By adamg on Fri., 6/30/2017 - 9:53 am
CommonWealth Magazine reports that Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin has no intentions of handing over detailed data about the state's registered voters to a federal commission headed by Mike Pence and Galvin's counterpart in Kansas, who has a strong record of voter suppression.
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With Democrats desperate for a message, this might not be best
Sat, 07/01/2017 - 12:09pm
As the Democrats desperately seek a message and continue to hemorrhage (1042 seats nationwide under Obama + 5 U.S. House seats since), it's issues like this that are repugnant to the average voter. As has been stated ad-nauseam, you can't buy a beer or a cigarette, obtain a library card or even adopt a pet without ID, but the Democrats insist on no ID for voting? Great stance. This is especially striking for political veterans who have seen races decided by a tiny percentage of votes, Phil Johnston vs. Bill Delahunt in MA, Norm Coleman vs. Al Franken (his winning margin found in trunk of a car) in MN, JFK vs. Nixon, Trump vs. Clinton and local races that sometimes come down to one vote.
President Trump and Republicans nationwide swept the last election on basic, common sense issues. Strong borders, strict foreign policy, fairness in trade, tax reform, taking another look at
Global Warming"Climate Change" plus repeal and replace of disastrous Obamacare. It boggles the mind when Democrats stake out the most absurd position, be it voter ID, partial-birth abortion, destruction of the healthcare system, transgender bathrooms etc. Keep it up!Whew!
By anon
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 12:01pm
I was beginning to worry about you Fishy - you were being a bit too sane lately.
State College ID but no license?
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 1:08pm
No worries anon, life is good! If one can get four "replacement" EBT cards to pass around (unlimited replacements under Deval), accountability is obviously a problem for the government, even though EBT requires ID. To suggest that voting without ID is sacrosanct is absurd.
As for state college ID's, I would be concerned. With the multitude of colleges here and the push to get students to vote Democrat, certainly the MA vote is skewed. Unless a newly registered voter tells officials they were previously registered elsewhere, there is little if any effort made (especially if voter came from out of state) to verify duplicates, so a person could easily vote in person or absentee in several places.
Yes, I'm sure that's a major, major problem
By adamg
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 1:34pm
People voting in Boston and then jetting off to Pennsylvania (on a flight paid for by George Soros, I'm sure) to vote there, and then it's off to, oh, let's see, how about Arkansas, after all, George is paying for it.
two words:
By anon
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 2:52pm
two words:
College students are notorious for voting in their home state and then voting in the state where they attend school. Hence why using student IDs for voter ID is a bad idea. No verification of actual residency.
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 8:38pm
You just *know* this even though various organizations have been looking for it for ages?
I know, right?
By Kaz
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 2:59pm
I know every four years I like to try and move into a new housing situation at least once a month for a whole year so that I can fill out a dozen ballots for 12 states at least three months before the election so that I can get all my absentee fraud in on time...
Absentee ballot?
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 8:35pm
No need to physically get in a plane when the US Postal Service will fly your absentee ballot to your home state for 49 cents while you vote again in Boston, then take a bus to NH and vote with same day registration. I don't think the 85 year-old warden at the polls in Brighton is investigating. Again, Democrats should keep the "no ID" stance, it's so ridiculous that average voters are turned off. As for rural residents unable to obtain an ID, how do they buy cars, tractors and beer?
By Kaz
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 8:37pm
You just cracked the code!
Imagine if hundreds of thousands of people did this!! You might actually influence an election in THREE whole places!
If 538 more Dems did it in FL, Gore might have won in 2000!
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 8:52pm
And did they?
By adamg
Sat, 07/01/2017 - 1:01pm
I mean, if I were ruler of the world, I could have made Gore president, too, but I'm not, and your scenario didn't happen, either.
Multiple Registrations
By anon
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 1:42pm
Ah yes. Like Tiffany Trump, Darth Bannon, Menudochin, etc.
You mean, like my son who doesn't drive?
By anon
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 2:00pm
He's got a UMass ID, and no license.
He isn't unusual in the least.
Re: You mean, like my son who doesn't drive?
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 8:32pm
How did your son get into UMass without a government ID? They took his word for it? Wasn't this a scandal years ago with college students with the potential to become professional basketball players paying other students to take classes for them? I can't imagine any college, not even UMass, admitting someone without proof of identity.
Pro Tip
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 8:49pm
Government ID isn't only for drivers.
There are State IDs.
There are State Liquor IDs
There are these things called Passports - but we've tried to explain that to you before.
High School ID is also government ID if you went to a public high school.
Social Security Card is also a government ID.
