By adamg on Thu., 1/5/2017 - 10:04 am
The State House News Service reports on a bill approved by legislators.
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Ad:The State House News Service reports on a bill approved by legislators.
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What's to decide?
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:14am
The lanes are there for traffic. Parked cars block traffic.
I'd be surprised if he doesn't sign it.
I believe....
By Pete Nice
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:31am
that in order for cities and towns to have parking fines over a certain amount ($35 to $50?) the state legislature needs to approve it. Something like that is written in the MGLs somewhere.
It's $50
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:55am
Would love to see higher fines
By spin_o_rama
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 12:27pm
The few that get ticketed for blocking bike lanes clearly will take the fine and not move their vehicle or avoid blocking in the first place.
Rode by this truck on Milk St. yesterday that was already ticketed, traffic enforcement can only do so much when the fines are so weak.
Note: Should also point out that the car turn left off of Arch St. decided to avoid the blocked travel entirely and drive into on coming traffic. Happens every week.
Many couriers and delivery drivers
By GoSoxGo
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 1:24pm
stick old tickets on their windshield to make it look like they have just been ticketed.
Thankfully, most parking enforcement officers know this trick and will check the tickets. But it does deter some people from contacting 311 (or 911) to report scofflaws.
Sic The Predatory Towing Companies On Them!
By Elmer
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 2:27pm
Once a car receives a ticket, but is still blocking a lane, it should be fair game for tow trucks to remove the vehicle to the far away land of impounded cars.
It's no different than parking in front of a hydrant or blocking a fire lane. The driver made a choice to leave their vehicle in a place that endangers public safety. People will stop doing that if their vehicles are towed away, as necessary to restore the lane to a safe condition.
The problem with that is that
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 9:59am
The problem with that is that it would only be fair if we switched to immediately towing for parking infractions, rather than ticketing.
If a ticketed car is fair game for a tow company if it's not moved after being ticketed, then what's to stop them from towing it 30 seconds after the ticket is placed, before the driver even had a chance to realize they had a ticket. There needs to either be a specific time limit (e.g. a ticketed car can be towed if left more than 30 minutes), or we need to just skip ticketing and go straight to towing.
I'm not endorsing either idea, just pointing out a logistical concern.
A Car In A Marked Parking Space Isn't A Menace To Public Safety
By Elmer
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 12:12pm
No one expects their car to be towed for a meter overtime violation, nor should it be towed.
Conversely, deliberately parking in a way that creates a safety hazard should be accompanied with the expectation that your vehicle may be immediately ticketed and towed. There's a big difference between the two situations.
I would not support towing without a police or parking officer first issuing a ticket for the violation. The towing companies have proven over and over again, they can't be relied upon to operate responsibly on their own.
How about writing tickets for
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:50am
How about writing tickets for the drivers racing down Comm. Ave., and Beacon St.? I see racers daily and cabs honking at and driving aggressively toward lawful pedestrians and cyclists daily... nothing has changed.
By Fenwickian
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:20am
How about some $50 tickets for the bicyclists who come barrel-assing down my street going the wrong way on a one way, with earbuds in, while texting and ignoring elderly residents using the crosswalk.
I vote we start considering
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 1:42pm
I vote we start considering this when those cyclists start killing people.
It happened
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 2:51pm
If only one death is needed then that was supplied. A messenger into a man near City Hall during Menino's term. This caused the man to have a heart attack which killed him.
I almost ran into a person once because I went through a red light at a T shaped intersection. I was in the wrong and am grateful I did not hit the man.
Distracted bicyclists have killed at least once and are dangerous. When cycling basic safety rules still apply.
That's nice dear
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 3:02pm
IIRC, the pedestrian was at fault
Also, please supply a citation for this so we get a denominator. One in ten years? Twenty years? Wow - that's an epidemic! Let's see if we can go even two weeks without a hit and run by a motor vehicle.
It happens (plural)
By spin_o_rama
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 3:03pm
Distracted motorists killed at least 3,000 in 2014 and are dangerous.
The man hit in the incident
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 3:10pm
The man hit in the incident you cite crossed in the middle of the block between cars. It's hard to place the entirety of the blame on whomever, driver or cyclist, that hits a pedestrian in those circumstances. Plus, Menino served a long time; that incident occurred more than twenty years ago.
Summary: once in twenty some odd years a pedestrian dies in a collision with a cyclist that most people wouldn't hold the cyclist responsible for.
it's interesting...
By Fenwickian
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 4:27pm
...that nobody every says that when a cyclist is hit. When a cyclist is hit it is invariably reported, even on this site, with a bias that the motorist was at fault.
A cyclist doesn't have to kill a pedestrian to alter their lives completely.
A broken shoulder or hip, for example, can be completely disabling for a senior citizen.
It's time for the cyclists to grow up and start obeying the traffic laws that govern the roads we all share.
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 3:36pm
You're either traffic, in which case you're treated as such and get a ticket every time you break traffic laws, or you're not traffic, in which case you STFU, stay off the roads and walk that oversized toy of yours on the sidewalk.
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 4:13pm
Doubles over laughing while watching traffic violations ever twenty seconds from office window without anyone getting ticketed by the cop in the car off to the side.
