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MS-13 member admits he killed a teen in East Boston to get a gang promotion; faces life in prison


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I've said it before, it's like this "gang" (or whatever you want to call it) doesn't even care about making money. They just care about public intimidation & publically recognized murders. Some career path...

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Asks the FBI how many more members of MS-13 are still living in East Boston and elsewhere in Greater Boston and if there is still an active joint task force (with Boston Police) working to make criminal cases against members committing crimes. The drug trade is what sustains them. Are we still creating new addicts through prescription and illicit drugs? Do they push or keep their heads down and supply the addicts?

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Is this the equivalent of murder for profit?

I object to the death penalty because rarely is it possible to absolutely, without any doubt, know if one person killed another for no reason other than desire to profit (our better than some but still very imperfect judicial system notwithstanding). Yet when a person admits to killing in cold blood does that merit an exception? This is tantamount to murder for profit.

Thou shalt not murder. Instruction to the state and the individual. But when the state or individual does murder - clearly, unequivocally, at an absolute level of beyond doubt, what is the appropriate response? Paying a great sum to warehouse the person for the rest of their life?

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Life in prison is cheaper than the death penalty. Personally, I'm against the death penalty because the LAST entity I want deciding who lives or dies is the state and/or our justice system.

You know what would be really great? If we would 1) get rid of for-profit prisons, 2) stop the war on drugs, and 3) actually design prisons to rehabilitate offenders.

I think that would be the appropriate response.

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In the 1980's the US supported the Salvadoran military in a civil war against the peasants of this Central American country. The war lasted 12 years and 75,000 lost their lives. We sent arms, trained their death squads at the notorious School of the Americas and empowered the murderous war criminal Roberto D'Aubuisson. It wasn't until four American church women were kidnapped, raped and murdered; six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her 16 year old daughter slaughtered; and Monsignor Oscar Romero was murdered at the altar as he celebrated Mass that the US pulled back.

As a side effect, or collateral damage, Salvadorans fled their homeland and sought asylum in the US. Some settled in Boston, many more in L.A. Many of the young men among these refugees, traumatized by what they had experienced, impoverished and often here without immediate family, could not successfully integrate into US society. They did not complete their schooling due to language barriers, and took to the streets, selling drugs. They were incarcerated and banded together inside prison, forming the gang known as MS-13. When their sentences were completed, they were deported to El Salvador. The same cycle of social alienation was again enacted, and rejected as being "Americanized", lacking any family ties or employable skills and hardened by prison life, they took up their old trade - gangs, violence and drugs.

Now MS-13 is perhaps an import from El Salvador, but it was born here in our prison system, because we intervened in someone else's country under Ronald Reagan to stop the spread of godless communism in our backyard.

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Deposing Mossadegh and backing the Shah in 1953... We are still paying for that one. Reagan's central American adventures brought us MS13. The Iraq war brought us ISIS. The hits keep coming

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National Geographic did a piece on them

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