Jor forwarded this photo of what was spray painted on the doors to the Tynan Elementary School on East 4th Street in South Boston this morning.
Boston Police, including civil-rights detectives, are currently investigating.
In a statement, BPS says:
The Boston Public Schools does not and will not tolerate hatred, discrimination, or bias of any kind. BPS treasures the cultural diversity of our community, which includes young people and adults of an extraordinary array of racial, ethnic, religious and other identities.
BPS Behavioral Health staff and school psychologists are currently on site at the Tynan to provide support for any students and staff in need, and we are discussing this incident with students in an age appropriate manner. All parents are receiving phone calls, emails, and letters home to inform them about the incident. These communications are being provided in the languages families speak at home. The Boston Public Schools and staff of the Tynan School will continue to support all of our students in the coming days and weeks in partnership with Behavioral Health staff, the Office of Equity, the Office of Operations, and other central offices. Boston School Police will be present at the school today.
Incidents like this are in no way reflective of the safe, secure, and supportive environment that the Boston Public Schools are committed to fostering, nor the values embodied by our students, staff, and families, each of whom are valued members of our community.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By John Costello
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 11:31am
Anyone know?
One part of old South Boston went away in a near perfect ending yesterday AM.
Looks like one part of The Town / God's Country (Ha! - Hold on, I'm catching my breath after laughing so hard after writing that) is still living on.
i have it...
By Roztonian
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 11:35am
kant spel wel
I would guess it means
By anon
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 11:37am
Keep Southie White
Becoming gentrified is the
By Kinopio
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 11:54am
Becoming gentrified(and a bit more diverse) is the best thing that ever happened to Southie. Having less green sweatpants wearing, racist Whitey Bulger enablers around is a very good thing.
The best thing for who?
By anon
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:28pm
Do you think this would be a great thing for say Mattapan, Dorchester or Rox (already happening)?
Yes there were plenty of assholes of Southie, but far more good hard working families. Look at Roslindale today, it's JP lite, its all lesbians and liberals in Subaru's. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it not diversity.
PS this person is clearly an asshole, i hope the schools camera system was working.
Oh, please
By adamg
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:58pm
You obviously don't know the first thing about the current makeup of Roslindale, which makes your other observations suspect.
An actual Roslindale resident (and on the off chance you live on, oh, Mendum Street or something, you obviously don't know anything about the current makeup of Roslindale along Washington Street, down American Legion or near the Hyde Park line).
Hey NY Clown
By anon
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:13pm
I'm the 3rd generation of my family to be raised in Roslindale. I just bought a new home in Roslindale. Pretty sure i know the area better than you.
You right the area towards the golf course hasnt changed much YET. Development centers around the Sq. it then shifted down Wash, up Belgrade and over towards A&N. Your area is next buddy!
Yeah, I can tell you're a lifer
By adamg
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 3:00pm
You're that guy at community meetings who always starts off by saying how long you've lived in the neighborhood because that obviously adds 20 pounds to the weight of your comments. It's one of Roslindale's more annoying quirks.
And I suspect you think Roslindale doesn't continue east of Hyde Park Avenue.
hold on
By Lisfnord
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 3:28pm
While you all argue about which neighborhood is the least diverse and who really represent who and where, let's not forget...this message was spray painted at a SCHOOL. An elementary school, where the youngest kids are going to learn and where they should feel safe.
A friend of mine posted that people, especially people of color, are encouraged to go to the school at 7:30 Friday morning to welcome the kids to school, and greet them with support and love.
Yes, thanks
By adamg
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 4:58pm
In a discussion about racist boobs threatening little kids at an elementary school in South Boston, nobody should care about Roslindale's demographics.
Do you have accurate
By anon
Thu, 11/01/2018 - 9:15am
Do you have accurate information the "Threat" was directed to the students at the School ?
By anon
Thu, 11/01/2018 - 8:17pm
I have a feeling the facts will prove out there was no threat to anyone. Nevermind the kids.
By Roztonian
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 3:51pm
What's wrong with someone being a proud, long-term resident? especially when they lived there before it became so "Quirky" to have a 02131 zip?
Look, I think you are both right to some degree. Out of all Boston neighborhoods, Roslindale DOES have a pretty diverse make-up (ie. not too much of any one race, coupled with a fairly progressive lean). But I also agree with ANON that the very "Subaru-Driving" set that just LOVES diversity, are the same people making it less diverse - as gentrification continues.
Example - I was present for two events in Rozzie where the goal/topic was to celebrate/promote diversity and inclusion in the neighborhood. Both of these events were the least-diverse gatherings I have ever seen in Rozzie. Almost 100% middle-aged "woke" white people...talking about diversity. I mean, a simple walk to the corner store in Rozzie or trip to Forest Hills provides a much more diverse experience than in a "Roslindale Is For Everyone" meeting.
Either way, let's just be glad we live in Rozzie - and not the post-college, hipster, frat/sorority land of Southie.
If one wants to see Roslindale diversity....
By Michael Kerpan
Mon, 11/12/2018 - 3:27pm
... just drop by the Sunday 10:00 Mass at Sacred Heart Church. ;-)
You couldnt be more right. A
By Rachael
Tue, 11/06/2018 - 6:34am
You couldnt be more right. A real southie person would of wrote fuck whitey
By Roslindaler
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 11:47am
The person(s) who did this should be forced to apologize to every student and teacher in that school in person. Absolutely shameful and disgusting.
Smash Cut To Marty:
By tmrozzie
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:17pm
"I wish people could come to Boston and walk around and see that we're not racist! Now, excuse me while I cut the ribbon on this luxury condo development."
That condo development...
By Old Groucho
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:33pm
...is whats cleaning up Southie and sending Kevin, Mikey, Taw-me, Lil' Kevin, Stevie, Cousin Taw-me, and Joey down to the Riviera.
