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Motocyclists to go on protest ride over guy who screamed at black motorcyclist in Dorchester

The All Rise Against Racism Bike Ride for Peace starts this Sunday at 2 p.m. at Dorchester Avenue and Park Street in Fields Corner, will then proceed around 3:30 p.m. to Adams and Chelmsford streets, where the screaming happened.

The black woman who got screamed at by that white guy is organizing the ride, says:

Our action optic will demonstrate that I and others, as citizens of Boston, have every right to live, walk, ride and stand in every neighborhood in this City.

The City of Boston has many races, which makes us a diverse and a multi cultural community. We can live as one. Anyone who is a part of this community should be able live and ride no matter our skin color, ethnicity or what bike we ride (smile).



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That guy's racist rant was awful, but motorcyclist revving up their screaming engines up and down Dot Ave may not be the best way to get most people's sympathy, so I hope it doesn't turn into that kind of a "peace" rally.

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You sound like one of those "lurid" 1950s pulp novels looks.

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Nothing says "peace" like excessive noise and air pollution.

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Way more than cars. Right up there with using transit.

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Fuel efficiency of motorcycles is comparable to that of hybrid cars - slightly better than gas-only cars.

Public transit is a different ballpark.

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... by proving the poster’s point. Good job?

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My Victory Kingpin gets 45 mpg and that's a big cruiser. Many bikes get quite a bit better mileage than than.

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Your bike is as efficient as a Honda Civic.

Now, is it legal or did you monkey with the pipes like Andrew did?

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Also own a Honda Civic.

My Civic has never gotten 42 in city driving. Not even close. 25 is good, 20 is usual.

Unless you have a huge engine, any motorbike will do way better than that, even in the city. Like 70mpg.

I'm eyeing a BMW G310R - 60 mpg city.

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Actually it's about 12 mpg better than what people get in reality.


And yeah, it's legal. Not all motorcycle riders make their bikes loud. That's an absurd generalization.

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... combined with an aftermarket air cleaner get my Sportster up to 110 miles on the highway. Yes, I’m bragging.

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Nice! I'm jealous of the BMW riders who get 60. 110 is crazy!

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... and not TOO expensive, either - the savings on gas make it worth the investment after less than a year.

Happy riding! The Kingpin looks like it’s a blast.

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110 Highway miles with a full two gallon tank. Hoping my new 4 gal. is done being painted before winter hits.

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Not 110 MPG. Not really that great.

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55 MPG sounds pretty great to me. 110 def sounds better tho. What does your bike get?

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... it’s a Harley, I’m lucky it runs.
Thanks for the math lesson, man. How many gallons do you get on your Huffy and/or hybrid?

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What kind of mileage does your bike get?

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My Motobecane road bike gets 54 MPG

A pint of good craft brew has as much as 350 calories in it. (usually less, but the math works this way)

I burn about 700 calories an hour if I'm cycling 13-14 mph.

So, that's a quart per 13.5 miles x 4 = 54 miles per gallon

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To the discussion at hand regarding actual motorcycles?


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"What kind of mileage does your bike get?" was the question.

Maybe you should leave the pub, son - the grownups are having a laugh.

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You should switch to drinking beef tallow. At 34,604 calories per gallon, you'd get 692 miles per gallon that way.

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It's interesting that you answer a comment about pollution with a remark about gas mileage.

In fact, the average motorbike is about 10 times more polluting per mile than a passenger car, light truck or SUV, according to a California Air Resources Board comparison of emissions-compliant vehicles.

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And we all know it's bad when the two of us are in agreement.

I mean, the basic point that she shouldn't be screamed at by racist assholes is a valid one, but the cause of unity and peace will not be achieved by hundreds of motorcycle engines idling at this street corner. In fact, it might work the opposite way.

Hopefully the organizers will see criticism like this an find a better way.

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I'm sure that those people have no idea how to properly protest being treated like shit by white people. You go ahead and be patronizing so they will know how to be Good Protesting Brown People.

Because the Irish were black too, but then they got themselves respectable by staying on their knees and not being bad black irish people, amirite?

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Do you want more people like Sheehan or less people like Sheehan? Because if you want more people like Sheehan, the best thing to do is to send 200 motorcycles to that corner.

