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Trump goes too far even for Robert Kraft

The Patriots owner and Brookline resident is deeply disappointed by the tone of the president's call for the banishment of any athletes who dare protest police brutality.

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Not so nice to see all the negative comments posted by ignorant deplorables in response.

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you can send them to me, c/o UHub, thanks.

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Don't hold your breath.
Didn't half of Hollywood threaten to move to Canada if Trump got elected?

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Instead it's Haitian refugees the Trump administration doesn't want in the US anymore who are immigrating to Canada,

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'Emigrating' to Canada. Not 'immigrating', anon.

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They are emigrating from the United States (or to be more precise Haiti.) They are immigrating to Canada.


The more you know...

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You are right.

Mea culpa.

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Some of them were pro-protest. There seemed to be a relative sanity to the back and forth. Of course, I only read the first ten or so.

Nothing like this epic from a few years ago...

Pats on Twitter (sanitized version):

Pats deleted millionth tweet:

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The president is a racist who doesn't believe in free speech.

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The ones who *celebrate* the heritage of slavery certainly are.


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After Charlottesville, the American far right is tearing itself apart.

Video: How white nationalism became normal online.

..you might be a white supremacist

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for Rex Ryan

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Yes. Massachusetts has over one million actual Nazis living in it right now. Didn't you know that?

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Don't say things that will make you sound really stupid without proof, like that 15% of Massachusetts residents are Nazis.

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Right on UHub in the past couple of months. OK, you're right, not actual Nazis perhaps. Maybe KKK or racists?

Candidate Party Votes Pct. E.V.
Hillary Clinton Democrat 1,995,196 60.0% 11
Donald J. Trump Republican 1,090,893 32.8 —
Gary Johnson Libertarian 138,018 4.2 —
Others Independent 53,278 1.6 —
Jill Stein Green 47,661 1.4 —

100% reporting (2,173 of 2,173 precincts)


Over a million people here voted for Trump. So, are they all racists? KKK members? Nazis?

Or just, you know, your fellow Americans that didn't want Hillary?

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... and it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck ...

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No, not all Trump supporters are Nazis. But all Nazis are Trump supporters. There's a difference.

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" But all Nazis are Trump supporters."

Does that include those that died before, oh, April of 1945? Because that's when most of the 'actual' Nazis shuffled off this mortal coil. Or went underground. Or just gave up. So does President Trump hold seances now?

BTW, most of the real sturm-type folk hate Trump. I check those sites, as I check the lefty sites. They think he's a sellout even though he promised them nothing.

Nice try, though.

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Spoken like a Nazi.

Or other sort of magical thinker who believes that repeating things over and over (despite solid evidence to the contrary) makes them true, somehow.

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Nope, not a Nazi. You libel me by calling me one.

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No, Nazis dead before 1945 aren't supporting Trump. Christ isn't supporting Trump, either, because he's also dead.

I could provide proof that Nazis, in fact love Trump, but why bother?

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"No, Nazis dead before 1945 aren't supporting Trump. Christ isn't supporting Trump, either, because he's also dead.
I could provide proof that Nazis, in fact love Trump, but why bother?"

First, Christian dogma holds that Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day. Second, I don't question why some people can't eat lobster for religious reasons. Third, I don't question why Orthodox Jews can't touch their light switches after it gets dark on Friday. I've been in a position to 'help' them with such things.

Actual conversation,"So, I can turn that switch and not get into trouble but you can't?"
"OK, I'll do it. Am I in trouble?"
"Ever thought of becoming a member of the Catholic Church? You get to eat cheeseburgers, too."

So, let's agree that religion is to be respected, OK?

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You offer up an anecdote about a religious observance that you obviously do not respect, then end with "So, let's agree that religion is to be respected, OK?"

Whatever you say, Slim.

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Individuals that I've met are quite full of humor. The whole 'light switch' thing was the culmination of an interesting few minutes. The man was actually quite funny.
Lighten up, slim...

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I agree that it doesn't mean they actually like him. But you have to realize that Trump has shown himself to care very much about what people are saying about him. I think that this hate for Trump is more about influencing his decisions. Look at Breitbart. They are very much saying we gave you this election and we can take it away if you don't what we say

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Change the record, son; the "oh me oh my oh us poor Republican white people are sooooo oppressed" pity party got stale a long time ago. Or, on the extremely remote chance that you actually want the perception of Republicans to change, and you're not just looking for an excuse to claim the mantle of oppression out of a noxious reflex of always wanting everything to be about you -- take a good hard honest look at your party, the policies it supports, the language it uses, and the people it targets all while providing itself with fig-leaf excuses that let you tell yourself that you're not actually pursuing racist, sexist, xenophobic policies. Be honest with yourself. Take a good hard look, and sit with it for a while; don't be in such an everlasting rush to scream, "AM NOT EITHER A RACIST!!!!1!!1!" Just sit with it a while, and see how you come out the other side.

