Jon Keller wonders how Patrick turned into a loser and wonders why Patrick can't seem to stop Healey from setting the agenda (Keller is, of course, completely silent on the role of the media in all this).
Blue Mass. Group wishes the media would get it right: Patrick didn't actually accuse Kerry Healey's campaign of calling up the Herald - only that whoever did do it was practicing the politics of Kerry Healey. So there.
The Outraged Liberal discusses plausible deniability. Dan Kennedy ponders a California and so national Republican link - although some of his commenters wonder if it's not somebody else who has reason to disklike Patrick.
Lance predicts the Sigh case will lose Healey the election.
Hub Politics concludes that Patrick hates all of humanity while Healey never passes a puppy without petting it. Also, Patrick hates commercial fishermen most of all.
Scott Allen Miller discusses Patrick's persecution complex and ignorance of the law.
Blog fight! Blue Mass. Group says Hub Politics has jumped the shark, delists it from its blogroll and says mAss Backwards is better written, so there.
Lawyers, at least the ones who run Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, are insulted by Healey and so endorse Patrick.
Over at Harvard Law, John Palfrey agrees:
... Should helping people defend their Consitutional rights, whether or not they are guilty, disqualify someone from holding state office? Again, what an irresponsible assault on what it means to be a public servant.
Big Patrick rally on the Common on Sunday, Oct. 15 at 2:30 p.m. (at the bandstand near Tremont Street).
Beth says if Patrick really wanted to reply in kind to the Healey ad campaign, he could run an ad showing the collapsed I-90 Connector ceiling:
Is the administration that helped cause this one you want to keep in power?
Blue Mass. Group calls Healey a Big Dig liar.
Sorry, Ms. Healey, but all your ads and brother-in-law stuff won't convince Jay Fitzgerald to vote for you:
... Here are the two issues that I, as a voter, see as central: 1.) The inability/refusal of politicians to reform the way government operates in this state and 2.) The state's economy and ability to attract and keep private-sector jobs. ...
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By Rick in Duxbury
Sun, 10/15/2006 - 1:21pm
When Deval wins, progressive supporters are going to be mightily pissed off that he can't deliver on most of his promises, just like Repubs. Supporters will be angry for performance, opponents for trying it in the first place. "Together we can", blah, blah. Loud chorus of "what the hell were we thinking?" will be heard. Marry in haste, repent at leisure. If you liked Howard Dean, you're going to LOVE Deval's MA.