Camo-hatted bully in action. Photo by David Yamada.
A man's haranguing of a young Muslim woman that started on the Green Line platform at Prudential Saturday ended on a trolley when several people stood up and put themselves between them, according to one of the participants in the incident.
David Yamada, a professor at Suffolk University Law School - who focuses on workplace bullying - reports he was waiting for a trolley at Prudential early Saturday evening when he noticed a guy "annoying and haranguing passengers with his supposed Christian beliefs. It was merely obnoxious until he started to harass a young woman wearing a hijab."
The trolley came in, everybody got on and "he continued to make fun of her hijab and spouting off about Christianity to anyone who would listen (or not)."
And then, Yamada and at least three other people "intervened to move him away from her and told him to back off, for which she was very grateful." The trolley driver briefly stopped the train to join them and make sure the woman was OK. "There was no discussion about what to do; it was genuinely spontaneous."
Yamada adds: "I thought he might punch me when he saw me taking photos, but he was too much in his own head and rambled off at the next stop.
"There is power in numbers, including frankly the security of knowing that you're not the only one jumping in to help. I did get in one snarky comment of my own. As he left the train he said something about Jesus coming for all of us, and I said something like oh yes, pal, he's coming for you for sure!"
A similar incident on a Portland trolley in May ended with two men dead after, police say, the man doing the screaming pulled out a knife and stabbed them.
Last month, the city of Boston put up posters at some bus stops on ways people could step in when they see Islamaphobes in action.
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By MostlyHarmless
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 4:55pm
do I love my city.
Those are true heroes
By Stephen Bickerton Sr
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 5:18pm
The phrase gets used way to often. Not in this case.
Faces Of Boston Strong
By Elmer
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 7:10pm
[sup]âŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸ( we're watching you — don't mess with us! )[/sup]
Enough is Enough
By anon
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 5:03pm
I've been a daily T rider for over 40 years, but I have to say I am just about reaching critical mass with all the slobbering drunks, opiated zombies, screamers, extremely loud sob story guys, people defiantly smoking in the stations, oblivious people falling on the tracks and, sorry if I'm being politically incorrect, just plain out and out mentally ill people. I hate to be one of those people who say "it was better years ago" in some mythical time that never existed, because I have seen this type of behavior on the T for years. But it seems much, much more prevalent now. What has caused this upswing? Save for the clinically mentally ill who obviously need help, why can't people pull themselves together?
Marty closing Long Island and
By anon
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 7:33pm
Marty closing Long Island and the northeast busing their mentally ill & homeless population to Boston hasn't helped.
One more time
By Waquiot
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 8:49pm
Marty didn't close Long Island. The Commonwealth condemned the bridge.
1st rule of leadership
By anon
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 8:59pm
Everything is your fault.
And WHY was the bridge condemned?
By roadman
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 8:18am
Because the CITY chose not to maintain and repair it. And the CITY chose to demolish the bridge without replacing it. Can't blame anyone but Marty for that last decision.
Let me explain this to you, suburban person
By Waquiot
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 9:07am
The bridge came down within the first year of the Walsh administration, which means technically, this is a headache that he inherited from St. Thomas of Readville (that would be the mayor before him, for those who don't vote in Boston elections.) If anyone is to blame, it would be the previous administration for not having a plan.
That said, the Menino administration did fight to get the bridge repaired, but they failed. Why? Because of the suburban city on the other side of the bridge, Quincy. Quincy blocked any repairs and will block replacement because, well, suburban people tend to be self righteous SOBs when it comes to Boston.
But let's just play a little game. Let's assume the City of Boston has unlimited money and power and that somehow the bridge issue suddenly sprung up in 2014. Do you really think that the bridge would have been completely replaced and opened by now? Out in my neck of the woods they are replacing a bridge with a road. They started in the spring of 2015 and are still working on it. To build a road. So no, the craziness in Boston, while perhaps helped by the closure of the bridge, would still be happening if somehow Walsh ran Massachusetts like he was Robert Moses.
We've been over this before here. Ad infinitum.
If a small neighborhood in an adjoining community
By roadman
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 11:48am
can effectively prevent another community from maintaining and repairing a portion of their infrastructure, to the point that said infrastructure is demolished and not replaced, that tells me there's something basically wrong with our planning process.