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Hope this helps.

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Trump says "I'm not a racist, so I'm not going to accept the label." Kraft recognizes that he is a racist. Or to Kraft, it's easier to admit some level of institutional racism and absolve himself personally of guilt. "It's the system, society blah blah". Here's a few bucks, black folks, happy happy.

This is what happens when the college-bullshit definition of a racist America starts landing on the people who have to wear the label on their persons. They are going to fight back. Wouldn't you?

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If you have zero understanding of racism in 21st Century America, don't feel obliged to post.

Trump isn't racist because he "supports America's heritage". He's racist because he doesn't like renting his apartments to blacks. He's racist because he called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five and never apologized. He's racist because he's got Chris Kobach investigating "voter fraud". He's racist because he calls Mexicans rapists and murderers. He's racist because he wants to kick Muslims out of the country. He's racist because he thinks a judge with Mexican heritage couldn't be fair to him (projection). He's racist because he says things like "Did you ever fuck a nigger?" to his buddies.

Again, hope this helps.

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He's racist because he pardoned Joe Arpaio, and he's racist because he said that the Neo-Nazis were "very fine people". He's racist because he condemned Colin Kaepernick more strongly than he did the murderer of Heather Heyer.

Geez, Louise, it's hard to remember all the different things that demonstrate Trump's racism.

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he is also racist with the whole birther movement

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It's hard to fit Trumps 40+ year history of well documented racism in a single post.

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So he's very much in favor of all the Central American and Latin American migrants, too, and didn't listen to his daddums when daddums told him that Puerto Ricans are trash and don't rent to them, just sleep with them?

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Lumping all Spanish speaking immigrants together is racist.

Is America a nation? Then our citizens can speak of other nations without getting called racist.

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I work with hispanic people from a variety of backgrounds.

They all understand one clear thing: Drumpf hates brown people, and they are brown people.

You probably have no idea what your coworkers think of you and your "special" penchant for being a fool. Hint: Pendejo is not a term of endearment.

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He just an asshole.

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Police murdering black people at an alarming rate is part of our heritage? Fuck off.

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Not backing Trump whatsoever, but for christ sake...we need to take a stand with the police. The GOOD MAJORITY of these alleged cases of "police brutality" involve armed career criminals & very often gang affiliated people. Noones going to want to be a cop anymore in 10 years if this keeps up. Just like noone wants to be a teacher anymore - noone wants the liability because you can't discipline students anymore without it turning into a lawsuit, because poor little Timmy's parents think you were too hard on him. 21st century's a joke. Sad Sad Sad

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Just say niggers and be done with it. You know, the way you do when you’re not in a public forum?

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...and explain these good folks:


Although truth be told, they don't look all that black.

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Or Photoshop. Whatever floats your boat.


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...if you can't trust Getty, who can you trust? Truth be told? I didn't give it the scrutiny that Comey gave Hillary's server.

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They’re expressing an opinion I find disgusting but have every right to express it, you?

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The government has no right to prevent that sign from being held.
Freedom of speech.

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The part where they extended it down to fit the "message", among other visual errors.

Take some classes or just download the Gimp and muck around with it. You might learn some stuff that will help you spot fakes and make less fakey fakes.

You could also do us a favor and provide a source for these things - like who took the picture and where and when it happened and where it was published - so we can play with them, too!

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So, here's another one:


So, here's another one, adequately sourced.
Real enough for you, lightweight?

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And who put it up?

Couldn't possibly be the same person who felt compelled to put the same message on that photoshop...

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Just sayin'.

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Did you think I didn't read the linked news article?

"They say they are investigating, but have no suspects at this time."

In other words, unlike your fake picture of the shrouded women, you now have a real sign but no idea who posted it (and it just so happens to match word and symbol for the faked picture you posted). So, you have no idea if that's a sign someone really posted and meant or a false flag/trolling put up by people out to drum up more hatred for BLM and/or Antifa and/or Anarchists.

You can't know, so it can't reinforce your point.

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Why not?

"Did you think I didn't read the linked news article?"
So you know the answer.

