Former City Councilor John Connolly is back in the Boston spotlight, with a new parenting group he says will help cut through an impenetrable BPS system that makes it difficult for parents to figure out why things happen the way they do and help them figure out what to do about it.
SchoolFacts Boston touts that it will have an advisory board made up of parents from numerous Boston neighborhoods, reflecting the racial and ethnic makeup of Boston, and that it will tackle issues spread across BPS, charter, religious and private schools. Its launch today was helped with a grant from the Barr Foundation
The group is not the first group to tackle education in Boston. Quality Education for Every Student has been active since 2012, and is a member of the the Boston Education Justice Alliance, whose members include both parents and educator unions.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By SC from JP
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 10:23am
Currently waiting on my son's K1 assignment. My wife and I both have PhDs and we still found the whole thing to be remarkably difficult to understand, not to mention extremely time-consuming between registration, school visits, and application. Anything to make it smoother is worthwhile.
I'm with ya
By MattyC
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 11:23am
My wife and I made the mistake of keeping our daughter in private school for K1 and trying to join midstream for K2. Huge mistake, caused by equal measures of our own ignorance and inscrutable school choice paperwork from BPS. We'll hear in May whether she got one of 3 (3!) open spots in our preferred neighborhood school.
By SC from JP
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 11:35am
Most schools have the same number of K2 classrooms as K1, so the K1 class just moves up and there aren't open slots for new K2 students.
Just one of a thousand important little details that nobody really tells you.
What's so hard?
By kevinmccrea
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 11:43am
Just ask your local city councilor how they got their kids into their number 1 choice of schools and then do the same thing. Every city councilor I've ever asked 'Magically' got their kid into one of the top schools.
I am sure John Connolly could shed some 'transparency' on this if he would like.
Well, except for the
By Unbiased Information
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 11:55am
Well, except for the politicians who won't even consider sending their kids to the schools in the district because of "faith reasons." I think that actually means they have no faith in how our schools are being run in their district, and don't want to try to do anything about it. But they probably meant something completely different .....
Also, while we're on the subject - notice how few of our officials actually went to public schools themselves, but now are experts on them.
Not True
By CitizenX
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 12:41pm
That's definitely not true. John Tobin was a city councilor whose child did not get any assignment for BPS K-1 and he was the chair of the Education Committee. It was a big story at the time.
John Connolly.
By adamg
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 8:42pm
John Connolly.
still looking for this data
By el profe
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 12:51pm
I have never come across any evidence that connected folks get their top choice, despite that it may happen. Can you shed some light?
Is Connolly really the poster-child for this phenomenon? I always respected him for supporting his kids' school, the Trotter, a middle of the pack choice.
By BobGoblin
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 12:12pm
We're currently waiting for our K1 assignment also. I started doing research when our kid turned two.
I'm very glad we started early because there's a lot to educate yourselves about.
That being said, I found and important places to start.
Parents only?
By Stevil
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 10:35am
What about the 90% plus of Bostonians that don't have kids in the schools. Shouldn't some of them be included on this board?
This is not a taxpayer's club
By MattyC
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 11:21am
This is not a taxpayer's club. Its a private organization created to aid parents in dealing with the bureaucracy of BPS, and to create proposals that might alleviate some of the pain of dealing with the monolithic BPS administration.
So, no, they shouldn't be included unless they're asked to join.
two options then
By Stevil
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 12:38pm
1) they could ask other taxpayers to join
2) taxpayers without kids can form a separate group and ask for a seat at the table
I'm not really sure what you're saying
By MattyC
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 12:56pm
1) They could, but I think they wont, unless they serve as subject matter experts to help drive policy.
2) They sure can, but I don't see the benefit to this group if that were to happen.
To be clear, there is no "table." They've created a group and are likely to ask BPS and the School Committee for time to hear proposals, or to be cranky about stuff, I have no idea. I support people being cranky in public as a general principle. Everyone else in the city has exactly the same right to be heard, and if you count yourself amongst those people that have something to be said before the School Committee, then goshdarnit go right ahead, but don't argue exclusion, even indirectly, because a school parents group didn't invite non-parents. It lacks merit on its face.
