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The white-supremacist warehouse in Charlestown

The Dig takes us inside the warehouse of a company that sells home-security devices, where the walls are festooned with white-supremacist posters and Trump stuff.

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Let them know how you feel: https://simplisafe.com/contact-us

Their headquarters are actually in the Financial District:

294 Washington St, Fl 9
Boston, MA 02108

This trash doesn't belong in our great city.

Isn't this the same company that fired employees who complained about a rat & bedbug infestation in the downtown offices a few months ago. How does the Globe not write a profile about this company after these revelations?!?

Thank you, UHub for again not letting important news like this fall through the cracks.

"Thank you, UHub for again not letting important news like this fall through the cracks."

Every day AG posts important stories about killings in Dorchester and Roxbury.

Every day, one or two comments. If that.

Thanks, AG for posting the important stories.

Also, thanks for posting the stories that get you page hits from the virtue signalling that see racism in everything.

Also, thanks for posting the stories that get you page hits from the virtue signalling that see racism in everything.

Couldn't be bothered to read the article, huh? Figures.

"In one instance, a white supervisor allegedly said to a majority black and Latin team, “I’m like a slavemaster and you’re my slaves.” When this incident was related to the company’s human resources department, United SimpliSafe said, it was chalked up to a misunderstanding and no discipline was administered to the offending party."

"I arrived to work early one day and saw that on my supervisor’s desk was a printout with 50-plus copies of the Pepe the frog meme holding a smoking gun that read ‘Goodnight Left Side."

"Jeromski described a workplace where people of color didn’t advance and the white managerial class maintained white hegemony in professional and social settings. Nonwhite workers wouldn’t receive recognition for their work, Jeromski said, and were frequently passed over for less experienced white workers. And nobody would talk to them."

But you, dmcboston, have a long long history here as a racist apologist, so I'm not surprised at anything you say.

"Couldn't be bothered to read the article, huh? Figures."

Since you're so clairvoyant and know where I get my information, then explain how I got the 'Pepe the frog' link from the ADL cited in the article. Scroll down, you'll see it. It's the comment with the subject line "From the article...".

So, I guess I read it.

"But you, dmcboston, have a long long history here as a racist apologist, so I'm not surprised at anything you say."

You, ibb, are libeling me, unless you can prove that statement. Which you cannot.

You're just full of baloney. But I get it. You're on the side of the virtuous.

Truth is an absolute defense against a charge of libel.

Good luck with the libel suit.

and that earlier Dig article also sites numerous instances of sexual and racial harassment at the downtown call center, including a manager joking that since his ancestors owned slaves he had the right to rape his subordinates. Slave humor seems to be a theme throughout the company.


SimpliSafe is supposedly on track to take their company public, so you'd think they would have incentive to meaningfully address these issues.

As for your comment about the Globe, the reporting has been done at the Dig. I think at this point it's time for state or city investigators to step up.

I mean, really?

Someone should send this story to their venture capital firm:


Seems unwise to alienate so many potential customers by allowing this kind of behavior.

The product, it seems, doesn't work and the customer service sucks.

It's possible the reviews are politically motivated.

A product made by self-absorbed paranoids preoccupied with the relative size of their dicks just sucks.

...the reviews are politically motivated.

...racist-apologist dmcboston is clutching at yet another feeble sinking straw.

"...racist-apologist dmcboston is clutching at yet another feeble sinking straw."

Citation, please.

Put up or shut up, lightweight.

Everything you post on UHub.

Take your time, anon.

Continuous stream - probably better than your orange haired hero could manage.

Google is your friend. The SimpliSafe product went to market with an unfixable security flaw. The hardware had to be junked and replaced.

I found a couple of reviews, like Amazon and Cnet, where they seemed to like the product. The reviews, however were a bit stale, the Cnet one was 2013.

ED: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/02/17/simplisafe-alarm-...

