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Monumental loss for Jamaica Plain cupcake lovers

Monumental Cupcakes reports it's been sold and its South Street storefront will be turned into something else. To its credit, the place survived long past Peak Cupcake and outlast most other Boston-area places with "Cupcakes" in their names - although unlike many of those other places, it also offered baked goods besides cupcakes.

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How easy is making the cake part of cupcakes in the home kitchen?

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The hard part is cutting it up to fit into those little paper holders.

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You have to use pinking shears to get those nice crinkly edges.

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That makes so much sense, why didn't I think of that before?

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The market for $6 cupcakes isn't what it used to be.

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Not the same as it was when they opened, shortly after the 2008 recession started?

Anyway, I guess I’m the only sympathetic ear here... I loved these guys. Their vanilla cupcake with vanilla icing is the best I’ve ever had, and their cold-brew coffee is second to none. I’m glad the owner was able to cash in on the change in real estate values in the neighborhood, and I wish her the best in all future endeavors.

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It didn’t say she’s selling the building, so she’s probably not cashing in on anything. Maybe the bakery at Boylston/Centre will finally open in our lifetimes. Monumental was a great asset to JP.

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Never heard of a $6 cupcake.

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is a cup-cake a-la-mode-with-fro-yo.

Am I too late?

Maybe for dessert after a small-plate / tappas dinner.

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Best cupcakes anywhere! Owner, will you please give us your recipe? Put it in the Gazette?

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They may be cute but the whole problem with cupcakes is frosting distribution. You have this thick piece of solid cake with a towering glob of frosting on the top. So most bites contain primarily frosting or cake. Eat it with your hands and you get the frosting all over your fingers. Eat it with a fork and you *could* spread the frosting around and solve that problem but now your just making the cupcake into a messy piece of cake.

I would much rather buy a piece of cake by the slice.

That's all there is to say about cupcakes. This thread is /locked.

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Cut the cake part in half and put the cut off piece on top of the frosting.

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Did Adam come up with this?

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Actually my kid came up with it.

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No disrespect meant but that place always was a lil weird and didn't do much to entice people in. You have Fiore Bakery directly across the street that fulfills the needs of area cupcake and pastry lovers already. I wish the owner here the very best in her next chapter and am glad it sounds like she made out well in the sale.

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Honestly, I've lived in JP for six years, a year of which was down near South St, and I could never tell if the shop was open or not, so I never visited. It always looked really dark inside, I never saw anyone in there, and there were these sun shades which effectively shielded curious eyes. I thought it was mainly a catering business, so I kept it moving. Looks like I missed out on a great thing.

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Never went there much, but my dog always appreciated the water dish out front during the summer.

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