I-93 after the cops moved in. Photo by Annabelle Blake.
A large group of masked riders on dirt and quad bikes who spent the day stunting, blocking traffic and scaring pedestrians on streets around Boston had their trek ended by State Police on the Southeast Expressway at Mass. Ave, where troopers and other officers blocked them in - and shot one in the foot as he tried to flee arrest around 5 p.m.
Jonathan Berk looked out his window and spotted "30+ 4 wheelers and mopeds go by on 93 tailed by 4 staties:"

John Hanzl reported from the South End:
There's about 24 police cruisers blocking off all the on ramps to the highway. Lots of ambulances going everywhere.
Boston bike life 0
State police 1
Next round will be interesting pic.twitter.com/DwWekP7BXj
— CNN Haiti (@spydaman617) February 25, 2018
Annabelle Blake reported seeing "a bunch of folks in cuffs."
Cannot outrun/race the law. Esp not on a quad.... FYI 93 is a clustah rn. @universalhub #boston #traffic pic.twitter.com/nofgpPPxjJ
— annabelleb (@annabelleblake) February 24, 2018
In a statement, State Police said:
Preliminary investigation indicates that approximately 25-35 individuals were riding off-road bikes, motorcycles, and ATVs in a reckless manner in Boston today. Police received numerous 911 calls reporting reckless operation by this group that was endangering the public.
At about 5:00 p.m., Troopers observed the group traveling in an erratic and dangerous manner on Route 93 Southbound in Boston. Troopers encountered them on the ramp from Route 93 Southbound to Exit 18 (Mass Avenue) and attempted to effect arrests.
During that encounter, a Trooper discharged his weapon, striking one of the riders, a 28-year-old Randolph man. That man was transported to Boston Medical Center for treatment of what is believed to be a non-life-threatening injury. Another rider — who was not shot — complained of pain and was transported to an area hospital for evaluation. A Trooper sustained a knee injury during the incident and was transported to Mass General Hospital for treatment.
Five suspects were arrested and charged with various offenses. They have been transported to area barracks for booking and are expected to be arraigned in Boston Municipal Court next week. The two suspects who were transported to the hospital are also expected to be charged. State Police seized approximately 20 motorcycles and ATVs.
Several riders evaded apprehension during this incident.
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More like..
By jennifersostano2001
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 2:34pm
I'm surprised...
By dmcboston
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 11:35am
...that you don't know personally or have a relative that was in Jordan at the time.
But I do. I called Uncle Duckduckgo (the search engine that doesn't track you!) and came up with the following truthy meme stories.
and of course, since you set the precedent of citing Wiki...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September
Oh, just as an aside, the whole 'bacon fat on bullets' thing is pure Hollywood bullshit, Gunga Din.
Any jihadist that dies in the service of Allah gains paradise. He can be buried in a bucket of pig fat, it doesn't matter.
John's right on the money.
You mean academic sites like
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 11:37am
You mean academic sites like Wikipedia?
You must not be a statistician
By anon
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 9:37am
The Wikipedia pages detailing academic statistics are some of the best teaching tools on the planet.
You might look into how Wikipedia works. It is a consortium, and there is quality control. It is great for overviews on some subjects, and completely awesome for statistics - an academic subject that many who stay in school study.
Your tribal ignorance of why teachers don't like it (it is too simple, isn't a primary source, they have a bone up their rear ends) doesn't make it a bad source for simple explanations or, even, complicated statistical analysis explanations. But, hey, I wouldn't expect someone who probably didn't finish high school to understand these nuances or what "academic" even means.
Insulting headline...check.
By dmcboston
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 3:49pm
Opening clever self-affirming statement...check.
Paragraph to explain how great the point of view is...check.
Devolving into personal insults against the poster...check.
Hiding behind an AC (anonymous coward, as seen on Slashdot) even though there is a username available...check.
Wearing sunglasses so no one can guess the identity...check.
But...I know you're not Swirlygrrl because a while back grrl kicked the stuffing out of me for citing a wiki article..."not scientific enough" or other such lame bullshit.
Madness on the motorway.
By Ah-Clem
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 8:03pm
I was heading to work via Melena Cass, over the highway and NB on 93 as this went down.