Who is Stevil Galt?
By Parkwayne
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 1:33pm
Noble Stevil is one of the glorious lights of our city who pays taxes (!) on his home in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the city and in exchange, we, the takers who have selfishly decided to have kids, should really focus our energies on how to best thank him for his noble service in ... er paying taxes to live in a nice neighborhood instead of how to navigate a very large complex organization.
Now, I'm off to demand that I am admitted to the BPD detectives' social club on Hyde Park Ave because I pay real estate taxes in the city that pay their salaries - who's with me?
Oh come now
By MattyC
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 1:58pm
I'm not willing to ascribe anything to what he said that isn't on the page. I'm mostly not here to shit-stir, especially when it comes to BPS. If he's got a legitimate complaint about being disenfranchised by this system, I'll listen. I don't see that here, specifically, but going all Randyan on him is not furthering the discussion.
Now where's that BPD Detective's club? I've got extra stakeout gear to break in.
People love the Rand thing if you are an inch right of socialist
By Stevil
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 3:44pm
At least out here they love ascribing Ayn Rand to anyone that dares question what we spend on schools - which has risen to absurd levels. Even an analysis by the school board a couple of years ago identified about 10% in "inefficiencies". My "Randian" opinion is that a really sharp pencil might get us to about 15% savings - and you don't do it by cutting - you just do it by not raising the budget every year. How "Randian" of me! Keep in mind that 15% of the school budget is in the neighborhood of $200 million - in a city that runs everything but public safety, fixed costs and schools on about $800 million, the potential for improvement to Parks, infrastructure, technology and more is enormous - without sacrificing any educational opportunities other than demanding they do it more efficiently.
The school budget now devours over 40% of the total budget including charter schools. And that doesn't include, pensions, retirement benefits, capital expenditures on schools that are debt financed and more. The city budget overall is actually pretty reasonable and in parts austere outside of the education department. I'd like to see a taxpayers group that finally demands accountability. When almost half our money is going to a system that is so dysfunctional it's hard to even sign up for it - it's a little hard to swallow that we are getting our money's worth and there is tremendous expertise outside just groups of parents from others that can and should weigh in on some of these issues.
Sure but that's not what's being discussed here
By Parkwayne
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 4:32pm
A group of Boston parents want to help other parents and prospective parents navigate their best choices for educating their kids within the Boston public schools (including charter). Nothing to do with the budget but you're hopping up on your soapbox to cry about representation?
Prospective BPS parent: what are my choices and how do school lotteries work?
Stevil: you are wasting my tax dollars. Stop it.
Prospective BPS parent: that... that didn't help at all.
What would your roll be in helping parents better use the existing public resource? This isn't about the budget at all unless you only view improving parent experience as a zero sum game where any attempt to make the system better would only attract more students, leading to larger budgets.
Meanwhile, here are some other folks wasting a lot of public money - want to be some of them live in your gilded neighborhood?
Side note - I guess it's the union HQ:
434 Hyde Park Ave, Roslindale, MA 02131
Reread the post
By Stevil
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 4:45pm
...advisory board made up of parents from numerous Boston neighborhoods, reflecting the racial and ethnic makeup of Boston, and that it will tackle issues spread across BPS, charter, religious and private schools.
This isn't just about signing up and navigating the system. that's just for openers. This is an advocacy group that will very likely be looking for more dollars to spend. I don't have a crystal ball, but that's historically what these kinds of groups are about - "Oh, there's a problem - let's throw more money at it".
You do point out what many have suspected for years. Keep throwing money at it (with about 9000 employees, most of whom have residency requirements - that's a huge chunk of votes). But then don't actually make it better so parents and kids keep opting out (more money, but less work for the 9000 - nice gig if you can get it).
I know, BPS does much better than most other school systems. But curiously, despite the enormous sums we increasingly spend, BPS generally doesn't seem to fare any better against other systems in the state year after year.
