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Haitians who fled here after 2010 earthquake given 18 months to go back

The Washington Post reports the Trump Administration has announced the end of "temporary protected status" for the Haitians. The Boston Haitian Reporter reports roughly 5,000 people in Massachusetts would be affected.

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It's been 7 years don't they want to go home?

Do I see any Boston Irish calling for people to be kicked out of their new home many years after they fled a disaster?

My lovely neighbor is Haitian, is a U. S. Citizen, and drives a gypsy cab part time and works at an auto body shop. I also call him every time I go food shopping so he can pick me up as I am not ambulatory and like to give him business. We became good friends and he told me he kept sending money back to his relatives in Haiti in 2010 after the earthquake every week so that his relatives could rebuild their houses. Because of his hard work and dedication, the homes were rebuilt within two years.

many ways under different names for the last 241 years. Puritans, Know Nothings, KKK, Dixiecrats McCarthyites, Libertarianism, LaRouchites, evangelicals, conservatives, Trumpsters. They are all the same. Meet the new nut same as the old nut.

...under Lincoln. many Americans shed blood in the Civil War. I guess the Democrats mended their ways. Well, a hundred years later...ya, whatever.

You libel a bunch of people that don't deserve it.

Tell me more, you seem to know so much. Oh, you left out the comma between "Dixiecrats" and " McCarthyites"...

republican party. I find it amusing that a republican is so sensitive about these observations and cries libel. I simply use the same generalizations as Limbaugh, Carr, Hannity, Savage, Brietbart, NRO, Levin...

Are you stupid, or are you disingenuous?

If stupid, you can read all about the Republicans' Southern Strategy here. It dates back to 1963. That's when the Republicans stopped being "the party of Lincoln", and there's really no excuse for anyone today not to know about this, as it happened over fifty years ago, but you can remedy stupid.

If disingenuous, just add this little merit badge to your well-ornamented sash of dishonest remarks. You take the prize.

Go ask them. I'm sure they would be able to easily answer your question.

Go home to where? It's not as if everything's been rebuilt.

Well, it's been six years...

...under the Obama Administration. The earthquake was in 2010. So, six long years.
President Obama made a serious miscalculation.
He left it to the State Department to help Haiti. Bad mistake, because Guess Who swung into action. I guess Hillary thought there was uranium there...no? Something better?



So, naturally, what happened next:




Where there's a buck to be made, Hillary will be there.

And so, the people of Haiti suffer.

My comment was about Hillary and GOLD!!.
And you cite some lame-ass 'maybe' (by snopes, no less) about screwing with the minimum wage.

Nothing about GOLD!!

Oh, BTW, I have a post somewhere else here where the clothing companies (ALL of them, screwed the people out of minimum wage).

The Trumpoids are flocking here - did it ever occur to you that by voiding the protective status of Haitians, Trump changes the dialogue from Puerto Rico to Haiti - deflecting the conversation from Trump's abysmal handling of relief assistance and get people to talk about the Clinton and Obama. Classic Donnie Two Scoops.

That tragedy was barely in the news a month ago, and only because the President picked a fight was a mayor.

No, the narrative this week is sexual assault. But hey, if you care about Puerto Rico, good. Someone who isn't Puerto Rican should. Of course, then there's the US Virgin Islands.

Puerto Rico is as much of a US territory as the US Virgin Islands.

Actually it has many times more US citizens (3-4m). So it is not about 'Puerto Ricans', it is about US citizens who are always treated as if they had a second-class citizenship because they aren't on US mainland.

I just got someone to contort to present a Democratic talking point.

Yes, both Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are US territories full of US citizens, just like Guam and American Samoa. Both Caribbean territories got devastated by hurricanes this year. People barely cared about one, and only when it was politically expedient, while the other has been basically ignored.

I guess if I wanted to think in the vein you think, perhaps I could ask if black lives matter after hurricanes.

attention as Florida and Texas.

How about we pay attention to all storm ravaged parts of the USA, equally and fairly?


Why do you care?

What difference does their presence in Boston make in your life?

What possible reason would make you interested in seeing them rounded up and kicked out?

I've not done much of anything for the Haitian community here or in Haiti, so I'd be a hypocrite to claim that I care. But if the government lets them stay here indefinitely, or gives them green cards, I see no reason why I should give a flying fuck. I don't care.

Why do you?

The party that claims to care about family values sure loves to break up families. Remember that part in the Bible where Jesus told people in need to get lost? The Trump administration will do whatever they can to make America more white.