It seemed to have been a well planned maneuver by the State police to box them in. there were several cop cars lying wait along Melnea ready to head the wrong way up the 93 exit ramp along Frontage road. As I crested the overpass, could the bikers kids heading down either the ramp or the frontage road with 4 or 5 cop cars in pursuit. About that time the cop cars on Menea were coming up the wrong way boxing the kids in. There was a lot of circling and scrambling by the biker kids and the two lines of cops closed in. Bikes we dropped and kids we running. I heard what I thought was a gunshot and suddenly a mass of them jumped the retaining wall and ran onto 93 southbound into traffic which was as usual moving slowly. Some were on foot and some were pulling their bikes over the wall, and running willy-nilly through traffic. Lots of honking ensued. About that point I was merging into traffic north bound and missed the rest of the show.
A footnote
By Ah-Clem
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 8:13pm
I had encountered them earlier in the day around 2pm while South Bay Center from Mass Ave. there was easily 40 or more of them on a variety of vehicles, scooters, motorbikes, along with 3 and 4 wheel ATVs. They blasted down Mass Ave in both lanes of traffic ignoring signals and signs zipping and zipping between cars. They careened into South Bay and proceeded to gather in the Stop and Shop gas station.
From there I moved on to Target having no further desire to interface with them.
I was at South Bay around 5
By deepfreeze
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 11:49am
I was at South Bay around 5:00 and about fifteen of them were still milling around, congregating at the AutoZone and just stunting around Mass Ave in that area.
It was bound to happen.
By Daniel
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 9:24pm
We were talking about this here a few days ago. There were some comments describing the bike riders in what I felt was a misguided, romanticized way, saying they were adding "flava" to the city and were "taking back the streets" in some rebellious adolescent way. I think these kids are dangerous, and I have no reason to think they would stop with antics like these and not escalate their actions into more serious challenges to the well-being of our communities. I'm glad the police responded, although I also hope no one was injured.
By Sally
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 9:31pm
It gives me a headache just looking at this stuff. Someone’s going to get killed. There’s got to be a better way for these idiots to get a thrill than—literally—playing in traffic.
Kids just doing for traffic laws
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 10:42pm
... what the current regime and corporations are doing for our constitution and all of our "burdensome regulations" that ensure clean air, water, fair play in the markets, etc.
If they were Exxon or exported coal, they would be given a free pass. Traffic safety rules are just more burdensome regulations to this crowd!
28 years old is no kid
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 12:12am
NBC 10 is saying the person shot by police is 28 y.o. from Randolph.
Throw the book at all of them.
Exxon??? Current Regime??
By Matt
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 12:21am
What the hell does that have anything to do with a bunch of assholes terrorizing the neighborhoods nine months out of the year every year for the past several years (maybe 10 months if there's no snow) before Trump was even elected? These "kids", one of which was a 28 year old asshole that was shot in the foot, do not have respect for anything at all.
I've encountered these "kids" tearing up and down Hyde Park ave every year for the last 6 or 7 years. They weave in and out of traffic, cut off vehicles. they don't give a shit. They should have the book thrown at them and perhaps a lesson will be learned... But I highly doubt it because we need to be "understanding" of the so-called "struggles" they're going through - BULLSHIT!
Stop cheereleading for reckless drivers!
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 5:24am
Listen, I get it that as a bored suburbanite you think these guys are a bunch of harmelss sexy rebels without a cause. However, as someone who actually lives in the city, and has had to deal with these reckless adult man-babies, I'm sick and tired of them putting drivers', cyclists' and pedeatrians' lives at risk and I'm thrilled cops are out there doing something about it.
A free pass by whom?
By Sally
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 10:10am
It’s cute how you imply that I’m some kind of cheerleader for drilling on public lands or shooting polar bears or whatever. Throw the book at Exxon AND get these thrill-seeking masked morons off the streets and sidewalks where I walk, bike, and drive (apparently they don’t spend a lot of time in Medford?)
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 11:48am
WHOOSH people. She got you.
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
synonyms: mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature; irony, sarcasm
"he has become the subject of satire"
a play, novel, film, or other work that uses satire.
plural noun: satires
"a stinging satire on American politics"
synonyms: parody, burlesque, caricature, lampoon, skit; More
a genre of literature characterized by the use of satire.
By dmcboston
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 4:06pm
"WHOOSH people. She got you."
Satire is an art form. it is also somewhat self revealing so it can usually be recognized as such.
Swirl's statement had no such flourish about it.
She didn't get anyone. Nice try, though. John Costello has some consolation prizes for playing, I believe.
