The Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports Boston Municipal Court Judge Richard Sinnott refused to let its prosecutors drop charges against seven people arrested during protests Saturday over the pro-Trump bigot march through Back Bay and downtown.
All seven were charged with disorderly conduct, some also with resisting arrest. Sinnott did allow prosecutors to drop the cases against two protesters for whom "the police reports did not present probable cause to support charges," the DA's office reports.
DA Rachael Rollins vowed to seek a reversal of Sinnott's decisions:
By compelling arraignment in every case, the judge punished the exercise of individuals' First Amendment right to protest. At my request, prosecutors used the discretion constitutionally allocated to the executive branch to triage cases and use our resources most effectively to protect public safety. Make no mistake: some people were appropriately arraigned and will be held accountable for actions that put the safety of the public and law enforcement at risk. For those people now tangled in the criminal justice system for exercising their right to free speech - many of whom had no prior criminal record - I will use the legal process to remedy the judge’s overstepping of his role.
Prosecutors did move forward with more serious charges against seven other people - who were charged with offenses that included assault and battery on a police office, carrying a dangerous weapon and accosting.
Separately, the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association fired off an angry letter to US Rep. Ayanna Pressley for her support of a fund helping 34 protesters pay for bail and legal expenses.
In the letter, BPPA President Michael Leary told Pressley that, if anything, she should be convincing people to respect the police:
My members have informed me that the individuals who were arrested on Saturday were not peaceful protesters but were committing crimes of assault against Boston Police Officers. In fact at least four officers were injured by actions of some of the protesters. These officers were screamed at, abused and fought by these so-called peaceful protesters. Your actions in support of these individuals serves only to encourage criminal and disruptive behaviors such as those suffered by my members this weekend. This attitude also further contributes to the growing we/they attitude against police officers in this Country. As an elected official and particularly as someone who has historically worked with the Boston Police Department and the BPPA as a member of the Boston City Council you should be working to encourage Boston city residents and visitors to respect and cooperate with Boston Police officers who are there to serve and protect. The BPPA supports the right of free speech, but free speech does not include the right to abuse and assault the men and women who are appointed to keep the peace. ...
I urge you to reconsider your support of the protest bail fund. Instead, I hope you will make it clear to your supporters that you don't approve of violent behavior against public safety personnel.
A list of the arrested people and their charges show that, in fact, most of the people arrested Saturday were not charged with "committing crimes of assault against Boston Police officers."
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Were any non-protesters arrested,?
By mg
Tue, 09/03/2019 - 11:46pm
Were any members of the parade arrested?
By adamg
Tue, 09/03/2019 - 11:49pm
Although none
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 6:11am
For anything serious, the assaults and dangerous weapons charges were all counter protesters.
"Their city"...what a joke, stay home losers
By Roztonian (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 12:10am
Funny how all of the videos of antifa losers show them shouting at others (also losers) to get out of "their city"...take a look at the arrest docket. Almost every one of these complete dimwits are from places other than boston.
I wish all of the loser straight pride a$$holes and violent mob mentality antifa zeros would just stay in their little suburbs and go back to their video games.
Glod lord, I have never seen a more unlikable group of people in my life. The whole lot is detestable.
Does Warren stand with her own Boston PD or Antifa on this?
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 12:42am
Has anyone in the media asked Warren if she stands with her own Boston Police or stands with far-left Antifa on this? If poor Biden's frailty continues and Warren is somehow nominated, the Trump v. Warren debates and BPD endorsement of Trump on the Boston Common will be epic. The Common may not be able to handle it with all of the police and their supporters. It will be fun to watch Marty (if still in office) squirm over the permitting process as Warren and her agitators riot nearby. Bad look for the Democrat party going into an election.
By Ari O
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 6:16am
I'd stand with them, given the alternative.
Which part...
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 6:51am
...of violently protesting another group's sanctioned expression of free speech, regardless of whether you agree with their message or not, "anti fascist?"