And if 200 Irish motorcyclists show up in front of my house on Sunday afternoon (I do not live anywhere near this, BTW,) I will probably react in a manner that will make Mr. Sheehan look tame. Sometimes it's about race, and sometimes it's about not wanting to hear unmuffled motorcycles. But you know the difference, amirite?

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This isn't your neighborhood.

This is a legal activity.

Mind your own business.

Just like Sheehan should have minded his business rather than harass a legally operating motorcyclist on a legal motorcycle on a public street who was just trying to figure out WTF the deal was with a detour.

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Do you want more people like Sheehan or less people like Sheehan?

Fewer. It's "fewer people like Sheehan".

Because if you want more people like Sheehan, the best thing to do is to send 200 motorcycles to that corner.

So loud motorcycle noises turn people into foaming-at-the-mouth racists? Tell me again how this works.

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So loud motorcycle noises turn people into foaming-at-the-mouth racists? Tell me again how this works.

I don't think that loud motorcycle noises that're continuously going on for a long time will necessarily turn people into foaming-at-the-mouth racists, but it could, and more than likely would piss them off, just the same.

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Do you want more people like Sheehan or less people like Sheehan? Because if you want more people like Sheehan, the best thing to do is to send 200 motorcycles to that corner.


Don't be mean to the racists or they'll racist even more.

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Punishing a community due to one person being a racist asshole by creating a bunch of noise pollution might anger the community. Since the community’s anger will be seen by some (read, you) as race based, they might conclude that black people just hate them. Allowing things to rise to that level, they might be more inclined to see Sheehan’s point of view. You’d be surprised to find out that people’s worldview gets affected by events around them. As a close example, the victim in this case now has a negative view of the people in this area due to a bad experience. If this goes down as a bike rally at this corner, we will end up with bitter people on all sides.

Or conversely, she and the others will try to make this a positive experience. I hope for that, but much like other commenters here, I got a thing against loud motorcycles and those that ride them.

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What is all this about "punishing a community"? Why are you automatically assuming that these will be loud motorcycles?

These are legally permitted vehicles and their owners will be engaging in a legally permitted activity at a very reasonable time of day. Your jump to conclusions from LEGAL ACTIVITY to OMG MOTORCYCLES ARE PUNISHING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! is patently ridiculous.

Seems like a leap of, oh, unexamined prejudging or something ...

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I’ve got a prejudice against motorcyclists. I mean some are good, like the guy who idled outside of my house late one Thursday night, but left when I asked him to turn the engine off because I was trying to sleep. He left soon thereafter, and trust me, it was a civil conversation (which happens sometimes.). Still, when I think about motorcycles, the first thing that comes into my mind is “noise.”

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Much of my family rides, including my husband.Some of my cycling friends also ride motorized. Noise is not a problem with any of them.

Maybe you just need to be more observant and count the motorcycles that aren't loud while running a decibel app on your phone for objective input.

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It’s just that my biases are confirmed a lot.

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Many comments on the original video were bike enthusiasts suggesting ppl go to disrupt the neighborhood by having a rally there. This event seems to be more positive. Hopefully it goes smoothly.

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Now, if this ends up being a positive event, all the better. Heck, the kids in the neighborhood might want to see the bikes. But a rolling rally of motorcycles won't help anything.

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As usual. Agreed!!

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Not that long ago, while driving west on the Mass. Turnpike (Route I-90) to Tanglewood, out in Lenox, MA for a concert, a fleet of about 8 Hell's Angels (remember them, and who they were/are?) passed me on my left. Their motorcycles were rather loud, and they were clearly accelerating to make them even louder. It was rather weird.

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crank down the replicator gnomes!

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I agree that when the dupe comment happens, it's annoying to the poster more than to anyone else. But it happens to all of us at least once.

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You're not "the community", Waquoit, and you aren't being punished. Most people will simply shrug and go on with their lives. You have a prejudice against motorcycles, so you've got a big hair across your ass over this. It seems like a self-aware person would work real hard on getting over that, but that's your choice. You DO need to get a little perspective and acknowledge that you're not being targeted somehow, that we all put up with inconvenience and annoyance, and that the annoyance of a one-time motorcycle ride is in no way comparable to the annoyance of having a screaming racist in your face.

