passing could make me mist up a little and then smile with nostalgia as I did on hearing this news. Goofy, sincere, frequently hilarious, but always fundamentally professional at a tough, largely thankless job, trying to predict our capricious New England weather. He seemed to genuinely love his work, and viewers loved him back: what local TV personality could ask for more than that from life?
Dick Albert was one of many Boston area forecasters who knew his stuff and knew how to deliver it. Whenever you saw "NTTT (Not to tough to take)" in his forecasts, you believed him.
He used to do the occasional summer weather report from Rosemary Pool, and one time when we were kids we actually went up and asked for his autograph. He seemed a little surprised but kindly agreed :)
French Toast Tribute
Going to have to cook up a French Toast tribute for breakfast tomorrow.
Not necessary
Dick Albert never once mentioned this "French Toast" baloney.
Hopefully he's in a place where it's always just ducky.
I'll always cherish the
I'll always cherish the memories of my mom and I fighting over the clicker because she wanted to interrupt my cartoons to watch Dick's forecast.
A true cultural icon lost. Rest in peace.
Certainly the last TV meteorologist in Boston whose
passing could make me mist up a little and then smile with nostalgia as I did on hearing this news. Goofy, sincere, frequently hilarious, but always fundamentally professional at a tough, largely thankless job, trying to predict our capricious New England weather. He seemed to genuinely love his work, and viewers loved him back: what local TV personality could ask for more than that from life?
Thanks for the memories, Dick. RIP.
Farewell to a legend
Dick Albert was one of many Boston area forecasters who knew his stuff and knew how to deliver it. Whenever you saw "NTTT (Not to tough to take)" in his forecasts, you believed him.
He used to do the occasional
He used to do the occasional summer weather report from Rosemary Pool, and one time when we were kids we actually went up and asked for his autograph. He seemed a little surprised but kindly agreed :)