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Pressley gets big-name endorsement in battle with Capuano

State Attorney General Maura Healey announced this morning she's supporting Ayanna Pressley for Congress in the Democratic primary in the 7th district, over incumbent Mike Capuano.

In a message to supporters, Healey, who lives in Charlestown, explained why:

Ayanna isn’t just my City Councilor. She’s not just my partner in government. She’s someone who shares our values, and our priorities, who I’ve depended on for years.

Long before I ever thought of running for office, Ayanna and I worked together on issues that strike at the core of who we are as a city and a state and reflect the progress we still need to make – from fighting profiling and discrimination by Boston nightclubs to protecting students from predatory, for-profit schools and helping survivors of sexual trauma, domestic violence and human trafficking. She stood by me and supported me in my first campaign, at a time very few elected leaders were willing to take a chance on an outsider candidate like me.



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Let's take an experienced, respected legislator who gets things done and replace him with a sack of hot air and empty babble a la AOC.

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Apparently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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I really like Maura and Ayanna but this is like placing a bet today, July 30, 2018, on the Pats to win the last Super Bowl against the Eagles. The game has been over for months. Presley is down anywhere from 12-20 points depending on what poll you read. She does not have critical mass in any part of the district. Mass Progressive has not only abandoned her but West Roxbury/Roslindale Progressive is actively campaigning against her.

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I visited the area around Davis Square. I counted more Pressley signs than Capuano signs. Meanwhile, Capuano has been spending his days campaigning in Somerville. Bad sign for Capuano. Good sign for Pressley

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Capuano's campaign has hit my door at least 4-5 times so far. Pressley - zero. Seems like Cap is really trying to turn out his perceived base. 1st wave of lit was progressive bona fides. Lately, it's all Trump.

(I'm still voting for AP and bet a lot of my neighbors would too - if her campaign would make the effort to compete here . . )

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Haven't been a big fan of hers in practice.

But I'll have a lot more respect for her if she is throwing in w/ Pressley on principle, damn the polls and politics.

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#MeToo :)

Experience, knowledge, history are nowhere near as important as the chromosomes !!!


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Are you saying science/chromosomes dictate one's gender! How dare you!

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Gender: male, female, nonbinary
Gender expression: how a person chooses to preform gender
Chromosomes: the state of nature is that they do and don't determine gender. There are XY females who are insensitive to their own testosterone (Brazilian volleyballer Erica Coimbra). There are XX females who make a lot of testosterone, are sensitive to their own testosterone (all females make some), or both (Castor Semenya).
There are people with X--, XY, XYY, XXY, XXXX, etc. Yes! Lots of variations in the state of nature!

I choose to deal with it this way: present to me as female, you are female. Present to me as male, you are male. Present to me as nonbinary, you are neither. Unless I'm your intimate partner or your doctor it isn't any of my goddamn business whether your chromosomes match your clothes or what's between your legs! NONE!

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"There are people with X--, XY, XYY, XXY, XXXX, etc. Yes! Lots of variations in the state of nature!"

How many of these people are there?

More to the point...male and female are nice catagories that cover an overwhelming majority of people in the empirical sense and are mandated by God himself in the theological sense. Some low-probability event is enough to throw it all away because....reasons?

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What equipment someone has or what their chromosomes are are none of your business.

Look honey, it is REALLY simple: someone says they are male, female, whatever - that's how you treat and address them.


Then again, you probably actually believe that you can protect yourself from Muslim terrorists by pretending to be a Chinese tourist and upskirting them, eh? Sounds like your speed.

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Mike Capuano is a perfectly fine progressive. And your sentiment is one I shared until recently. However, how well has the Democratic establishment protected us from the right wing onslaught in the last few years? Yeah, not that effectively. If the choice was between Capuano and some RWNJ it would be no contest. I have a deep respect for his service as a congressman and public servant but more of same approach only harder won't cut it.

To effectively resist what we're seeing in the country now we need a new generation of leadership with a different set of life experiences and approach to the issues. I have heard Ayanna speak to why she's running. For me there's a compelling contrast in her approach over the incumbent. There's a passion and investment in change on her part that is head and shoulders over Mike Capuano. If you get a chance just listen to her.

You may still vote for Capuano but IMO Ayanna is a change we need in our public life.

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I haven't seen Capuano in my neighborhood since the 90s. I've seen Ayanna thirty plus times in the last year

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Now is the time for women and underrepresented minorities to rise up.

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ala ANON?

What bank do you work for?

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Pressley is a follower not a leader just like kim janey, and the wu train.

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Can you name a woman elected official you like?

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Lydia Edwards, proven leader and sound decision maker.

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She dares run for something more than City Council.

Then she will have gotten too big for her britches, etc.

