An FBI agent who has spent more than 14 years investigating the theft of paintings from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum figured almost immediately that a guy offering to sell two of the painting for a total of $55 million on Craigslist was full of it. But on the off chance that Todd Desper was for real - and if not, to catch a guy trying to run a large scam - Special Agent Geoffrey Kelly started an investigation.
In an affidavit filed in US District Court in Boston last week, Kelly recounts the steps that led to Desper's arrest - and provides some details on other real-estate and financial scams the 47-year-old Sprint supervisor from Beckley, WV was also allegedly running.
Kelly writes that somebody called the FBI's tips line on Jan. 10 that somebody going by the name of Mordokwan was offering to sell Vermeer's The Concert for $50 million in the Global section of Craigslist. A week later, Anthony Amore, the security director at the Gardner, notified him somebody had noticed a similar ad on the London Craigslist, offering Rembrandt's Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee for $5 million - and The Concert for $50 million.
In both ads, Mordokwan said he would only consider requests from people who e-mailed him via a particular type of encrypted mail. According to the affidavit, the person who saw the London ad did so, pretending to be the agent for "an ex Russian politician" now living in Florida and expressing interest in the Vermeer painting but asking for proof the painting was real.
Kelly writes Mordokwan responded with a photo closeup of "the arm of the woman playing the piano." A paintings expert at the Gardner looked at the photo, concluded that it was, indeed an image from an oil painting - but not from The Concert.
Meanwhile, the Gardner was getting more tips about Craigslists ads, in both London and Venice.
While the FBI had signficant doubts that Mordokwan possessed or had access to The Storm or The Concert, given the means he was using to offer them for sale, the importance of these artworks, and this longstanding investigation, we decided to throughly puruse this lead. Morever, if Mordokwan did not have the paintings, it appeared that he was engaged in a multi-million scheme to defraud targeting foreign buyers.
Amore agreed to participate, and on Jan. 18, he sent an encrypted message to Mordokwan, using the pseudonym of Paintings:
Let's make a deal. I'm in a position to make this work and I'm ready to get down to business.
Get back to me asap.
Mordokwan replied a few hours later:
Sounds good.
Have a cashiers check made out to the name of: 10tothe7th, LLC, in the amount of USD $5,000,000.
Mail it to 1038 N. Eisenhower Dr. Suite 151, Beckley, WV, 25801, USA
I will wait 4-6 weeks to ensure check clears.
Include where you want the painting sent.
I will conceal it behind another painting and then ship it to whatever destination you choose.
If check is fake or does not clear, that will conclude our business.
Amore replied the deal was doable, but that his "associates" are "expecting the painting taken from the Gardner Museum in 1990."
"The one and only," Mordokwan replied, according to the affidavit.
And with that, it became simple for the FBI to connect Desper to the mail. 10tothe7th, LLC is a company registered by Desper, who gave his Beckley home address in his filings. The mailing address he sent Amore turns out to be a UPS office, which also gave Desper's name and address - and said he'd first rented the box on Jan. 3.
Tracking his online name, agents found other Craigslist offerings he'd allegedly made, including $25-million real-estate deals in Myrtle Beach, SC and Vancouver, BC, a Rolex watch, a $2.5-million Flash comic book and financial advice everywhere from the United Arab Emirates to Guadalajara, Mexico.
Agents arrested Desper at his home on May 22. According to the affidavit, he admitted to the connection to 10tothe7th, LLC, which he said was a failed effort to raise funds for shelter animals and wounded veterans, but denied knowing anything about the paintings.
On May 23, he had bail set at $10,000 at a hearing in a West Virginia federal court. He's scheduled for arraignment in Boston on June 9 on fraud charges.
Innocent, etc.
Complete FBI affidavit (7.2M PDF).
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Fantastic write-up, and much
By Mike S
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 12:35pm
Fantastic write-up, and much more info than I've seen reported elsewhere. thanks Adam!!!
By West Norwoodian
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 7:05pm
Nice writeup!
That gym selfie is a few years old, if you compare it to his booking photo...
A to Z Mysteries
By BiggerThanBoston
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 1:25pm
Chump crooks caught the same way in the silly mystery novels my kids read: where do I send the money? Uh, my house, of course.
And I bet...
By Gary C
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 1:36pm
He's got a plump friend named Chet.
Course on Anonymity 101
By jennifersostano2001
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 4:02pm
This guy is the poster child for idiot... how the H did he not realize that associating a company in his name as well as a PO Box would allow interested parties to find out his identity? Or did he not even care?
I'm prob a fool for looking for logic in this man's actions, but I'm assuming one of the following:
1) he didn't care about whether his identity was revealed since a buyer would have no recourse (w/out repercussions of course) to the fact they were defrauded;
2) he thought a foreign buyer would not know how to trace his identity using the LLC he created using his real name;
3) he himself had no clue that his identity was traceable using the LLC front and/or the PO Box;
4) Some of the above in addition to the possibility that he didn't realize that the FBI still has a hard-on for this case.
I'm not even going to go into the poor/nonexistent OPSEC this guy practiced (e.g., blindly trusting an 'encrypted' email provider, selling on the open net as opposed to darknet marketplaces, etc.).
Anyone have any other thoughts what was going on in this guy's head or is he just another example of the effect of WV drinking water?
My 2 cents
By Gary C
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 4:58pm
Given all the other scams we seems to have put out there (probably with some success), maybe he just figured, "Let's go BIG TIME and then I can retire!"
As Trump would say, "Sad."
By johnmcboston
Fri, 05/26/2017 - 8:41am
I was impressed with the "send me a check for 5 mil and I'll eventually send you the painting".
It's too bad
By geep9
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 4:33pm
The original criminals weren't so inept
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