(btw, if you want people to be more understanding of your animus here, maybe you could tell us more about what you're doing to bring an end to screaming racism)

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You do not know if most people will just get on with their lives unless you've asked the people who spend however much time unable to do anything due to the noise of 200 people.

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You do not know if most people will just get on with their lives

Neither do you. I've lived in noisy places. Where I live now, there are motorcycle rides of hundreds of bikes that go by a few times a year. Annoying AF when it happens, but it's a few times a year. This isn't even that.

the people who spend however much time unable to do anything due to the noise of 200 people.

If they are literally "unable to do anything due to the noise of 200 people", why are they living in Boston - or anywhere but a desert island?

I don't think objections to noise are always unwarranted, but there seems to be a completely irrational level of screechiness (particularly on the behalf of other people who are not themselves objecting) over a one-time event whose numbers and noise are TBD.

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Neighborhoods don't get to decide whether or not legal vehicles get to use public roads.

Grow up and get some earplugs or move to Vermont ... except you would bitch about "illegal tractor noise" when your neighbor built a driveway just to bitch.

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It's the "Quiet Intolerant" that I dislike.

Also, I never said I was going to be impacted. I just noted that Sheehan's neighbors, who seem to view him as a racist asshole, might not appreciate the Quiet Intolerant crowd descending on their block.

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I just noted that Sheehan's neighbors, who seem to view him as a racist asshole, might not appreciate the Quiet Intolerant crowd descending on their block.

Waquoit, no matter how many times you try, you will not succeed in hijacking others' purpose and rebranding an antiracism rally as a rally for "Quiet Intolerance". You know that's not what it's about, and your insistence in making it so is a real jerk move.

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Or better yet, post your address so I can make a ton of noise in front of it.

Now if you don't mind, I'm going to make a nice comment to someone who decided to be positive, as opposed to you.

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I'm too busy making noise about noise that may not be made to even think about thinking about the racism that this is actually about and how people like me enable that racism.

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So you'd rather have racism than the internal combustion engine? Got it.

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white people and "oh i totally support the cause, but their protesting mildly inconveniences me so they should consider something else"?

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any color people thinking that flash mobs of any sort are the answer to any of our problems?

Here's a different approach

They should consider something other than creating a noisy mob of motorcycles.

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With racist gits who do not share the trials of people of color deciding YOU have to do it THIS WAY WAAHHHHHHHHHHH

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With people who don't understand that one can support a cause and yet simultaneously not support the way others express their support for that same cause? One can oppose the policies of the current president and yet also think that screaming "F--- Trump!" at the top of one's lungs is inappropriate.

Not liking noise on a weekend day != not liking people of color.

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protest, but be sure not to offend anyone has always been the most effective vehicle for change

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Offending the people who otherwise support your aims has always been the most effective vehicle for change

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Offending the people who otherwise support your aims has always been the most effective vehicle for change

Do tell us, please, exactly how you had planned to support their aims until you were derailed by the insurmountable obstacle of a motorcycle demonstration.

Alternatively, cut the bullshit and stop pretending you were ever going to support this in any way, and that you're not enjoying having an excuse to be smug and sanctimonious about not doing a damn thing.

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Motorcycles are legal. Deal with it.

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About the legal motorcycles.

It’s the ones where some idiot illegally monkeyed with the pipes to make them louder that people complain about.

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How do you know they are illegal? Did you check the decibel level of said pipes?

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Deal with it.

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Next time someone pulls out a leaf blower.

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Riding a motorcycle IS NOT ILLEGAL.

Other people have rights, too. Your pathological tantrums over needing quiet require a psychiatrist, not violent infringement of the RIGHTS of OTHER PEOPLE to do LEGAL THINGS.

Got that nutjob? Go get psychological help - you have no RIGHT to BULLY people (including your neighbors and family) over your stupid psychological illness.

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Is illegal.