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You must love Stephen "I'll run for anything" Murphy since his days on the Council.

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Her Red-Blue line connector letter was laughable. Who is she speaking to in East Boston? The developers who line her pockets?

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I mean, the failure of Capuano's generation of Dem. Congress members to defend their majority led to the current tax cut fiasco, lack of WH oversight, etc... by letting Paul Ryan and company become ascendant but let's blame new people who haven't had a chance to fail that spectacularly for the current problems we face.

The GOP leadership understood how to ruthlessly ensure their legislative power in a way Pelosi and co. completely failed to grasp. Capuano is at least complicit in that failure.

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What specifically did he do to cause the problem you are describing?

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So yes, lets get rid of the experienced, respected legislator who has devoted 99.9% PERCENT OF HIS TIME TO SOMERVILLE. Capuano, a former Somerville mayor, has forgotten that the 7th district expands beyond his city's borders. Somerville is now being lined with luxurious streetcars and schools. What did the rest of the district get? Bupkis. Instead of attaining federal funds to modernize the Green Line Back Bay trunk, Capuano has devoted decades to expanding the Green Line to Somerville. Instead of attaining matching federal funds for Deval Patrick's initiatives in Roxbury, Mattapan, and Dorchester, Capuano diverted any and all funding to Somerville so his hometown could build glossy new schools with luxury perks (one of which is called the Capuano School). Its time for a change. Its time for Boston, Cambridge, Everett, Chelsea, Milton, and Randolph to get their fair share.

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Still waiting to hear what Pressley told you when you brought the project up with her.

Oh, and let's not forget that his campaign paid the fares of anyone who took the Fairmount Line for a month. And let's not forget that even after helping the Romney and Patrick administrations get funding for upgrades to the Fairmount Line, including 4 new stations and several bridge replacements, it was Baker that punted on the DMUs.

Then there's the Silver Line to Chelsea.

New trains for the Orange and Red Lines.

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I know you love the GLX and all, but this issue is bigger than the GLX.

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I think that whoever it is that posts as anon on articles unrelated to the GLX project mentioning the project is the same person. For that matter, I think you are the same person as the person I responded to. Since you didn't even bother to use an unverified name, let alone registering for an account, there's no way to disprove my assertion.

It's not my fault he (and perhaps you) is a coward.

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But since it has not become an issue in the race, it is basically you and your desire to comment on the project in any article Adam posts remotely related to the project.

If anything, securing funding for the GLX is a sign that Capuano does deliver for the district.

What did Pressley say when you asked her about the issue, anyway?

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Of course the GLX will come up in campaign conversations. The GLX embodies Capuano's biggest campaign contradiction. His biggest campaign lie

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This is a project that predates Obama. Technically, he advocated for Massachusetts getting money from the federal government. If a politician ceased looking for money for their home state or district, then they should be thrown out of office.

You really blindly hate this project, don’t you.

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I get hit with most of your crazy whenever I mention a GLX fact. If you ever decided to read a comment from me you would know I'm pro-Cap and anti-GLX. Btw, you're wrong about the Orange and Red Line trains. No federal money was acquired by Cap. The state intentionally avoided fed money.

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And I should have known, since probably the reason they punted on the matching funds is so they could require manufacturing in Massachusetts.

And you know, if you commented using a user name, even an unregistered one, you could be differentiated from the guy who sees all things GLX all the time. Or maybe you are that guy. But again, seeing all the opposition to GLX on the comments at this website coming from seemingly the same person (anon) drives my theory that it always the same person.

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Thanks for this. Yeah.. I was about to Chime in.. I'm in Capuano's district so I am a person he needs to market to to get me to vote for him.

I backup what you said.. curious to know where this came from. Also, if Capuano was so good, why did it take well over 20 years for him to secure finding for it when this was a project that was suppose to start in the 1990s. So yeah your entire argument goes out the window.

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A congressman is only as good as the government of the state he or she represents.

Not that I think the project is pork, but when it comes to a project that the state is in charge of, there's no way the federal government can make the project happen when the state (or perhaps a sub-state level of government) doesn't want to do it.

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That's enough for me to vote A.P.

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Neither Capuano nor Pressley are running against Baker.

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Capuano; if he wanted to; could have secured federal funding for West Station. He did so for Ruggles. He could have done the same for West. He knows the USDOT process well; yet he did nothing for West

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The federal government is not going to give a dime to a project the state does not want or has not set up their side of the funding. The state has nothing budgeted for the project for reasons the head of MassDOT set out recently. Therefore, since there is no political will for the project (as opposed to, just to give an example, the GLX project) there is nothing for Capuano to fight for.

I don't know if you are truly ignorant of transportation financing or just an internet troll in St. Petersburg on break. Either way, you'd be best advised to learn how these things work.