Anyway, I'm not admitting that the black clad "More dead cops" is a fake. As far as I'm concerned it'd as real as the sheet on the overpass. It certainly sums up the antifa/left attitude well enough.
As far as I'm concerned, it's real, accurate and if it does get proven by someone here to be a photoshop, then, I'm officially calling it 'Fake but accurate."
Show me the original to prove it wrong.
Only difference between your arguments and mine...there is an actual "more dead cops" on an overpass. It's real, and as such can reinforce my point nicely.

You really side with people like that?

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You hold opinion A regardless of evidence that opinion A is or isn't founded in reality.
You could be given evidence that opinion A is not reality, but you have stated that you will hold to opinion A anyways.
Opinion A defines a group of people incorrectly but that's okay with you because you want those people to be defined by opinion A.
You want to know if I side with those people who in your mind are beholden to opinion A regardless of their actual stance.

To wit: fuck you. Fuck off. Get the fuck out of here. Seriously. You're not even attempting to approach rational discussion on any topic. You are only here to troll and you've declared exactly that as a precursor to wanting to continue the conversation. So, go pound sand. You are a useless bigot. From now on, your bullshit will be exposed and then ignored.

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While the new story maybe real there's a chance that the sign is not real.


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While the news story maybe real there's a chance that the sign is not real.


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Like those "rioters in Houston" that Bratbrot showed you - you know, the ones that were no where near Houston?

Or those "looters" that Infowars told you were in Houston so you believed it, except they were very far away from Houston?

Gullible, ain't ya?

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I never told stories like that. You question the overpass story?

Nice try, nice sunglasses, but you cannot deny that story.

Not that truth actually matters to you.

Not gullible, not stupid and it seems that you visit sites that I don't. Unless you are just full of shit.

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If you're gonna p'shop it, at least add an arm to the leftie on the left. Tough to be a leftie without a left arm...


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A white guy is explaining to black people how they should feel about racism. Everybody be quiet and let him speak. Please go ahead, good sir.

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The cops get called in when everybody else has dodged these guys. Nobody wants to be around the Michael Browns because they don't know how to act. The cops can't dodge them.

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of Michael Browns. You?

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Where's your evidence that "no black people wanted to be around Michael Brown"?

How, exactly, does that justify his summary execution?

What about Philando Castile?
What about Sandra Bland?
What about Eric Garner?
What about Tamir Rice?
What about Amadou Diallo?
What about John Crawford?
What about Trayvon Martin?

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What about Philando Castile?
Don't reach for a gun when cop tells you not to and you won't get shot

What about Sandra Bland?
Don't hang yourself and... well, that about sums it up

What about Eric Garner?
Don't resist arrest and you will have no trouble breathing

What about Tamir Rice?
Keep an eye on your kids and don't let them point realistic-looking guns at cops and they won't get shot

What about Amadou Diallo?
Stop and show your hands when told so by police and you won't get shot

What about John Crawford?
Got me there slick!

What about Trayvon Martin?
Don't assault people and don't try to crack their heads open and you won't get shot

One for seven so far, should we keep playing? Oh wait, we can't, gaffin just broke the keyboard bashing that delete button too hard.

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act like an obedient slave and maybe we won’t kill you. Because to us, Black Lives Don’t Matter.

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Not that a racist like you would care, but:

* What about Philando Castile?
* Don't reach for a gun when cop tells you not to and you won't get shot

He didn't reach for a gun. He informed the cop that he had a licensed concealed weapon.

* What about Sandra Bland?
* Don't hang yourself and... well, that about sums it up

She never should have been in that jail in the first place, except that black people aren't allowed to be "uppity".

* What about Eric Garner?
* Don't resist arrest and you will have no trouble breathing

He was assaulted using an illegal chokehold.

* What about Tamir Rice?
* Keep an eye on your kids and don't let them point realistic-looking guns at cops and they won't get shot

Kids play with toy guns every day in every town in the US. Police were informed that the gun was a toy twice during the initial report.

* What about Amadou Diallo?
* Stop and show your hands when told so by police and you won't get shot

He was showing his hands. He got shot because a cop thought that guns were rectangular.

* What about Trayvon Martin?
* Don't assault people and don't try to crack their heads open and you won't get shot

By this logic, I could pick a fight with anyone I don't like and then murder them.

Martin was defending himself against an assault by a psycho who was disobeying a direct police order and who was subsequently shown to have a history of violence. But I guess black youths are expected to just stand there and take it when some nutjob gets in their face.

Like I said, I don't expect any of this to change any racist's mind. SamWack's response is much more succinct and to the point.

