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Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president

Around 3:30 p.m. on Friday, a woman was riding the Orange Line when two guys, one white, the other black, got into an argument that escalated with the white guy physically attacking the black one:

The aggressor pushed/threw the victim on top of me as I was sitting and started punching him. My glasses were broken and head scraped in the process. The crowd eventually pulled the aggressor off. I asked bystanders to take pictures of the assaulter, but didn't see anyone doing so, so I (a 5'4" woman) started taking my own closeups. I guess he didn't like that, because he called me a liberal cunt and shouted he was glad it's Trump's America.

Strangely he didn't try to grab my phone though.

He got off at State Street and got away. Meanwhile the victim was busy calling the cops. Out of a train car full of people, I was the only one who stayed to give a statement to the police, and the victim had to call the police himself.

I'm super pissed off, partly for myself but also for the main victim (intended target).

If he looks familiar, contact Transit Police detectives at 617-222-1000.



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Did you make sure there was a police report of this, before posting this guys photo.

Reading is hard.

Meanwhile the victim was busy calling the cops. Out of a train car full of people, I was the only one who stayed to give a statement to the police, and the victim had to call the police himself.

Unless there's a lot of JP commuters in your car at the time, if someone messes with you on the Orange Line, you're probably on your own.

he's advising people to call the Transit Police, and the story explicitly mentions the photographer being the only one to stay with the victim to file a police report, I would venture to say to say yes, there's a police report. Any other concern trolling you want to bring into this, or can we get back to talking about the fact that this is a really fucked up thing to happen, and any halfway decent Trump supporter should be the first to repudiate this asshole?

It's a totally valid question, and not phrased in a way that would warrant such an abrasive reply.

"Alternative facts"

I get that taking an edgy teenager tone is erik's MO here, but it gets old.

Man, in this thread alone, I've been told I'm a terrorist who should join ISIS, and labeled a Stalinist who supports pogroms against Europeans, but this... this one stings, anon.

I prefer "leftist agitator," but your point is taken.

It appears that the train that this incident happened on is equipped with cameras (visible on the ceiling in the background). The Transit Police will probably be able to get a better idea as to what happened after the footage is reviewed.

"and any halfway decent Trump supporter should be the first to repudiate this asshole?"
Hey, I'll be happy to call this asshole out.
Here's the problem. AG posted no links to any site (like he often posts here, but I can see it to preserve her privacy) and I just checked the T site and no recent news (noon). Someone pointed out the camera in the background. So, assuming MBTA Police have a vid, they have a lot of info on what really happened, including maybe the ability to generate some decent stills.
Oh, Neal, just reread your post. Quite correct.
So, until we get more info, we don't know enough about this assault. He might just be a homeless person off his rocker. Or not. Either way, he's a real problem in a confined space.

Patience, grasshopper.

Has one been seen in the wild?

His photo is online because of what he did. If he has alternate facts he can come forward. There are no laws preventing anyone from photographing him whether a police report was filed or not as per MBTA. It's too bad that train was filled with people afraid to get involved. Perhaps when it happens to them someday they'll reconsider the fact that if more people had just stood up and approached as a group it defuses men such as this who are hot headed and need to cool down.

Guys, I know riding the T sucks, but if someone beats someone up and then calls someone else a liberal cunt, you don't ignore it, you beat the crap out of them and then sit on them until the cops show up so they can go to jail and Adam can append

innocent, etc

to the end of the Uhub report.


(PS if Richard Spencer ever rides the T, you punch him, because he's a nazi, and you always punch a nazi.)

but my heart will always belong to this one. Stick with the classics, I say.

I know these kind of stories bring out a little of the Internet Tough Guy in all of us, but: I ride the Orange Line all the time, and am 6'5" and not of slight frame. If someone on a train car with me is unhinged enough to start a physical fight with someone, undeterred by witnesses taking video with their smartphones, I'll film it, sure, but I'm not going to go after the guy. The kind of people who scream pro-Trump nonsense at spectators are also the kind of people who carry guns because government tyranny something-something. Not my circus, not my monkeys. The Transit Police now have clear pictures of the guy, and I'll bet you a Galway chicken dinner that they have this dude in custody before the week is out.