By Parkwayne
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 5:02pm
but I think it's a stretch that when a group of concerned parents launches a group to try to improve the school experience or at least examine it with fresh eyes, your first reaction is a) why just parents and b) to then make the leap that this non-elected, non-city affiliated board will somehow gain budgetary control within the city.
To clarify the mild vitriol my initial post has, it's a carry over from your post from last week which sought to split the city, a large, diverse urban area into areas which generate tax dollars and areas which consume tax dollars. That's antithetical to how I believe a place like Boston (or the US) should work hence my strong reaction. Once you start deciding that the poor people shouldn't be benefiting from the taxes generated by Boston being the financial center of the region, where's that line of thinking stop? If they can't pay for the upkeep of the Quabbin system, do they lose water privileges next? It's a poisonous way to view the world.
I would agree BPS can and should be reformed and improved. I don't agree our city should be splintered for wealthy tax payer benefit.
I'm a bit more cynical
By Stevil
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 5:29pm
When I see a former politician with outside foundation funding promoting a "concerned parents group" (and I like John Connolly - even voted for him for Mayor). Keep in mind the number one focus of power in this city is real estate. Number two is the schools - which is why anyone coming in with bold ideas about "reform" will never get elected. If you have power and want to keep it, the status quo is your friend.
Nobody said anything about rich and poor and it's hard to qualify West Roxbury, Roslindale or JP as poor and they'd be first on the cut list - likely along with Eastie and Charlestown for simple geographic reasons.
It's about interests not being represented. One example - about 15 years ago a group in Beacon Hill said they would literally put up the money to buy a then private school if the city would basically just agree to maintain and staff it because there was no elementary school in Beacon Hill, Back Bay or the West End. There was of course full understanding that 50% of the kids would come from other parts of the city - that's how it works. Menino told them to literally take a hike (again - the question is raised about how good they actually want to make the schools). Why should downtown continue to send MASSIVE funding to the rest of the city when we are told to take a hike if we ask for the most basic of services like a school (and don't even get me started on the parks - they are almost completely funded with private money except for the most basic services like cutting the grass, snow plowing and trash removal).
less money, less complications?
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 03/19/2019 - 11:37am
The problem with the public school department isn't how much money it gets as much as how it spends it. It is a very top heavy bureaucracy.
As far as Beacon Hill residents "buying" a local school goes, that is exactly the problem. Maintaining a building on Beacon Hill is very expensive. The whole charter school concept is a waste. If your special school is so great, why can't you get people to pay tuition? Why does anyone believe that charter schools provide a better education when all of them pay their teachers and other employees less? Why don't the students perform better after all the competition and all the emotionally disabled kids get kicked out?
Despite the fact that the superintendent is not elected, we still get high profile temps. We should just make it an elected position. I am not a parent, but educating children improves my quality of life just as much as fixing roads and street lights.
By Stevil
Tue, 03/19/2019 - 12:52pm
I agree with you that part of the problem is the way BPS spends money.
This wasn't supposed to be a charter school. It was supposed to be a district, or maybe an in district charter (but I think this may have happened before there was such a thing). I also believe the renovations would be funded with the purchase -so little maintenance for many years to come and it's a brick building like everything else - except maybe for some historical windows or something, about the same as every other brick schoolhouse in the city. A drop in the bucket compared to staffing. And that was the thing - people would clamor to get into a school like this and there are serious people asking the serious question if there are people behind the scenes that are perfectly happy if BPS fails.
Tuition? You do realize that the vast majority of kids in charters are underprivileged. In fact, that's the mission of several charters - to educate underprivileged kids. Why do people believe they provide a better education? The results speak for themselves (if you get through - and the dropout rate and funding formulas are a legit beef with charters). But my point is and has been - we are helping the most underserved population in the city - not special needs (Boston has great programs and tons of money for that) and not the high performers (BLS, BLA). But the middle of the road kids that may be late bloomers or just need to get away from the other problems of public school are very well served in these environments.
As for electing the superintendent - this is a job that requires specific skills, not a popularity contest. You are not going to get someone with those skills having an election of local people.