Which part of
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 12:37pm
"nonviolent protesters attacked then arrested by cops facing corruption scandals" did you not understand? Read the fucking statement, idiot.
Saying you're "anti-fascist"
By bosguy22
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 8:12am
While acting like fascists. Cool.
Fighting fire with fire
By Ari O
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 8:38am
The what-aboutism levels that come out whenever someone discusses anti-fascists is impressive. The anti-fascists didn't come out of nowhere. Do you remember them being active five years ago? Nope, because the fascists were subdued. But once the fascists/neo-nazis came to more prominence, the anti-fascists came out. The only reason the "antifa" exists is to present a strong front against fascism. If fascism went away, so would they. You may not like exactly how they go about it, but a strong response to fascism is … well, not bad.
So, sure, go out and defend fascists. That's worked out so well in the past.
Youre making the assumption
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 8:40am
They were or all are white supremacist in order to justify violence. Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t make them a racist, that outlook makes you an idiot.
You're right
By MostlyHarmless
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 3:03pm
They're not racist because I disagree with them, they're racists because they say and do racist things. If they wish to stop saying and doing racist things, I will happily stop calling them racists.
Can you name the individual(S
By Patriciax (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 3:27pm
Can you name the individual(S) that did these racist things? And, what are these racist things?
I want examples. I'm tired of people being called racist, bigots, etc.. just because you don't agree with them.
Yes, obviously
By MostlyHarmless
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 11:44pm
And so could you if you put in a modicum of effort. But you won't, so.
direct action
By JohnJosephCroMag (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 8:49am
is not equivalent to fascism.
Ah yes
By MostlyHarmless
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:35am
The real intolerance is not tolerating your intolerance. Obviously.
Bad look for the Democrat party going into an election.
By Wiffleball
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 7:15am
You sound concerned.
I'm a lifelong Democrat.
By dmcboston
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 7:35am
You people have gone off the deep end.
I'd say that goes two ways
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:13am
I think both parties have gone off the rails. And this fascists v. antifa is a symptom of that.
One of the out of town folks
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:49am
One of the out of town folks arrested ran for office as a member of Liberty Union Party. So not a "D" or a "R"...
You people
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:20am
You mean people that believe that constitutional rights belong to everyone? That out of control police forces need to be disciplined and corrupt police departments disbanded and reformed?
You fascist make me sick. My grandfather didn't suffer lifelong disabilities so that you can hump your guns and cops can attack people with impunity.
Message sent
By dmcboston
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 7:34am
"...Boston Municipal Court Judge Richard Sinnott refused to let its prosecutors drop charges..."
That's his right. It's what judges do.
(Following from a Herald article, not verbatim, the other judge)
"I want to visit relatives in JP."
"No, they can visit you. You're only allowed here to visit your lawyer and court dates. You get caught here it's ninety days in the hoosegow."
I have faith that the judiciary will enforce the laws that the DA won't.
I say bring them back to court. Give them the hearings that they apparently so wanted.
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:03am
Judges do not have the right to determine who a prosecutor will bring a case against. Our system gives prosecutors that discretion. This decision is overstepping the judge's authority.
False Dilemma
By berkleealum
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 7:55am
Individuals from so-called “far-left Antifa†and BPD officers and their supporters are equally Senator Warren’s constituents.
To reiterate a point made earlier, I don’t think she’ll have a problem choosing sides.
see above
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:16am
there's no choosing sides in this - they are all nutjobs. this is not a game of "would you rather".
Look at some of the video
By anon (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:22am
People standing there, behind the cordons and being attacked by police are "nutjobs" too?
No. The police are out of control. I'm sick of paying for their special rights to hurt people for no reason, particularly when those people are exercising their first amendment rights.
False equivalence is a logical fallacy.
Looking at the operations plan...