So you'd just watch a fellow human get the shit kicked out of him? Guess what my friend, just because Ringling Bros closed down doesn't mean that you ain't involved. What happens if he turns on you just because you are filming it? I think you'd want some stranger to step in and help you from getting a beating. Step up.

When bystanders try to insert themselves in a fight, it very often ends badly.

The best option is to do what they do in football: groups of people pulling them apart.

This sounds like it happened very fast.

The original account stated that bystanders did pull the assailant off after he attacked the victim and knocked him onto the woman who reported this. This, apparently, didn't take a lot of fight out of the guy, and he showed plenty of willingness to continue acting out. In that case, most bystanders don't have the skills to handle the situation. We all could probably do more to develop those skills before ending up in this situation, but if it's happening in front of you...no, all the good will in the world doesn't make you capable of taking down a sociopath. I don't advocate that everyone go sign up for fight lessons, but we probably would be well served if more people learned de-escalation skills and situational awareness. A combination of those two might well have headed this off at the pass. Remember that the attacker may be deranged and antisocial, but that doesn't make him incapable of seeing what's in his own best interest: understanding that the cops will come and he will spend the night in jail has a remarkable cooling-down effect. And of course, "situational awareness" means taking our faces out of our phones, and not burying them deeper when there's signs of trouble. Again, self-interest: ignoring a problem doesn't mean it won't land in your lap, literally.

Last week the BPD got kudos for taking a pistol away from someone that they had every right to shoot. Ya, a Boston cop or MBTA, even if off duty could have taken this guy out in a second.
Here's the problem...an average person, even one in good shape, jumps in and Mr. Problem Dude pulls a knife and all of a sudden you're in over your head. Don't count on your fellow passengers if that happens.

She says, "I asked bystanders to take pictures of the assaulter, but didn't see anyone doing so..."
What bugs me about this assault is the lack of third party video. Almost every confrontation these days is surrounded by a crowd of live-streaming smartphone users. Here's a Globe article:

When you see something going on, the first thing you see is a whole bunch of folks standing around holding smart phones.

Maybe some other vids will show up. They'll have audio as well as video.

1. The nazis hate him. He's an ethnostate guy, like Malcom X and Muhammad Ali (people the left reveres), and the Jewish people in Israel.

2. Violently attacking people for political reasons is terrorism. You are pro-terrorism.

3. Communists advocate for a system that killed far more than fascism.

2. Violently attacking people for political reasons is terrorism. You are pro-terrorism.

"Attack" is such an ugly word. I prefer to think of it as an alt-rebuttal.

Not an argument

On the off-chance you actually want to have a discussion, and not frothily repeat Mr. Spencer's completely-absurd "no liberals are the REAL fascists" talking points, I'll repost the most salient analysis of The Punchening that I've seen:

Many of us, myself included, are socialized to be more outraged at breaches of etiquette than breaches of justice. Etiquette is largely about maintaining an unjust social order, where it's worse for you to tell your racist relatives to shut the fuck up at Thanksgiving than it is for them to spew their nonsense where your little cousins can hear. I've had it up to the eyes with respectability politics - we have never gained anything by smiling and being polite and waiting for others to recognize our humanity, and we won't gain any ground by trying to reason with people who want us dead, or enslaved, or sent to conversion therapy, or marked permanently as second-class citizens in some other way.

TLDR "Use violence when all your weak arguments have been disproven."

Multiple members of my family were killed by communists. Based on your flawed logic I can attack Lenin/Stalin worshiping lefties.

As soon as they start threatening genocide against you, then absolutely I support you punching any Stalinists who are publicly calling for ethnic cleansing. You let me know when you see any, and I'll show up with you. We should always punch Nazis in the face.

