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Say, what's the address of the Socialist Party headquarters?
By adamg on Wed, 11/06/2019 - 1:42pm
The folks at the Boston City Archives wonder if you can place this scene. See it larger.
This is pretty fitting for
This is pretty fitting for this week. Yesterday would have been Eugene Debs' 164th birthday.
92 Cambridge Street, Charlestown
AKA - Elizabeth Warren's Boston Campaign HQ
Wow. Good one, man.
1326 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge
Socialist Party? Park Square
Park Square, about 1915
Thank you
thought I'd be the first to the punch bowl - way too easy.
the hottest and freshest
Of hot, fresh takes.
National Fascist Party headquarters
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
(Also headquarters for the John Birch Society and Council of Concerned Citizens)
And the KGB.
North American branch.
No argument
Trump is a putz and no way I'll ever vote for him.
Unfortunately the Democratic party is offering a bunch of least awful solutions.
The best of the bunch are actually probably the also-ran Republicans.
You know we’re fucked as a
You know we’re fucked as a country when the socialists/communists use fascism to defend their actions, and vice versa.
Little boys like you...
...should not use words whose meanings you don't know.
(I'm speaking specifically of "socialists", "communists" and "fascists", but on reflection you probably don't know what "fucked" means either)
Lab, if i wanted to listen to
Lab, if i wanted to listen to an asshole, I would fart.
'fess up: You're a professional comedy writer, aren't you? Bruce Vilanch? Is that you?
Elizabeth Warren, Socialist?
That's really about as lazy and stupid as it gets.
"I am a capitalist. Come on. I believe in markets. What I don’t believe in is theft, what I don’t believe in is cheating. That’s where the difference is. I love what markets can do, I love what functioning economies can do. They are what make us rich, they are what create opportunity. But only fair markets, markets with rules. Markets without rules is about the rich take it all, it’s about the powerful get all of it. And that’s what’s gone wrong in America."
Interview with John Harwood, CNBC, 7/24/18
"I believe in markets and the benefits they can produce when they work. Markets with rules can produce enormous value. So much of the work I have done—the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, my hearing-aid bill—are about making markets work for people, not making markets work for a handful of companies that scrape all the value off to themselves. I believe in competition."
Interview with Franklin Foer, Atlantic, 8/28/18
I missed the part where she declared her support for state control of the means of production. Where was that again?
You're obviously either not paying attention or drinking too much kool aid.
She has literally proposed govermnent control of AT LEAST 50% of the economy with hyper-regulation of about another 25%.
The math is simple and starts with the fact that government is already about 35% of the economy. Dothe math to figure out the rest.
If you want Trump 2.0, vote Warren.
Trump 1.0 is nazis, babies
Trump 1.0 is nazis, babies being ripped from their mom and a limited vocabulary.
Doesn't sound like Warren.
Because she won't beat him
Warren won't be Trump 2.0.
He'll get a second term.
She's like Hillary. About the only Dem that can lose to Trump. Maybe Bernie too.
Aside from you playing loosy goosy with facts and figures
If you have a capitalistic society, as we do, you need regulations at the Federal level to level that good ole playing field that, historical speaking, is coveted and controlled by the wealthy and people with power and position.
Now, I could give you a history lesson on all the whys (using our past history of what happened with regulations were loosened or non-existent) but I don't want to.
Warren is pushing for corporate regulations, mostly. And for good reasons. You might of remember what happened in 2008?
Or perhaps you are ok with:
Or perhaps you think people should drink toxic water:
Lack of regulations, my friend, can cause harm, pain and suffering of your fellow human beings in a capitalistic society such as ours.
Read some history and figure it out for yourself.
R u joking
I work in the second most regulated industry in this country-the one that warren is most critical of -as am I.
We'll see, but my guess is if she gets in I'll need to raise prices significantly to pay lawyers for paperwork that serves no purpose other than creating government jobs.
U have no clue what u are talking about and neither does she.
Don't get me wrong, I want Trump out. But replacing him with her is getting something equally bad on the other side of the fence.
