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Council approves way to have Greenway neighbors help pay for its upkeep

The Boston City Council today approved a proposal to create a "business improvement district," in which property owners along the Rose Kennedy Greenway could be levied fees to help support the linear park.

The district would be the city's second - Downtown Crossing has had one for several years, which pays for everything from lunchtime musical performances to "ambassadors" who rove the area.

The Greenway started with funding from the state, which has said it has had enough of helping to pay for the park created out of the demolition of the Central Artery.

City Councilor Michelle Wu (at large), said the measure would help preserve what has become "one of the gems of the city."



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It should as they benefit tremendously from the Greenway!

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Nope. It's just another money grab. Yes, they benefit from it. Yes, their property taxes should reflect the increased value because of it.
In the last year or two we've seen new "Community Preservation Property Tax, proposals to raise, parking fines, street cleaning fines, parking rates within the city, a luxury tax on expensive condos, and fees for residential parking permits. These are the ones that quickly come to mind. Oh, I forgot the proposal for 30% raises at City Hall.

Am I missing something?????

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The restaurants who send the food trucks out should pay, given the benefits they are reaping from the area.

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Are there any reforms built into the proposal to cut the Conservancy's overhead? It would make more sense for the city to just fold the Conservancy and maintain the Greenway as a regular part of the Parks Department.

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Is so overrated. It feels like I'm sitting on the grass between Rt 495.

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The Greenway parcels should be built up. The paper thin lawns are an embarrassment

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