1. RS has not advocated, condoned, or used violence at all, much less threaten genocide. RS is an identitarian, he has disavowed Hitler, National Socialism, and genocide on countless occasions

2. Noted commie George Ciccariello is an avid proponent of European genocide, along with Tim Wise and Noel Ignatev. Here is a group of commies at Harvard advocating for the genocide of Europeans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC-Cqkq6zWc

Spencer's a Nazi. Period.


Let me repeat what I just said: Spencer is a Nazi. What the fuck do you think "identitarian" means, anyway? It's alternative-truth for "Nazi." He supports a white-only US, to the point of forcing non-whites (which in his punk little mind includes Jews) out of the country. He runs a Web site that has called for killing all blacks.

He's a Nazi. The only thing that makes him different is his stupid haircut.

Oh, did I mention he's a Nazi? Because he's a Nazi. The only real question is whether that makes it OK to punch him.

I was going to mine that thread for bon mots all day, and now you've outed my source.

He supports a white-only US, to the point of forcing non-whites (which in his punk little mind includes Jews) out of the country. He runs a Web site that has called for killing all blacks.

1. This is just wrong. He hasn't done any of that. If there was any real evidence confirming these points please cite.

2. Openly promoting violence is a can of worms the left shouldn't open. Any notion of moral high ground is lost.

Which I hesitate to link here as it gives it potentially more traffic.

*Adam please feel free to remove the link if you have similar reservations.

So at least he won't get any Googlejuice from the link.

Asking the hard questions: Is Black Genocide Right?

(Note to all would-be-clickers: this is a link to an archival of the story, which has since been scrubbed from the net. AFAIK, this will not put advertising click revenue in the hands of any actual Nazis. Adam, feel free to delete if you don't even want third-hand white nationalism mentions on your site, but the guy asked)

Defending Nazis is shitty enough, but let me suggest that doubling down on it, and then glibly dismissing the opinion of the guy who runs the site (and has a whole lot of skin in this fight), is an even worse idea.

Oy vey.

the smug douchewad who when confronted with actual facts, just keeps repeating, "No, nuh-unh."

Kinda like Orange Julius Caesar, who fritters away endless hours trying to puff up his fragile ego with lies about how many people didn't vote for him and didn't show up to cheer his inauguration, when he should be Presidenting.

Dry up and blow away, you ridiculous waste of time and Internet bits.

You are taking time out of your day to defend a piece of garbage. He is a white supremacist and apparently you are fine with being on the same side as him. Pretty messed up. If you are excited for Trump being president then you and this nazi turd have at least a good amount in common so perhaps you should rethink your life choices.

He has said himself the concept of racial "superiority" is dumb.

He's still believes in racial separation and Pepe the frog (you may recall he was in the process of explaining that when he was punched).

He's a Nazi.

Since Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali promoted racial separation they must be nazis too. How does Israel's racial separation jive with your narrative?

Malcom X and Muhammad Ali have no active role in current events. You know, being dead and all.

As for Israel, Netanyahu is basically Trump but with a higher IQ. And if you knew anything about Israel, which your statement suggests you don't, you'd realize that Israel, for all of its issues and contradictions, in fact, is pretty multicultural. There are black Jews. There are Arabs with full citizenship (and even seats in the Knesset). But, honestly, a blog focused on Boston isn't really the best place to debate the realities of Israeli politics. Why, it'd be like wasting time on a Boston blog failing to prove that a Nazi isn't a Nazi.

envisioned Freedom to Ignore Facts as being a pillar of our country.

Many of us, myself included, are socialized to be more outraged at breaches of etiquette than breaches of justice. Etiquette is largely about maintaining an unjust social order, where it's worse for you to tell your racist relatives to shut the fuck up at Thanksgiving than it is for them to spew their nonsense where your little cousins can hear.

I agree with the thrust of the comment you quoted, but I disagree that the purpose of etiquette is "maintaining an unjust social order". In a world where the purpose of etiquette is misunderstood, it may be used as a tool (or a weapon) to achieve that end, but that is not its purpose. Its purpose has much more to do with kindness and people being able to live together harmoniously, and unless you're distorting and humpty-dumptying the meaning, "harmoniously" doesn't mean "everyone shuts up while drunken racist uncle holds forth at Thanksgiving". At that point, etiquette has already been violated, by drunken uncle. It's only those who don't understand what etiquette is who believe that it requires the false politeness of giving room at the table to a racist.