This article is about
By Lmo
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 4:00pm
This article is about blocking lanes, not about anyone being killed. So you're saying it's ok to ride around recklessly and acting like an asshole, as long as the probability of killing someone is low? Makes perfect sense.
Statistics or shut up
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 4:13pm
Show that there is harm or STFU.
IDGAF about harm, GFY
By Lmo
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 4:46pm
IDGAF about harm statistics, GFY
By Bob Leponge
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 6:25pm
Right, because facts form a stupid basis for shaping policy.
Not talking about harm statistics in general
By Lmo
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 8:39pm
By Fenwickian (not verified) on Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:20am
How about some $50 tickets for the bicyclists who come barrel-assing down my street going the wrong way on a one way, with earbuds in, while texting and ignoring elderly residents using the crosswalk.
By anon (not verified) on Thu, 01/05/2017 - 1:42pm
I vote we start considering this when those cyclists start killing people."
My comment was replying to above anon.......
Anon is suggesting people should only get tickets if they kill people.
F it I'm putting my trash out a day early next week, not like I'm killing anyone!
Get off the internet and see
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 7:17pm
Get off the internet and see the world around you... you'll figure out what the commenter above is talking about. What else ya got? Racism doesn't exist bc minorities can't prove it to you with statistics? smh
By Scumquistador
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 1:40pm
can you even prove minorities exist?? check & mate
Yeah, it's a quality of life issue at the very least
By eekanotloggedin
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 5:08pm
I regularly bike with kids, always with at least one on their own bike, sometimes two or sometimes additional neighbor kids tagging along. So many of the bike lanes are impossible to use. The one across from the Roxbury YMCA is constantly FULL of cars parked in it (with plenty of legal parking spots within 300 feet). Sometimes these cars include cop cars. City Hall tells me there isn't traffic enforcement on weekends and to call 911. I call 911 and they tell me thanks for sharing. I've called them when my kids and I arrived at the Y (the side toward the Y is usually clear), told them we'd be headed home at such-and-such time, and we'd like the bike lane to be safe for children to use. They say they'll send an officer. Then they don't.
So why the fuck is there even a bike lane? The city clearly isn't remotely interested in having it usable as one. When we ride in the right lane (it's a four-lane street, so plenty easy to pass us), people honk and yell out car windows to get out of the road. Which we're legally allowed to use all of, but people don't know this, because honking and yelling at cyclists also isn't enforced. There tends to be less of this behavior in Roxbury than in the South End or Back Bay, but it still happens.
We continue to ride, because it's how we get most everywhere, but we're all stressed out by the time we get places that should be reachable entirely on dedicated bike lanes. Sometimes we're late because we end up walking our bikes. We walked them about a mile on Mass Ave last week because the bike lane was completely covered in the vehicles of inconsiderate assholes. And we annoyed all of the people on the sidewalk who had to move out of the way of us walking bikes on very narrow sidewalks.
By erik g
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 1:43pm
they could write you a ticket for violating the fire code. That's one hell of a straw man you've got there, fella. One stray spark and BAM, the whole place will go up like a bundle of dried tinder.
That's already been a $100
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:34am
That's already been a $100 parking ticket in Boston for several years now
Law is nice
By Rob O
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:34am
but enforcement is necessary. It's already a ticketable offense in Boston and Cambridge, but you wouldn't know from riding around town.
Now obviously the police can't catch every violation, but the frequency of this type of violation suggests that enforcement needs to be stepped up before car operators start to obey this norm.
Hence the law
By BostonDog
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:25am
Apparently many cities already have the ability to write citations with a fine for this but the lack of a standard makes them more hesitant to do so.
I don't understand why the fine is so low. Should be at least $200 for willful obstruction of traffic in non-emergency situations. (And $500+ for "blocking the box" which is the biggest cause of congestion I see around Cambridge and Boston.)
$500? That's a week's pay for
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 12:15pm
$500? That's a week's pay for some people. Can't think of a traffic situation where a fine like that would be warranted without there also being injuries or property damage.
Expensive fines open up the door to selective enforcement, revenue-drive enforcement and general abuse. They'll also fill up traffic courts with appeals. If you want to generate more business for lawyers, this is a good way to do it.
If you can't pay the fine...
By lbb
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 1:30pm
Well, you know, there sometimes are injuries or property damage, due to drivers parking where they shouldn't be. And while I think you're trying to say that in those cases, there is a greater penalty than a $500 fine, that's kind of theoretical given how easy it is for drivers to dodge responsibility for their actions. It's also beside the point. Improperly parked cars create an unsafe situation; if an accident results, it's unlikely that any fines or other penalties will make the matter right. They won't pay for someone's lost time or permanent injuries.
The rules are simple: you may not park in a travel lane. If there isn't a legal parking space available, then you may not park. You may go find a lot and pay what it costs to park there. You may circle the block until a space opens. You may leave your car at home and take public transit. But you are not entitled to park in a travel lane, and I can't think of a traffic situation that justifies it.
"$500? That's a week's pay
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 2:34pm
"$500? That's a week's pay for some people"
Fine. Let's follow the example of some European nations and make it income based. How about 5% of your monthly take home?