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AND this isn't even a full list of the most recent travesties, not all fatal. There was the guy who was shot lying on the ground attempting to placate a mentally ill patient. There was the guy shot dead running away across a park. There was the guy shot dead selling CDs already under control. There was the guy slung into the back of a police van without a seatbelt. There was the guy shot dead in a Walmart with a BB gun from a store shelf. There's the guy shot dead because he tried to leave a traffic stop.

I mean, names, situations, etc. don't seem to mean much to those that saw the first list of famous cases and dismissed them as a bunch of people that definitely should be dead and all their own fault and there's no issue with bad cops killing minorities in this country. So, what's the point of trying to fine-tooth comb all of the situations that keep coming up across the nation?

It's like climate change (I bet the overlap of deniers of both climate change and police brutality is pretty high). You'll look at Harvey or Maria or Jose or Irma and say "see, that storm wasn't worse because of climate change"...but you're so focused on staring at a single tree AND telling us it's not a tree even as the pine cones fall on your head that you're intentionally missing the fact that you are standing in a forest.

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I was just citing the examples I could think of off the top of my head (although I did include the Walmart guy).

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Yeah, it's the ONE that the racist was cool with.

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We need to reign in the murderous actions of people WHO ARE ON OUR PAYROLL, and weed out all the losers who think Pax Centurion and KKK is an extracurricular activity.

Get rid of the militaristic murderers, the people who make up their own laws, the roid ragers, etc.

Yes, we need to take a stand - we need to stand up and do what most responsible EMPLOYERS do when EMPLOYEES are getting completely out of control.

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Next thing you know, he'll be demanding Trump get that Pats Super Bowl ring back from Putin.

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Join the Bruins fans...it's a lily white sport, full of Star Spangled singing, standing racists.

Also you get to see if PK Subban's brother Malcolm is any kind of a decent goalie. He plays for the Bruins. Did pretty good last night.

Oh, BTW...Bruins drafted the first black player in the old six team NHL. In the fifties. He eventually played three years for them, so it wasn't a fluke.

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I'm giving up watching the Patriots because some of them take a knee before the game. Laugh out loud.

I'm a victim of kneeling pro football players.

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How many of the fans in the stadium who booed the kneeling Patriots stood true to their principals and withheld cheers when one of said players (e.g. James Cook) scored or made another great play?

How many fans followed Dear Leader's exhortation and walked out of the game to protest the protest?

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Are you serious, or are you just being snarky?

Plenty of blacks do get into football. That's been the case forever, pretty much.

Ice Hockey is a different matter...not too many blacks do get into that. I understand that the Bruins did draft the first black player fairly recently.

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I'm not giving up on football, Pats are too good of a team for that. This whole thing will work itself out somehow. The NFL will probably survive. But, it's not a snarky comment, no matter what lightweight winds swirl about.
Boston Bruins, aside of the Celtics, drafted the first black professional sports player in Boston. Yes, before the Pats and before the Red Sox.
It wasn't fairly recently, more like the late fifties.

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Willie O'Ree was the first black player in the NHL, playing two games for the Bruins during the 57-58 season and forty-three games during the 60-61 season. Beyond being the first black player, a story that everyone should know about him is that he managed to have a long career in pro hockey while being 95% blind in his right eye after being hit by an errant puck, a fact he kept secret when first called up to Boston.



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Smoochie McGee plays both sides and still get $12 a beer.

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Compare and contrast the NFL's treatment of openly religious players who take a knee in prayer to openly political players who take a knee in protest.

Roger the Clown should be thankful Trump's Twittering took the media focus off violent brain damaged players, poor ratings, and declining ticket sales for 5 minutes.

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"Roger the Clown should be thankful Trump's Twittering took the media focus off violent brain damaged players, poor ratings, and declining ticket sales for 5 minutes."

Last week in LA...six dollar seats, six dollar beers.

Trump...he can even fix the NFL!!

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He didn’t say they can’t protest police brutality. (Lots of ways one can do that.) He said they should stand for the national anthem. Awaiting your correction.

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It's really short, shouldn't take you more than a minute to read. Nothing in there about how a person can or cannot exercise it.

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Way more than 140 characters.

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The First Amendment says what about sportsball?

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We have a president who struggles to condemn Nazi murderers in Charlottesville without resorting to bothsidesism yet calls a man exercising his First Amendment right a "son of a bitch" who deserves to be fired.

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Trump appealed to owners to fire players who expressed themselves silently kneeling or sitting during the national anthem. Owners can set the terms of employment for players through the union agreement or team rules. The terms of those agreements and rules must be consistent with the first Amendment including case law precedents, when tested in court. I haven't heard of a single owner yet who's leaning toward regulating players conduct during the anthem.