You punch him for being a Nazi.

...had the right to march through Skokie. I think they eventually wound up in Chicago proper. Hey, they had that right. Free speech and all.

But still...



Why were they organizing a march in Whitefish, MT in support of him?

Tough Guy Alert

Where are the Arch Angels when you need them?


While I'll keep an open mind on the alleged incident, have the Transit Police or MBTA itself, both with plenty of spokesmen, issued a press release or is it just Adam asking folks to call Transit Police Detectives? We've seen all kinds of fake Trump related stories (MLK bust removed from Oval Office?) so I would treat this and all other claims with healthy skepticism. Trump won, our side is happy. It strains credulity that the joyful Trump crowd is causing violence. It was comical to be in Washington for the terrific inaugural events only to see liberals totally destroying a Starbucks, one of the most liberal corporations in the country. Clueless, but great comedy. The crowd at my hotel thoroughly enjoyed it.

Over the past year uhub has lost much credibility. Many stories have no facts and are taken from random twitter accounts or by other informal means.

And not just some random thing that got thrown over my transom.

But if you really think I've only been doing this for the past year, you're either new or weren't really paying attention.

Over the past year uhub has lost much managed to retain its credibility. Unlike Boston dot com and other mainstream media, where many stories have no facts and are taken from random twitter accounts or by other informal means.


Your alternate narrative is HILARIOUS!!

Dude's been caught out in his lies and completely discredited, but he keeps going on believing his own delusions.

And don't forget that a lot of us are also armed and know how to defend ourselves through training (though we don't drone on about nor advertise our past affiliations like some people on here).

Serious question though, did the crowd at your D.C. Best Western also thoroughly enjoy being outnumbered 3 to 1 the next day with the ACTUAL majority in this country?

Your days (and this administrations) are numbered my dear, authoritarian, internet nutcase. "Thoroughly enjoy" them while you can.

I was in DC...there's a difference between protesters and outright criminals, and those who want to discredit the movement willingly conflate the two.

Did you watch the Starbucks video? Those guys weren't liberals or protestors - they were flat out anarchists. They don't give a damn who's in the White House. They don't want a White House. They want no order.

there's a difference between protesters and outright criminals

Not if some people have anything to say about it.

"Trump won, our side is happy"

Yeah, your Dear Leader's face is a picture of joy at all times, isn't it

You are right. The inauguration was comical. The pathetically few people who attended was comical. The nazi Trump supporter crying after getting punched was comical. Three Doors Down being the best band Trump could book was comical. The fact that Bruce Springsteen played for Obama last week and Trump couldn't even get a Springsteen cover band to play was comical(I thought Trump was a great negotiator?) I suppose an orange clown being sworn in as president was comical in a way.

Trump blew $200 million on a sparely attended party. Then he lied about how many attended. Then a day later millions of people on every continent took to the streets and peacefully marched, because Trump is so awful that only he could inspire that many people to protest against him.

"Trump blew $200 million on a sparely attended party."

Hey, it might be easy to spot O-FISH at the inauguration at this link. It's from CNN, so you know it's legit. It shows the sparsely-attended inauguration, so it should be easy. It's called the gigapixel photograph. Quite amazing.


Great pic. Caught Notorious RBG napping. NOTE: Pic here is a small jpg.


People got their earlier when Obama was sworn in!

"Trump blew $200 million on a sparely attended party."

Three words - Tax write off.

The phrasing of your post is my side - your side. Liberals destroy a coffeeshop belonging to one of the most liberal corporations in the nation.

What you're helping everyone see is that Trump philosophy is based on a premise that there are only two sides to any issue: with us or against us, Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, black or white.

What Trump misses - and what mosts extremists miss - including extremist conservatives, is that reality is not black and white, my way or the highway, with us or against us.