By Pete Nice
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:32am
And what was put into it, Boston did not want something to happen like happened in Virginia. I think one of the big differences is that VA had real bad Nazis (known violent skinhead and prison gang groups with violent histories), and Boston had fringe wierdos (Alt right in theory, but not a criminal history of violence as these Southern Groups had). Even those Patriot Front individuals who were identified by local and federal authorities over the past few years did not show up for this event (or many were missing that were expected to show and they did have violent histories)
In VA the police let the two sides confront each other in hopes that no violence would take place. That didn't happen and it got out of control. Boston police were ordered to keep the parade route clear and had distinct lines in place to prevent either side from confronting each other. VA police didn't do that and their lines of protection broke down when protesters were allowed to push by front police lines.
In the end Walsh, Gross, Baker, and other MApoli were gambling that minor police aggression against antifa was better than taking the risk of doing what police did in VA. Although white out of towners seem to gather a lot of social media support, this will blow over in a few days and as people can see by FISH's likes on his comment, most people probably don't care anyway.
On the other hand it would be interesting to see cities keep fighting the ACLU and Nazis when they apply for parade permits. All you need is one judge to opine the other way and possibly a Supreme Court to rule in the Cities favor.
Nope. Both sides are not
By ZachAndTired
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:39am
Nope. Both sides are not "nutjobs." There are open fascists trying to shift the Overton window in their direction and there are people pushing back against them. It's very telling that this "both sides" argument is only coming from the right.
Trying to start a riot
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:47am
Is not "pushing back". We are a country of PEACEFUL protest. Violate that (and support people doing that) and you are a nutjob.
You only think of it as coming from the right because if you are right of antifa in your book, you are a wingnut in the eyes of people supporting antifa.
Supporting the Constitution and the equal enforcement of the law is not right or left wing thing and doesn't mean you are supportive of the fascists either - only their rights under the Constitution that can't be obstructed no matter how abhorrent their beliefs.
lol "riot"
By Old Groucho (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 9:59am
i missed the molotovs, can you point me to those videos?
What I did see was Police punching protestors, using bicycles as weapons, and spraying pepper spray indiscriminately into a crowd without ever giving any orders to disperse.
Stop this both sides nonsense.
The fascists are fully in control while "Antifa" are about as dangerous as the hippies we were warned about 60 years ago.
They're a boogeyman, a bunch of mostly kids lashing out at what they perceive as injustice.
They're not funded by gop thinktanks
or connected to white supremacist groups or outlaw biker gangs.
Those would be the Trümpenfuhrer's brown sh- (excuse me) his "Red Hats" and sexually repressed "Proud Boys".
It's interesting that in your
By ZachAndTired
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 11:42am
It's interesting that in your mind the fascists have a constitutionally protected right to free speech, but the anti-fascists do not. It's also interesting that you continue to push the narrative that anti-fascists are these violent hooligans who are looking for trouble. In reality, the violence committed by fascist groups like the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, and
Identity Evropa far outweighs any violence committed by anti-fascists. Far right extremists have killed dozens of people just in the past few months. "Antifa" has killed exactly zero people.
I agree with you completely
By berkleealum
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:06am
But please don’t join them in validating the use of “Antifa†to describe an organized group.
You're right. To be clear,
By ZachAndTired
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:09am
You're right. To be clear, Antifa is not an organization and most of the people who were protesting do not identify as "Antifa."
Nobody is saying they can't protest
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:16am
They just have to obey the law - they didn't get arrested for protesting. They got arrested for breaking the law (apparently as did two parade marchers).
By berkleealum
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:22am
Have you ever been given a warning for speeding?
2/3 of the arrests the Herald reports are for disorderly conduct. We prosecute disorderly conduct every time now? I guess you’ve never been out on a Saturday night.
Lots of people were arrested
By ZachAndTired
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:25am
Lots of people were arrested for protesting. One person was pepper sprayed and arrested for calling a cop a "pig." One person was arrested for having a bullhorn. But now you're just moving goalposts.