Trump is now leading a boycott of the NFL. Imagine owning a business and having the president try to inflict harm on it because you don't run it the way he wants you to?

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Forget those uppity boys in the NFL ... the NHL has one or two good nigrahs!

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Bowling is the new sport.
The sport of kings.
Even poor trailer folk can afford it.
Urbanites. Whatever the hell that means.

Bowling. No concussions. No violence.

Just many cool quotes.

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But...there's 200 years of case law saying how to interpret it, as the Founding Fathers wanted it.
Libel, slander, inciting to riot, religious freedom, others all based on established law over a long period of time.

Many discussions on UH have taken place over the years on the subjects.

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Which ones have specifically given the President authority to coerce private business owners to fire employees for peaceably exercising their first amendment rights?

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See also: 18 U.S. Code § 227 (quoted below)

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Wouldn't mind to see Trump charged with that crime if they can make the case.

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"He is also subject to the confines of federal law"
"See also: 18 U.S. Code § 227 (quoted below)"

Which is quoted below by me...see if you can spot why it doesn't apply here.

 "Whoever, being a covered government person, with the intent to influence, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation, an employment decision or employment practice of any private entity--

 takes or withholds, or offers or threatens to take or withhold, an official act, or

 influences, or offers or threatens to influence, the official act of another,"

Doesn't apply. Gawd, this one's all over the leftie talking point sites. It's no good.

Don't you have a resilient storm drain to give advice to an engineer about?

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Breaking things down into pieces and then twisting their meaning is for idiots who want to pretend the bible is real. And lawyers making excuses for pathologically violent cops.

The word of the law is very clear - Presidents can't advocate for firing of private employees.

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"Which ones have specifically given the President authority to coerce private business owners to fire employees for peaceably exercising their first amendment rights?"


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"Which ones have specifically given the President authority to coerce private business owners to fire employees for peaceably exercising their first amendment rights?"


Two for the price of one. Cool.

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OK, where in any of that case law is there a legal obligation to observe the National Anthem, let alone observe it in a particular way?

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None at all.
As a matter of fact, the case law gives you the right, as an expression of freedom of speech, to desecrate the flag of the US.

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You didn’t address the substance of the comment.

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a href yada yada

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Perhaps I don't follow this story closely enough, not really a sports fan.

But, my question is, what else are these players doing to combat police brutality?

Are any of them actually working with the community/police force to try to mediate the situation?

It seems to me if they're just "taking a knee," all it really does is garner attention for the player, not the problem.

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"The mission of the Colin Kaepernick Foundation is to fight oppression of all kinds globally, through education and social activism."


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It seems to me if they're just "taking a knee," all it really does is garner attention for the player, not the problem.

That's certainly one way to look at it, and any time that gestures are being made, there's a good chance that some of those gesturing are doing so out of a desire to get attention for themselves. But, while we're guessing at people's motivations, I'd say it's pretty clear that you made your comment in an effort to discredit the protest and without any effort at all to find out whether your allegation is true. The very simplest search would have proved that there are indeed substantial efforts being made by at least some of these players.

And if there weren't, what about it? You say that they're trying to draw attention to themselves; good god, have you been living under a rock or something? Do you think that attention has been favorable? Colin Kaepernick is out of a job, and not because he was an inferior quarterback. Even if all he had done was "take a knee", it cost him his job. Assuming that you oppose police brutality, what skin are YOU putting in the game that entitles you to call out the players who take a knee?

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Donald Trump is a firm believer in eugenics and brags about his superior genes. I am so proud that I like most Americans are mongrels not elitist pedigrees. The statute of Liberty will raise her torch in defiance of the those who share his belief in eugenics.

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Professionalism prevented me from doing it, but I was very tempted to say to Kraft, "I don't get it, how can you support that guy?" and then watch the confusion on his face as he tried to figure out if I was talking about Trump or Goodell.

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But if you had said it that would be freedom of speech and no one could fire you for it.

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Freedom of Speech is between you and the government. Private employers have different guidelines.

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Some half way gesture?

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Listen, I understand racism is a problem...it's always been a problem, because it's always existed in one form or another.

Why is it that racism has become one of, if not THE country's primary focus within the past few years? Is this is new "thing" for media to grab onto, and create more salacious viewpoints to stir-up national conflict?

I'm not saying it's an issue to be ignored, or taken lightly...I just don't understand why this has become the "it" thing (along with politics) that people want to discuss so heavily. It's as if there's no room to talk about anything else.