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 11:53am
Why the actual (expletive) is Quincy, or anybody, telling the Athens of America what to do? How did we lose a (expletive)-measuring contest to the City of Presidents?
Maybe Boston should put a tollbooth on the bridge where Ups and Downs used to be. Does Quincy have resident parking stickers? If they do, $12 toll to enter Boston with one via that bridge. Hell, we should do that with Brookline.
There's an idea. Don't just
By anon
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 12:15pm
There's an idea. Don't just be selfish with your transportation resources by limiting parking to resident permitholders -- get spiteful towards specific neighboring communities.
Sigh. It's like talking to a wall
By Waquiot
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 12:37pm
You probably don't know much about the bridge, but one end of the bridge was in Quincy, which means Quincy definitely had a say in the matter, and their idea was to keep Boston from rebuilding the bridge until it fell down, which it did. Check out You probably don't know much about the bridge, but one end of the bridge was in Quincy, which means Quincy definitely had a say in the matter, and their idea was to keep Boston from rebuilding the bridge until it fell down, which it did. Check out this article from that this article from that period when Walsh was elected but Menino was still in office to see more of the tale. And that's why Quincy sucks.
As far as how this could happen, let me put it to you this way. Do you really want Walsh or the City of Boston to be able to do things in your suburban town without any say from the community?
I wouldn't want that
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 12:42pm
But as a practical matter, they have the leverage to do so.
Sure, Marty inherited the
By RoseMai
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 11:48am
Sure, Marty inherited the issue. But what has he done to solve the issue since taking office? Lots of lip service, but no workable solution to replace what Long Island provided.
He is not blameless here, and all of us can see what his lack of action is causing in the city, every day.
He's tried to recreate the services offered
By Waquiot
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 12:38pm
And that should have been the goal. He met the goal. That they are no longer where the services were once provided is a shame (yes, shame on you, City of Quincy) but what can you do?
At the least, I'd love for
By RoseMai
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 2:49pm
At the least, I'd love for our mayor to be straightforward with us. The Long Island bridge project was in the 2018 budget, but no money has been requested, no environmental permits/proposals submitted, no actual plan outlined.
If having services on Long Island is no longer necessary, then tell your constituents that. Be straightforward and explain what was put in its stead. Don't just say "No new updates on the project" and move along and hope everyone forgets.
Until we, as in the collective we,
By whyaduck
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 8:28am
start to really give a sh*t about the mentally ill and those with addictions, you will continue to see human beings with those illnesses on the T.
And those with mental illness or addictions can just "pull themselves together", my friend. As someone with both mental illness as well as addiction in my close and extended families, I can attest that line thinking is so erroneous as to be dangerous.
The person you're responding
By RoseMai
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 11:51am
The person you're responding to specifically said "except for those with mental illness" in her post. She is not blaming the mentally ill for all the T's woes, since she states that they obviously need help, she is also pointing out your average schmo who's just not paying attention/drunk on the tracks/throwing trash on the tracks that gets caught on fire, etc. etc. etc.
America is crumbling that's why
By Scauma
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 8:38am
Shoot, maybe the whole world is. But our public education system is poor, our values as a society are in the toilet, we're over-prescribed, young people are more concerned with being cool on social media than building a foundation to grow in (generalizing but its true for a lot of kids), our political leaders sucks, the list goes on and on. Cliff notes, things will get worse before they get any better.
Public education in MA is just fine, thank you
By anon
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 11:13am
The problem is that a certain administration and set of legislators dismantled the mental health system in the state and replaced it with ... NOTHING. Thank Weld, Bulger, and Finneran for that.
Oh, and Mr. NYC, guess what: kids on social media have shit-all to do with the fact that they CANNOT BUILD A FOUNDATION WHEN THEY ARE BEING REAMED FROM EVERY DIRECTION by high debts to get what their parents got for nearly free (both college and what used to be on-the-job training) extreme rents and house prices and wages that have been screwed down at every turn.
Think of that the next time some dumbshit trustfund wag whines that unemployment is too expensive and should be replaced by a for-profit training system and loans for that.
By Scauma
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 2:16pm
What does that have to do with anything? And for the record I'm still a Bostonian.
Doesn't matter why, but it is what it is now. Mental health is a serious issue that doesn't seem to be going away.
Also, nothing to do with the point. Values for kids now days dwell a lot more in the short term than the long term. Look at the girl who encouraged the kid to kill himself so that she could get some sympathy attention. That has nothing to do with being reamed from anything or anyone.