The thing is, for these folks
By deepfreeze
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 12:05pm
The thing is, for these folks the thrill IS stuntin' through highly trafficked areas. Putting a dirt bike arena in the middle of Roxbury wouldn't stop this kind of behavior. The bikes are often obtained illegally (i.e., stolen) to begin with. One rarely steals a vehicle to use in lawful activity. This is an assertion of dominance, not a hobby.
By anon
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 9:50pm
They've left pretty much all the evidence the police need at https://www.instagram.com/p/BfmYuENlI8c/?taken-by=...
At least one of the commenters identifies himself.
The group earlier in the day in Edward Everett Square
By adamg
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 9:55pm
4:45 p.m. in Paul Revere Park, Charlestown
By adamg
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 10:00pm
On Boylston near the Common
By adamg
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 10:25am
"DNA Spray" might help
By tachometer
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 11:09pm
I'm not sure what the stuff is but it seems like London is working on some "tag now and catch later" solutions. Spike strips and this spray might be a good tactic in the city since chasing them is forbidden due to safety considerations.
DNA Spray Doesn't Wash Off—It Remains On The Body For Five Yea
By Elmer
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 3:35am
[sup]âŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸâŸ( can effectively identify criminals — but it sounds rather creepy! )[/sup]
Wow, talk about ballsy.
By Mick T.
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 11:56am
Wow, talk about ballsy.
This has been a problem in Boston for a couple of years.
By cat
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 11:49pm
There are gangs that terrorize the City riding these dirt bikes. A large group of 20-40 will come riding down the street weaving in and out of traffic, stopping for no reason and just generally creating havoc on the road.
I have been on Columbia Road on my way home from Target and encountered them. They taunt you. Occasionally one may wave a gun at you as they come up alongside your car. They also have ridden through other neighborhoods at all hours of the night. Last summer, they ran through Roslindale a couple of times creating a ruckus.
Most of the bikes are stolen. I have seen auto accidents happen when the bikes stop short in traffic. They get off the bike laughing and run off - leaving the bike behind.
Last summer, BPD started raiding homes where motor bikes, quads and other mini bikes were stored. If there was no registration or the bikes were stored improperly; they were impounded. Residents were cited for safety violations as well. Again most of equipment were found to be stolen.
This doesn't sound like a serious problem until you actually encounter them. Then it is frightening. When I drove a land-yacht; I thought I might be reckless myself and oops, run a few over when they stopped short in front of me. Thought better of it as my info could become public record - and I didn't want to deal with any payback on the home front.
not sorry anyone of them were shot either.....
By cat
Sat, 02/24/2018 - 11:56pm
actually sorry more than one wasn't shot. Surprised myself with the comment as I am never one to feel that way, but these are not kids just out for a little fun.
At the point where you’re openly cheering
By erik g
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 1:34pm
for the execution of a bunch of sixteen-year-olds on quads, based on some poorly-defined sense that they “deserve it†for flaunting traffic laws... we’ll, I really don’t know what to tell you, other than you should probably examine the series of events that has led you to this place in your life. Oh, and that you should probably be hoping real hard that you don’t have any annoying hobbies that the 41 (as of this writing) thumbs-up-givers on your comment also think is worthy of summary execution by cop.
The man arrested and shot was
By Travis
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 2:14pm
The man arrested and shot was 28. How many of them were 16?
One of them almost totaled my
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 9:03am
One of them almost totaled my husband's car on Quincy St a few years ago. He landed squarely on the hood and windshield. Got up and took off running. Cops said bike was stolen and they never caught him. They are a menace.
Pedestrians and cyclists are
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 7:33am
Pedestrians and cyclists are KILLED by reckless drivers of motor vehicles every year in the city of Boston and people here on Uhub are defending these aggressive and dangerous drivers because you think a 28 yr. old man on a motorbike and/or an ATV is 'just a kid.' With your 'boys will be boys' pathetic attitude you think it's acceptable that innocent citizens killed and their friends' and families' lives will just be shattered. Shame on you!
Urban Amusement Park
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 8:49am
Wow between the Red Line roller coaster ride the Orange line tunnel of doom and the arrest of Mike Myers for the attack at Cedar Grove station I thought the T provided the wildest rides in the city.Now we have the troopers corral masked clowns on dirtbikes followed by a shootout on the highway. Its been a wild week for transportation in the city. What will be the next wild ride in the urban amusement park known as Boston.? I bet a cage match between Marty and Charlie when Marty tells him about his no pursuit policy and Charlie hangs up on him.