Just found this Forbes article. Apparently it was ADT and Vivint also. They were using unencrypted signals between the alarm stations, which could be captured by someone within range.

No, not me, I mean one of the posters hanging in the warehouse

An image of Bernie Sanders with the word “Cuck” printed over his chest.


On a bus trip to Canada to buy meds. I would call that a pretty fine middle finger to the establishment myself. When did rejecting the status quo become the exclusive province of the alt-right?

with his giving the middle finger to America?

Did Bernie mean it to go along with his giving the middle finger to America?

Translate into English, please.

spectacle on the South Lawn yesterday? The scum in the GOP kissing that traitor's ass for signing their Christmas gift to the rich, one of whom is Bernie?

The spoiled little Clinton Campaign girls loved to say that made him unqualified.

Do your homework. .

Bernie absolutely is rich. If being a millionaire and owning 3 homes isn’t rich than I don’t know what is...

Bernie earned a million dollars one year.

But he refused to do any paid speeches for Wall Street firms and other powerful interests. Other big-name politicians make almost a million dollars for a SINGLE appearance.

Well, we already know that you think that screaming things out the window at Asians is funny, too. You don't have to double down on the stupidity.

All I see are two "socialism sucks" stickers (which Venezuela and Cuba have proven that it does), and a hardo NRA poster which, while juvenile, is in no way an attack on any person.

These people sound like complete dolts, but the photos don't serve their breathless headline.

Good thing there is a whole article of words to read that do.

Remember how they were widely distributing Pepe propaganda? Which BTW, is hung up on posters you can clearly see in the article.

Or when minority employees were called slaves while their boss called himself a slavemaster?

You should be a publicist when the amount of spin and non-denial denials you are trying to slip through.

Or when minority employees were called slaves while their boss called himself a slavemaster?

What you said is different that this:

In one instance, a white supervisor allegedly said to a majority black and Latin team...

I was summarizing what the article said.

Black people and Latinos are minorities.

The article states their boss said he's their slavemaster and that they are slaves.

Not sure what you are trying to call me on...

Read the article, Will. If you want to be an apologist for racism after that, go ahead, give it a try.

And I said in another comment "these people sound like dolts."

The article has photos of the festooned walls, but I'm not seeing the white supremacist posters. Please point them out.

To have been so isolated from everything to not realize what the frog posters mean..

right about fourteen months ago when suddenly every single leftist news outlet, from NYT, to Atlantic, to NPR, and all in between started frothing at the mouth about some frog I never heard of being a symbol of racism.

I remember sitting in the car, hearing that on the way to work, and all I could say to myself was, W.T.F.

Also, ribbit ribbit.

that must mean it's not for real. Because you, Roman, recognize every racist dog whistle out there.

You and capecoddah and dmcboston need to get a room, seriously. Somewhere other than Boston, preferably.


This guy who gets punched in the face helped organize the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville. They wanted street violence. They wanted racial violence. One of the neo-Nazis who attended killed a women in an act of terror.


you are an OLD racist. Get with the TIMES man! You're brand of hate and intolerance is old news. There are all kinds of memes and propaganda you need to catch up on.

"To have been so isolated from everything to not realize what the frog posters mean.."

Here's the frog in question:

have to be roundly debunked before you stop repeating it?

We get it: you're a sympathizer, and you're hoping to keep the true meaning of Pepe a secret. Sorry, the cat's out of the bag on that one.

Maybe you could go off and create another crude cartoon "secret" symbol of white supremacism. Nothing earns respect among our new baby Nazis like the skill of creating memes. (That's actually true.)

As it turns out, if you read the article, like ibb insists, you'd know that my "stupid lie about Pepe" is supported by one of the links in the article.

Go ahead, click on it. Or just scroll down a bit.

It is true it was co-opted as a meme, but apparently, according to perruptor, the originator is suing them. I hope the guy wins. *

I'm not a sympathizer and I've never worked in anything less than a professional environment.

You know nothing, slim.