By Geenotes
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:24pm
Statement by Mayor Walsh
By adamg
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:34pm
My Favorite was the "BITCK" My Meth Head Neighbor...
By Joan Kohlman
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:42pm
... spray painted on our shared fence...on her side. I tried to find the photo, but I have 10,000+ photos and it was 10 years ago.
Not just Southie
By anon
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:44pm
A T-employee told me last Saturday night at Ashmont station a white guy was yelling racial slurs and attacked black passengers with a cane. He was arrested by the Transit police. I'm not sure if civil rights detectives were notified.
By mplo
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:51pm
Let's hope the white guy who was yelling racial epithets and physically attacking black passengers with a cane gets to serve some time behind bars, as well as being tried for and charged with assault and battery with a weapon, a hate crime, and civil rights violations, and then serving some time behind bars. It was serve the perpetrator of that crime right.
Let’s see, a black kid shoots
By Murkin
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:08pm
Let’s see, a black kid shoots another kid in Dorchester and you might get one comment on UHub. A white kid in Southie draws some racist graffiti and all the Social Justice Warriors come out screaming on this message board. You all are just a bunch of hypocrites.
So leave, then
By adamg
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:11pm
If you like, I can cancel your account if your faux outrage is becoming too much for you to bear.
I give you credit for posting
By Murkin
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:30pm
I give you credit for posting the stories that none of your followers comment on and that is how you reply? Does the truth from a basic observation hurt that much? I didn’t say it bothered me, don’t know why my comment has you threatening to cancel my account.
My apologies, then
By adamg
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 3:07pm
For confusing you for the anonymous commenters (commenters?) who are forever going into articles about violent crime in some neighborhoods and basically posting "what a bunch of racists who can't be bothered to comment" - after awhile, it becomes obvious they're just trolling, because they usually include a line about bicyclists or something similar.
I’m sorry that the stats of
By Murkin
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 5:07pm
I’m sorry that the stats of how your stories trend regarding comments, or lack of, show an underlying bias of the UHub commenters. It is passive but also very obvious. I guess I’m the bad guy for noticing.
By Kaz
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 5:19pm
You were wrong to apologize, Adam. He's the moron you thought he was.
You're ascribing racial bias to something that has nothing to do with race. People don't comment on "Man shot by another man in Dorchester" stories, because it's a story of gun violence where the perpetrator and the victim are neither likely innocent. Again, that's not a racial assumption. It's to do with why gangs and/or drug dealers tend to shoot each other. And again, since you've tried to make this about race, I will again say that that's not about race either. Two white gang members could shoot at each other too and it wouldn't receive a blip of attention in the comments here. It's a feud between two people settled with a gun. What's there to comment on? If anything, you'd think it'd be a prime story for Roman or capecoddah to defend their gun rights against such willful abuse by the perpetrator of his gun rights. The rest of us don't have anything to contribute. And when the victim isn't someone who stiffed on a drug deal or who wasn't defending his territory, then there are comments about how an innocent person was targeted.
This is a story about racist graffiti. About oppression and racism. About something that everyone should be mad about. It evokes a response. It makes all sensible people mad that it happened. It is worth more discussion as a community and is a crime against the entire community unlike a single act of targeted murder.
The two situations are not alike and comparing them as some means to an end at defining the commenters here as hypocrites or calling us all racist or whatever you're after is just stupid.
Thank you
By SC from JP
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:26pm
Finally, someone who will stand up for spray-painting the N-word on elementary schools. The conversation here is so unsophisticated until some brave soul comes in and makes the ironclad counterpoint: What About the Blacks?
By tmrozzie
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:29pm
I'm not sure why those two are directly related in your brain. Gun violence is a scourge on many communities, certainly including Dorchester and other neighborhoods. White supremacist graffiti, on the other hand, is especially alarming given the events of the past week.
The oddness goes beyond the spelling
By Waquiot
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:23pm
I mean, the racial epithet is spelled the way some black people spell it rather than how white people spell it, and white people tend not to refer to themselves as "whitey," a certain recently deceased gangster notwithstanding. There might be a part of me that is hopeful that a white person didn't do this, but I won't be surprised if the culprit does not look like the typical South Boston resident. Either way, they're an asshole. Fuck 'em.
Parochial meanderings
By anon
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:30pm
The reality is that this is unacceptable.
I had assumed it was a
By Muerl
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 1:58pm
I had assumed it was a response to said recently deceased gangster.
It's an epidemic.
By anon
Wed, 10/31/2018 - 9:47pm
I'm Black
By Anthony
Fri, 11/02/2018 - 12:08am
Someone made an observation regarding the way the words were misspelled. In fact African Americans and others who are trying to change the word Nigger changed it to n i g g a and if a person is correct white people don't call themselves Whitey's. There is something incredibly fishy about this.
I got a question for everybody. What if a person of color actually wrote that on the doors wouldn't that be a twist. Don't be so quick to assume anything that doesn't have facts we all could be fooled
If that's really the case ...
By adamg
Fri, 11/02/2018 - 9:58am
And a big if there. But if that's the case, then, yes, punish the perpetrator.
Because regardless of who did it, the victims are the little kids at this elementary school who had to deal with this crap.
Words matter (see Pittsburgh for that carried to the extreme).
I think you are right
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 11/12/2018 - 2:35pm
And the janitor spray painted this himself.
I wouldn't say it's spelt
By anon
Fri, 11/02/2018 - 2:43pm
I wouldn't say it's spelt wrong, since as someone else pointed out, that's a common variant spelling (and is there a "correct" spelling for a slang term to begin with?), but the idiot's inability to gauge the length of his own text did remind me of this:
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