So Happy to see this
By hydeparkish
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 11:15am
Saw this on way home from the airport. Huge thanks to the state police for doing this and hope they continue to do so. been passed by groups of dirt bikers and, four wheelers so many times on my way home from work and wished the police would follow them. Now maybe BPD will do the same?
I hope the police can spend
By anon
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 11:11am
I hope the police can spend more resources on combing through social media to track these dangerous individuals down. It's sad someone would try to give them a pass by distracting from the topic by bringing in Exxon. Talk about a straw man argument.
And a Younger Generation, Too
By In The Know
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 11:55am
Happened to me a few months back (Summer 2017) driving down Lamartine St in Jamaica Plain. However this was not a group of off-road bikers but a group of little piss-ass middle-school kids I'd estimate in age from about 7 to 13 at best. They thought it was great to weave around moving cars to get them to stop. They went in one direction a couple of blocks then stopped and came back, then disappeared up a side street around Boylston, knowing all-too-well that someone might call the police.
So were the road warriors that were stopped by the police a bunch of kids that had gotten older (clearly they had not grown up), or are the kids in JP getting great ideas from bad role models?
Regardless of what we may feel about the amount of force used, the message got out that if you do this WILLFULLY and break the law, there will be consequences. Not pretty at all, but sends a clear message.
JWay and Arborway around 4:30
By Daan
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 12:57pm
I was exiting the Arboretum around 4:30 at the Arborway exit nearest the former Casey Overpass when these thugs put on "their show.". Glad that the various police went after them. I believe that the presumption should always be that violence of any kind is wrong. But there are circumstances where violence may be appropriate. Shooting one of the thugs (I'm assuming that they as a group did not discriminate on skin color and are thugs in general) in the extremity might make a lasting impression.
But the individuals who are gangbangers are unfortunately closer to being unredeemable. Hopefully the individuals in this group who are redeemable might wake up and grow up and realize that they are terrorists when acting on roads this way.
I watched the white car seen in the video. I wondered what the people in this car felt as they were surrounded by what looked like a motorcycle gang committed to generating fear and chaos? Did they fear for their lives? Were they wondering whether one of the thugs was about to pull a gun and shoot through the car's windows? Were there children in the car? What did they feel?
Purposefully creating dangerous conditions, especially as part of a gang of any kind, is terrorism. It might not result in harm to others (this time). But it is to create the feeling of terror in people who in this situation are innocent civilians. The tweet, "Boston bike life 0 State police 1 Next round will be interesting" is not exactly a comforting idea. Will these thugs next try this stunt with guns and proceed to use them if police try to stop them? Are there thugs in this group who are willing to murder?
Using the term civilians suggests that the thugs are of some kind of military mentality. Forgive the historical reference but it was these kinds of domestic thugs who formed the SA in the 30s. We know where that went. While these thugs may have been loosely organized via social media, there still exists motorcycle gangs committed to criminality and violence, including Hell's Angels and Pagans. For all that we know these thugs might include members of criminal motorcycle gangs looking for recruits with potential.
But then I think the NRA is part of a right wing conspiracy to turn democracy into a skeleton so that only the ultra right of plutocrats, Evangelical extremists, Fox News extremists, the Smith family owners of another right wing television network, the Sinclair Broadcast Network, and the many other ultra right wing commercial, religious, non-profit political groups and the usual assortment of neo-Nazis and sovereign nation groups. But again I realize I'm just paranoid.
As they say in Law Enforcement...
By tcf098
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 1:36pm
..."Got eem!"
Preliminary investigation
By blues_lead
Sun, 02/25/2018 - 2:14pm
Huh. I see at least that many driver behaving recklessly whenever I walk around Boston, or god forbid bike. Never seen any police trying to stop that though.
Wonder why.
Oh I don’t know...maybe because there were 30+ of them?
By Sally
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 11:22am
As you can see from the comments, most of us have encountered these guys countless times. Most people, I’m guessing, don’t call the cops every time a few guys on dirtbikes have surrounded their car, charged up a street the wrong way, cruised along a sidewalk for a few blocks. But 30+ masked guys causing mayhem throughout the city and on 93? Come on. Don’t act as if this is some kind of pearl-clutching overreaction.
By anon
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 12:14pm
Seven arrests? How many craptraps were towed?
Seems to me that the MSP may be exaggerating some?
I see at least that many
By blues_lead
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 1:38pm
Sadly not surprised
By mg
Thu, 03/01/2018 - 2:13pm
The State trooper who shot the rider has a nasty history.
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