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The Chelsea St Bridge lifts and Ted Tunnel traffic have decimated the SL3 route. Maybe its time to put the Silver Line path to rest and map out a rail shuttle from Sullivan to Chelsea-Logan. As things now stand. When Encore opens, its going to be a disaster.

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Um hello.. you must be new here. I AM THE SL3.

Yes because its so easy to just rail things out and get funding and stuff built so fucking fast like the glx!!!


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That's fair?

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Selecting non-alligned "facts" to "compare"! BINGO!

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Considering the state hasn't asked for much (and I would note that the upgrades to switching alone along the line cost more that $53,000) for the line, I would say that $53,000 out of your own campaign funds is quite fair.

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Capuano did not bring in a dime for the Red & Orange Line trains, the Fairmount upgrades, or the Chelsea Silver Line. They're all 100% state funded. He has brought in $20 million fed for Ruggles Station, $25 million fed for Assembly Station, and $1 billion fed for the Green Line Extension. His Orange funding is balanced. so is Red at $0. The Green Line. A Big No.

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I do like Capuano, but his bias shows on a regular basis

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I am in the middle of the north-south axis of the district. I might wish I was in Lynch's district, but I cannot say that he has ignored my neck of the woods.

Which part of the district are you from and can you give examples of him not representing that part?

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Dem's better learn to embrace it or manage it. AOC and her ideology look like the future to me.

Don't kill the messenger, BTW. I'm more of a centrist myself but that hasn't been working out, has it?

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Come September the gloves will come off and the two candidates will be throwing haymakers at each other. I wonder which one has the best left hook which will appeal to progressives and socialists.

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The primary is Tuesday, September 4 (the day after Labor Day)

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If he loses he becomes a lobbyist.
I she loses she keeps her 100k city gig since she didn't jump in till after city election. How safe
Come on people wake up

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Endorsements...have any of you?

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Considering how Maura has a habit of playing deaf, dumb and blind to corruption cases the feds later have to step in to clean up I'm not so sure I'd trust her political endorsements.

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If the position is obscure and there's not really been a lot of campaigning otherwise, an endorsement could mean something. It also helps to distinguish when a bunch of candidates are basically the same. Think any county office or possibly Governors Council.

In a race like this, it means more that Pressley will get Healy's "troops" to help get out the vote, meaning it could mean something.

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You're making a public statement that you do all your own candidate research, thoroughly, as well as research on all the relevant issues. Maybe you're telling the truth. How many people do you think that would be true of?

So, no, you won't get many people to ADMIT that they are influenced by endorsements. But they are.

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just lost my vote, and my active support

it's kinda like the people who are supporting Zakim - people aren't paying attention to the quality of the work of these candidates before recommending them for higher office

and they're not paying attention to how the voters are getting screwed - both Zakim and Pressley TOOK JOBS THEY PROMISED TO FULFILL and then decided they didn't want to do them any more, once they had secured their salaries

and the voters are left holding the bag, paying for jobs that aren't being done

I'll never vote for Healey again, that's for sure

she seemed smart - she should have thought this through

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You lost me with the "secured their salaries" part, since the last time the City Council voted to raise its own salaries (led by fulminating Steve Murphy and his equally angry pal Bill Linehan, with help from Tito "$87,500 isn't enough to live on" Jackson), Zakim and Pressley voted no.

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By running for office, promising to represent their constituencies, and winning their elections. And now they are taking the paychecks without doing their work. As soon as they were reelected they snubbed their noses at their constituencies and said no we're really not interested in representing you, we wee just playing you, but it's nice to have a paycheck while we run for higher office. It's pretty sleazy. Zakim didn't even work for three weeks after his reelection before saying that he didn't want to represent the district any more. Are you still getting paid.

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The #1 reason the City of Boston does elections in odd years is to allow city councilors to run for state/federal office in even years, without losing their seat.

I get that. But what was really insulting was two years ago when the council (including Pressley) voted 12-1 to extend their own terms from 2 years to 4 years, under the claim that it will save the city money by not having to do elections in off-years like 2019.

Fortunately that never went anywhere.

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In what way were you previously "actively supporting" Healey?

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For the first time in my life, I will be voting for Capuano.

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Or did you just now move into his district?

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The irony of Ayanna's campaign is the identity politics excite no one but White guilt liberals.
The Congressional Black Caucus has thrown its weight behind Capuano, an Italian-American, over a Black woman.

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For years now, the CBC has been just another Capitol Hill country club. The 'Black' part is secondary. When push comes to shove, it's no surprise that they would line up behind a fellow entrenched incumbent, even if it means stiff-arming an outsider of color. John Lewis put on a fine demonstration of this protecting of the establishment at all costs in Roxbury recently, where his endorsement was essentially ignored by anyone even half woke.

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