A federal judge today rejected a request by the government to release former House Speaker Sal DiMasi from prison, but gave its lawyers until Oct. 27 to prove why compassion requires he should be released, rather than the fact he still has powerful friends.
DiMasi, currently suffering from cancer, has served about 56 months of his 96-month sentence for corruption.
The federal Bureau of Prisons last week asked Wolf to release DiMasi on the grounds of compassion because his cancer is so advanced.
But Wolf, who noted DiMasi's cancer came up during his 2011 sentencing, said the bureau had provided no medical proof that DiMasi deserves a rarely granted compassionate release, only "unverified statements."
Without such proof, Wolf continued, he would have to consider "whether the Director's decision to file the Motion was influenced by DiMasi's former status as Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives and the stature of some who may be advocating for his release." And that, Wolf wrote, could be "a form of unwarranted disparity based on power and privilege, which would injure respect for the law."
Wolf set a Nov. 1 hearing date to hear the government's arguments on releasing DiMasi.
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Mon, 10/17/2016 - 11:37am
Judge Wolf is not going to let Judge Gertner(retired) tell him what to do, after all she's a woman..
The Right Thing
By Juror
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 12:32pm
I was a juror on that trial and agreed with the sentence (I was the last alternate). But, I would not agree to the treatment he is receiving. It's changed my thought on the prison system and sentencing. When you ask your citizens to participate in the legal process you shouldn't put them through deciding this level of cruelty on another person.
I love our legal system, I feel blessed to live in a country with trials by jury. Our prison system makes performing that duty difficult. I hope Judge Wolf does the right thing. He had intended Sal Dimasi to be close to home. If the bureau of prisons granted this request maybe his family would have been able to advocate for better care sooner.
Please let him go. Please do it for us all.
Many a prisoner
By Marco
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 12:55pm
dies in prison of horrible disease while receiving inadequate care from the DOC. Sal doesn't get a free pas just because of his white collar crime and his status. If you or I got sent away for bank robbery and had cancer in prison there would be no "compassionate" release. Let him rot, he sold out the citizens of his state, he can die in prison as far as I am concerned. If he's lucky he can make it full term and die in a bed surrounded by family when he gets out.
By mg
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 12:58pm
IMO, compassionate release should be easier than this to get for any elderly, sick prisoner convicted of a non-violent offense. It's cruel and inhumane to keep a sick cancer patient in jail when he's already been punished and there's no chance of him re-offending.
By BostonDog
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 1:42pm
He hasn't fully been punished if you consider the punishment the jail term as it was originally issued.
Corruption is a big deal. His actions were wrong when committed. The fact he has cancer now shouldn't excuse him from his previous actions.
By anon
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 2:24pm
I care more about sending a message to the other corrupt politicians, and the ones who come next, than about one guy getting what he deserves.
By JPMom
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 1:18pm
It seems like another judge, not the same one who imposed the sentence, should have reviewed this case. My estimation of Judge Wolf just diminished greatly.
It's a start
By anon
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 2:21pm
Can we put up a poll, to nominate additional corrupt politicians to rot in prison?
Public Records. Massachusetts Legislature.
By theszak
Mon, 10/17/2016 - 7:32pm
The Massachusetts Legislature should be put under Public Records principles!
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