That's why we have these things called courts
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:35am
where they at least attempt to straighten out both sides of the story. If the police overstepped (especially in this bastion of progressive thought), I trust the courts to do a better job than politicians and the peanut gallery (us). It's not perfect - but it's better than most alternatives.
Do you actually live here? (in the US - not just Boston).
Do you actually live here?
By ZachAndTired
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 10:40am
This is the second time this week that you've used the lazy trope of insinuating that I'm a Russian troll because you disagree with what I'm saying. Yes, I was born and raised in Massachusetts and I've lived in Boston for 15 years.
Do you actually live here? (in reality - not just Boston)
Because based on your comments
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 11:23am
It sounds like you never made it past 6th grade civics. I agree with you that the fascists need to be opposed in the strongest legal way.
'member when
By Marco (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 12:16pm
the Polish politely asked the Nazis to refrain from invading them? Pretty sure they sent quite a few very official and legal requests....
Also find it amusing how you posit that this is a country of PEACEFUL protesting when the protest that birthed this very country covered Boston in blood 200+ years ago. Yet you admonish someone for not making it past 6th grade civics class? Dude have you EVER read a history book? Even skimmed one? Not counting the bible either...
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 1:16pm
And there was this thing called the civil war too. Those were not exactly protests. I know, words are hard.
So next time somebody marches that I disagree with, it's OK to gather up a bunch of my like-minded friends, disobey police orders and beat the crap out of them?
Riiiigght - got it.
You can try.
By Marco (not verified)
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 2:20pm
Everything is legal up until you take a swing. The point you seem to keep missing over and over is that some of these people were arrested for SAYING things, and other assorted BS like HAVING a bullhorn.
how's that boot leather taste?
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
By Pete X
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 12:39pm
Was written by someone who broke the law.
Almost any resistance to authority can be characterized as illegal by those in power, JD. I guess your civics class skipped that.
Of course
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 1:18pm
Antifa = MLK and the civil rights marchers
They weren't even the marchers - they were the hooligans in the crowd (innocent etc.)
Riiigght - Got it bush leaguer.
Oh, gramps
By Pete X
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 1:23pm
Read what I wrote. Is it your knee jerk defense of authority that's causing the reading comprehension problem?
No - I just don't have my decoder ring handy
By Stevil
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 1:55pm
To figure out your point.
Are you saying that if I think someone is unjustly arrested they shouldn't have to face a judge?
Oh wait - it's YOU that gets to be judge and jury. My bad.
You don't get to say "these people are bad" and "these people are opposing the bad people so they are good". Arrest the misbehaving bad people and leave the misbehaving good people alone. And in case you missed it, I believe it was noted that 2 marchers were arrested and 5 counter-protesters. It wasn't like the cops were taking sides.
These people got arrested (on both sides). A judge (and jury?) will figure out whether they are guilty and what the consequences are. That's kinda the way it works. Permission from the peanut gallery is worth peanuts.
For the Reading Challenged:
By Pete X
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 2:33pm
I'm saying don't be a bootlicker of authority who automatically assumes anyone who is punished by law enforcement or the judicial system deserves what they get.
Letter from a Birmingham jail direct quotes
By Pete X
Thu, 09/05/2019 - 10:21am
It's really good, you should read it! Talks all about how to tell which laws are just and which aren't.
Maybe you should go to law school
By Stevil
Thu, 09/05/2019 - 2:12pm
And learn how to be a civil member of society. Because there is nothing unjust about the laws these people got arrested for. If these people want to argue the laws were unjustly applied or they were not violating the laws- that's what the courts are for and they can have their day in court.
Nobody is talking about denying anyone the privilege of peaceful assembly and protest. They are accused of NOT being peaceful - that's the point, although I know sharp points don't always penetrate dull objects.
By berkleealum
Wed, 09/04/2019 - 5:38pm
we all remember how incredibly tolerant Americans were toward MLK's civil disobedience.
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