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You can always tell a Harvard man - you just can't tell him to vote for Trump

The Crimson reports the Harvard Republican Club - "the largest conservative group at Harvard" - announced that not only is it not supporting the Republican candidate for president, it's urging Republican leaders to withdraw their support for this "threat to the survival of the Republic."



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While I don't blame this group in particular, a lot of these denunciations smack of Dr. Frankenstein denouncing the monster they built. The time to repudiate Trump and his ilk was long ago, but it was politically fortuitous to let it continue happening (the birther insanity, etc.) because it in theory would help the 2012 republican candidate. Well, that ship sailed and that monster is now the head of your party. It's too little too late to put out this fire, methinks.

That said, I have never in my lifetime seen so much opposition to a nominee from their own party. It really puts into perspective just how divisive a candidate Trump is.

The leaders of the anti-intellectual party are suddenly shocked to learn their front man is an anti-intellectual.

The monster they built? Rubbish. Trump is the repudiation of the last 20 years of Republican party/Conservative Inc orthodoxy (specifically neoconservatism). If you want to point a finger in blame then you need to reach back to Pat Buchanan. Those of us who seeing nothing wrong with putting America first think, "About damn time!"

working-class resentment against various "others" -- originally African-Americans, but since expanded to include Latinos, gays, uppity women, non-Christians, and immigrants in general -- for the last fifty years. They abandoned being the Party of Lincoln for being the Party of Bigotry after the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts passed.

The only difference with Trump is that he's not of the old-line establishment: they can't control him, and thus are now horrified to witness a thin-skinned pathological liar and narcissist with no impulse control and no knowledge of governance setting about ruining their down-ticket prospects.

But Trump's core messaging and strategy are essentially what the GOP has been peddling with a little more subtlety and coded language for decades: "I will turn the clock back to the Fifties, when women and colored people knew their place, queers hid out of site, and we didn't even know what a Moooslem was."

the fact that the Republican Party has been listing to the right for the past 50-60 some odd years, this whole thing with Donald Trump was a long time coming. As despicable as Pat Buchanan was, Donald Trump makes Pat Buchanan look like a moderate, in comparison.

Just makes me more inclined to vote for Trump. He pissed off the largest conservative club at Harvard; he's doing something right. The 'progressives' and conservative elites hate him.

Really sticking it to The Man while voting for the absolute embodiment of The Man disguised as an outsider.

Have you bothered to see why?

Trump is an "elite" thanks to his daddy's money and business. Just because your life sucks doesn't mean you need to bring the rest of us down with you.

I thought Harvard was to Republicans like garlic and silver bullets are to vampires?

It always amazes me how they like to bash Harvard yet it is the first place they turn to when in need of a good attorney.

Mostly gamma males. A few betas.

he says it. Ever since the passage of civil rights legislation, the GOP's strategy, starting with Goldwater but really revving up Nixon in 1968, has been to attract the non-rich white voters it needs to win by serving up a simmering stew of racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and religious intolerance. But you're supposed to use coded language, dog-whistle phrasing, not just shamelessly blurt it all out at the top of your lungs the way Trump does.

"Ix-nay on the agrant-flay igotry-bay, umbass-day!" Too bad their monster busted out of the lab.

and is blatantly anti-everything will hopefully mean that people will immediately see through him for what he really is and rebut him in a really big way...at the polls come November!

Congratulations, I think you got them all. You got a gift, you.

They stuck by her thru thick and thin for about 4 years before they could finally admit to themselves that, yes indeed, she was batshit crazy.

Apparently some learned a lesson. First impressions are usually correct.

Trump wants to put America first and these losers at Harvard are effectively endorsing Hillary who will push America off a cliff. Sad!

He wants to put America first? Like how his clothing line is made in Mexico and Bangladesh? Like how he uses slave labor in the Middle East? His plan is to cut taxes for himself and his other rich trust fund buddies and screw everyone else over.

the other. It's not just those "losers" who managed to get into Harvard: plenty of conservatives find him unsuited by temperament and experience to be President.

The former head of the CIA put it crisply this morning:

"...Mr. Trump has no experience on national security. Even more important, the character traits he has exhibited during the primary season suggest he would be a poor, even dangerous, commander in chief. These traits include his obvious need for self-aggrandizement, his overreaction to perceived slights, his tendency to make decisions based on intuition, his refusal to change his views based on new information, his routine carelessness with the facts, his unwillingness to listen to others and his lack of respect for the rule of law."

He goes on to talk about how Trump looks like Putin's unwitting toady, taking policy positions more consistent with Russian than American interests: Putin appears to be playing Trump like a fiddle.

Expect more Republican rats to flee Trump's sinking ship in the coming weeks. Nobody wants Cheeto Jesus's stink on them.

"Conservatives" seem to have forgotten that CONSERVE bit - they don't want to protect anything or conserve anything. Quite the opposite - most of their candidates want to destroy everything because they have this mental fantasy land of a land that never was going on in their heads, colliding with toxic paranoia and hate and fear.

Those who would truly conserve - the old money, rock-ribbed types and conservationists and rational seekers of a better world of the Archibald Cox variety - are horrified by Drumpf and they are saying so!

Heck, wouldn't it be great if a fellow Harvard Republican was on a ticket running for President?

Oh, we could only dream that a few disaffected moderate Republicans found some other political party that would let them run for President and Vice-President. Maybe they could tout their experience as governors who worked with legislatures dominated by Democrats.

Oh, if only the Harvard Republicans had that option.

The runner up was Ted Cruz. Somehow I doubt the milquetoast Republicans at Harvard would be happy with him either.

Is a Princeton man. Good Lord, do you want a Princeton man in the Oval Office?

What does make a difference is the fact that since Cruz is way smarter than Trump and comes off like a moderate when he's really not makes Ted Cruz much more dangerous.

Someone doesn't get Ivy League humor. Let me guess, you studied at SUNY Ithaca, right?