V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai of Cambridge, who sues Web sites for disputing his claim that he invented e-mail as a 14-year-old, announced at a right-wing gathering in Washington yesterday that he will run against Elizabeth Warren for US Senate in 2018.
Ayyadurai (left in the photo) opened his campaign with an announcement at a party by a group called MAGA3X outside the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.
One of MAGA3X's organizers is Mike Cernovich, who played a key role in the misogynist GamerGate movement, which went after Boston-area game developer Brianna Wu. Wu is now running as a Democrat against incumbent US Rep. Stephen Lynch.
In a tweet, Ayyadurai said his platform will be to "Defend the American Dream!" He adds:
Time to take fight right into the belly of the beast in MA, the epi-center of Fake News, Fake History & Fake Science!
He joins Allen Waters, a retired financial consultant from Mashpee. On his Web site, Waters calls himself "a middle class, Cape Cod family man with blue-collar roots," but in a Globe article last month he stepped that up to "an angry, conservative black man with a chip on his shoulder."
Also looking at running as a Republican against Warren are failed game developer Curt Schilling and online aftermarket auto-parts magnate Rick Green.
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When did
By Kathode
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 7:13pm
the Senate become a possible career path for people who have not done so well in other pursuits??? Get real.
When Warren and Markey got elected
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 10:46pm
We all have a chance. Senator Elizabeth Warren, on the "edge of the middle class" driving a British MG convertible in high school, lying about Native American status to snag a $350,000 job teaching one class at Harvard, flipping foreclosed homes and living in a Cambridge mansion, never held elected office. At least Sen. Ed Markey drove an ice cream truck, although neighbors at his legal address have never seen him and the grass hasn't been cut in years. Great people.
I really would love to meet you in person.
By TommyJeff
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 8:25am
Just to see, ya know, how you fit all that crazy into one person.
And you can also add "British sportscars" to the running inventory of "things you know absolutely nothing about".
Driving an MG was not in any way, shape, or form a status symbol. They were very cheap, very poorly made, and a part time job just to keep running.
I guarantee Elizabeth Warren could rewire the starter, fix a heater, and stop the carbuerators from leaking before you got out your toolbox.
Your opinion of British sports cars
By anon
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 10:15am
during the period of time Sen. Warren was in high school is debatable. Your follow up is a goofy snark.
What about the other observations fish made? What about the Harvard job, the Native American angle, the flipping foreclosed homes, living in a Cambridge mansion....all true. Finally Markey and the situation regarding is alleged real home and his neighbors observations.
What ABOUT the other observations?
By TommyJeff
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 10:53am
1.) Stop the presses! Harvard pays it's teachers well!
2.) What angle? Half the kids I went to school with claimed they had Micmac blood in them. The other half claimed they were Irish mob. It was a family fable that didnt hold up under scrutiny. So what?
3.) I never knew making money in real estate was illegal?
4.) I think we have widely different definitions of "mansion".
5.) I have no idea what you're talking about here. Something about Markey's lawn at one of his houses? Beats me.
Maybe a link to some Howie Carr story would help?
As far as the car thing; Sorry, there is ZERO debate. MG's were the poor man's Austin Healey. It was a way for those of us with little money to pretend we knew what owning a 911 was like.
People in my family were
By Matt Frank
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 4:15pm
People in my family were insistent that we had Mi'kmaq blood on my mothers side but it always seemed dubious to me. Looking at what we did know I figured the most we could have possibly have been was 1/32nd unless it came in from two different directions. Then I got one of those $100 tests done recently and it doesn't show up. Although there were other surprises in there. We live in an age where we can look this stuff up easily, a 17 year old Warren did not have any such ability. Luckily I never clicked any of those boxes but I was an abnormally analytical 17 year old.
Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 11:10am
And it's boring to have to repeat why. Again and Again and Again. Can we just move on?