You don't run a small biz.
Especially a small financial services biz.
You've never been driven to financial ruin by medical debt.
But whatever.
the harvard professor has no
the harvard professor has no idea what she’s talking about, but the guy who admittedly has a vested interest in avoiding government regulation does. lol
I'll take that bet
My academic pedigree and integrity vs. hers and I'll win all day long, hands down.
No doubt you're correct
Since you'll never have to actually prove it. But in your fevered little brain, you're the king.
I gave you the formula
If a simple Google search and plug is beyond your logical and mathematical skills, well....
Sure you did
Now run along and play.
Not that hard
(Federal expenses + state + local + everything additional warren wants to give away)/total GDP
Guess you missed it below?
Or are you just afraid of the answer?
You're not very good at this
If it's so easy... show me the numbers!
Did mommy do your homework too
I said - if you do everything Warren wants you'll have about 50% of the economy under the control of government - and probably another 25% highly regulated - finance, technology, food, environment, medicine and more (which will largely be in the 50% above if Warren gets her way).
Which is why I'm praying Bloomberg gets in - but good chance he gets primaried by a Warren or maybe Sanders because the Dems have gone too far left.
Prove me wrong.
You forgot to show your work.
Simple math
Plus a couple of google searches if u r ignorant of government spending stats. Add in medicare for all, free childcare and free everything else shebis proposing and you easily get to 50% of the economy. If that's beyond ur skills, back to 3rd grade with you.
If it's so simple, it should
If it's so simple, it should be beyond easy for you to post the actual figures you're using to come to that conclusion.
Do ur own work
And I'll grade it.
"I'm going to throw a bunch
"I'm going to throw a bunch of nonsensical numbers out into the ether and it's on you to back them up for me" is not a great way to make a convincing argument.
Sure, sure
That's what I thought.
Pardon ur ignorance
(Federal expenses + state + local + everything additional warren wants to give away)/total GDP
It's about half, maybe more.
Then add the size of industries warren wants to heavily regulate and re-run that.
If you want to get fancy, subtract out what you don't think she can get through congress.
Need any more help from teacher?
And this "everything additional" would be... ??
Educate yourself
Google is ur friend.
On your one (1) friend.
You have to hand it to Stevil
for showing a real spirit of self-reliance, which even goes so far as to hand-crafting his own statistics. None of those store-bought statistics for him! He'll bake his own, in his own thinking-oven.
Do you have alternative statistics?
Or do you just rely on alternative facts?
2x post
Location is Park Square.
Location is Park Square.
Park Square?
I found references to The Georgian Cafe in in Park Square in the 1911-1912 time frame (President Taft apparently ate there, but where didn't he eat?).
With Taft
it was "what didn't he eat"...
7 Park Square, Boston, MA
More specifically 7 Park Square, Boston, MA.
"The Georgian" building was built in 1912. Later, it was purchased by the "Laymen's League" whose address was 7 Park Square.
11 something
11 something
Funny But Accurate?
Current Democratic Party HQ is 11 Beacon.
I'll Say...
... Tremont Street (although my original guess was a higher number than probable, so edited to take that out.).
Of course, "Warren's campaign HQ" was also MY first thought.
Waldorf Lunch system
An article about its presence in Boston from June 1918.
I hadn't heard about the
I hadn't heard about the Waldorf Lunch System. Googling found this article about the former Hayes-Bickford in Harvard Square, which was a Waldorf before that. When Clover was renovating the space, they discovered historic wall tiles depicting banners from various colleges:
I'll have to check this out!
Back when Boston had character
- which is quickly being replaced by large ugly buildings.
sssshhh! lest you be
sssshhh! lest you be classified as an elitist who gives a rat's ass about history and local architecture!
The Answer
Thanks for playing, folks! This is indeed Park Square. The date is July 6, 1915.
Thank you.
I enjoy seeing the changing landscape of Boston.
double parking!
That horse-cart looks double-parked. The horror!
I think it's on Washington St
I think it's on Washington St. in the South End, near Waltham St.
Don't ever change.