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Big Ag funding effort to defeat measure to end cramped chicken quarters

Blue Mass. Group takes a look at the groups fighting Question 3, which would ban the sale of eggs and meat from animals forced into close confinement.



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...should play up the Colts connection if they want something to rally locals around. Deflate this, you Indiana bastards

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This is a matter on which the right wing and the left wing can agree.

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But only if those spicy buffalo wings were first attached to a chicken raised in a humane environment, no?

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Right now eggs are about as cheap as they have been in years (99¢ a doz at CVS this week.) If this doubles the price of eggs, they'll be about the same price as they were 12 months ago. It seems the two sides can't agree on what the real price change will be, but I can't see it making anyone go hungry.

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If you want to spend more of your hard-earned money so that some creature with a peanut-sized brain is slightly less uncomfortable in its brief life, fine. No reason to foist that on every single person in the state as a whole.

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For what it's worth, among other animals Q3 applies to pigs. Pigs are known as remarkably smart and extremely social animals. Their brains are certainly not peanut-sized, not by a long shot.

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Have you ever had non factory farm eggs? Happier birds make for better tasting eggs --- it's SO noticeable, om nom.

now I'm hungry.

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Read it...

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Pigs brains are larger than a peanut. Yours, perhaps not. Have you read the measure?

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Quislings like you condoning oppression are why we will never surrender to our would-be conquerors.

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Been a while since I heard that term. The last time was in a Clancy brother's song, "The Patriot Game" I think. I aways wondered where the term came from but never remembered to look it up. Turns out it was the last name of a Norwegian nazi collaborator.

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TLF: I had to Google quisling and I see that it refers to, "a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country." Not sure how that would apply to Lunchbox, unless he's really a chicken and not a human.

(Why am I wasting my time explaining grammar to a turkey?)

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someone who buys a sandwich at Quiznos?

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Quiznos had middling sandwiches (there was one on Mass Ave before Five Guys took that spot) before they had health problems (hepatitis?) and had to close down.

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I think the TLF assumes everyone that reads UHub is a supporter of their 'glorious revolutionary struggle to the smash the unjust colonial regime systematically oppressing feathered kind'.

Based on TLF's demands for kosher bagels as reparations or tribute I assume Gaffin probably fed scraps of a bagel to a starving turkey in Brookline one day and inadvertently inspired an uprising of the native fowl for justice, peace, and bagel consumption.

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On the one hand, yeah I guess they're not all that smart, but they still probably don't like it when you hack off their beaks to stop them from pecking each other to death.

On the other hand, if we discriminated against everything based on cognitive ability, we'd suddenly be missing a couple of prominent UHub posters.

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From Nature's Corner Magazine

The anatomical structure of the chicken brain is much more complex than most people think. Previous studies show that the organization of the neurons in the chicken brain is highly structured. This sophisticated arrangement of the brain implies that, like humans, a high level of intelligence has evolved--an intelligence that helps them survive.

Although we don’t know the exact thoughts of chickens, the concept of the future and the complex brain structure suggests that chickens are intelligent enough to worry.

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Chickens and pigs are as smart as dogs. Most people would never treat a dog like these factory farms treat chickens and pigs. Ergo.....

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I would hope this wouldn't affect the prices at KFC for my beloved 11 herbs/spices.

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What are the ramifications, if any, of q3 on worker pay?

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