Then there is a certified record of live birth, school transcripts, and other government verification of identity.
Ah, so you haven't had a kid get into college recently ...
By adamg
Sat, 07/01/2017 - 1:13pm
We're another member of the "kid without a state-issued ID who got into UMass" club. And she got a state scholarship, too (thanks, Mitt!).
I know, it's shocking, but she didn't have to show her papers to some jack-booted functionary or anything and yet we're still living off the public teat, bwa-ha-ha!
How do they know we're legit? Maybe it was the transcripts from her high school, located in a Massachusetts community. Maybe the recommendation letter from her guidance counselor, who is registered with whatever licensing division handles teacher certification in the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
And maybe it's the document we probably signed somewhere on which we declared we were, in fact, Massachusetts residents, under penalty of law. Yes, UMass and the state do care about such things - the scholarship she got is only open to Massachusetts residents, and UMass charges out of state residents significantly more in tuition (which helps subsidize her education, so we're very grateful for all the foreign and out-of-state students for that, in addition for the way they help show her civilization doesn't really end at 128).
The key thing is there are other ways for people to prove residency that don't require their data in some government database.
Note: AFTER she got admitted and sent in her acceptance, I took her down to the local RMV to get an official state ID, because we thought it might be a good idea for those times when she might need to show ID for some reason. ONE OF WHICH IS NOT GOING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, for Christ's sake.
No wonder why UMass is in budget crisis
Sun, 07/02/2017 - 6:52pm
No wonder why disastrous UMass is in budget crisis and the Boston campus is literally collapsing. Watch your head in the garage. Are they now really admitting students without ID while claiming to charge more for foreign and out of state students? Who would ever admit to being foreign or out of state if there is no verification? Terrible P/C system with obvious consequences. Like others, maybe she can hire someone to take her classes since apparently UMass has no ID of her.
Um, dude?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 07/02/2017 - 7:07pm
You realize that UMass Boston is different from UMass Amherst and different from UMass Lowell and UMass Dartmouth.
And, as we ALREADY EXPLAINED a driver's license is NOT the only form of identification available in the Commonwealth or in the country! See list, above.
Which is probably not going to work since you don't even know how passports and social security numbers work.
As has been stated ad-nauseam
By Scratchie
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 1:32pm
It's been repeated ad nauseum, and it's been irrelevant every time. There's no constitutional right to do any of those things.
People have a constitutional
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 2:19pm
People have a constitutional right to "bear arms" yet you have to furnish an ID (gun license approved by the state) to purchase a gun. Your point is?
Oh, tsk, you left off the rest of that thought
By adamg
Sat, 07/01/2017 - 1:16pm
Even in the Heller decision, the Supreme Court did not outlaw all licensing requirements for guns. You might want to look it up.
By BostonDog
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 3:17pm
In most places you aren't carded for smokes or booze if you look older then 21 or in a small town where they know you anyway. The people who don't have IDs are generally those who live in rural places where having one isn't needed or are disabled such that going to a state office is not trivial.
Fish - it's been awhile
By Dave-from-Boston
Sat, 07/01/2017 - 7:29am
Since you told us about your friend in the Philippines who gave you the inside scoop on Globe subscription rates - tell us again about how many subscriptions had been canceled - can't remember - was it hundreds? Thousands or millions?
Oh yeah - while discussing acts of veracity - when was it again that you had your passport stamped at Reagan airport after deembarking from a domestic flight?
There,s more we could talk about but I don't want to tax you too much.
Re: Dave-from-Boston
Sat, 07/01/2017 - 12:23pm
Dave, the lovely Globe worker in Manila, Philippines (fake Dorchester phone number) would only say, "many, many" canceled the day of the fake Globe front page predicting a Trump stock market crash (record highs) nuclear war, concentration camps etc. She couldn't give a specific number as I was on hold for an hour and many more were holding, impossible to tally. The media "critics" won't ask how many canceled that day. You'll have to read through the lines with the many subsequent Globe layoffs and sale of their longtime HQ (their only asset) and a move to rental property. Now a slow death. Sad.
The Reagan passport stamp is available if you know the right people. Do you think if a foreign flight was forced to land there they'd make it take off again due to lack of stamp? It was great to dine with some new friends from Reagan attending the Tall Ships in June.
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 07/02/2017 - 7:10pm
Not sure what country you live in, but it isn't the United States.
Table/chart of Roll Call Votes taken in Boston City Council.
By theszak
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 1:15pm
A table/chart of Roll Call Votes taken in Public Meetings of Boston City Council by topic would be better than the City Clerks Office website at
The table/chart of Roll Call Votes could be made available at the Boston Open Data website
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