My dad had an MG from around
By anon
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 1:30pm
My dad had an MG from around that time period. I heard lots of stories (mostly about it breaking down on desert highways) but it never once ran in my lifetime. He got it as a broke college student - McDonalds was a quarterly splurge. Definitely not a status symbol, except to other crazy gearheads who enjoy the challenge of making it run at all. Part-time job is, if anything, an understatement.
But what would he know, he only built a Super-7 and biplane from kits. Never even got formally certified in British Sportscar Opinion-Having. SAD!
Donald Trump also got
By bulgingbuick
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 9:04am
If you can't argue on policy then beat a dead horse?
By Daan
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 5:19pm
How about arguing a subject on the basis of policy instead of pulling out the dead horse that you beat everytime you have an opportunity to attack Warren?
What I see in comments such as this is that even if Trump is unsuccessful in any other effort the one thing he has successfully accomplished is to demonstrate that there still are many people in the U.S. who prefer lies to truth, who enjoy putting other people down, who are psychological sadists that derive satisfaction from trying to cause harm to others.
The question about writers of malware code is why do they do it? What satisfaction do the developers of computer viruses get when they don't see the people who they frustrate? The answer to that question is the answer here: There are people whose pleasure is generated by the knowledge that they are causing strife.
The ancient Greeks understood that there are psychological sadists who derive a perverse pleasure from causing strife and creating conflict. Writ large that is much of what the Iliad and Odyssey are about. This need to cause harm is ancient; it is an affliction of bent and distorted human psyche. Under the umbrella of Trump we can see that it is alive and well in the U.S. today.
Unwrap your bloody sock from
By Bill O.
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 5:34pm
Unwrap your bloody sock from the Herald during the next commercial break from the O'Reilly Factor. The bottom half of this country fell for that line of bullshit but anybody with their own teeth won't. We elected Senator Warren because we agreed with her views and because the Centerfold just wasn't our cuppa tea. Sorry.
Fishy, the
By Kathode
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 7:00pm
difference is that Markey and Warren have both been very successful in their previous positions, while the same can't be said for the current sad excuses in the Republican party vying for Senate in MA.
Between this dipshit and Curt
By ZachAndTired
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 7:16pm
Between this dipshit and Curt Schilling, that race is shaping up to be a real circus.
Please check Twitter for Mensa Curt's response
By bulgingbuick
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 9:06am
to your post.
An election only becomes a circus
By anon
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 9:21am
When the clowns open there mouths
By cybah
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 7:24pm
Just what we need.. Another republican who lies and sues running for public office. /snark
and ugh.. looked at his Wiki page.. He was married (but now separated) to Fran Drescher?!?!?
Edit: Oh for FFS.. he actually said this?
It's clear most of the republican party has just lost it's mind.
sigh... but let me get the popcorn ready, this is gonna be a good race. #Warren2018
Cybah, worried about fake?
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 8:06pm
Join me for one of Sen. Elizabeth Warren's recipes from "Pow Wow Chow." Perhaps the Trail of Tears crab cakes (plagiarized from NY Times) as a starter?
As someone from a protected class, you should be railing against Warren, who at best is laughably 1/32 Native American but knowingly lied to get ahead.
Although we disagree politically, you usually have integrity. To support the despicable Warren and condone her, is akin to supporting the fakers (miles away) who claimed to be injured at the Islamic bombing of the Boston Marathon. Tragic.
So what?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 8:13pm
Her family told her that was her history.
Just like yours told you that they came legally.
It is a MUCH bigger lie to impersonate a police officer while telling whopper lies about it that are very easily debunked.
Impersonating a Native American?
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 9:15pm
Haha! Those of us who carried the badge don't fake it. God Bless all of our retired public employees who get the check this Tuesday on the last day of the month. I enjoy the "direct deposit" feature. I wonder if Sen. Warren collects the Native American check on the same day, or did she decline that after "becoming white" once granted tenure after blocking true minorities from the job?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 9:49pm
You clearly know nothing whatsoever about how the survey works at Harvard. I do, because I worked there and filled it out AFTER I had already been hired.