There is no evidence that
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 12:48pm
There is no evidence that charter schools perform better than public schools. It is unfortunate that parents believe the voodoo. It is worse that these schools use my tax dollars to carry on this pretense.
Electing a superintendent cannot do worse than the current hiring process. At least we will get someone that wants to live in Boston. And 75% of the people in the Bolling Building are useless.
By Stevil
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 12:59pm
Boston Foundation did a study a few years ago controlling for other factors showing that charter kids outperform BPS kids that applied to charters but didn't get in - among other studies.
As for my tax dollars - personally I'd rather they go to charters than BPS any day of the week. At least 75% of the people in charters aren't useless. They run on a shoestring. they are WAYYYYYYYYY underfunded compared to BPS and use their $$$ very wisely. I've even made donations over and above my tax dollars to fund a charter that I particularly believe in.
read my comment again.
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 1:25pm
The Bolling building is BPS's headquarters. It is where all of overpaid doing nothing bureaucrats work.
I know what the Bolling building is
By Stevil
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 2:22pm
And please get back when you find an article that pertains to Boston AND is not written by morons that can't analyze a budget. When you quote Vaznis, a lazy mouthpiece for city hall and the Bolling Building, it makes you even dumber than he is. Vaznis is the WORST journalist on the Globe staff and I have no idea why he is still working there.
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 4:17pm
Well I clarified what the Bolling building was because you claimed I said that 75% of charter school staff were useless. I was referring to Boston Public School staff at Headquarters.
I don't need to get back to someone that still hasn't posted a link that backs up your claims.
Please explain why statistics about charter schools across the united states don't apply to Boston.
Despite all the name calling, you can't seem to explain what is wrong about the article.
By Stevil
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 4:41pm
Re-read my post - I was saying that charters operate INCREDIBLY efficiently. I was generally agreeing that many at the Bolling are useless.
Anyone active in charter discussions knows that all charters are not created equally across states. Mass is generally a model for the nation (although not perfect - especially on a few particular funding issues).
Most of the weaknesses in charters in other states have been addressed in Massachusetts.
Here's a link to one of the Boston Foundation's research study conclusions:
Here's an email from a charter exec I received this morning - impressive stats and they continue to improve. Keep in mind they serve a mostly underprivileged community:
Hello, Uncommon Friends and Supporters —
The recent college admissions scandal left many of us feeling disheartened and outraged. The shameless and selfish exercise of socioeconomic privilege we saw revealed in anecdote after anecdote was a dispiriting reminder of the inequalities embedded in our system – as was knowing that deserving, talented students were denied admission at these colleges and universities because of this abuse of power.
That is why I want to take this moment to instead celebrate the accomplishments of our own students at Uncommon. Our students are excelling at the highest levels because of their own intelligence and tenacity. They are overcoming obstacles through their unceasing efforts, and the unwavering dedication of their teachers, families and supporters from kindergarten through 12th grade and beyond.
I am proud to share that 92 of Uncommon’s seniors – almost one-fifth of the 2019 graduating class – have been accepted to their top college via early decision or early action. Additionally, 58 percent of the Class of 2018 enrolled in more selective schools this past fall – our highest rate in the past three years. This matters because our own alumni data shows us what this recent article highlights: our students who go to more selective colleges, which have much higher graduation rates – particularly for Black and Latino students – are more likely to graduate themselves.
At Uncommon, we are using this moment to rededicate ourselves to our core work of seeing all of our 19,000 students graduate from college, allowing recent events to motivate us to invest in our students with even more fervor as they develop into their very best, authentic selves.
Thank you for your continued support of our work: building schools rooted in social justice and our fundamental belief that our students will change history, and teaching, challenging, mentoring, and supporting our students every step of the way as they achieve their dreams.
Brett Peiser
Chief Executive Officer
And if you ever believe anything Vaznis has to tell you, I've got a bridge to sell you. He's been around for years and just gets worse with age.
Wow, a study from 2010?
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 5:16pm
While it identifies Uncommon as one of the super network charter schools that have been more successful, it does not include the Boston schools in its stats.