But in a reality defined by Trump everyone is on one side or another. That is false; that is an illusion; that is a fantasy. It is immature both psychologically and spiritually.

Of your claim that liberals destroyed the Starbucks store: How do you know liberals did? Did you ask the people who caused the destruction whether they consider themselves liberal? Why do you make that assumption? There are many people who do not consider themselves to be anywhere on the political spectrum. Where politics are concerned they are apathetic. The people who attacked the Starbucks store could very well be apolitical. They could simply be opportunists ready to get some quick cash via a B&E.

Your claim of straining credulity that anyone from the Trump crowd would commit violence makes not sense. Which crowd? All supporters of Trump, even one's who voted for Trump but also abuse family members, the crowd at the Inauguration? A crowd of pretty Trump supporters at a Ball? You probably did not see the video of Trump supporters trying to bribe people to disrupt the Inauguration by preventing traffic from moving on bridges in D.C.? The folks offering the bribes were Trump supporters.

"What you're helping everyone see is that Trump philosophy is based on a premise that there are only two sides to any issue: with us or against us, Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, black or white."

You didn't stay for the Inaugural speech, I take it.

... have the Transit Police or MBTA itself, both with plenty of spokesmen, issued a press release . . .

Remove the "Trump" part and what you essentially have is a fight between two grown men on a train. You'd be naive to think there aren't numerous fights like this that amount to nothing--egos bruised more than anything else. Yes, I know in this case the woman had her glasses broken and the alleged victim fell on top of her so there's a little extra to this particular alleged event, but c'mon. Press release? I'm sure it'll be all over the MBTA website shortly . . .

We've seen all kinds of fake Trump related stories (MLK bust removed from Oval Office?)

As Chuck Todd politely reminded Kellyanne Conway (or at least tried to) this past Sunday on "Meet the Press," yes, multiple news sources jumped the gun on this particular non-story, but it was quickly rescinded . . . unlike her boss's "He's not American!" personal vendetta that went on for over three years.

Trump won, our side is happy. It strains credulity that the joyful Trump crowd is causing violence.

Violence? No. No need for violence ever. And just for the sake of argument, too cowardly to actually show their faces in general--instead leave KKK flyers outside people's houses (North Framingham) or a threatening notes in someone's mailbox (Natick).

It was comical to be in Washington for the terrific inaugural events only to see liberals totally destroying a Starbucks, one of the most liberal corporations in the country.

Again, no need for violence, but, how did we go from an alleged attack on a subway in Boston to protesters in Washington, DC? Dozens of protests, including the one in Boston, were rather peaceful, so why do some knuckleheads in DC (or elsewhere) speak for an entire movement? Where have I heard that before ??? . . .

"unlike her boss's "He's not American!" personal vendetta that went on for over three years."


"Press release? I'm sure it'll be all over the MBTA website shortly . . ."

Not yet.

So you better hide. Or warn your drinking buddy to hide.

Being at the march in DC on Saturday. Where we far outnumbered those at the inauguration.

Being at one of the marches in several cities where people overwhelmed the streets in solidarity against retrograde bullcrap.

More people marched in each rally in Seattle, Boston, Denver, Chicago, Austin, LA, NYC, and Atlanta than attended the inaugural.

A campaign centered around whipping up anger at foreigners, anger at government, anger at corporations, etc. all of the sudden has become joyful? Those blinders must be getting heavy at that size.

Ever notice how any time a person of color is photographed and accused of doing a horrible crime and its posted on Uhub, the comments start pouring in to "lock that animal up," or "he should never see the light of day again," no if, ands or buts. On the other hand when a White guy is photographed and accused of doing a heinous crime, all the comments you see are either victim-blaming, question the accuser of what they did wrong or should've done differently, or assumes the story is fake.

No I'm not "pulling a race card;" this is what I've noticed for a long time. Yes I'm a person of color so it stings and makes me disappointed but sadly I'm not surprised. Listen, a dirtbag is a dirtbag no matter his race or views. His behavior should not be tolerated or excused. End of story.