I'm sure you will find your cell at the county lockup to be quiet enough for your need to bully people, though

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i had forgotten the TedX Talk chapter in Thoreau's book

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and several others in this thread (along with any UHub story which even remotely touches on race) are disgraceful and an embarrassment. At least they serve as a reminder of how shockingly racist this city has always been and continues to be.

I'm sure you're right in that a motorcycle rally won't gain any new sympathy - if they didn't already have it after seeing that video, nothing will change their minds (the fake "I think it was awful BUT..." kind of sympathy you're displaying isn't worth the pixels it's printed on anyway). Gaining sympathy and getting people to feel sorry for her isn't the point, as quite literally stated in the organizer's statement. But I'm sure you already knew that :)

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How stupid can people get? The only thing that a protest like this would prove is that a bunch of motorcyclists revving up their already-loud engines up and down the neighborhood are just as stupid, if not stupider, than the guy screaming racist rants for the whole neighborhood to hear.

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"How stupid can people get?" - you've got a good start on a demonstration of that

"a bunch of motorcyclists revving up their already-loud engines" - histrionic assumption, no evidence of this. Actually, these are street legal and licensed, so plenty of evidence to the contrary

"up and down the neighborhood" - again, no evidence

Worse than "guy screaming racist rants" - that's nice. When you are black and on the receiving end of such a rant, do tell us which is worse: a street legal bike or being violently attacked.

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but there are limitations. Nobody's preventing anybody from going out on ordinary motorcycle rides, but when they're going up and down a certain street, especially if they're about 200 hundred of them, motorcycles can be rather loud. Maybe the proprietors of the planned motorcycle protest should do some research on the noise law, and find out what the noise limit in the neighborhood is before going on with the protest.

One doesn't have to approve of Paul Sheehan's racist screaming and ranting to understand that.

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How do you know how many bikes are going to show up? How do you know these bikes will be going up and down a street? Maybe it's just one ride from point A to point B. What's with all the pearl clutching here?

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Surely you’re not suggesting that this demonstration will involve motorcycles illegally modified to increase the noise they produce.

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... save lives. Because, “surely,” drivers these days are so great at operating vehicles without distractions. Pardon me and the rest of us on two wheels trying to live.

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Loud pipes are just something that a certain segment of motorcycle riders like the sound of, to the detriment of the rest of the human and animal population. Any noise in the city that is louder than 70 decibles [50 at night], with only some exceptions for construction, is illegal in the city of Boston.

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called and they want their noise ordinance back

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Funny how carefully selected words show a person’s true self. I bet that “certain segment” of folksy buskers playing at T stations doesn’t bother you in the least, though.

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T enforces the loudness rules. You won't go deaf from standing next to a busker. A modified motorcycle is well above the hearing loss threshold to anyone standing within 100-200'.

You could cause hearing loss to countless people but so long as you're happy it's OK, right?

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I love being happy and free from the burden of giving a shit. Also, apologies to everyone who decides to stick their ears directly next to my exhaust for a prolonged period of time.

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I do give a shit about others. Guess I'm not cool.

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Saves lives.

Loud pipes just tell others you don’t care about the law or other people.

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... riding motorcycles (all makes) over the past 20 or so years, I have been rear-ended, t-boned, side-swiped and otherwise nearly killed more times than I can count. Since installing (yes, loud) aftermarket exhausts three years ago, I have been fortunate to not have one single incident - I can literally see drivers now look twice when they hear me coming.

At the risk of inconveniencing your peace and quiet for all of a few seconds, I’m going to keep my pipes loud and make it home alive every night.

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Sorry your fellow motorists had such bad aim.

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Face it: you don't like motorcycles or black people, and the combination is driving you crazy.

Look at your assumptions: ANY motorcycle is "loud" - not true. Motorcycles in a group - particularly when ridden by black people = illegal.

Get over yourself. Get some earplugs. Grow up. People engaging in legal activities at legal times in legal places is not gonna bother your bad suburban self.

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a stupid protest that creates even more noise pollution. Come on, now.

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creates noise pollution

Prove that motorcycles always create noise pollution. You are probably assuming that they will because urban + black = illegal in your mind.

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First of all, you know nothing about my parrot.

Secondly, I live in a very pet-friendly building, which I'm more than glad of.

