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IKEA seemed surprised people would want to shop on a rainy Sunday when they're having a sale

Mob at IKEA

Our own eeka and family checked in this evening from Stoughton, where the checkout lines stretched to infinity and people were worrying they'd get out alive by 8 p.m. closing time today. With only four registers open (originally five, but the store shut one), she reports her wait, so far, has been about 70 minutes and that some people were getting trays of dinner and coming back to the line with them.

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With so many Americans now working thanks to Trump, it's a blessing and a curse. Long lines of consumers with newfound purchasing power but not enough people needing a retail job to handle the cash registers. Glad that Trump has once again increased the seasonal H2B visa program to allow seasonal legal immigrants to handle the backlog. #MAGA

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I'm surprised you aren't looking at the people there and calling ICE.

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That's hilarious these comments about legal immigrants. You know who built the Trump Towers, and services his mansion at Mar-A-Lago, right? It was/is immigrants, but they are not legal!!

That's hilarious that you act like everyone is doing so well now. If you did ANY research beyond reading Trump's Twitter or watching Fox News you would know the lower and middle classes are struggling desperately to keep up with the cost of living.


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It's a thing and the main reason we have such a low unemployment rate. People have been writing about this for decades. After that you can thank the Federal Reserve and too low for too long moronic monetaery policy. Trump and his brain dead congress cronies just tripled down on that by saddling our government with 2 trillion in debt that will cripple this country once interest rates normalize. The dems didn't help by piling on that 1.3 triillion spending bill. Don't know when, but what he did will make the dot com bust and financial crisis look like amateur hour some years hence.

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To bad no one wants all the low paying cashier jobs. Cashiers were paid the same in 2000 as they are now.

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Thank Trump? The Administration is working hard to keep wages low and make imports expensive, privitize federal dollars, so buy the cheap goods while you can!! Imports will go up and your wages will buy less. Maybe Ikea doesn't pay workers enough to afford housing and transportation in area. Not sure but can you get to Ikea in Stoughton on the MBTA? Our govenor is not clear on the meaning of Mass transportation. NY/NJ stores have a bus/ferry, MA has nothing. This looks like a scene from a third world country.

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So proud of the deplorables for waiting in line to buy cheap crap just to own the libs. If Putin waited in line for bread then of course Trump voters love lines now.

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I would post some data to facts about the shrinking unemployement rate and the shrinking jobless claims throughout the Obama administration, but my experience has been that you Trump supporters don't like those things called facts.

Oh what the hell - I'll try anyway.


*I generally think that Ppesidents get too much credit and/or blame for impact on economic cycles; my comment is more about the ridiculousness of the post.

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Considering it's a major holiday week-end that entails people going to vacation spots like the Cape rather than shopping for home furnishing, it makes sense that IKEA didn't schedule like it was a regular Sunday. I mean, how would you like it if you were forced to work on Memorial Day week-end knowing that unless, say, it's rainy, no one is going to show up.

Now were it Labor Day or even Columbus Day, sure, but this is not a holiday known for retail.

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I spent the afternoon at Castle Hill/Crane Beach! Hardly anybody there.

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Saturday and Sunday this week. Some poor schmoes are there today, keeping the place open.

Saturday, we had to boot out a mob of rowdy teens. Yesterday, there were very few people there aside from some rowdy teens. Today, I'm guessing it'll be those same rowdy teens bothering everyone else.

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(I was timing it because I was in a Zipcar.) And the whole trip down there, I was mad at myself for even being on the roads the afternoon before Memorial Day weekend. Looking at this, I feel a lot better now about that 40 minute trip back to Dot . .

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You building a fun house?

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I think these people expect to go to hell when they die, and are getting used to it. Because this is what hell is really like; waiting in line at Ikea, forever. All those grotesque and colorful designer punishments you read about in the Inferno are just an anxious poet's desperate attempt to make the afterlife interesting. But hell isn't interesting, it's boring. God doesn't design the punishments, he contracts that out to Satan, and Satan is not imaginative. He's actually in the same line. People like to credit him with diabolical brilliance, all that Prince of Darkness shit, but he's actually a tedious simpleton. I mean, Donald Trump? I rest my case.

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Those people are crazy.. waiting that long. I love Ikea, but not that much.

Besides didn't anyone think of that. Best time to go to Ikea on the weekends is right as they open. Like be there when they open the doors.

If you can't, Wednesday evening is the best day. Deadder than a door nail.

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Then you get home and realize you can't assemble the thing so you have to call that guy on Takl to do it for you!

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Nah. I don't have that problem. I am the guy who people call when they need IKEA stuff assembled. I am an old pro at it. And at this point I prefer IKEA assembly now.. I had to assemble something non-IKEA a few months back and it was torture.

Maybe I should register for Takl... I could earn some extra cash

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There is something badly wrong that we reward a business that treats us with such obvious contempt by waiting around for hours to hand them our money.

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Especially when Ikea now offers real online ordering with home delivery, and in-store pick up. There really is no need for this now.

That high you get from Instant Gratification is a very powerful thing.

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A metaphor for our obscure and byzantine immigration process.

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I needed a kitchen cart and my buddy needed a kids activity table, so we went to Ikea on a Saturday about a month or so ago. Same thing. No holiday or anything, just a mid-afternoon trip to the store.

We got lucky because one of our items was on the far side of the warehouse and there was a line open that bent towards our direction and nobody in the main area could see it so it was smaller and moved faster.

But when I realized I needed to go back to grab something briefly, I saw the main line feeding the other registers had extended back past the warehouse doors into the product area and there were no carts for anyone to get warehouse items anyways. It was insane.

It was insane that they weren't equipped to handle the number of people in the store and it was insane that these people were so hard up for their fiberboard products that they were going to wait in line that long just to check out. I mean add the cost of the furniture to the value of your time and you could probably afford to buy a nice hardwood whatever from a better store, keep it in the family for generations, and skip the insanity at Ikea.

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And IKEA went on record to state that while originally, they had planned to Somerville, then Stoughton. They opened Stoughton first, while Assembly Sq figured its shit out. Then once Stoughton opened, IKEA said the had no plans on building a store @ Assmebly Square anymore.

It's pretty clear some days having two stores in Metro Boston would serve IKEA well. Maybe they should build one somewhere on the North Shore. So the new NS one services the North Shore, NH, and Maine. And the current Stoughton store services the South Shore, RI, and Northeast CT.

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Although not usually this bad, it is almost always like this at IKEA. They routinely understaff the cashier area. I've often waited 20-30 minutes in line. It's not worth it when I'm buying some minor little things. Holidays are especially bad, since they don't seem to anticipate the volume. And God help you if you're trying to return something! I've pretty much stopped shopping at Ikea, except online (and even that is not a great experience). I try not to shop at places that aren't respectful of their customers and their time.

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The greater the odds you'll engage in impulse shopping. Another tactic is moving product around, changing department locations; they want you disoriented, force you to walk around the store.

Finally, music or noise: Sensory overload willl lower impulse control and inhibition = $ impulse shopping$

Primark in DTX is very good with all the above tactics. They even change escalator directions, just to force you to walk around.

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Was in Primark this past Saturday. They changed the escalators back to what they used to be and you don't have to walk around anymore!

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