Please research Inherent Bias and think about what your uninformed initial reactions are before you post. They read ignorant.

I don't think most of the comments here are either victim-blaming or state that the story is fake (Fish blows hard, but he's one very loud, very confused, and probably very racist person), but maybe I'm wrong. Not asking you to do extra work on this, but if you feel like calling them out, I'd be happy to hear. As to the rest, I can see where I and others may have gone off into a tangent (talking about intervention and skipping right over the actual crime in question). So, I'll cop to that and I apologize. In my defense, I guess I'd say that to me this is such an unequivocal situation and the perp is so clearly in the wrong that I didn't think it needed to be said. But I do know what you mean about the "animal lock him up" bullshit. That does happen here.

The stupidest comment posted related to this article, and that is a tough honor to get.

One of the earliest comments was by someone who said that bystanders should have beat the crap out of this guy. The assumption is that they guy deserves to be in jail. But sure, point out a comment where people blamed the victim and I will redact my award to you (or heck, I'll bestow it on myself.)

I'm from the crowd that wants to do away with political correctness. If it acts like a scumbag and treats others like a scumbag, then it is. Shit comes in all hues. Protestors have the right to protest albeit I wished they weren't so fed by the media. The same media that tainted whatever credibility the Democratic Party had left with Sanders. Maybe next election, really become more of a grassroots entity as oppose to listening to politicians who support countries in the Middle East that commit atrocities against gays, women, and fund terrorism. I'm looking at Clintons with Morrocco and our mayor with the deal he made with the Saudi-funded Qatar Airlines.

"I see on the menu that the chicken sandwich has tomato, which is a terrible topping - ergo I will happily eat the pile of human shit slapped on bread, instead!"

That's not a good rebuttal to my statement. You do realize that the DNC belligerently sabotaged their candidates all for Hillary,right? So these protestors can protest a multitude of things but the fact is, they're not attacking the real menace here:the media. You can only punch a Nazi in the face so many times but the media will continue to guide and dictate all your votes,liberals. Same way they made way with the Occupy Movement (which could have been amazing). But once you get looney Hollywood liberals pretending as if their lives revolve similar to yours (when they have access to better doctors and $),then your objectives are moot to spectators such as myself.

Your once well run website is on the verge of falling apart. Just like the apoarent story of the lady on the Weymouth highway enforcing immigration laws this story is nonsense also! You shouldn't be such a sore loser! I'd say if anything, a fight occurred between two parties and the man who wasn't a minority won therefore its jump on the bandwagon and call the white man a rascist! As T rider's we've all seen incidents and I find it extremely hard to believe that this apparent incident ended like this without any intervention. You should verify the credibility of your stories before you shame them by calling them a racist on the web sir.

I'll give your anonymous advice the consideration it deserves, sir.

Adam is throwing shade like

Adam is in rare form today.. he must be stuck at home because of the ice :-D But BRAVO!!!

But seriously this is some serious:


(and this is my favorite GIF now)

The article never called him a racist. Stop making crap up like Trump does. It simply gave a statement provided by a witness. You think there aren't racist incidents happening in 2017 on the T and elsewhere? The president has a 40+ year history of being openly racist. It is very well documented if you are ever interested in learning some facts.

You sure are a sensitive bunch, ain't ya?

Wanted to add some text before sharing on FB.

Guy got off the train at State, so somewhere between North Station, Haymarket and there.

Nothing like being stuck in a steel box with the doors locked and a political debate erupts with a diverse audience packed like rats in a cage and the Trump word is shouted and fists start flying. I have a feeling this was not the first time and it sure won't be the last time.

for posting this.

need to bring awareness to this racism. (did i just type that in 2017... sigh.....)

can we please deport this asshole to the third world that is rural Mississippi where he'll be happier and none of us have to deal with his shit.

A lot of the South is recovering from storm damage and wondering why the federal government suddenly isn't answering their phones, so they might be too busy to take on refugees

That link made me smirk this morning.. "you reap what you sow" kinda comes to mind. Thanks!