The Trump administration should cut those folks a bit of a break. After all, it was the Clinton Charitable Foundation that did so much good for that beleaguered island after the earthquake.


"The Clinton family’s charitable work in Haiti has been a mix of success, disappointment and controversy. As our Washington Post colleagues reported, some Clinton-backed projects didn’t come through, such as a $2 million housing expo for thousands of new housing units. The Government Accountability Office found poor planning and unsustainable outcomes for taxpayer-funded projects through USAID, such as a $170 million power plant and port for the Caracol Industrial Park, which the Clinton Foundation promoted."

That guy is an idiot.. why? because the minute he gets deported, he won't be singing the great tunes of Donald Trump.

It's like any PoC who continues to support him, you're just shooting yourself in the foot.

He just wants to go home to a country that's not devastated by Earthquake Hillary.


"As Secretary of State, Clinton oversaw the U.S. response to Haiti’s earthquake. Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, was the United Nations Special Envoy, also director of the Clinton-Bush Fund, the Clinton Foundation, and co-chair of the Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission. To say that the lines were blurred is kind."

"Secretary Clinton supervised the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), one of the leading donors in the $16 billion effort, referred to as a “gold rush” by Ambassador Kenneth Merten."

"This plan didn’t work out so well. According to an October 2013 Worker Rights Consortium report, all 24 garment factories studied cheated workers out of legally-entitled minimum wages. Housing outside of the project was inadequate and way over budget, prompting criticism from the Government Accountability Office in a June 2013 report. They were so badly built they were in need of repair."

From Breitbart...go on, read the whole thing. I won't tell anyone. It's an interview with a former Haitian Senate President.

"On Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq told SiriusXM host Matt Boyle he was “not surprised at all” by revelations that the Clintons used Haiti’s earthquake and humanitarian crisis to enrich their friends. "On the contrary, this is just the tip of the iceberg,” Sansaricq said. “They haven’t discovered half of the stuff, the wrongdoing that the Clintons have been doing in Haiti.”




Breitbart and "counterpunch". Right.

I noticed that you never mentioned that Haiti is an independent country - also no mention of Puerto Rico.

You do realize what is going to happen to you and your fellow misanthropes in 2018 - the American people (that is the normal ones) are going to vote Repugs out of office and we are going to impeach your president for obstruction of justice, conspiracy with a foreign government, multiple violations of the emoluments clause, and money laundering (to name a few).

Now go and huff and puff, talk about Clinton, talk about Obama, take about illegals, take about Benghazi, talk about Uranium One, sanctuary cities - anything and everything, invent some more ridiculous conspiracy theories - but while you are screaming invectives, we are going to make the GOP irrelevant.

Why are Trump supporters so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? The election was more than a year ago. She isn't president. Time to move on.

That's funny, we were telling you to get over it when you were literally having candle light vigils because your choice of president lost.

I didn't go to any candle light vigils, but if I had it wouldn't have been because Hillary lost. It would've been because I lost all hope in the government, and was being represented by an old, rich, white man who brags about getting away with sexual harassment and can't even run a business well.

I wish I could've voted for Bernie, or another progressive, just to see if change is even possible.

"I wish I could've voted for Bernie, or another progressive, just to see if change is even possible."
Too bad she sandbagged it for herself. Remember Donna Brazile? Hasn't been that long, really. Read her book.

"... an old, rich, white man who brags about getting away with sexual harassment..."
Actually what he said, "...they let you grab..."
See, the word 'let' there is very important. Words have meanings. Go ahead, look up the definition.
Anyway, watch for more news about Bill. The dam has broken.


Cool meme, chud. Not sure what Bill Clinton's history of sexual assault has to do with Trump deporting Haitians, but if you want to go there, then yes I agree that Bill Clinton should be held accountable for these accusations. Just like I think Donald Trump should be held accountable for the accusations against him.

Rosemai brought it up...

Look, try to keep up, OK?

I gots a picture and it got werds and it comed to me off the inertnuts so IT PROVES EVERYTHING!!!!


Yes, it does...


Strawman! Strawman! I'm becoming an expert at spotting them.

...you actually brought up the subject, so no calling 'strawman' ok?

"an old, rich, white man who brags about getting away with sexual harassment"

See how that works? I quote you, yet I'm bringing the 'strawman' argument?