Dukakis, not Weld dismantled the mental health system
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 3:16pm
Nice attempt to blame Weld (Republican in Name Only) for cuts made years prior by Dukakis (Democrat.) Releasing the mentally ill created the lucrative poverty industry with directors of these "non-profits" making well over six figures each year. Catherine D’Amato, president and CEO, Greater Boston Food Bank: $298,259 Boston Magazine, 2010. Joe Kennedy, $596,998 for "1-800-Joe-For-Oil." One can only imagine the salary numbers today, seven years later.
Nice revisionism
By anon
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 3:49pm
Did you work in mental health care at the time? Of course you didn't. I did. I worked in a group home for low pay that just kept getting lower.
Weld slashed everything, promising that there would be community care supports. Then he slashed what few of those were left. The Globe did an article on it a couple of years ago. Weld and his buddies in the Great and General Court. https://apps.bostonglobe.com/spotlight/the-despera...
vague photo
By Carmen N.
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 5:27pm
I'm heartened by the story, but confused by the photo: Which person is the bully in action?
The guy ...
By adamg
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 6:00pm
In the camo hat.
By Neal
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 5:28pm
...save me from (some of) your followers.
Less thumping
By anon
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 6:36pm
More reading.
Woman in hijab
By Bugs Bunny
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 7:33pm
Where is she in the picture? Or Fake News?
You have a couple minutes?
By adamg
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 7:36pm
Reread the original post. And try to figure out on your own why Yamada might not have included her in a photo.
By Bugs Bunny
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 8:00am
I read the post, I don't see any woman in a jihab the photo. This guy could've made up the story, like the Globe writer did about the racial comments at Fenway. I just see a bunch of people looking back at the camera, if there was a picture of the confrontation, it's easier to believe.
You do realize you can't see the entire car, right?
By adamg
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 9:08am
In any case, there are a couple of possibilities here. One is that not everybody whips their phone out at the first sign of trouble, especially when one is getting directly involved in said trouble, and he may have simply not gotten her.
The other is that even if he did, he realized that if you realize a woman has just been attacked for the way she looks and what she believes, in a society where such people already have enough problems, the last thing you'd want to do is to make her photo public for all the other haters out there.
Woman in hijab
By Bugs Bunny
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 9:29am
I understand, i zoomed in, even to look off the reflection of the windows for her. There's no need to hide her, she's in a hijab, it's similar to ISIS terrorists, you can't really get a physical description. If it did happen, obviously it's a shame.
Why are you so concerned about finding her image?
By adamg
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 9:53am
Why are you so concerned about finding her image?
To help prove this really happened? What if I hadn't run the picture at all?
Isn't it obvious?
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 10:09am
He wants to smash her in the head with a giant mallet while making wiseacre remarks and eating carrots.
By BethC
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 9:58am
You just compared the victim of a hate crime to ISIS terrorists?
Here's the deal with hijabs
By Waquiot
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 10:10am
When one wears a hijab, her face is visible.
Also, as Adam notes, why do we need to see a photograph of her? Or any photograph, for that matter? Back in the day, people didn't carry cameras around all the time. Heck, I don't get much from the photograph of the alleged asshat, so I can't figure the value of it.
Still, let's stick to the story, which was a bad situation with some people trying to make it better.
Hijab, not niqab.
By Lux
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 11:19am
A hijab is just a scarf worn over the hair. Queen Elizabeth wears headscarves. If they're supposed to act as a disguise then Her Maj should definitely go with this ISIS costume you're referring to because anonymity is not a feature provided by the scarf.
There are indeed
By Hamsterdam
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 9:27am
no women wearing jihabs in this photo, or any other for that matter.
Here, you can hold onto my arm while I escort you back under your rock.
While I'm usually content
By erik g
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 11:15am
to let your autofellating, inane rambling discredit itself, you've decided to take a non-sequitur swipe at a good friend of mine, so I feel the need to point out to casual readers, who might not recognize your alias as the copraphagic purveyor of right-wing fantasies that it is, that (a) he's not a Globe writer, (b) his story was verified by three people including the perp himself, and (c) I've watched him scrape things off the bottom of his shoe that have more credibility, integrity, and sensibility than anything you've ever written under that Chuck Jones handle of yours. Kindly fuck off and die.