Like previous studies, the one from CREDO concluded that kids in most charter schools are doing worse or no better than students in traditional public schools.
Again with the national statistics?
By Stevil
Wed, 03/20/2019 - 6:20pm
Yes - 2010 - they could redo it and get the same result. I know - you know what's better for children than their parents.
You are obviously not very informed on this issue. Anyone close to it knows that Mass charters are under much stricter regulation and control than those in most other states. Get back to me when you can demonstrate that this performance holds for Boston schools. I WON'T be holding my breath.
Insecure much?
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 1:28pm
We have only had charters since 93. To pretend that a third of available data is irrelevant is cherry picking. Just like stating that nationwide data doesn’t apply to Massachusetts. Prove it. Facts matter.
You don’t even seem to know where your donations are going. No wonder you are stressed by my comments.
I know where my donations are going
By Stevil
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 3:33pm
Read the letter from Uncommon Schools CEO. Great stuff!
Not sure what you mean by 1/3 of data etc., but anyone knowledgeable about charters knows that Mass charters look very little like charters in the rest of the country. The data in Mass is VERY clear that our system works.
Bottom line - roughly 10,000 kids are thriving in Boston charters - and a bunch of people want to take that away for some reason. And not provide that same opportunity to as many kids as would like to attend. I don't get why supposed liberals want to do something that hurts kids and their families.
Uncommon Schools manages 52
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 6:25pm
Uncommon Schools manages 52 schools in 6 regions. Do you get to designate your money for Boston? There is no evidence that the 10,000 students, while surely happy at their charter, are going to do better on standardized tests or college. And why aren't all the students in boston entitled to thrive?
For all of your insults, you haven't produced facts to support your claims. Where is this Massachusetts data that is so clear?
Not only Boston
By Stevil
Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:18am
But the specific school it goes to.
I'm not going to do your homework for you - see the Boston Foundation study and the letter I copied.
Plus - 10,000 kids have opted for charters and thousands more would - but a bunch of uninformed voters decided to prevent them from pursuing better educationsal opportunities.
It's an advertisement to raise money, not real research
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 03/22/2019 - 12:08pm
And again, its from 2010. There is a strong argument against my opinion but you don't seem smart enough to make it.
All BPS kids deserve a great education. I have posted several links that point out that new charter schools do much worse than public schools, so increasing the amount of charter schools is a bad idea. Charter schools take tax money because they aren't good enough to get anyone to pay tuition. Your donations would be better spent in high quality private school scholarships.
Just try to explain why all charter schools pay their employees less. It is consistent in Boston and all across the nation. What does paying a teacher less have to do with improving education?
Like having a conversation with my dining room table
By Stevil
Fri, 03/22/2019 - 2:45pm
As Barney Frank would say.
So if you prove the earth is round you need a study every year to reprove it? And your article was from 2013 - big difference.
You are clearly clueless in this argument about how things work in Massachusetts.
You equate price to value. I know a great 2nd grade teacher in NY that makes well over $100k a year. A younger teacher makes $50k. Who's better? Who knows? But high pay in teacher world just means old, not good or bad.
charters aren't allowed to charge tuition. They are PUBLIC schools funded with PUBLIC dollars. Does BPS charge tuition.
Are you seriously asking these questions and telling me I'm not "smart engough to make" whatever argument I'm supposed to be making - other than you have no idea how the system works?
I can't argue with a dining room table.
Look at you! reading and analyzing something!
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 03/22/2019 - 4:51pm
Yes I did post one article from 2013, but the salon article is from 2019 and the Stanford research was published in 2017.
And when charter schools have only been around since 1993, then obviously you need more than one study to know that it is working. And the studies are saying that at most, charter schools are equal to public schools. Why should we drain the school budget for same academic results?
I equate a consistent pattern of lower salaries at all charter school with less value for teachers. I ask why do all charter schools pay less? How does that improve learning? Charter schools can't charge tuition because they aren't worth tuition. They had to become charter schools because they aren't good enough to make it as private schools.