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stubborn social problem in America since its founding must just be a trendy new thing. Most people are probably only doing it because the cool kids are. The media is just doing it for the ratings. People only talk about racism because they like to stir things up.

Are you really that oblivious?

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Nice post which tries to put my opinion and mental capabilities down, while ignoring a very pertinent question...try providing a point without being an ass about it. WHY DO I BARELY HEAR ANY DISCUSSION ABOUT THINGS OTHER THAN RACISM & POLITICS?

Do people think if you're not discussing it and keeping these topics in the forefront, you're automatically not engaged in the awareness of these things? Was America having "too much" fun in the 80s & 90s, because these weren't the daily topics always being publically shoved in our faces? There's a time to talk, and there's a time to act.

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I had to scroll past 5 posts that had nothing to do with racism before I got to this one. People are actually commenting on those, too. Don't you see them?

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Listen, I understand racism is a problem...it's always been a problem, because it's always existed in one form or another.

Why is it that racism has become one of, if not THE country's primary focus within the past few years?

I'm not sure you really do understand, given that your second sentence provides the answer to the question in your third sentence.

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Media and other elites have been hawking racism for centuries, like in the 1860s when the US fought a war against itself over race-based slavery, or the 1960s when people were all "black people should have the right to vote" and would not shut up about it. So I'm guessing we'll have to deal with it, until, you know, racism actually stops.

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Racism is going to be in the news when the president is someone who was strongly endorsed by the KKK and he in turn calls white supremacists "fine people".

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Listen, I understand slavery is a problem...it's always been a problem, because it's always existed in one form or another.
Why is it that slavery has become one of, if not THE country's primary focus within the past few years?

Listen, I understand violent oppression of women is a problem...it's always been a problem, because it's always existed in one form or another.
Why is it that violent oppression of women has become one of, if not THE country's primary focus within the past few years?

Listen, I understand persecution of Jews is a problem...it's always been a problem, because it's always existed in one form or another.
Why is it that persecution of Jews has become one of, if not THE country's primary focus within the past few years?

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Why is it that racism has become one of, if not THE country's primary focus within the past few years?

Obama. He eventually announced that he regretted his initial comments that police target blacks and the "Cambridge Police acted stupidly" but you can't un-ring that bell.

Worse, Obama fueled the Ferguson violence right up until Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was completely exonerated by not one but two Grand Juries. It was later proven that the "gentle giant" Mike Brown had beaten and robbed a small, foreign-born grocer, then beaten the officer and attempted to take his gun, only prevented by a safety holster that Brown couldn't figure out. When he came back to finish off the patrolman, he was shot.

Much was made by Obama and the media that Brown's dead body was left uncovered in the street, fueling black outrage. Crime Scene 101 teaches never to cover the body before CSI arrives, as latent evidence can be removed or added by linens after the fact. Obama could have imparted this knowledge to calm the crowd but apparently didn't know himself (Harvard Law) or he just wanted the rioting to spread.

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Oh, of course. it couldn't possibly be that racism in this country has gotten worse with the stoking and enabling of white grievance, most markedly by your manboy Trump. No, it was all caused by Obama's milquetoast statements on the subject of racism, which were so few you could count them on the fingers of one hand and still have enough fingers left over to poke yourself in both eyes at the same time.

You, Fish, are a prime example of white grievance. I get the feeling that you're cynical enough about your own racism and feelings of entitlement that that won't really faze you, but perhaps some other white folks reading this will stop and think a bit about why these protests make them feel so uncomfortable, and consider that the cause may be within their own hearts.

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that didn't justify his being gunned down by Ofcr. Darren Wilson.

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From wikipedia:

"A grand jury was called and given extensive evidence from Robert McCulloch, the St. Louis County Prosecutor. On November 24, 2014, McCulloch announced the St. Louis County grand jury had decided not to indict Wilson.[9] On March 4, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice reported the conclusion of its own investigation and cleared Wilson of civil rights violations in the shooting. It found forensic evidence supported the officer's account, that witnesses who corroborated the officer's account were credible, and that witnesses who had incriminated him were not credible, with some admitting they had not directly seen the events.[8][10] The U.S. Department of Justice concluded Wilson shot Brown in self-defense.[11][12]"

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the brains of one of those bars of soap that has pumice in it? Good ol' Lava hand cleanser is great for scrubbing off axle grease; for assembling a sequence of rationale thoughts, err, not so much.

But which is it? Tough call.

You would almost certainly have to have a skull filled with a mixture of volcanic rock and rendered pig fat to suggest that racism was a problem that we'd licked by 2008, only to have Barack Obama ruin it.

