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Charlie Baker has e-mail, right?

Because it seems his constituent-services phone numbers, the ones people have been calling since Monday to ask him to say something, anything about how he's going to protect vulnerable populations in Massachusetts, are now out of order.

UPDATE: At a press conference, Baker said the lines are back up. Also, while he wouldn't call Massachusetts a sanctuary state, saying sanctuary stuff is up to cities and towns, he said, "People need to feel welcome here. ... We will not tolerate acts of violence against anyone."



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Imagine if this were a real emergency. Those who rely on the government for protection are not exactly into critical thinking.

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You seriously have the governor's number at the tip of your tongue for "real emergencies"? As opposed to dialing 911?

Give me a break.

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If it were a real emergency, you'd use the bat signal, like a normal person. This is more of a customer service line kind of thing.

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I would assume if you misunderstood the role of government and relied on the state government for some sort of protection and you did not like their service, then your beef would be with the State Police or whoever provided less protection than you believe you were promised or due by law.

I think you are bothering customer service about a product the store does not sell. No wonder they are not answering your calls.

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Having worked at a customer service call farm, I have to say that is not uncommon. Someone once called me from a different state to complain that someone (for whatever reason) dumped a box of our company's product all over their lawn. They demanded that someone from our company come clean it up. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to hang up on them, so this went back and forth for awhile.

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Also, if anyone needs a script for what to write, you can adapt this for the governor:


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Baker will get right on this, once he figures out his position on climate change (hey, hes not a scientist).

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The legislature on Beacon Hill, who would sell out their own grandmothers for a nickle, is going to stand on principle and lose hundreds of millions of dollars (into potentially billions of dollars) from the feds? I didn't realize pot was legal yet but y'all must be smoking some good shit!

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You are the one smoking something. We pay in $2 for every dollar we get back!

How about we keep that money and our undocumented residents, thank you very much.

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His office hung up on my wife yesterday.

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I'm sure it wasn't "Good morning Governor. How's the family?"

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She told them that she was calling because she'd read NY Gov. Cuomo's unequivocal support of human rights and dignity and was curious if this progressive state's popular moderate governor would echo those sentiments. She probably phrased it better; she's good at that, but I don't think it mattered because she didn't get that far into the call.

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Nor Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts !

Compare Massachusetts Attorney General @MassAGO

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It would be nice if the AGO did it's job rather than politicizing everything, getting involved in lots of business which isn't their job, and exposing the state to tens of millions of dollars worth of risk or legal fees for career promoting crusades.

Every AG for the past 20 years has run up the tab to taxpayers trying to seek higher office and done a piss poor job of doing their actual job. The Big Dig fleecing should have been a BILLION DOLLAR HINT the AGO's office is beyond incompetent.

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Since we're all vulnerable at the moment, perhaps Baker could form an elite State Police unit to assist ICE in deporting the "settlers" who cut the line then began committing crimes in this country. I know most troopers would be interested. Or else he could make Massachusetts a sanctuary state and switch to Democrat. He's already lost the record number of voters who picked Trump in the primary here. Having met with, donated to and voted for Baker twice, never again.

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Trump lost every single county in Massachusetts. Sorry- there simply aren't enough scared white men in this state.

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Do the math. Charlie Baker only beat the inept Martha Coakley by 40,000 votes. Trump just got 1,032,484 votes here despite Baker trashing him. Charlie shouldn't get too comfortable. A wise Texas politician once said something like, "the only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead armadillos." Charlie needs to pick a side or he'll be one and done, like fellow RINO Scott Brown.

Rest assured, the local cop on the beat or trooper on the highway will cooperate with ICE. It's the pandering politicians and bookworm chiefs who serve at the Mayor's behest, who say otherwise. Good luck to Marty Walsh and Joe Curtatone at Civil Service and the courts if they dare discipline an officer for assisting an outside law enforcement agency. Obama claims to have deported 3 million criminal illegals. Where was the concern then?

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The local cop on the beat or trooper on the highway will cooperate with ICE.

If any local or state police officers feel like they cannot uphold the standards of the communities they serve and thus refuse to follow orders, they should immediately resign.

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34% (which probably contains some "scared white men") and which is nothing to sneeze at since we are usually a "liberal" state.

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It's up to the cities and towns?

Sorry gov, but the negative effects of sanctuary cities do not confine themselves to those cities alone. We all deal with it.

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what those negative effects may or may not be! I can hardly wait to hear.

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It's up to the cities and towns?

Mostly, yeah, because (as I understand it) it's a police thing, wherein a city or town instructs its police force to just basically do their job and not get into immigration status and reporting to the INS. IOW, if you pull someone over for speeding or a broken taillight, you write 'em up for speeding or a broken taillight, and don't go on a fishing expedition regarding their immigration status. Arguably you could do the same thing with state police, but the focus is mostly on cities and towns and their forces.

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By "do their job" what you actually mean is "turn a blind eye."

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By "do their job" what you actually mean is "turn a blind eye."

No, not really. I mean "don't go looking for something that isn't relevant to the reason why you stopped this person (which is, or should be, something relating to the public safety of the community you serve), and that may or may not be there."

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Fishing expedition in that instance is, "Can I see your driver's license?"

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Nope. A fishing expedition is when you stop someone for a violation that you observe, or that you have probable cause to believe is actually happening, and you use the stop to try and ferret out other violations that may or may not exist (and that, in the case of immigration violations, are really outside the scope of your duties).

I'll give an example that's not related to immigration. There's a community in western Mass that does a lot of "broken taillight" policing. They particularly target young men driving older cars, and the cops have been known to say (when the driver rolls down the window) "Do you have any heroin?" Now, I don't doubt their good intentions, but it's bad police work. If you think about what it would be like to be someone who is completely clean, and who is repeatedly stopped by cops who are obviously trying to find something they can arrest you for, you'll probably understand what I'm getting at.

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The assumption that young people are the ones doing/selling drugs is pretty pathetic.

But stereotypes are pretty stupid, generally.

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That's how Chelsea does it, as written by Chief Kyes yesterday.

Chelsea PD feel its more important to work with victims of crime than it worry about their immigration status. I'd rather have someone come forward with information leading to an arrest than worry about if they are undocumented or not. Immigration status should not be a barrier to get help in an emergency.

And yes Chelsea PD will hand over criminals to ICE, that's a given. And have done so in the past, many many times.

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Not that simple. If they've been here more than 30 days, they require a Massachusetts license which illegals cannot obtain. A speeding or broken taillight violation would prompt the officer to ask for license and registration. If unlicensed, the driver should be arrested under MGLC. 90 S.10. The prisoner would be photographed and fingerprinted on arrest and ICE would determine their status. I know of people deported after being arrested for driving without a license during the Bush administration, not so much under Obama. The sanctuary cities either don't share the information with ICE or ignore ICE requests to detain them.

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Baker is a fake Republican who will welcome illegals, too. Hopefully he's a one termer!

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Baker is a real republican and it's the current nutjobs in Washington who are the phonies.

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Great stand there, Charlie. Real sticking to your principles - whatever they are. Cowardly. Pick a stance and actually communicate it, jackass, even the racist clownshow going on in Washington can manage to have a set of principles, as fucked up as they are.

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