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Wilkerson declares victory


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It is no surprise that idiots like adamg continue to refer to our great Senator as a felon. Take a trip down to the federal courthouse and you will discover that failing to file your taxes is a misdemeanor, and that is the only charge that the senator received. - Between you and the herald, the obvious racist attitudes of some of you cowards was all for nothing. 2 more years suckers. All we do is win! win! win!

By the way - Senator John Kerry also failed to file his taxes, along with atlest 10-15 other elected officials on Beacon Hill.

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i hate it when people pull the race cards."great seantor"? please. she is a bad person.she uses her position to pay her son's car bills. she is a liar and a thief and you fools keep reelecting her because you feel like its "us against them" its silly.i would love it if the people of these neighborhoods would find a black woman that was not a tax cheat, a liar, and of questionable character, who could hold this positon without all the baggage. please could someone really tell me something diane has done that is positive? it seems to me that while she wiggles her way out of one questionable situation after another young black men in her district are dying on a daily basis. can you say marion barry? stupid is as stupid does.

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Even though Chang-Diaz is now unlikely to win, she should still petition for a full recount. It is the only way to audit the proper counting of votes in the rest of the precincts, and to ensure that nothing like this happens again.

For that matter, it's the only way for Chang-Diaz to truly assess her strength in each part of the district, so she can decide whether or not to try again in two years.

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