Extremely irrelevant anyway. This was a sitting senator's ONLY campaign concept when he ran against her. EVERYONE heard it OVER and OVER and OVER again.
Guess what? SHE WON because NOBODY CARED. It was a pile of bullshit and your beloved Scotty Rovepuppet LOST.
or impersonating an Americans like
By bulgingbuick
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 9:07am
Russian republicans.
Those who brag are not what they claim.
By Daan
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 4:32pm
Those of us who carried or wore a badge don't need to prove the we did in print or otherwise.
Just Go Away
By cybah
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 8:14pm
Just go away Fish.. just go away.
I'm not even gonna comment.. really.. so much I could say about your pal Trump... just so much to say.
You know what's revolting?
By lbb
Mon, 02/27/2017 - 9:56am
You know what's revolting? An idiot throwback white man like you, using a form that someone once filled out as a "get out of jail free" card to recite tired racial stereotypes at every opportunity. Your transparent joy in behaving in antisocial ways is sickening. You are a contemptible weak excuse for a human being, and society would be better off without you.
Yes, married to Fran Drescher
By E
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 10:05pm
When they became married: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/08/fran-dres...
Is he running as a Republican, Democrat, or independent?
By Ron Newman
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 7:20pm
Well, not as a Democrat
By adamg
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 7:47pm
I'm going to say Republican (hey, I did in the headline).
By MostlyHarmless
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 9:40am
Is Cernovich or Wu running against Lynch?
Sorry for the confused writing
By adamg
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 9:52am
Wu is running against Lynch.
It's OK
By MostlyHarmless
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 10:19am
Even the best of us dangle our modifiers from time to time.
and Wu is running as a Democrat, I think
By Ron Newman
Mon, 02/27/2017 - 10:01am
The guy who invented email vs woman who is no longer Cherokee?
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 7:56pm
Never heard of this guy but would rather vote for a man from India than a fake Indian. Red dot or fake feathers? Warren's handlers will likely keep her off the debate stage, seeing that her fake affirmative action claims, "Pow Wow Chow" recipes (crab cakes on the Trail of Tears) and hidden Harvard application for employment etc. are indefensible.
Interesting that the "progressive media" is now belittling those from India, like meteorologist Mish Michaels and now V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai. Yet they will trip over themselves to call President Trump racist. The elderly, lying Warren, with the finger shaking and head trembling, akin to Parkinson's, would be wiped out by a strong candidate. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai has my vote, unless someone better comes along.
All this
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 8:05pm
Coming from a man who claims to be a cop and also claims that he would arrest/detain someone during a traffic stop if their SSN didn't match their state of birth (neither of which are on a driver's license).
And who also expected to get his passport stamped on a domestic flight to a national airport.
Your lies are way beyond any allegations made against Warren (which happen to be untrue, and I know that because I used to work at Harvard and know their policy on ethnicity).
Just give it a rest, pops. Please deposit your fecal matter in an appropriate receptacle.
SSN's not on driver's license
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 9:06pm
Knowledge of the Social Security numbering system is pertinent since Obama was born in Hawaii (publicist called it Kenya) but claimed a Social Security number reserved for a Connecticut birth, a state where he never lived. Of course, any good officer would ask questions of such a person.
Indeed, years ago the Commonwealth of MA switched from social security numbers to random S numbers on the face of the driver's license but smartly kept the SSN option on the officer's MDT (Mobile Data Terminal) in the cruiser. I doubt you know your S number (Driver's License) but certainly know your Social Security number. If a motorist is operating without a license in possession, the officer will simply enter the SSN in the proper field on his computer and get your info/photo.
Reagan National Airport handles mostly domestic flights but of course they are equipped to handle international arrivals. It was nice to get the "Reagan National" stamp on my passport during the inaugural festivities.
Oh, so you know what the
By ZachAndTired
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 9:21pm
Oh, so you know what the former president's social security number is now? Man, fuck off already.
Stamped after a flight from where?
