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An important map for voting in Boston
By adamg on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 8:14am
Two Northeastern journalism students have put together a map showing the proximity of Dunkin' Donuts to polling places in Boston.
Free tagging:
Dunkin locations
The Dunkin Donuts on L street in Southie is missing on this map. Old data?
With elections around here
Recoronating all the incumbents, I'd rather have a map of nearby places to drown my sorrows.
They are doing God's work!
The Dunkin' Donuts they have
The Dunkin' Donuts they have marked in Brookline Village is closed, luckily there are a couple right up the street.
eye roll city
eye roll city
My polling place is in a DD desert!
Drunkin' Donuts: our local
Drunkin' Donuts: our local Fox News' favorite corporate sponsor... lame.
Is it for people who "donot"
Is it for people who "donot" know who to vote for?