The Jarics.
A Boston police officer has been put on desk duty while the department investigates a claim he used his cruiser to provide an escort to a pair of male strippers from Logan Airport to the Roxy on Tremont Street on Oct. 28.
Channel 10 in Providence broke the news, says the ultimate destination of the pair, the Jarics, was a male strip club in Providence the following night. The Jarics had posted an account of their escort from Logan, along with a photo apparently taken in the Ted Williams Tunnel on their Web site (very not safe for work, really, I mean, it, do NOT click on that link at work, unless your work involves putting out gay porn), but they've deleted it.
In a statement, Police Commissioner Ed Davis said:
These are troubling allegations at a time when resources are stretched thin. The department is taking this matter very seriously and it will be fully investigated.
Davis did not name the officer.
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did anybody get a copy?
By Brett
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:55am
but they've deleted it.
Did anybody grab a copy of the photo?
What a shame that Massport's video tapes are rotated too frequently to still have evidence of Boston's Finest Taxi Service...
Click on the Channel 10 link
By adamg
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 1:04am
They made a copy.
By Brett
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 11:51am
...but they only include it in their video at low res. Oh well.
What's fascinating is that the Globe buried their story; it's nowhere to be found on the front page or "news" page.
Sadly, the best the Herald could come up with was a joke about probing the situation. I found a comment about a "Tommy Nee"; anyone have any idea what that's about?
I think we need to help out the Globe by submitting this as a hot job idea.
Oh, I bet they were dying over at the Herald copy desk
By adamg
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:43pm
Probed, huh?
Ahem. In any case, Nee is the head of the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association.
what a bunch of tools
By Brett
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 2:34pm
Their address? 9-11 Shetland Street.
By fenwayguy
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 2:03am
Yikes, I'd say the Jarics site is not at all safe for work. In fact, an "Adult XXX" warning is called for.
The photo in question, though, is totally innocuous, showing what may be a BPD cruiser in what may be the Ted Williams Tunnel, with nothing to tie it to the story of strippers, an alleged sex offender and "adult" nightclub performances.
It all has the stench of sensationalist claptrap that apparently passes for "investigative reporting" on WJAR.
You ain't kiddin'
By rsybuchanan
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 3:01am
You can tell those boys are Jewish.
Hoooooly Stimulus Package ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 9:56am
Holy Stimulus Package Batman!
Sorry, someone had to bring that ... um ... up.
Good thing one of them wasn't in labor trying to get to the hospital ... he'd have to write a ticket.
Makes me wonder if this is a standard thing for the Roxy to get escorts for performers and it is only getting noticed now?
Nah giving tickets to labor
By ShadyMilkMan
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 9:59am
Nah giving tickets to labor induced mothers is a Cambridge thing.
By Mike from Brighton
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:06pm
That was a trooper, and it happened in Lexington.
So the two strippers acted
By riggssm
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 5:24am
So the two strippers acted within the law (stripping, performing "live sex acts" at a registered nightclub, posting pictures and stories on the internet), but because an unregistered/convicted sex offender and a cop are involved, the geighs are gonna get it in the eye, aren't they?
Forget about Channel 10 and gay strippers for a second
By adamg
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 7:52am
The issue is really that a Boston police officer used his taxpayer-funded vehicle to give a couple of his employees or contractors or whatever they are an escort from Logan. It was outrageous when that federal marshal did it for the World's Worst Announcing Team and it's outrageous when a Boston cop does it for, well, anybody (and there appear to be more similarities in that both the marshal and this cop were apparently moonlighting and using their law-enforcement powers to help them with that).
The first I heard of the investigation was the small announcement on the Boston Police blog, which doesn't get into any details at all, other than that they're looking at an escort provided to somebody (doesn't say who) from Logan to the Roxy on the night in question. Even if that's all we knew, it would still be outrageous.
'Course, I write all this without having see what the Herald's written ...
Saying forget about the male
By ShadyMilkMan
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 8:04am
Saying forget about the male strippers for a second is like saying ignore the big elephant in the middle of the room lol. I agree though the police shouldn't be giving anyone escorts to and from anywhere wheter they be escorts or strippers or porn stars. (Almost forgot, um anyone think its odd that Channel 10 beat the Boston press to this story? I would have thought that Fox 25 and the Boston Herald would have been all over this like, well something.)
Its good to see since you don't have to do this from the office anymore that you are seeking out more interesting websites for your readers to peruse. Thats one way to get the hits up and bring on more ad revenue ;)
That's why they call them police CRUISERS, baby!
By anon
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 8:18am
Yes sir, the hardest beat in town is the Bronski Beat.
Can you imagine if one of these rent boys died? They'd get such an escort. It'd be an escort squared. They'd have crying go-go boys in mournful undies gyrating on top of police cruisers. It would close down the city.
I hope the focus remains on
By riggssm
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 8:26am
I hope the focus remains on investigating the alleged police escort, but the political cynic in me thinks there will be more righteous outrage, shock and horror over the married strippers (performing legally) than there will be for the cop (if the allegations are proven). It certainly doesn't help that an unregistered sex offender is playing a supporting role in this farce.
Sox escorts
By jdj
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 9:44am
What's the difference between this and the time Doug Mirabelli got a police escort from Logan to Fenway when he was re-acquired a few years back? Make the Roxy pay the equivalent of a police detail for the time like the Sox did.
I personally thought that if
By riggssm
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:30am
I personally thought that if Mirabelli wanted to play for the Red Sox so damn badly, he should've taken the T to Fenway Park.