Perhaps this guy is dealing with mental health issues as well.
By Daan
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 7:52pm
Not all mental health problems need to present as mumblers or "crazy." Not to excuse the guy's behavior. I just wonder what would lead him off the cliff so to speak.
It's just human that there are folks walking around ready to go berserk. Given the correct circumstances perhaps any person who regularly posts here could. Circumstances ranging from death of a loved one to loosing ones home to anything. If the person has enough of a social network, access to psychological help and the presence of mind to realize that help is needed then hopefully there would be no going off the deep end.
But his guy probably is already fearful and perhaps constantly anxious. Something happens in his life that is overwhelming to him and wind up being vented against someone who he has been told by others is the enemy.
Isn't that part of what we see with Trump? Trump, Bannon, Kelly Anne, the many liars of the Trump crowd validate this kind of behavior. They in effect give the imprimatur to yell and scream, whether with religiously framed thoughts or thoughts of some other kind agains the targets that the right has made to be acceptable today.
It's tough to be on the right. The traditional targets of the American right are just no longer allowed at least in a place such as Boston. Railing against Commies makes person sounds nuts; railing against gays could get some backlash that in the past would never happen (including a punch in the face - bigots finally realize that the limp wristed pansie is myth).
So now go after the people they think they can get away with trying to harm with words and intimidation: Muslims, immigrants, etc.
What the guy did is wrong and he is culpable. But even a bigot is still human.
May I add
By Stephen Bickerton Sr
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 9:04pm
We all know trump administration invented bullying.
Invented, no
By anon
Sun, 08/06/2017 - 9:54pm
Tolerate, promote, escalate, and reward bullying? Yes. Prevent punishment for bullying when "religious freedom" is involved? Absolutely.
Hate is hate.
By whyaduck
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 8:27am
Yes, he is a human being. However, he is a human who was verbally assaulting another human being. That, in itself, is worth fighting against.
Most mentally ill people (and there is a wide variety of mental illnesses), and I say most (as someone who has mental illness on both sides of my family) do not do what this man did to this woman. This was targeted hate. And there are plenty of christian "preachers" on the T that rant and rave but do not target hate against another human being.
A professor who focuses on bullying?
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 12:37am
I find this too incredible to be believed. Was an intoxicated homeless person ranting and raving, or a "Christian" trying to belittle a Muslim? Neither the African American man beside the "suspect" nor the mom and son enjoying the ride, appear concerned.
As an officer of the court, or at least a professor at Suffolk, did the professor notify Transit Police? Status of the investigation? Did people really intervene to stop a hostile act? The photo has no significance, merely shows people riding on a trolley. Interesting that a person who depends on bullying for his career would find it on a random Saturday. Baker should hire him for the T Police. This smacks of Baltimore Orioles Adam Jones being the only one who heard the "n-word" at Fenway in a crowd of 37,000. The platforms and trolleys have plenty of video cameras. Can't wait!
Hall of Fame comment
By perruptor
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 7:10am
This comment belongs in the Hall of Fame -- of idiocy. I haven't seen such a collection of head-wedged nonsense in months.
Fishy is just relieved
By Sock_Puppet
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 8:29am
They only got the back of his head.
Re: Sock_Puppet, Fishy is just relieved
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 10:52am
Sock_Puppet, You actually make a great observation about the "back of his head." Despite the gripping narrative of the professor's story, and his apparent proximity to the suspect, we can't see the suspect's face, although we see many other faces of people. As others have noted, we don't see a woman in a hijab. Adam, "reasons" this is to protect her identity while women and children witnesses are clearly shown without masking their images, putting them at potential risk. No video or audio recording option on the phone that would prove the story, just a meaningless still pic?
As for police reacting to a third-party claim that "this woman was assaulted," that's a start but the actual victim would have to say the same. In most cases, "no victim, no crime" is the rule. Thousands of potential domestic assault cases are broomed every year when the victim says her black eye and bloody nose were the result of a fall. Reporters should demand the T Police confirm or reject these serious allegations. Plenty of cameras and witnesses, let's hear it.
You sure are special.
By anon
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 7:29am
You sure are special.
You must have been a terrific cop
By Michael
Mon, 08/07/2017 - 8:04am
"Officer Fish, this woman was assaulted"
"Nah, that doesn't sound right to me"
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