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Skunky smell leads to arrest of New Yorker with ten pounds of pot at South Station, police say


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To not even attempt to hide the smell and transport such a long distance makes the trip (to me at least) seem unplanned and rushed.

If this were a regular thing he's have done it properly.

He prolly ripped someone off and figured he could unload it in Boston.

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people generally just mind their own business when they smell weed, so its not a huge risk to walk around with a large amount.

i'll take that $100 though - i need to reup

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since possession of *some* amount is legal, and the smell of marijuana has been ruled insufficient for a search during a traffic stop.

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When it comes to the smell of marijuana, the issue with car stops is whether that justifies pulling people out of the car for a search, which is different from a bag that, according to the TPD description, was basically just sitting there in a public spot.

Caveat that I am Not a Lawyer, of course.

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Search of a bag might be less "sensitive" than search of car, and therefore have a lower threshold of suspicion.

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If you think you have no rights when driving a car, try taking an interstate bus.

There are so many horror stories about ICE getting in people's faces at 3 am, searches of bags, police with dogs in the station, etc.

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If he's been selling drugs for 15 years, you'd think he'd have figured out (or been told) a way to block the weed odor.

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Heroin is 'dope'.

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: an illicit drug (such as heroin or cocaine) used for its intoxicating or euphoric effects especially : marijuana

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I just posted as if you were saying only heroin was also known as dope. Then I saw the quote marks and realized I'm the dope.

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Great job by the witness and the Transit Police but there's almost no risk and a very high reward for these crimes. It's nearly impossible to get arrested for marijuana in this state. Almost all drug detectives are focused on opioids and officers in uniform have been conditioned to treat all weed as legal/unenforceable.

In this case, a witness and a large quantity led to seizure and arrest but it's virtually certain that the dealer will post his $40 bail commissioner's fee or be released with no fee at all. Then it's back to Brooklyn. The MBTA Police won't be sending anyone to Brooklyn to bring him back and even if he's picked up by NYPD, it's highly unlikely Suffolk will spend the time and money to get him back here. The high reward comes from the onerous taxes and the few legal weed shops which makes the black market more appealing than ever. The high taxes at legal pot shops have allowed unlicensed street dealers to significantly increase their price while still being the best deal in town. The peace of mind buying from a licensed shop is mitigated by the knowledge that nothing will be done if buying on the street, even if caught. The result is ten pounds of these particular bags of marijuana off the street, forcing consumers to a different dealer, licensed or not. The crime is basically tax evasion, little else.

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It should be much easier to buy weed legally, in quantity, to remove the incentive to buy it on the black market.

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a guy i know who told me the following

the weed at the dispensaries is very high quality. you need an appointment to pick up at most places. the price is $55 for an EIGHTH of flower, they then slap a $10 tax on it. so $65 per EIGHTH.

the "black market" weed is pretty high quality (you still get a shit batch occasionally but not that compressed mexican shit from back in the day). black market weed is DELIVERED to his work and left inside his car. cost is $35 per eighth with no taxes added. he also throws in a free $10 gummy pack for every hundred dollars spent.

just the basic facts.

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and a customer rewards program?

looks like i need to make some calls

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Who got their knowledge of marijuana price structure from Freak Brothers comics (ounces, pounds, lids, and bags), what is a flower?

the price is $55 for an EIGHTH of flower

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weed is sold in so many variations today. flower is your basic old school bag of buds. weed.as opposed to concentrates, wax, shatter, oils, edibles etc.

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Curious about gummies/candies pricing?

I currently pay $2.00 each which coupled with a 3.00 bag of Doritos makes for a pretty cheap date.

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Just go to leafy.com to get a feel for prices.

It varies due to dose.

I got a 150mg pack of gummies. Was 4 ~33mg peices. Was about 41 bucks I believe. Works out to about 10 bucks gummy.

Sure alot.. but one is all you need

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Yes, pricey

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I get alot of heat from a friend because I have a MMJ card and only go to a disp. I have a grey market delivery service I use on occasion. Sure its cheaper but..

Black Market is exactly that. Black Market.

1. You don't know where it came from
2. You don't know who is reselling it.
3. You don't know its quality
4. You don't know its testing levels
5. You don't know if your purchase is connected to the other criminal activity (mob, human trafficking, etc)

Let's also keep in mind that with the recent THC vape thing, remember most of the carts that tested positive for the vitamin E additive, were BLACK MARKET.