As are talking about Fish, and have reams of previous evidence, I'd have to say he's not nearly clever enough to troll even this feebly. Gotta go with his having a combination of lard and bubbly stone where most people have gray matter. Occam's Razor, and all.

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So, if the facts can't be argued against, insult the person.

See my post about Obama's DOJ clearing the officer involved. Good enough for Obama's DOJ, but not good enough for you?

And it's FISH's head that's full of soap?

Tell me, how much axle grease have you ever scrubbed off your hands? Maybe you pulled an axle out of Elizabeth Warren's MG? Tell me, find me a citation that LAVA soap has 'pig fat' in it. And you call him the troll? I'll tell you, the level of rudeness from the resident progressives here is astounding.


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dmcboston to the list of people so jaw-droppingly stupid that they blame racism on Obama.

We Americans finally defeated racism by 2007. Then the black guy got elected, and hey presto: racism reared its ugly head again. And just when we white people had gotten over all that. We were so close!

Must have been Obama's fault. The logic of it is so plain!

Shaddap, you ridiculous dope.

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I don't recall liberals having the same sentiments with regard to the free speech rally on Boston Common. In fact, they got this local organizer fired.

Be consistent. Every player that bends the knee should be fired.

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get fired for participating in a Constitutionally-protected act of protest.

It might demand them getting fired for appearing in a lineup of speakers that includes violent neo-Nazis and hate-mongering conspiracy theorists like Kyle Chapman and Joe Biggs.

Free speech, sure: the government should not interfere with your right to speak your mind in public. But if you tarnish your company's brand by hanging out with white supremacists and raving loons that push the notion that Hillary Clinton was part of a child sex-trafficking ring, that might be a justifiable firing offense, as happened to this Brandon Navom.

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Kyle Chapman spoke at FreeSpeech in May and August in Boston. Organizers and speakers said they should not be conflated with the organizers and speakers of Charlottesville. I agree unless of course they spoke at both.

After Charlottesville Boston organizers said they do not want racist speakers in Boston. They didn't do a good job of vetting speakers. they invisted a virulent homophobe, a holocaust denier, author of 10 things I hate about Jews, and a guy famous for founding a street fighting arm of proud boys, Kyle Chapman.

These organizers are gamers who shit-post racist stuff. Yeah, but that's just for fun they say. Click ahead to 15:59 and listen the Kyle Chapman give a speech, it's not continuous so keep listening until he's done.

I think everyone who goes to a rally and speaks should be judged on what they say not what others say. If a police officer demands a race war in a speech she probably shouldn't keep her job. But if you go to rallies and speak with people like Kyle Chapman, don't expect folks to give you a pass.

Charlottesville was a two-day affair called Unite The Right. It was a hatefest, there was violence, people fired their weapons, there was an act of terrorism that took a life. You don't get a pass if you take the stage at an event with Kyle Chapman and so many of the others. Also, more than half of the 12 groups that rallied in Charlottesville are trying to save a shattered reputation by claiming they're not racist. Unfortunately for them, there's video.

I feel bad Brandon Navom lost his job. if I was him I'd fight for it. At the same time, pose for a photo with Shiva Ayyadurai for a "go fund me I lost my job" and I'm going to reserve some skepticism.

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Being elected officials. Sorry, but Dear Leader is now The Government and the First Amendment applies to him in a way it might not apply to you or me.

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Is Marty Walsh an elected official? He wasn't exactly quiet about the free speech rally on the Common.

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And he had his police commissioner work with the racists to ensure their safety - to the point of taking them out of the Common under armed guard.

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A high-ranked local official spoke publicly about that permit group's "speech" being unwelcome here. In the name of security, a buffer zone was established between that group and those who might want to protest them - all well and good (in theory).

In practice...

The buffer was to such an extent that nobody could hear the speech. Not even news media or even a media pool representative was allowed close enough to hear. So, nobody knows what was said or would have been said. It really protected the life out of free speech. It certainly leaves people on any side of the issue free to paint their own picture of what happened, because the truth never got to happen.

Personally, I wouldn't have been astonished if the content of the speech would have been racist drivel and vitriol. However, I would have liked the opportunity to review the content and figure out if they are just fools or actually have the potential to be dangerous.

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Their "content" is like the WB dancing frog. When you're not looking, it's racist. When you are, it's benign and all about how free speech needs defending.

