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Florida man, brides end Boston wedding day with brawl in Tremont Street bar

UPDATE: No violation of state and city licensing regulations, the board ruled.

A wedding party up from Florida capped their festive day by attacking bouncers and customers at the Beantown Pub, 100 Tremont St., when the two brides were denied entry for being already drunk and not having any ID, since there was no place to put it in the wedding dresses they were still wearing, police and a bar attorney said today.

At a Boston Licensing Board hearing this morning, police said the two newlyweds, one of their fathers and three or four women in the wedding walked over to the bar from the neighboring Nine Zero hotel around 1:20 a.m. on Oct. 30.

Refused admittance, the brides began yelling at the doorman that he was a homophobe. Members of the wedding party told arriving police officers this was why they were forcefully turned away and attacked.

But a lawyer for the bar gave an alternate reason for the bar's refusal to let them in: He said the party was "stumbling" when they tried to enter and that three members of the party were already holding drinks - a beer bottle and a glass and a Styrofoam cup filled with alcohol. Plus, neither of the brides, still in their wedding gowns, had IDs with them.

When the doorman denied them entry, the father began getting agitated and started threatening the doorman, he said, at which point a Beantown Pub regular in a Patriots jersey grabbed dad from behind to try to restrain him. Three of the women in the party then attacked the patron, grabbing his beard and pulling on his jersey, the attorney said.

Three or four other pub patrons then joined in, at which point, he said, the doorman "calmly" made his way through the burgeoning melee to try to get dad out. As he was pushing the father out, the man "jumped on top of him" and began punching him, and the doorman and dad and other people spilled to the ground.

After police arrived, the father claimed the doorman bit him. The pub attorney denied that, saying the fresh toothmarks on his hand came from when the guy punched the doorman in the mouth - hard enough to cause impressions on his hand, but not hard enough to remove any of the doorman's teeth.

The licensing board decides Thursday whether any punishment is warranted for the incident.

One of the formal charges listed on a police citation was for failing to call police after the melee. A bar manager acknowledged he did not do so, but said that was because one of the brides loudly announced she was calling police and then kept telling bar workers and patrons that the police were on the way, and the manager said he felt it was more important to stay out front to try to keep order rather than going to his office in the back to get his phone.



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I remember when Beantown Pub was Emperor of China, and before that, for old timers like me, it was Dini's seafood restaurant, a Boston institution for many years.

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1. For the Beantown Pub to refuse admission to someone because they were drunk, based on my previous few visits to this establishment, means these people were bombed more than Berlin circa May 1945. Good for the bar to hold the line.

2. The Beantown was not Dini's. Dini's was where Nine Zero is next door. (You should have seen the number of dead mice in the kitchen a few weeks after it closed when I walked through it circa 1995).

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The truth will come out when the snapchats, videos, taken by bystanders are released. The bar and other venues should have captured the brawl between the brides and the bouncers.

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Wasn't that a MGM musical, starring June Allyson and Jane Powell as the brides, and Gene Kelly and John Wayne as the bouncers?

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Florida Man.

I mean, I've sort of hit the top of my journalistic career: I've written a Florida Man story!

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Very true my friend, very true. It’s all downhill from here.

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Your work here is done, you pixel-stained wretch.

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Ever notice how half of our 'local' news 5'oclock segments are dedicated to the embarrassment of riches that is spawned from Florida?

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They basically pick up stories done by other stations owned by Ansin for their “national” segment. So yeah, the rest of the US is southern Florida.

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And it's douche bags like these that will go on Yelp and say it was all the bar's fault.

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Some people just. shouldn't. drink.

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license holder on a lanyard for continuing your bomber past the reception.

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I had no problem working a small pocket into the hem of my wedding gown.

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It's crazy how people can act like drunkin lunatics in the street and because they choose to show up at Beantown the BAR is now facing charges even though they were refused entry.

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that they were not acting.

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They will laugh about this at their joint 20th anniversary party, which will culminate in 12 guests being arrested and 3 hospitalized.

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the part where the brides accused the doorman of being a homophobe. Were the brides marrying each other?

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Lesbian Bridezillas

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If this is the case, then it's another major milestone on the road to true equality. if two girls from Florida can get into a brawl with a Boston bouncer on their wedding day, then perhaps a new day has dawned at last.

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as vicious as men. Don't let the feminist zealots tell you otherwise.

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Poor little duckie.

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Quack Quack.

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Maybe true, maybe not, but I'm sure said belief will figure hugely in your continued willingness to throw victims of sexual harassment under the bus while touting your unwillingness to report such things being done to you as some sort of moral virtue.

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You ok? Or are you one of those feminist zealots? It is true, my friend, as I can attest from my own personal experiences (as well as various women in history, but that is another topic for another time).

In regards to throwing people who have experienced sexual harassment and/or assault under the bus (which, BTW, I would ever never do), all I can say is that I am not going to share my own personal experiences (which do involve sexual harassment and assault) with this board. I will just say that your comment is so far a field and such an assumption that I would not even honor it with a detailed reply.

BTW: I am a woman, just in case you are making another assumption that I am a man.

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I guess I should have figured that out when you didn't name yourself whyadrake.

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"I'm not like those other women, I'm an honorary man!" I won't hold you accountable for your behavior - I'll just throw other women under the bus whenever I can!