My black market service is a delivery service. Prices are alright, and the quality varies. Its obvious its from California or Colorado (packaging dictates this as friends in CA & CO have identified it as one of the local store's brands). But unlike MA, California and Colorado allows independent growers that sell to stores. It is tested before the store can take delivery, if it does not pass, its garbage and cannot be sold in a retail store. If you think a grower is gonna throw away millions of dollars in product that they can't sell.. you're not too bright. They sell it to the black market, and it goes out of state (and out of mind).

Sure you may reply and say "but its just lesser quality". Not always. It could be not grown right, not as strong.. or worse things like pesticides and other chemicals that were used. Maybe the cutting table was cleaned with bleach and it got on product. Or a multitude of other things why the state it was grown in, rejected it.

But if you're OK with knowing all of that and saving a few bucks on weed is more important than all of the above, then cheap weed is for you. Enjoy.

I'll be happy with my MMJ card and ordering online and going to pick it up. I can pick from a menu, and I get what i want. Its been tested and certified by the state. It's always Grade A flower.

My BIGGEST argument, for me personally, is time. With black market or "calling your guy". its an ordeal. Gotta call, order, then wait.. sometimes hours.

yeah no. My time is valuable to me. I bill consulting (IT) clients down to the 1/4 of an hour, so when I take in account my bill rate, how much time I would waste "waiting" for someone...its about a wash. Plus I know where it's coming from when I go to a store. Since I save time and its easy, I go whenever.. ON MY TIME. Not someone else's.

But please go on and continue to support very questionable enterprises... I don't care much that big business is in pot. But my time, knowing where it comes from, and be free of chemicals/unknown substances is far more important on saving 15 bucks. I'll overlook the big business part (as I do my cable company, cell company, gas company.... and on and on)

Yeah can't you tell I'm so tired of this argument.. "but its cheaper"... at a cost. Remember, the hunt for "lower prices" is always the source of problems in this country See Wal*Mart, Offshoring, Imported goods, lower quality, as an example. Same thing. Maybe if we didn't seek "lower prices" all the time, we might not have so many problems here.

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You mentioned the vitamin E acetate that is linked to the acute lung illness, but you're leaving out the fact that the reason they're cutting it with that is to increase their profits. So you get people scoffing at someone paying double or more for a dispensary cart than they pay "their guy" for one but they are probably paying as much or more per unit of THC once it's been stepped on like that.

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mass is losing out on a serious way to rake in the taxes. They instead will debate forever and locals will NIMBY dispensaries out of existence.. Its working in other states but why be a leader?

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Great job by the witness and the Transit Police

I'm a little unclear on how the actions of the witness and the Transit Police contributed in any way to public safety.

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It gave the officers something to do so they didn't get up to any trouble.

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South station bus terminal is very sketchy during the day and very dangerous after midnight.

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I almost got hit by a falling bag of weed!

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You haven't been to many sketchy bus terminals

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All I've ever seen there is people going to and from buses.

The ony sketchy area is the sidewalk along Atlantic Avenue between the bus terminal and the train station. Which is easily avoided by walking down the Track 1 platform.

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could we please just stop with this already? ffs

If it were a case of whiskey nothing at all would happen to the guy. Stop kidnapping and jailing people for the victimless crime of distributing marijuana. this arrest was made to protect the insane profits being made by the hedge fund managers who own places like NETA, which netted 75 million in profit last year trading the same shit this guy just had stolen from him by some bored cops

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Every so often there's a story of someone being caught driving to VT to buy cases of beer for local resale without the normal distribution permits. They also get prosecuted.

Usage of weed isn't really a problem. But much of illegal version is grown in environmentally destructive ways and innocent people are being harmed in the growth and distribution. Preventing this is the biggest valid reason for going after bulk distributors.

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I know it's a new decade, and that article is paywalled, but the article is from 2005.

In 1995 this guy would have been 11 years old.

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Yes, 2005.

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What is the point of that last line? Is it to somehow cast an implication that he has been doing this since 1995? Does it lend anything else to the story?

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He's been charged with something like this.

Also, should have read 2005. I've fixed the dumb mistake.

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I've fixed the dumb mistake.

You stopped paying the Herald for access?


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