I was determined to stay out of posts regarding political ideologies but this is a completely ignorant statement. "You reap what you sow'...who reaps it? I am betting you've never been to Hattiesburg. My wife and I went through there last April because we were affected by a book written by Gordon Martin Jr., an acquaintance of ours, who died a few months ago unfortunately. His book, "Count Them One By One: Black Mississippians Fighting For the Right To Vote" recounted his experience as a, well read the link:


The people he interviewed and their relatives are the people who are reaping the affect of the tornado. I am sure they or their relatives were not Trump voters, and the people we met in our brief stay there were nice people, no matter who they voted for.

I know you probably don't mean this, but this and Adam's response to someone that he went to Gatlinburg once and implies he judges southern people by that experience. Please think a little deeper.

Thank you for that fine comment summing up something about me that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, because you don't know me.

I lived in deep south for many, many years before I moved to Boston. I've been all across those southern states, from Louisiana to South Carolina and every state in between. Trust me, I've talked to alot of people down there over years when I lived in that region. But I bet you didn't know that, nor do I even think you care. You're just here to attack people and call them ignorant based on your assumptions.

So please take your ignorant assumption, fold it four corners, and shove it up your ass, because you're the ignorant one making comments about a person you have no fucking clue about or where they've been in their life.

Seriously, go fuck yourself. You have no idea about me, who I am, what I'm about, and where I've been in my life.

Why so prejudice? The south is all racist is what you implied and is a very incorrect broad assumption. Sorry Trump won but you need to relax.

He never said racist but if you are now clamoring for federal assistance after voting for someone who vowed to cut it (and healthcare and the federal payroll and...) it's ironic. Federal assistance is higher in those red states btw.

You know how some people living in our glorious enlightened blue state actually voted for Trump? The same principle works in reverse in red states, some people actually voted for another candidate. Are they reaping what they've sown?

Clearly the solution is some kind of UN Refugee Assistance - we'll smuggle the blue voters out of their Randian hellholes, to be replaced with assholes like the fine gentleman in the story. Let the red states rot.

This is NOT a Trump-bashing story.
This is NOT a story about racism (there was no mention that the fight was racially tinged.)
This is NOT a story about which system of government is better.

I see two issues here: One is jerks being more emboldened by the current political environment to act on their inherent stupidity (yes, guys have been getting into fights on the T for a long time, what's new is the "Trump's America" thing; hence my Trumpland tag for this story). The other is the fact that a second victim of this fight (let's not forget her broken glasses and scratched face) may have been the only one to photograph this.

I guess those people need to remember THE RULE: a White Guy on the Internet has to APPROVE of racism being called racism before it is racism.

Perhaps not, Gary, but it's also not terribly difficult to read between the lines.

An older white male who's perfectly comfortable in dropping the "Liberal C*nt" line in general public – and just finished pummeling a black man – was more than likely racially motivated.

Maybe I'm stereotyping or jumping to conclusions, but the evidence presented deduces to one likely outcome.

So attacks that end with misogynistic statements, and the attacker openly acknowledging that he's happy that his new commander-in-chief feels the same way about women, qualify as Trumplandia.

his new commander-in-chief

We have no idea as to whether that guy is in the military. If he is, yes, the president is his commander in chief. If not, he isn't. (Yeah, I know I'm being pedantic, but I hate the cavalier misuse of that term).

/pedantic mic drop

I will say, though, that we both are calivers.

Because they can be edited.

Although, I don't want to go out on a limb here...

I'm beyond flabbergasted by the rise of the disgusting "Alt-Right", quasi-Nazi resurgence in America... all because we have a President whom they feel support their ideals.

Did these people skip history class? Do they forget what happened in the 1940's?


In other news, it appears U-Hub has a new popular post subject. Bicycles have reluctantly given up their crown to Trumpland.

We'll have four more years of this, folks... what a shame. Fortunately, nearly 200,000 women, men and children in the Boston area came out strong against this kind of hate and bigotry this past Saturday.