member of the class of 2016 whom I know well enough to discuss this sort of thing over breakfast with, in fact, did not tell me about it. And when I told her about it (yes, over breakfast), she went something like "Oh, yeah, they were making a video," to which I replied something like "What? So why didn't you tell me about it?"
But in any case, maybe if I hadn't first posted about it, all of the things the students were upset about would have continued to just fester and get worse, as such things tend to do, so, sorry, I don't feel bad about it.
But beyond that, I knew as soon as I saw it it was going to get more reaction than the typical YouTube videos I post, so I have no doubt that if I hadn't written about it, somebody else at a bigger media outlet would have soon enough. And given that the whole BLS situation, regardless of what position you have on it, is kind of sad, no, I'm not doing any sort of happy dance.
And if you want to look at who really drove this, why not look at the Herald, which devoted four front-page stories to Black at BLS after they learned about it - which probably helped convince the Globe, after several days, that maybe this was an issue worth reporting on. Which it was, and is.
Ah that classic BS ...
By anon
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 1:51pm
We could handle it inside and it wouldn't have been a problem.
Riiigggghhht. Because we could just ignore it and punish people for speaking up! Yeah. Real solution there.
Handling it inside is what brought us all these lovely unpunished rape scandals, a certain quaterback and his school being sued successfully for sexually assaulting a trainer and punishing her for bringing it up, and people like that kid raping basketball coach.
There are laws, dear - laws about fairness, laws about bullying, and laws about special education. These laws come from outside. Ignoring them and punishing those who dare speak up is podunk bullshit.
Someone doesn't move to the Herald
By Waquiot
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 2:11pm
They spent so much ink covering this issue you'd think the headmaster was an illegal immigrant with 4 EBT cards.
To be clear:
By erik g
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 2:19pm
You're asserting that Adam both broke AND created this story, by virtue of the fact that he had an "inside source" (AKA his own child)? Did this hypothetical insider also galvanize a huge portion of the school to get behind the protests, both on Twitter and IRL? Or was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, made possible by Big Media and Adam's nefarious plans to oust the old headmaster in favor of... the older headmaster? I just want to make sure I have your arguments straight before I respond at any length.
In the mean time, you'll find that Major League Baseball and Big Media are much less successful at reading your thoughts if you switch from regular aluminum foil to the industrial strength kind you get at a restaurant supply store. The double thickness of the industrial strength stuff has been clinically proven to filter out 68% more harmful mind-reading photons, when fashioned into an appropriately shaped hat.
Bless your heart
By Fitz
Tue, 06/28/2016 - 2:37pm
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