Thirdly, parrots also have their quite times, as well.

Fourth: I cover my parrot's cage at night.

It has nothing to do with being urban and black, or anything or anybody, for that matter..

It does, however, have something to do with the fact that all areas have laws regarding noise level limits, and with good reason. One doesn't have to approve of Paul Sheehan's racist assholish behavior to realize that.

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Wishing death and/or injury on others is the mark of a stellar human being.

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Other motorists should aim to miss you. It’s the police who should aim to stop you.

You wish harm on others every time you fart your modified toy down the street. You brag about not caring. And then you have a snit fit when someone hints your attitude may be reciprocated.

Get a real bike and you might improve your fitness as well as reduce your unpleasantness to the rest of the world.

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... SO well.

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Your choice to generate noise pollution to avoid being hit is based on a right to ride a motorcycle. Your right to ride a motorcycle does not include a right to create noise pollution and disturb neighbors.

Assuming a right to riding a motorcycle means a right to make noise pollution is a selfish and self-centered model of reasoning.

The reasoning boils down to "I do it because I want to."

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1. fuel economy
2. easy storage
3. does not take up massive space for one or two people
4. maneuverability
5. inexpensive - can buy with cash
6. repairability
7. enjoy riding it
8. legal to operate
9. legal to operate
10. legal to operate

Grow up and get over yourself, pops.

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Your choice to generate noise pollution to avoid being hit is based on a right to ride a motorcycle. Your right to ride a motorcycle does not include a right to create noise pollution and disturb neighbors.

Assuming a right to riding a motorcycle means a right to make noise pollution is a selfish and self-centered model of reasoning.

The reasoning boils down to "I do it because I want to."

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... women who dress provacatively are “asking for it,” right?

You’re a moron.

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Do you abuse your children for making any? Beat your wife for running the hedge trimmer? Give your mother a black eye for laughing or eating too loud?

You sound like you need professional help.

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Tell that to car drivers who refuse to share the road with bikes, motorized or not.

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Loud pipes do not save lives. They just create misery for the people who are subjected to the noise pollution.

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... your proof.
Actually, forget it, me being alive is all the proof I need.

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Savin Hill station where a young black man named Atkins was chased and beaten by angry whites and he was chased down the tracks he was later killed by a red line train.
Fields Corner station where for years Vietnamese immigrants where robbed and beaten by angry blacks for years.
Shawmut station where white females over the past several years have been robbed as they walked down the paths from the station.
Ashmont where young black students are kicked out of the station and where black skateboarders are kicked out of the plaza for skating while black by the Transit Police.
The last stop on the tour should be the Gentlemen's pub the Eire where for years neither women or people of color were welcomed.
Lets be fair and honest about this issue Dorchester has a lot to be proud of but when the new kid on the block moves into the neighborhood they are often bullied and targeted by loud mouths like Mr. Sheehan who is not indicative of the people of Dorchester. If you don't believe me just ask Marky Mark.

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How recent are they? I don't remember the one about the person at Savin Hill, nor have I seen many white women getting off the train at Shawmut. Not saying you're pulling things out of thin air, but I'd be curious to learn more about them.

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The man who was killed was named William Atkinson.


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I guess we can say that things have improved greatly if something from 1982 is the biggest thing people should be thinking about.

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Or you could say that every street in Boston has a long history and in many instances violent hateful things occurred there.

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Scauma, you said

nor have I seen many white women getting off the train at Shawmut

I use Shawmut station a lot. I've seen thousands of white women getting off the train, and not surprisingly I've seen black and Asian women too, and to a lesser extent Latinas. I dont know what you're trying to say.

Btw, there was an incident a couple of months ago where a white woman was robbed. I am not aware of the race of the robber.

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But touche. I lived on Wainwright for quite some time so I used Shawmut plenty. And I really wasn't trying to imply that anon was making things up, just that I haven't heard those stories.

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I certainly support the movement however please make sure other people do not hijacked what you're standing for and for the movement.

Unfortunately in some positive movements the pureness of the original theme and the reason to mobilize can get hijacked and transform to something that is more dividing and separate.

It certainly was one of the most disturbing moments in Boston's racial history.