The whole point is to deter people from doing stupid things (like consciously blocking the box or fire or bike lanes)
Seconding this. I'd go so far
By eherot
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 12:56am
Seconding this. I'd go so far as to say that if you don't make the fines income-based, it's a tacit agreement that the rules do not apply to the rich.
How about this
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 2:38pm
$100 fine BUT it counts as a moving violation for the purpose of calculating your insurance premiums.
Also, $500 works out to $12.50 an hour ... and unless you are getting rent-free accommodations that kind of money generally isn't enough to afford a car in the city.
Repeat question
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:27am
I'm sure I've asked this but why does it not make sense to have the police more aggressively ticket violators? There's a whole team for meter violations - why not enable them to cite people for blocking the box at bad intersections, go after bike lane blockers, etc...? It seems like it would pay for itself and without tying up 'real' cops needed for public safety stuff (like watching guys dig holes).
They can and they can't
By Red
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:37am
The enforcement meter folks can tag a car stopped in the bike lane as it is a parking violation (similar to double parking), and not a moving offense. Blocking the box is a moving offense and the police union will not allow other agencies to take over their responsibilities (even though they rarely carry out those responsibilities).
There has to be a balance
By Gary C
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:28am
I bike almost daily, but I also see where occasionally a motor vehicle will need to temporarily park and block the bike lane. Only those who have never double-parked, never "stood" in a "no standing" zone, and never live parked at a hydrant can say there should be no leniency for blocking a bike lane once in a while.
With that said, the bike lane deserves the same enforcement as auto travel lanes. If they are ticketing cars for illegal double-parking, then by all means they should do the same for the bike lanes. Making sure that the bike lanes do not become a de facto loading zone should be the goal.
Plenty of people have never
By Kinopio
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:53am
Plenty of people have never broken those laws. Imagine if drivers parked for 10 minutes in a "car" lane and blocked vehicular traffic. That'd be seen as a ridiculously selfish thing to do right? Fights would probably break out. But somehow its completely fine to do it in a bike lane.
Drivers have been generously given thousands upon thousands of free parking spaces in Boston yet they still insist on breaking the law. A $50 slap on the wrist that is rarely enforced is way too low for endangering other people's lives.
By bosguy22
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:58am
"Imagine if drivers parked for 10 minutes in a "car" lane and blocked vehicular traffic"
That happens all the time.
I'm imagining
By Sock_Puppet
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 12:53pm
I saw that this morning.
Very different situations
By Anony-Mouse
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 12:51pm
Very different situation.
- Block a car-traffic lane on a one-lane road and NOBODY can get by.
- Block a car-traffic lane on a busy 2-lane road (think Mass Ave) and you can tie up half the city.
But block a bike lane while you make a delivery.... while I agree it's not ideal, even the bikes can keep getting through, maybe requiring a very brief pause.
I support bike-lanes, and agree that our focus has been too car-centric for +/- 50 years, but imposing more than a nominal fine is mis-guided. And I'll bet you all a cold one that even die-hard cyclists get an occasional delivery or have a guest stop by for 2 minutes and find the bike lane is the only possible place where a truck or car can pull over.
Where There Are No Bike Lanes, What Do You Do?
By Elmer
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 3:13pm
[sup] âŸâŸâŸ âŸâŸâŸ( the sidewalk is the only possible place where a truck or car can pull over )[/sup]
In case you missed it ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 2:58pm
Blocking a bike lane generally involves blocking part of the adjacent general vehicle travel lane, too.
Witness the mess on Seaport Blvd. when the valets decide to commandeer the bike lane so that they don't have to pay for the parking that they are supposed to pay for. Bikes shift over a lane, but cars can't use one of their lanes.
Live parking in front of a
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 12:01pm
Live parking in front of a hydrant in in a no parking zone does not block traffic. It drives me crazy how many people double park, blocking an entire travel lane rather than pull into a hydrant or no parking spot.
Or the parking spot 10feet up
By Lmo
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 4:05pm
Or the parking spot 10feet up the street!!! Some people seem to have a door to door rule, even if there is a spot feet away!!!
Except in Malls
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 4:31pm
Then they will walk 3/4 mile across a parking lot, and then complain that the mall is too big and they are tired of walking.
By lbb
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 1:45pm
Call me excessively fearful if you want, but I'm one of those people. I just assume I won't get away with it. If I can't park legally, I don't do it. I had my car towed once because there was a snow emergency and I didn't know what I was doing, and that experience cured me of parking violations.
What is the "need" to park and block the bike lane, exactly? An ambulance doing a pickup, sure, but they can (and do) block any travel lane if necessary. Other emergency vehicles. But anything else? How is it justified?
By poster
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 2:19pm
is there a plan for winter, when all of the snow is piled in the parking lanes and there is *no parking at all* along major business thoroughfares?
Not that the bike lane should be blocked, but taking away miles of parking isn't a practical solution either.
It isn't practical?
By anon
Thu, 01/05/2017 - 4:45pm
It would make it a lot easier to plow to the curb if cars were banned from the bike lane as their private vehicle storage location.
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