* ED: I just read the provided links from Perruptor. Apparently the originator successfully stopped a book that featured the frog. So now they're going after just about everybody for copyright infringement. I understand, but maybe Pepe's just way too distributed.

Pepe might have had an innocent explanation once, but that ship has long since sailed. It's now widely used as a not-so-covert symbol of white supremacism.

You might gull some simpletons with that specious explanation, but this is uHub: we know racists when we see 'em.

Shaddap with your bullshit apologies for neo-Nazi symbols. The fights you pick tell us everything we need to know about your sympathies.


"The Pepe the Frog character did not originally have racist or anti-Semitic connotations."
"The majority of uses of Pepe the Frog have been, and continue to be, non-bigot"

See? It was hijacked. It was a frog. It is still a fucking frog.

Is the swastika still a symbol of prosperity and spirituality? Try displaying it on your car or at your workplace and let us know how your efforts to enlighten observers work out.

The originator of Pepe the Frog is suing several persons and sites that have used his creation as a racist tool. He's donating the proceeds to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Watch them claim their 1st Amendment rights are being trampled. Stupid people.

"Nazis" tag? that escalated schnell.

If you don't understand the symbols of the "alt-reich", then it is your loss, not ours.

when I lived on Decatur Street was nigger and liberal.

Liberals was worse. Meanwhile , this attitude is prevalent among most of the old Townies still, so why is the Dig looking for trouble where there isn't any?

Oh, wait. I forgot who the editor was.

You seem to be an apologist for a toxic racist workplace in the present because your old homies were a bunch of room-temperature-IQ bigots. Is that what you're really trying to say?

You want to run down there and call each and every one of those old Townies out for being the racists they obviously are to their faces?

See where it gets you.

Then you can try and explain to me where I issued a statement of apology.

What's your point?

You want to run down there and call each and every one of those old Townies out for being the racists they obviously are to their faces?

No, son, I don't. Did I say that? Please be coherent and explain exactly where you're going with this, and then google the term "apologist" because you clearly don't know what it means. What do your racist neighbors of eons past have to do with this?

you might take a second and think about that last question. That's who we're talking about here.

And of course you don't.

you might take a second and think about that last question. That's who we're talking about he

OK, so YOU'RE talking about your racist townie neighbors from back in the day. Again, third time now: what does that have to do with anything? Seriously.

And of course you don't.

And of course I don't what? There's no antecedent. Make sense.

you're just boring.

Brian Riccio said a bad word! Make him stand in the corner at recess!

Adam, can you disperse this somewhere else? I had actually looked at this company for some security products in the past but chose not to use them. I'd never use them after reading this article.

Perhaps cnet should be made aware of this article and reminded of their recommendation. What about reddit?

But it's a Dig/BINJ article, and they're pretty good about publicizing their own work.

This company had "I'm with her" posters and pictures of Trump in a diaper? Would you use them then?

thing as supporting a neo-Nazi movement.


Pretty sure this company is a sponsor of the Crooked Media podcasts done by President Obama's former speechwriters (Pod Save America et al) which are, to quote the NY Times, "The Voices in Blue America's Head"

I don't understand at all how scum like this would a) advertise on such a left-leaning platform, and b) that the guys over there at Crooked media would allow them to. How bizarre.

Thanks for sharing, Adam.

the largest display of PARADOXES on the planet should visit the parking lot here in summer to see said supervisors in a running Honda, adorned with Trump and MAGA stickers, with the windows down and AC blaring, smoking weed on lunch break.
I wish I was joking, but you can't make this stuff up.

Is there some political qualification required to smoke weed?

I think it's just more cognitive dissonance, which is so pervasive on the far Right that it's almost not worth remarking on; it can be assumed.

Mele kalikimaka.

God fearing caucausian christians who protect this nation from the Mexican Muslim invasion funded by Hillary and George Soros. Pepe the frog is a symbol of love among men. These men are close, joined from behind. Please don't judge them on this closeness.