And I support anything that unites all people.

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...by borrowing trouble and cautioning people who are actually doing something that they must not be "dividing and separate".

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Motorcycles may not exceed 82 decibels when running under 45 mph. This applies on Adams Street and other Boston streets where the speed limit is 25 mph unless otherwise posted.

I’m sure the BPD will do their best to enforce this riule on Sunday. Just like the rules are being applied to the prosecution of Paul Sheehan. An individual committed a crime and is being punished.

Because we are all accepting of an entire neighborhood being sullied by the actions of one, correct?

If you support this rally, then you would have been accepting of all of Inman Square being forced to endure a rally to protest the actions of the Tzarnaevs, right?

Many hundreds of people are going to have to endure a disruptive Sunday owing to the actions of one. This is called collective punishment. If you are ok with it because it fits your narrative, then fine, but I disagree with you.

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... for the tip, officer.

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A lot of people are going to have their Sunday afternoons filled with unnecessary engine noise because of the actions of one person.

Paul Sheehan was arrested for yelling and screaming and for racial intimidation here. Adams Corner was not.

Paul Sheehan will be prosecuted for what he did. The law is working here.

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If demonstrators line up the motorcycles and police go down the line writing $300 tickets for all the illegally modified ones, then another law will be working.

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Nothing says racism like selective enforcement.

When I see the line of NH plated hogs at downtown construction sites emblazoned with such tickets, or I see a line of white guys on hogs on I-93 being pulled over and ticketed, I might be willing to believe that you are not being a inspectional racist about this.

But I think your problem is with the riders, not the bikes.

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the line of NH plated hogs at downtown construction sites emblazoned with such tickets, or I see a line of white guys on hogs on I-93 being pulled over and ticketed

I will think a good start has been made.

But don’t let me interrupt your race-baiting. It’s obviously your only joy and mastery.

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So Adams Corner suffers the punishment of. . . a motorcycle meetup and cookout? Oh the humanity.

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Can't you see the moral hazard here? Those uppity people, acting like non-uppity people, protest ...

I'm sure they will be beating drums at that cookout, too! DRUMS!

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Having motorcycles idling on a street corner for a long time, however, is not a smart idea.

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You can always have the cops be your personal ... anti-noise valets.

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Along with anyone attending a wake at the funeral home located there as well.

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And for those parties on the other side of this, 0 decibels is the law for screaming racist epithets in MA.

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Regardless of decibel level idling, redlining, traveling at x speed, or in any other condition, operating a motorcycle in the city of Boston without the EPA sticker on the pipes is against the law, and carries a $300.00 fine.

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Black people on bikes = enforcement

White people on bikes = no enforcement

Trucks jaking on hills or during aggressive braking = truck drivers are sacred!

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Why do you assume that POC will not be participating in the motorcycle ride through Dot?
That's like assuming that all motorcycle riders are MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters. Is that what you think?
Newsflash! POC and women do ALL sorts of things!
Just stop stereotyping people.

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You just let us know which special group should get a pass today from following the law and we’ll give you a special pin for being the right kind of special.

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Did you miss the part where the previous poster said that white folks on motorcycles are already getting a pass? But when anyone else does, they become a "special group", is that it? And white people are just "people"?

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The lack of enforcement of laws regarding illegal modification of motorcycles. This policing failure has principally benefited white men, as such are the overwhelming majority of motorcyclists. It should stop.

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Yes, your rant is all about the law. It has nothing to do with your dislike of motorcycles.

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... also tends to generalize and stereotype like most other “r-words.”

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is a Federally mandated SAFETY DEVICE. Or would you rather have trucks losing control on downgrades and slamming into houses or other cars.

This irrational "war on any and all noise" is getting way out of hand. People need to get a life.

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is a Federally mandated SAFETY DEVICE. Or would you rather have trucks losing control on downgrades and slamming into houses or other cars.

I'd rather that people like you not fall prey to the false dichotomy of having to choose between jake brakes and out of control trucks. Trucks are also equipped with these SAFETY DEVICES known as "friction brakes". That's what they should be using, and not relying on jake brakes to save their friction brakes.

