By adamg on Sun., 2/10/2019 - 1:13 pm
In case you missed the news about Elizabeth Warren's announcement in Lawrence, NBC News has you covered.
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While it is none of your
By Patriciax
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 11:48am
While it is none of your business the subject I wrote warren about, it certainly is in her area of responsibility - higher ed funding! You're fine with a no show US Senator, I am not. What has she done for the people of Massachusetts? Does she even know her way around the state? I wonder if any of her staff have since told her that it's Bourne, not Burn. (LOL can't make this up)
I listened to a presser of hers last week where she was repeatedly asked if more documents will come out showing more of her fraud. Her response was hysterical! I listed the three times reporters asked her the same question of more documents, three times she went into this spiel of her brothers, her apologies, etc - never addressing the question! Painful to listen to, really.
I've seen her speak in public, not impressed. She is not a leader, just repeats worn out talking points.
I really can't think of any good qualities of hers that would want me to vote for her. She's a phony and a fraud that listed herself as a Native American with no business doing so!
Many here are OK with warren's fraud. That's on you, not me. But, I will say I'm loving her defenders twist and spin. Like warren, thinking they are the smartest in the room but look like a crazy person.
(BTW, can you imagine warren shaking that finger of hers at leaders of No. Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc...Really, I'm laughing just thinking of it. Hilarious)
I hope she stays in the scene for the duration. Gold, Jerry - Gold! We need this comic relief more than ever.
Liz doesn't represent the intersecitionality progressives seek
By Boston_Bloke
Mon, 02/11/2019 - 9:51pm
Yes, let's drop the native American non issue. Liz still doesn't represent the intersectionality and diversity progressives demand in their candidate to go against Trump.
By capecoddah
Mon, 02/11/2019 - 10:06pm
People need to get woke about her racist lies.
If it is so juvenile, then why did she engage in the behaviour?
Although I must admit, I would see more newsprint dedicated to her being out of touch with working people. In her speech this weekend she got all happy and stuff about the textile mills no longer employing as many people as they used to. That did not go over well with the crowd.
Who wants to fire up those textile plants? You know it bay-bay. MLGFO Make Lawrence Great For Once
Teenage mom, worked menial jobs
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 8:35am
Dad was disabled so everyone had to work.
Yeah. So out of touch.
You don't need to add more misogyny to your resume, Codpiece.
White people problems
By capecoddah
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 10:48am
Oh no, a teenager has a "menial job".... the tragedy.
Beloved Americans like the late Jean Sheppard invited us into their teenage world of working in cement factories.
Repulsive Americans want to take away the glory and honor of hard work and replace it with handouts and entitlements.
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 11:39am
Better a menial job
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 11:40am
Than a rotted out braincase.
If you want to know about what a "menial" job is, ask someone who is doing two or three how empowerful they feel and what they think of their noble work. Ah yes, so noble that they don't even merit living wage for cleaning up your shit! Of course, you were probably a privileged little shit like Trump and never had to work a lick until your bad drug habit wasted your trust fund.
Senator Warren clawed her way out of the white trash belt. No daddy's money or bone spurs for her! If you ever met and talked to her it is clearly evident that she has never forgotten what Mr. Hamberdler never ever knew.
But I suppose that's why she lives rent free in your head and why you are so terrified of her, small scared impotent child that you are.
By Patriciax
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 11:50am
You are so funny today. "clawing her way out of the white trash belt". And, what are you going on about drug habits?
more, please.....
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 11:02am
By lbb
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 9:41am
Oh my god. This, from one of the worst, most shameless, most blatantly racist dog-whistlers on this site? I may never stop laughing.
Really? Were you there? Exactly what did she say, and exactly how did it "not go over well"? Do you think that people in Lawrence don't know the "right to work" bullshit for what it is?
Native American "thing" isn't juvenile it's fake.
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 02/13/2019 - 3:01pm
And by that I mean, her actions have been interpreted in an exploitative manipulative way.
Oklahoma has one of the largest American Indian populations in the country.
Oklahoma was originally called "Indian Territory" and was reserved for Native Americans. However, the 1889 Oklahoma Land Rush resulted in 50,000 people swarming the area on its opening day. Unlike other states where some tribes live on separate, remote reservations, Oklahoma is a checkerboard of land where tribal members lived in the same communities with whites and intermarried over the generations, creating families with varying fractions of Native American heritage. Her story is not unusual. Native American ancestry is not a romantic costume that you can take on and off as it suits you. I believe that understanding and respecting the harm of cultural appropriation is a lesson for all of us, but to endlessly harp on her actions is manipulative.
More attempts to erase Native Americans
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/12/2019 - 10:42am
That's how I see it as someone with native ancestry.
This "harping" is a brutal attempt to pretend that genocide never happened. Just like the lies that my family had to tell to census takers. Just like my mixed-race ancestors "passing". How children in my mothers family disappeared when hospitalized because they were "white enough" to adopt out. It is intended to suppress history and obscure the reality of "how the west was won". It is an assertion that nobody dare throw shade on the myth of white purity, too, by pointing out the mixed nature of nearly all Americans save for recent arrivals.
Meanwhile, perhaps The Codpiece should look up the ugly truth of the racist lies that Trump has told in the past regarding Native Americans when they wouldn't let him "help" them with their casino building. More attacks intended to erase humans from the historical record.
OMG I can hear the violins
By Boston_Bloke
Wed, 02/13/2019 - 6:32am
Newsflash: no matter how much white guilt you have and no matter how much white people are despised in your social justice warrior circles, you are still white Swirly Girl !
That go over well in your Proud Boys Chapter?
By anon
Wed, 02/13/2019 - 9:23am
I'm sure it impresses your "blokes" at Academic Failure Technical High School.
Buzzword bingo!
wow, really?
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 02/13/2019 - 3:23pm
This is exactly what I mean. Using Swirly's discussion of her heritage to disqualify her opinion is manipulative. There is no white race in truth. Northern Europeans are Neanderthal homosapien Hybrids.
The first modern Briton had “dark to black†skin, groundbreaking new analysis of his 10,000-year-old remains has revealed. Britain’s oldest complete skeleton, known as Cheddar Man, was unearthed more than a century ago in Gough’s Cave in Somerset.
Stop caring about politics
By Kapil
Wed, 02/13/2019 - 9:02am
You all sound like a bunch of homer fans arguing over each other's sports teams. Trump supporters could care less about his lies and crap business deals whereas Warren supporters could care less about the Native American fraud. Most people would support a serial killer for president if it meant enacting their preferred agenda so there is no use banging each other over the head with this stuff. Would you try to convince a Patriots fan to start rooting for the Jets?
Caring about politics is for losers. Look at the vote turnouts, most people don't vote and those that do care very little and think they are "doing my civic duty."
this post is the fraud
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 02/13/2019 - 3:28pm
Warren did not defraud anyone. What she did was insensitive but not dishonest.
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