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Looks like a 5 year old photocopied the receipts that he found in mommy's purse and wrote Trump on them.

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That I saw on the Pike West this summer en route to Saratoga, that brings the total of Trump signs that I've seen in Massachusetts to two.

The Cheeto has finally outscored Ted Cruz, as I saw one Ted Cruz sticker on a vehicle (with MA plates!) back in the spring.

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There are at least a dozen Trump signs in my Readville neighborhood, and I've only seen one for Hillary.

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And don't frequent Hyde Park, but wow. As for Hillary signs, I've seen none of those in Brighton either. Not a lot of political signs in Allston/Brighton at all. I don't believe I've seen a presidential one, although I have a neighbor two houses down who posts big signs for local candidates.

Only Hillary signs I've seen in these parts are in the "do as we say, not as we do" W 'burbs.

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This is a political neighborhood. I'd say the most popular sign is Steve Murphy (boooooo!), followed by Scaccia.

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My grandparents used to have a house near the water in Winthrop. A casual observer would question if they were at risk of flooding but someone who knew the topographical layout of the land would know they were elevated well above even historic massive flooding levels, it was just an illusion because of how things were layed out that they would be at risk. My grandfather always joked that if the water was his doorstep then the rest of the city was already under water and it didn't matter anyway.

Back to Trump and Clinton in Massachusetts. MA is such a safe bet for Clinton that she is putting minimal work in here except to gather money or resources or possibly people to go to NH. Why bother putting resources into MA. To paraprhrase my Grandfather, if Hillary loses MA then the rest of the country would have went huge for Trump anyway so what difference does it make? I would questions her if she were spending time putting signs up in Readville...

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One on the lawn right next to the guy who has a Trump sign up.

Not sure the lack of Clinton signs says much, though - like Matt says, we're obviously not one of the states she has to spend much time worrying about or campaigning in.

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I'm not saying I think he has a prayer in MA, but I took the loing way on a motorcycle ride out to the Pioneer Valley from Boston a couple weekends ago and saw a ton of Trump signs in towns like Northborough and Sutton. One of the only Clinton signs I saw was modified at the bottom so it read "I'm with Hillary. . . for prison". Classy.

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....I was driving out Westa Woostah and saw a shit ton of Trumpy signs.

Still, He has about the same chance of winning MA as I do.

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In the Democratic primary, the Pioneer Valley and the surrounding hilltowns went in the 70s for Bernie Sanders. I was a Sanders volunteer, and between here, Boston, and canvassing in three neighboring states, I saw very few Clinton signs. For whatever reason, hers doesn't seem to be a very lawn-sign campaign -- subjective impression only.

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Biking up through the hinterlands, I saw several official and not so official ones. One was painted on scraps of wood with barely legible screeds against Her.

My favorite was the one that was carefully rendered in crayon! The writing was childish (although a ruler was used to line out the sign) and it was set amongst signs for far more progressive candidates.

This led me to believe that it was very likely an act of epic parenting - someone didn't shut down their kid, but recognized that a crayon sign does Drumpf no favors, either.

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