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You have no idea what you're talking about. Trucks haul up to 80,000 lbs. Their friction brakes can be overwhelmed rather easily, especially on a long downslope. Why do you think we have runaway truck ramps? Plus, in an emergency situation, the friction brakes can easily lock up and lead to a jackknifed truck/trailer. Some drivers might use their jake brakes more often than they should, but they are far from unnecessary.

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You are driving too fast.

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You have no idea what you're talking about

Actually, son, I do. I observe trucks using jake brakes all the time outside my home, in a 30 mph zone, where there is no "long downslope" and no conceivable excuse for friction brakes being "overwhelmed".

Some drivers might use them more often than they should, but they are far from unnecessary.

Nice strawman demolition. Now clean up your mess and admit that I never said they were "unnecessary". Their USE is frequently unnecessary.

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But it sure seemed to be implied based on the conversation. Let's recap:

Anon mentions (in a complainy way)

Trucks jaking on hills or during aggressive braking = truck drivers are sacred!

These are exactly the scenarios where jake brakes are useful.

roadman reminds anon that a jake brake

is a Federally mandated SAFETY DEVICE.

And he again mentions downgrades.

It seems to me that we were talking about trucks using their jake brakes on hills or in emergency situations when you replied, implying that they could use their friction brakes in such situations. Next time, try to be more clear that you're changing the subject to your residential street.

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I thought this discussion was all about events taking place in residential neighborhoods, not in a goat pasture at the end of a downgrade in the White Mountains. I'll be more clear next time.

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until anon took us on this tangent.


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they look like. A stupid idea is a stupid idea, no matter who plans and carries it out.

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Because being black is legal and riding a motorcycle is legal and your opinion of motorcycles indicates that you have unaddressed mental health challenges that you need to address.

Address in ways other than throwing online tantrums far from the proposed route and demanding that the rights of others to ride motorcycles be curtailed.

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your opinion of motorcycles indicates that you have unaddressed mental health challenges that you need to address.
Address in ways other than throwing online tantrums far from the proposed route and demanding that the rights of others to ride motorcycles be curtailed.

Is one of the stupidest posts full of bull shit I've ever read online. You and lots of other people don't seem to realize that creating extra noise pollution isn't the way to go about promoting a cause, no matter how important it is. I admittedly don't live in the neighborhood in question, nor do I know Paul Sheehan, but if I did live in the area in question, I'd be pissed off at loud motorcycles riding up and down the street as a way of protest also, because it creates noise pollution.

It seems that you're the one who's having a temper tantrum right now, and have mental health problems that need to be addressed.

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Like, letting you comment when you know nothing about motorcycles or the lived experience of people of color?

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Paul Sheehan was so bold as to threaten this woman yards from several police officers. That doesn't happen unless you believe that the whole neighborhood agrees with you. I didn't hear anyone say "hey Paul, stop being a racist asshole! go the fuck home you drunk!" Standing up to racism is hard when its your neighbor but if you ignore people like this, then we are all complicit.

So our Sunday will be disruptive to remind us that this evil continues all around us.

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Paul Sheehan may be a racist asshole, but one can still realize that creating extra noise pollution as a way to protest won't help matters any.

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Concern troll.

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Did the world come to an end for those who think the world should be completely silent and white at all times?

Just asking ... because it looks to me like they came, they rode, they barbequed, and no precious pathologically sensitive eardrums belonging to psychotic control freaks were harmed during the event: https://boston.cbslocal.com/2018/08/19/paul-sheehan-dorchester-tirade-vi...

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I hate motorcycles, but I hate racism more. I am ashamed of that asshole, I hope he moves away. Bikers have lots of demonstrations and if they intend to be peaceful it will be.

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The road to burnouts, wheelies, illegal 4 wheelers, and dirt bikes snarling traffic for hours...

...is paved with good intentions.

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So much hatred for motorcycles here. Change the title to "cyclist" and this is a very different thread. If you live in a city and complain about road noise, STFU. This is a good cause and thanks for perpetuating the myth about riders. PS my bike gets 50mpg. Hows that SUV?

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I don't think its the motorcycles they hate....

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Runs on Brussels sprouts.

You don’t ride a bike. You just drive half a car.

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