Zoom in. That's an r. Plus the use of the word "flee" would be way off. Unless the writer is telling everyone who walks by to flee and get the fukkouttathheahhh!!!
I remember My Mom making those when I was a kid. They were quite good, as I remember. I'll have to make them myself someday and see if they're worth resurrecting as popular New England cuisine.
Does that say free?
Or flee?
Zoom in. That's an r.
Zoom in. That's an r. Plus the use of the word "flee" would be way off. Unless the writer is telling everyone who walks by to flee and get the fukkouttathheahhh!!!
Zoom indeed
That one broke the sound barrier.
Right over your head.
They would appreciate bubble gum in return.
I thought they were asking for some fleen.
Free spices
There's probably no rat poison in them.
Wow, those spices have been there for a long time.
The stationery is clearly dated "Jan 27th." No takers yet?
Looks like....
someone's South End personal chef really did not want to make that curry with a meringue topping for dinner tonight.
I vote that we make this blend, henceforth, the new pumpkin spice.
Just in time!
Just in time for your Allston Christmas baking needs!
What about the Lewis Carroll
What about the Lewis Carroll quote at the bottom? I'm surprised no one picked up on that yet!
Another sci-fi phrase indelibly imprinted
Dune, Arrakis, (breathless pause) desert planet.
You go all-out, you go Old
You go all-out, you go Old Spice!
Pretty sure I also have a 12-year-old jar of cream of
tartar, 98% unused. Damned if I can remember what I used that 1/4 teaspoon for, way back when. If pressed, maybe some kind of pancake recipe?
Cream of Tartar Biscuits?
I remember My Mom making those when I was a kid. They were quite good, as I remember. I'll have to make them myself someday and see if they're worth resurrecting as popular New England cuisine.
Cream of Tartar Biscuits