I mean you must be triggered to keep regurgitating this inane BS all of over this thread. "Trump deports Haitian refugees" but, buuuut, buuuuuuuuut, whatsabout$HILLLARY!?!?!??!?

It's because of Hillary that the place is such a train wreck. I mean, $16 Billion dollars? Really?

buuuut, buuuuuuuuut, whatsabout$HILLLARY!?!?!??!?



obfuscation. Good luck comrade.

HER EMAILS!!!1!1!!

My god, you're pathetic. Go seek help.


I said nothing about her emails. Try to keep up.

...as dumb as a box of rocks, you and your kindergarten "argument-winning" points. You really don't get it, do you?

You must have me confused for somebody else. I never went to any candlelight vigils. My point still stands. "What about Hillary" is not a defense for the heinous shit that Trump has said and done. It's like if somebody was on trial for murder and used "But what about Jeffrey Dahmer" as their defense.

Well, if you are eight years old you might think it is swell ... "But Billy Stomps In Puddles!!!!" is not a valid counterargument to "Dave, get out of that cookie jar!".

Sure, maybe the Russian media hasn't gotten that sorted just yet, but most parents and teachers of young children are more than onto it and don't accept it, either.

...but I'm thankful she's not.

"Why are Trump supporters so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? The election was more than a year ago. She isn't president. Time to move on."

$16 billion dollars spent in Haiti. Haiti is a failed train wreck. They needed help, they got the Clinton Foundation.

Why shouldn't she (and Bill) answer for that massive theft?

Fine, force them to answer for that. I don't care. This story isn't about the Clintons though. This story is about Trump. This constant whataboutism from Trump defenders is getting really tired. We are talking about the actions of Donald Trump. Whenever somebody criticizes this guy, you people fall back on this tu quoque bullshit because there is no reasonable defense for him. It's pathetic. Stop trying to change the subject and hold this man, the current president of the United States, accountable for the things he's done.

"Dear President Trump,

Haiti has been a train wreck since the earthquake. Why didn't you fix it already? Oh, and don't give me the story that you only got sworn in in 2017."

Seems like he gave everyone a year and a half to fix it. So, maybe with the CCF out of the way, it can happen.

First of all, Haiti is its own sovereign country. Second, this has nothing to do with "fixing Haiti", but with expelling refugees from our country after 7 years.

He gave them another 18 months. So...

...your manbaby Trump will be out of a job and hopefully in jail. Better stock up on crying towels.

Forgive me if I fail to grant you any credibility whatsoever for having genuine concern for Haitian people. In my defense, it's your consistently bigoted conduct here that has led me in that direction.

You have no defense.
I have genuine concern for them, probably because I know more Haitian people than you.
If you have any proof of my 'bigoted' conduct here, then submit the proof, or shut the fuck up.

...is cite your posting history. You are a bigot. If it gives you agida that your childish "I win I win I WIN THE ARGUMENT!!!" implausible denials are not getting any takers, well, try being honest for a change. \

No one believes you. NO ONE. Let that sink in.

piece of shit.

...about the definition of the word 'temporary'?

No there is not. Is there some confusion about the word humanity?

What does he accomplish sending these people back to an impoverished country? Where is the evidence they have cost America more then their work and spending are worth?

He delights his base, as pointless cruelty to non-white people moves his approval ratings in the right direction more than anything else

Rump's approval numbers have been on a downward slide for months, as the people who voted for him finally realize he's going to rape them like minor starlets.

Might be good to leave the Hollywood Democrats out of this...just sayin'...

They didn't get temporary protected status because they were from an impoverished country. If that were the case, we'd have twice the population in America now, since a shitload of people live in impoverished countries. They got TPS because of the earthquake. That was the reasoning behind their temporary status.

I feel for these people. They are here legally, at least for now. A lot of them have set down roots, started families, worked jobs that have helped the local economy. But in the end, it was temporary. If Congress wants to pass legislation to give them permanent status, they could (and really should), but they signed up for temporary status, so that's what they had until now.

they didn't "sign up" for temporary status.
that was literally their only option.

Haiti being impoverished had alot to do with TPS designation, given the utter lack of infrastructure and state resources for reconstruction.

The easiest, yet more painful, route would have been to stay in Haiti, or if they were in the states to return home when their visas expired. I mean, there are still people living there, in poverty as it has seemingly always been.

They also could have gone to other countries. Quebec (and yes, Quebec is not a country, but the way Canada's immigration laws are set up, it is for the sake of this argument) would love to have immigrants who speak something approximating French.