All have done is insult me. You blather on, and on, but avoid providing evidence. You know you are wrong and that's why poor stevil keeps name calling.
Get back to me...
By Stevil
Fri, 03/22/2019 - 6:35pm
...when you learn why Mass charters are different. we aren't even starting in the same ballpark. Your links are fake news when it comes to Mass charters.
Massachusetts charter schools
By cinnamngrl
Sun, 03/24/2019 - 5:03pm
Massachusetts charter schools are the same. These studies compare achievement and test scores. Your ignorance shows.
Dining Room Tables
By Stevil
Sun, 03/24/2019 - 9:46pm
should be seen and not heard. You'll note even Bernie and Phil and Bob don't sell talking dining room tables.
There's a reason.
word salad
By cinnamngrl
Mon, 03/25/2019 - 9:19am
again, no facts. You just aren't good at this.
Uncommon Schools manages 52
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 6:26pm
Uncommon Schools manages 52 schools in 6 regions. Do you get to designate your money for Boston? There is no evidence that the 10,000 students, while surely happy at their charter, are going to do better on standardized tests or college. And why aren't all the students in boston entitled to thrive?
For all of your insults, you haven't produced facts to support your claims. Where is this Massachusetts data that is so clear?
Uncommon Schools manages 52
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 6:27pm
Uncommon Schools manages 52 schools in 6 regions. Do you get to designate your money for Boston? There is no evidence that the 10,000 students, while surely happy at their charter, are going to do better on standardized tests or college. And why aren't all the students in boston entitled to thrive?
For all of your insults, you haven't produced facts to support your claims. Where is this Massachusetts data that is so clear?
Social Club
By Stevil
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 4:48pm
Fire and police unions have a few set up around the city - listed as "commercial/social club" on the assessor's website.
Some of them do live in my neighborhood
By Stevil
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 4:50pm
I know a few of them VERY WELL. Back Bay isn't nearly as "gilded" as you might think and the economics of living here are very different for those of us who are multi-decade residents. But keep on assuming your assumptions about everyone else's financial situation.
By Residente
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 10:49am
I'm wary of any group that says they have the facts. Especially groups with the actual word "Facts" in their name. It's like a certain news program touting that they're "fair and balanced." If you have to say it so blatantly, maybe it's not really true at all.
What facts are they talking about? Student population at a school, after school programs, school location? Those sound like real facts and it would be good if there was an easy to use hub to find them. Aside from that, there are only opinions and data that people can massage to create so called facts. I hope that they don't start posting test scores as a "fact" for how good a school is. Test scores aren't designed to determine school quality, they are only designed to determine what students know and can do within a certain margin of error. That's it. Anything else is an abuse of that data.
Also, there is this from their website- "SchoolFacts Boston is committed to transparency." And yet they post nothing about their family advisory board besides the name and neighborhood of the folks on it and nothing about where they get their money. Hopefully, they prove me wrong and become an actual transparent org that sticks to the real facts. So far, I'm not impressed.
Great questions. I tweeted
By MattyC
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 11:31am
Great questions. I tweeted this comment to them with a request for information related to their funding and structure. Maybe they'll address it by shoring up the supporting materials on their website.
Funding from the Barr Foundation
By anon
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 2:27pm
The Globe article reports they received a planning grant for startup costs from the Barr Foundation. Give them some time, it takes awhile to get a new, small nonprofit up and running.
Kids go to nearest school.
By Whit
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 1:01pm
Kids go to nearest school. Schools at which 50 percent or more of student pop has one mother without a college degree get 50 percent extra funding for support services and enrichment. Tell me why I am wrong.
Oh man, so many reasons.
By MattyC
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 2:54pm
Oh man, so many reasons. Nonuniform distributions of students and school-seats is a great start. Your method assumes that the population can be served by the local schools. This is categorically false, all over the cities, with oversupply and undersupply in equal measures. Secondly, your funding "equation" assumes that money == quality, which is also false, though you'll have to find some other patsy to do your research for you.
Here's some NEU research addressing point 1, above:
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