By ckd
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 9:47pm
I'm sure it would have been, had it actually happened. Where did you fly in from, and on what carrier? There is no scheduled international traffic into DCA except for flights from CBP preclearance airports.
This goes back to an earlier thread
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 10:09pm
Fishy said that he was going to get a "Reagan Airport" stamp on his passport.
Then he dug himself in further to claim that anytime a Social Security number, which is linked to where it was issued, doesn't match the place of birth then it is a fraud, and he would harass/arrest someone based on this.
That is when several of us began to doubt the "alternative facts" behind his entire on-line persona. If he is lying about "how I'd do a traffic stop" and getting a stamp at an airport that doesn't stamp, he's probably flat out lying about everything.
Never mind that SSNs were only recently issued to children - people used to wait until they wanted to get a job or had grandparents set up a trust. I know quite a few "military brats" whose SSNs don't match the state they were born in.
One step farther
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 2:03am
Now he's claiming he actually did get it: "It was nice to get the "Reagan National" stamp on my passport during the inaugural festivities."
Fishy is officially off the deep end. Just another lying sack of shit.
I'm an example of that......
By PeyoteEatingWat...
Mon, 02/27/2017 - 12:04am
I was born in Cambridge, Mass. My parents got divorced when I was a little kid and I moved to Chicago with my mom. I didn't get a SS# until I was 13 and wanted to get a job at Jewel (Chicago version of Shaw's/Roche Bros), so it has the Illinois #s. Never thought this was a big deal.....
SSNs NOT reserved according to BIRTH
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 9:56pm
They are according to STATE OF ISSUE.
For example: my husband's cousins were born in several different states where their father was stationed. By their teens, they lived on Cape Cod and that is where they got their SSNs with MA linked numbers. Why in the fuck do you hate our military families so much?
In fact, they are no longer geographically linked at all!
Sorry, Obama's CT SSN was a typo
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 10:39pm
And his publicist's sell-sheet claiming he was born in Kenya was also a typo.
"Far left snopes"
By TommyJeff
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 8:31am
Joking aside, you need serious help.
By lbb
Mon, 02/27/2017 - 9:59am
Typos don't 'work like that.
You're a liar and you're crazy. Get help.
On the off-chance you're capable of learning something new..
By Lecil
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 6:52am
SSNs were never a great indicator of where someone was born, and If you are younger than about 44 years old they don't even pretend to:
And while I should probably not expect anything more coherent or factually correct from someone who relies on tired, old, racist stereotypes about Native Americans rather than any actual policy or legislative concerns to express dissatisfaction with a politician, I find this type of willful ignorance to be unacceptable in someone trusted with keeping the public safe.
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 7:54am
Fishy is a serial fabricator. He's like a drunk weirdo you meet at the bar. He was never a cop, and doesn't know much about the profession. He probably talks to cops so he can pretend to be one himself, but he can't remember the details right and hasn't gotten around much so doesn't know things about the world like how SSNs were assigned and that domestic flights don't require passports or customs.
Mall security have police powers
By bulgingbuick
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 9:10am
and testify regularly at culinary trials of the food court.
Knock yourself out
By bshep
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 8:15pm
If you want to support him, you have ample opportunity if you go to any of his countless vanity websites which are all set to take your money in exchange for one vague grandiose promise or another. For example, you could go to systemshealth.com and buy his book "The Science of Everything: The Man Who Invented Email Reveals the Science That Interconnects Everything", described thusly:
He's outdone Einstein AND Hawking.. If that isn't deserving of your vote, I don't know what is!
unless someone better comes
By Lanny Budd
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 8:57pm
How about ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 10:03pm
Joe Malone?
Remember when he was the default answer to "we need a Republican to run against a senator"?
I'll believe that Warren is a beatable candidate when I see a decent and experienced Republican like Tisei step up.
Hey, maybe Fishy can run!
By jmeltzer
Sun, 02/26/2017 - 8:37am
Hey, maybe Fishy can run!
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