In the end, the protected status was temporary. Even though I am not thrilled with it being ended, the reality should have been clear the entire time- some day you will have to leave and return to where it is you came.

"Temporary", by any reasonable definition, means in this case "until conditions back home are fixed in such a way that it makes sense to send them back." Do check in and let us know when that's happened in Haiti.

This is what moves me- yes, temporary is temporary but the problems they got TPS for are not even close to resolved.

Conditioning immigration policy on the third world getting its act together isn't really a condition at all.

Adulthood is being at peace with the fact that some places and some people don't really do "responsible government" or "human rights" or both to our standards. You're either at peace with it or you're off to war to crusade for western civilization over every little thing. Speaking in absolutes doesn't really get you anywhere you want to go.

Because it has been looted and punished for centuries.

But I don't expect a "better immigrant than THOSE immigrants" to have any grasp of that brutal history.

Third World countries are NOT ALLOWED TO GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER. Dimwit.

...about the point of immigration policy? Why there sure seems to be. Let me unconfuse you.

  • 50,000 Haitians have temporary protected status (about 5000 in MA)
  • 81% of those age 16+ are in the labor force and 4% are self-employed
  • 30% arrived in the US at age 15 or younger
  • 16% have been in the US 20 years or more
  • 9% are married to a legal US resident
  • 23% have a mortgage
  • 71% have completed high school and 37% have attended college

Now tell me: what useful purpose would be served by chucking these people out?

It was temporary refugee status until the old country got its shit together.

Oh: 16% have been in the US 20 years or more.
So, you're not counting the 2000 earthquake status people?
Look, this is about a specific group of people. If you are counting people here 20 years or longer, you're off topic.

...that data confuses you.

There are no "2000 earthquake status people". There are Haitian people in the US today who did not all come after the earthquake, but whose return to Haiti is a big fat problem because of the earthquake. Get it now? Good. Now stay on topic.

Does that mean that murder should be legal?

Oh, wait - you are enough of a fascist to support that.

Why didn't Obama make them permanent while he had the chance?

That's the duty of Congress.

It amazes me that people somehow think Presidents make laws. The President has some powers based on the Constitution, but most of the powers are delegated to Congress. Sure, over the years a lot of powers have been ceded to the Executive, but only through acts of Congress.

Did Obama make the case to Congress? Did he make the case to anyone?

because the group regularly received extensions with the hope that one day they would return to a better homeland. Unfortunately, Haiti is still a mess.

They need to make room for all the refugees from Puerto Rico who have to move to the mainland to survive our disastrous, despicable, deadly response.

Classic Twitlerian policy: sadistic and sad.

Today's announcement regarding Temporary Protected Status for Haitians confirms what many of us feared: the Trump administration intends to end TPS protection for Haitian nationals in July 2019.

This outcome is tempered only by the reality that many of the forces on the other side of this debate sought an immediate expulsion of Haitian nationals with TPS status. Instead, what we have now is an 18 month window in which we must plan, organize, advocate and persist in our collective work to protect the best interests of Americans and Haitians alike; to strive to protect human rights at its most fundamental level.

We are grateful to our allies in state legislatures, governors, mayors, city councils, editorial boardrooms and the halls of Congress who have joined us in calling for the better angels of our national spirit to prevail in this cause. I am hopeful that we will, ultimately, prevail in our work to help those most in need.

The nearly 60,000 men, women and children impacted directly by this decision are not merely numbers on a spreadsheet. These are real people, with real stories of struggle and heartaches and triumphs. We must not betray them by relegating them to data points or rhetorical devices. US citizens and their representatives in government must weigh the reality of Haiti's ongoing crisis with a mix of compassion, clear-thinking and conscience.

Today's decision is neither a defeat or a victory, but rather a call to action, a rallying point. We are resolved to stay the course, to work towards a just resolution that leans on our universal commitment to uplifting all people, particularly those whose lives have been disrupted and in some cases destroyed by natural disaster.

in the death-wish law-flaunting cab driver industry.

All kidding aside I am not looking forward to ICE jackboots rolling through my neighborhood in Mattapan, with its high Haitian population, and dragging folks outta there.
This is just sad....

Many jobs about to open up new in the death-wish law-flaunting cab driver industry.

Haitians who drive for Uber, and I assume the stricter-regulated cab industry, take care of business and take care of it quite well. Immigration laws especially.

The right ones are going back.

"flouting" not "flaunting"

Two very different things.