Just me though.
I'm sorry officer
By anon
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 7:48am
I didn't realize you wanted me to pull over. I thought you were escorting me to the Roxy.
Bow chicka bow
What I'm trying to figure out
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 8:10am
They were going to Logan to fly to Providence?
Maybe it's because
By Michael
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 8:50am
they didn't have a friend in RI who would pick them up at the airport.
By Pete Nice
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 9:02am
these "police escorts" are when someone in a position of power or importance (politician, sports athlete, famous person etc) asks someone on the police for one. That could be the good story here.
Unless these guys knew the specific cop (which could be true) personally I doubt they called the station and asked for a ride.
By Anonymous
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:42am
Sometimes police mistake innocent innocent bystanders for armed felons and accidentally kill them with their firearms. accidental or otherwise they're still dead. Sometimes police mistake a drunk for a dangerous felon and subdue him with force and leave unattended while he suffers brain damage. Do you get the point about "sometimes" pete? Only in this case, you have no idea what happened and you assert your assertion to provide cover whether it is merited or not. That is called being an apologist and you're do predictably and continually. Save yourself some time and when there is a post regarding police behavior, just say "Sometimes..." and we'll all know what you mean.
Ah no you don't know what I mean.
By Pete Nice
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 11:37am
I was simply pointing out that maybe several cops were wrong here instead of one cop. Or that maybe a politician or other "important" person could be involved here.
Why don't you tell me what you think happened here anonymous? Do you think two guys called Boston Police headquarters and asked for an escort?
The good story
By anon
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:52pm
Tell me more about this good story, Pete. Is there a list over there at the PD or do they just kinda know who is 'in a position of power or influence?'
Really, I think we're all fascinated to hear the 'good story.' It's just not that clear yet. Please elaborate.
First off,
By Pete Nice
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 1:37pm
Im not there and I don't know the story, but are you serious? Don't you think theres more to this story?
But for your question about the "list", there isn't one. But lets say Menino tells some captain at some precint that he wants someone picked up at the airport, guess what.....a cop picks up that someone at the airport.
Now who knows who called for the escort here but there is a story here somewhere.
More to the story
By anon
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 2:03pm
Oh yeah, I'm pretty certain there's more to the story. I just don't think it's good. And I'm absolutely fascinated to hear more speculation as to what the 'good story' could be from you or anybody. It just adds to the funny.
Hey, maybe you're right and it was Menino who called for a police escort for his favorite go-go boys.
Or maybe this is why the union really capitulated on the wage freeze.
Oh yeah, there's more to the story.
you act like I care
By Pete Nice
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 3:11pm
that some Boston cop is going to get into trouble or that the police aren't at fault here. I don't care. But I think there is more to this story and that there might be other people involved. And I absoutly do not have any information on any story about this.
And that wage freeze story is another wierd one. Still, I don't care who gets in trouble for it, but I do believe the residency rule is a crappy one.
Police escorts of the recent past
By Ron Newman
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 9:42am
I don't recall too many people getting upset about this one:
[url=http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=242864... Sox reacquire Mirabelli to catch Wakefield[/url]
Don't make it a link, then
By Jonas Prang
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:01am
If you are so concerned about people unadvisedly clicking on the http:// jarics.falconstudios.com link, then don't make it a link. Just provide the url.
Why inconvenience the people who do want to click on it?
By adamg
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:48am
Hopefully the warning would be enough. Given that part of the story does involve the Web site (it's where the picture from the Ted Williams Tunnel was from), I'd feel funny not providing a link (with, of course, the NSFW warning).
Just sign me,
An old Web guy
It's your style guide, but it assumes folk read 1st then click.
By Jonas Prang
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 11:25am
"(very not safe for work, really, I mean, it, do NOT click on that link at work, unless your work involves putting out gay porn)" sez Br'er Rabbit.
It's your style guide, so you are free to make the choices you want. However, that thicket of verbal signage is considerably less effective than the low hurdle of a url with no hyperlink. You tell people "do NOT click" and then you give them something to click. Providing the url does provide access to the indelicate content, but it affords your point-'n'-grunt reader a pause in which to think.
Of course, jarics.falconstudios.com is an important part of the story.
Inconvenience? You'd think you were asking people to carry firewood. Click-drag-release-copy, paste--nary a glancing fingertip on the keyboard. Seems pretty convenient to me.
But, then I don't think your coarse sobriquet for idiotic Massachusetts drivers and insensitive Massachusetts residents belongs on your web site, either. But, it is your show, not mine.
An Old 110 Baud to Twitter Tool
Of course,
By ShadyMilkMan
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 11:40am
Wheres the hyperink?
Tunnel fees
By Belmont
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 9:45am
Incidents like these are the real reason why the airport tunnel fees need to be raised. As a long time citizen of this great Commonwealth I believe we need to subsidize the moonlighting limousine services of our law and order agencies one way or the other.
Keep your shirt on
By Buhdayduh
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:12am
Tim McCarver and Joe Buck are gay?
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:58am
NSF anybody ... eeeewww ... brain bleach ... Please don't post the link to any "lockerrom action" websites for those two.
BTW, Harris wins the internets for today!
By Harris
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 11:20am
Swirly, would I ever disappoint you?
he's got a ticket to ride
By Harris
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:38am
He was a gaaaaaaaay stripper
With a police driver, yeah
It took me soooooo long to find out
I found out