The organizer is a self-described "shitlord" ( http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shitlord&defid=11108428 ). He's an internet troll who tried to move from internet forum trolling and posting the worst things imaginable to real life and hold a rally where people who say the worst things imaginable can strut and laugh at the very people they're insulting and upsetting. When they get called on that....when they get to levels of unwanted attention, they fold. They go back to saying it's about protecting the freedom to say "anything" not "the most vile things". They uninvite the worst speakers and keep the more moderate assholes like fake email guy.

If you'd monitored what they said *that* day, then you'd have thought it was all overblown. If Charlottesville hadn't happened, it would have been much more of a Nazi/alt-right rally with whatever they deem an acceptable amount of attention that makes them feel like they lol'd.

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The rally went on. It actually received police protection. You are drawing a false conclusion of inconsistency by abusing the facts. That is a fancy way of saying you're lying.

Perhaps Brandon should sue his employer. If Brandon did nothing to bring harm to his employer then he could sue for interfering with Brandon's ability to earn a living.

A court case would be interesting if it turned out that rally did lean toward bigoted speakers. One speaker who accepted (and then chickened out) is known as Austin Gillespie, aka, Augustus Invictus (a puffy self-important psuedonym if ever there was one). This is a man who believes in eugenics. He believes that the weakest should be sterilized. He stated this in a law school paper. He claims that he rejected the policy aspect but does not utterly reject the idea.

That makes him an intellectual descendant of the American eugenicists of the early 20th century as well as philosophical descendant of Nazis.

A rally where this kind of speaker is appropriate is a rally that is not about defending free speech. It's about giving voice to human destruction and genocide. Just as we don't yell fire in a crowded theater there are some things that simply need to stay in the mental garbage can. Sterilizing "undesirable people" (who decides who is whom?) is public speaking version of yelling fire in a crowded theater.

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The Nation: The Fragile, Toxic Masculinity of Donald Trump

This is a model of politics—as well as manhood—that threatens Trump’s entire agenda of poisonous, divisive narcissism. Look at the outpouring of comments by NFL players following Trump’s remarks. None of them have sunk to his level. Instead, they share the tone of Seahawk Richard Sherman who said, “The behavior of the President is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. If you do not Condemn this divisive Rhetoric you are Condoning it!!” The cornerback, who is not even 30 years old, is showcasing more adulthood then the 70-year-old president. This is the new reality. And Sherman is absolutely correct. To be silent in the face of this destructive person is to condone his actions. That’s not an option. This president is a child bully, and bullies are emboldened by our silence.

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Before yesterday, kneeling during national anthem was an anti police-violence protest.

Today it's an anti-Trump protest?

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Insert taco girl gif

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18 U.S. Code § 227 – Wrongfully influencing a private entity’s employment decisions by a Member of Congress or an officer or employee of the legislative or executive branch:

(a) Whoever, being a covered government person, with the intent to influence, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation, an employment decision or employment practice of any private entity—
(1) takes or withholds, or offers or threatens to take or withhold, an official act, or
(2) influences, or offers or threatens to influence, the official act of another,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 15 years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
(b) In this section, the term “covered government person” means—
(1) a Senator or Representative in, or a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress;
(2) an employee of either House of Congress; or
(3) the President, Vice President, an employee of the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, or any other executive branch employee (as such term is defined under section 2105 of title 5, United States Code).

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Whoever, being a covered government person, with the intent to influence, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation

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So calling them "sons of bitches" who "should be fired" because they are not exhibiting the proper posture for worshiping the flag while at a political rally during a partisan political speech isn't based on partisan political affiliation?

Care to share those psychoactive drugs you are on, anon?

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The law you cite does not reference political (or any other kind of) expression. It is solely concerned with political affiliation.

For the record, IMHO Trump's an ass in this case, but he has not violated any law nor impugned any constitutional right.

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When you are wrote regurgitating text from the constitution, you are all about the words (despite two and a half centuries of case law), but now you are all about interpretation?


Neither of us are lawyers - it will be interesting to see how far this goes with actual lawyers and judges.

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Are you commenting on what I wrote or did you accidentally write a comment based on something else, because there is a disconnect between what I wrote and what you wrote?

Like, I never quoted from the Bill of Rights. I could now, but what's the point other than to give you the quote you want.

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Are you saying Trump secretly threatened to withhold permits from the NFL unless they fire the players, or are you just trying to generate fake buzz?

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It doesn't say anything about permits. It says that it is illegal for a president to advocate that private employers fire employees for partisan political reasons.

The law is pretty clear. You and Mr. Bay's gymnastics are pretending to make it more complicated than it is.

Put simply: Presidents Can Not Do This Period

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