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Boston city councilors back next month's student protest against guns

The Boston City Council today voted unanimously to support planned student protests over gun violence on March 24 in Boston and across the country.

And councilors wanted to make it clear they support both students protesting because of the threat of mass slaughter at the hands of people wielding high-powered weaponry and students who have to worry about getting shot just on the way home from school.

"We may not have had, thank God, a school shooting, but we do have violence on our streets," Councilor Lydia Edwards (East Boston, Charlestown, North End), who sponsored the resolution said.

"There is no hierarchy of hurt here," agreed Councilor Ayanna Pressley (at large), who said there are "forces at work" to try to divide white and black kids on the issue.

Councilor Kim Janey (Roxbury) said she will be at a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/1607397545975790/">the rally on Boston Common, and asked other councilors to physically join here to help "acknowledge their pain" - and to let the teens lead the way to a gun-safer future. Edwards, who said she was particularly proud of teenagers for leading the protests, added she would attend as well.

Added Councilor Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury): "The young people of Parkland, Florida have given me incredible hope," because of the way they have risen from the tragedy of having 17 classmates gunned down.



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I'm sure the kids were waiting with baited breath for the City Council's endorsement, because this planned walkout has absolutely nothing to do with what they perceive as government inaction on gun regulation.

"Incredible hope." What a tool O'Malley is. Go refill the sunblock dispensers.

EDIT: I see that March 24 is a Saturday. My point stands.

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What does it say about government not being able to penalize people for protesting?

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Which has, what, exactly, to do with my point?

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Your grapes are still sour, as usual.

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It's a news site. The content doesn't exactly set me up for warmth and sincerity, which I express in situations which call for it.

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It's just cynical pseudo catharsis that no one really wants (i.e. needs) to hear.

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deleted - thought this was the 14th protest - it's the one on the 24th. No snow days for Saturday!

BTW kids - I plan to be out there with you


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Nobody can say they're just doing it to get out of school.

Big-time kudos.

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The protest vote was easy.
The weed vote?
Judging from some of their positions on politics I think their smoking the shit

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How about voting to support academy trained school police the right to carry weapons to protect the children against armed assaults. School resource officers in the suburbs are carrying firearms.

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“Black people don’t go around shooting up places, all reckless, white people do that.”

*Drugged* up white people do that.

And even then, I think it may be untrue.


It looks like black and drugged up white people do that, and Latinos don't.

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Vegas, Sandy Hook, Florida, Columbine, VA Tech, Aurora were all similar in that that random people were specifically targeted.

I would have to see each shooting done by blacks in that study to really see if the shootings are similar.

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Truthy site run by Russian Bots says JUST WHAT HE WANTS, and you are trying to bring truth and reality into it!

Spoil sport!

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The school in Florida had an armed officer. It didn't help.

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Pretty much a private army and a whole lot of armed people attending that concert.

Didn't help.

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The school in Florida had FOUR armed cops present. Didn't help.

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who said there are "forces at work" to try to divide white and black kids on the issue

Any leftists wanna explain this one to me?

Please do not copy and paste Henry Gibson's bridge speech from Blues Brothers.

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Some of the black community feels that this school shooting sort of gun violence gets wall to wall coverage and sympathy while black on black gun violence, police shootings and such get buried or used as a punchline.

I think the city councilor is trying to make the point that people off all races can and should care about both sorts.

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School shootings are not something we become use to.
Unlike the other.

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Search for "only country ..."

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I was out of town for a little while and came to UHub to catch up on local Boston news, and I was slightly disappointed to see nothing about that cop that racially profiled the black guy in Roxbury. Or did I miss the article somewhere?

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I was slightly disappointed to see nothing about that cop that racially profiled the black guy in Roxbury. Or did I miss the article somewhere?

The guy turns out to have a LONG arrest record.

Turtleboy has the story.

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Having a long arrest record is meaningless to whether a cop gets to harass you just because he sees you walking down the street.

Videotaping your encounter with a cop also is meaningless as to whether they get to harass you.

Cop asked if his name is Kevin. He said it isn't. It should have ended there, but the cop refused to accept that this guy got to carry on his business that day without further intimidation.

But you didn't care about what's right anyways...because this guy has a record.

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Having a long arrest record is meaningless to whether a cop gets to harass you

The media drops the story. He is still Constitutionally protected.

Pay attention.

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Pay attention.

You don't get to keep tabs when all you do is obfuscate as a disingenuous troll (to everyone else, sorry for the redundancy). Go away.

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Still doesn't mean the police have the right to "harass" him, but once you lie to the police and you have a known criminal history and then lie about your name, it gives the police more reasonable suspicion to stop you (leading to frisks, search, etc). Police rudeness and City policy is one thing, but the 4th Amendment and case law surrounding stop and frisk issues starts to tilt towards the police side once you lie about your name. Would have been better if he didn't answer or keep walking or say "I don't have to give you my name". Or even if he said his name was Kevin, that would have been enough.

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His name is Keith Antonio, not Kevin.

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Some people give false names on previous arrests/bookings and those are the names that sometimes those people go by and sometimes those are actually their real names.

"hypothetically speaking" wink wink.....

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When you have a rap sheet profiling is part of life

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Boston City Council President A. Campbell refuses to make available the Stenographic Record of Public Meetings of the City Council, budgeted with public funds, the document more accurate than captions for hard of hearing folks, for ESL English Second Language folks, for all folks.

Bid Advertisements for Stenographic Services shall be distributed more widely?... for more competitive Bidding and for more up to date technology/software than routinely grandfathering in current Steno Services donating to Councilors' Election Campaigns.

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(accessible stenogra-AN END TO VIOLENCE!!!-phic records of city council meetings)


(within a rea---NOW!!!!---sonable time frame)

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Historic preservation of the Councilors' remarks on violence.

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