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Where did I say that I would not hold a person accountable for their behavior? All I said is that some women can be as vicious as men. If you don't believe, that, then have nothing more to say to you.

I am not a "honorary man" because I have witnessed the vicious side of women.

(That comment in itself is telling. So you call me a "man" because I do not have a love fest with all woman. Being a ahole does not discriminate between the sexes, my friend. And, unlike yourself it appears, I like men).

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don't believe me when I tell them I'm really not that very nice.

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A Boston Marriage.

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The two brides married each other. Sorry for not figuring out how to make that clear.

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Florida don’t ever change

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Nothing says "classy" quite so succinctly as brawling with a bouncer at your own wedding party.

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bar-hopping. Which seems kinda creepy in itself, especially given the brides were still in their gowns.

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They were staying at Nine Zero, were drinking, decided to go next door for some replenishment, allegedly.

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in addition to Adam's comment, it's not creepy. It's actually a bit of a thing for wedding party members, even the newly weds, to go out for additional libations after the reception is done.

And in the spirit of making it about me: I personally didn't do it because I was in a way out of the way location for my wedding, but the wedding party and us newlyweds did hang for a while having the old mansion to ourselves before retiring to our rooms. That was an amazing wedding gift to us from the wedding party: to stay the night in our wedding venue.

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...Florida TRASH. How cliché.

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... that this is only marginally more acceptable than looking at a mug shot and saying "Typical <race> behavior."

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but your position certainly is incorrect.

How the hell is generalizing people from Florida akin to racism?

The only thing Florida has going for itself outside of its supposed "great weather" is that there are people of nearly all ethnicities and backgrounds there. That wasn't the case 50 years ago, but one can hear plenty of Spanish, Haitian Creole, and more recently, Portuguese being spoken nowadays

And with people constantly relocating from the north, there are plenty of New Yawkers, Bostonians, Pennsylvanians, you name it.

Yet somehow, in this potpourri of geographical and ethnic diversity, located in a state taking the shape of a flaccid wiener, Floridians come together to produce the highest concentration of nutbags in all the land.

Be proud, Sunshine Staters.

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The Nutbag State?

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It's classist. See White Trash.

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Don't be redundant.

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Once when I worked downtown a (Latina) coworker and I went there for lunch. Long story short, we were sat in the back by the pool tables when the place was basically empty. The waitress never came to take our order, and when we complained and said we would be leaving all we got was an 'ok.' So no love lost for them.

As for this story, meh.

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Sounds like you experienced really bad service.

Maybe the "long story short" version was lacking sone necessary details.

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Maybe we could've chalked the wait up to bad service, or maybe they put us in the back because they thought we wanted privacy, or maybe they assumed we didn't drink water so didn't bother offering us any. And maybe they thought we showed up at lunch time because we just had all this time to waste. But when it was all topped off by a 'go eff yourself' attitude to a paying patron, yea I assumed race played a part. And mind you, I'm a black guy born and raised in Boston who DOESN'T think it's an overly racist place. Beantown Pub though is a different story.

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Beantown is a "sit where you like" kind of place--never seen anyone told to sit somewhere, especially the loft.

And one of their bartenders is the surliness in the city, so if you were chastised by for complaining it's completely normal--you're not as special as you think!

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We were definitely escorted to the back, make of it what you will. And it was a waitress, not a bartender.

In any event I don't usually make a big deal out of race-related things. Ultimately, who cares. But we both made a conscious decision to never frequent Beantown Pub again.

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The back rounded part of the bar is the best spot to sit anyways. If you are going to miss out on the plastic cups of water, you might as well be in premium* seating.

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The back rounded part of the bar is the best spot to sit anyways.

No, that's the worst seating. Don't ever go there. Leave those seats empty.

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It isn't racism until some white person validates it as racism.

Goes for other "isms" too - sexism has to be validated by a man, etc.

Seems that women and minorities cannot possibly be trusted to evaluate their own experiences.

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When have you experienced racism?

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Can we get the BPD to send them a few copies of the mug shots for the wedding album?

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They came up from Florida to have a wedding in Boston? In January? Don't get me wrong, I love Boston, but my girlfriend and I spent Christmas in Jupiter, FL, where it was a constant 80 degrees.

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The incident was Oct. 30. The hearing was yesterday.

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was the first state to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, whereas Florida had to be dragged to the altar kicking and screaming. Perhaps they wanted to be married in a place where their marriage would be celebrated, and they would be welcomed. Their only mistake was thinking that the Beantown Pub would be a good place to experience genuine Boston hospitality. A clue for the future: if it has "Beantown" in the name, it's bullshit Boston.

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Wait a sec. Another mistake may have been going to a bar 30 min before closing time, hammered, and with no ID.

I will agree that Beantown doesn't exactly resonate old school authenticity, but it is right on Tremont St next t a boutique hotel...

  1. . Their only mistake was thinking that the Beantown Pub would be a good place to experience genuine Boston hospitality. A clue for the future: if it has "Beantown" in the name, it's bullshit Boston.
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Obvious one: most of your invitees live up here and you want them to be able to attend without incurring travel costs.

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Perhaps an annual Boxing match to commemorate the historic event - Beantown Bouncers vs Bombed Beach Bridezillas
Could become a thing like NYPD vs BPD boxers.

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