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Tying up some loose threads

After plowing through yesterday's news, Megan Johnson had an idea:

The Phantom Gourmet you know about (but wait, there's more!), along with, of course, the pig-mask-sending eBayers. But in case you're now grumbling that UHub has failed to keep you updated on the latest Bianca de la Garza news, well, here's an update. Ditto for Tatte.



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What'd I miss about Tatte?!

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Owner of Tatte Tzurit Or has had numerous allegations surface of fostering a culture of racism through both subtle and overt acts of bigotry.

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I can't speak to their hiring/promotion record, but if this is the controversial Instagram post she's being dragged for, I'm not quite sure why the Progressive Purity Police are all riled up:


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...for saying “Black lives matter” while the company’s actions very clearly don’t align with that sentiment and the efforts to save face have been unimpressive and superficial.

Every time Tatte speaks to the problem they throw gas on the fire; open mouth, insert foot.

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No, that's not why there is controversy.

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Didn't she sell the company to Panera?

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I had no idea about Tatte or Bianca.

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How does one pronounce Tatte? Tat , or tatay, or otherwise. Asking for a friend.

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Ugh! I'd forgotten about her. Worst local TV personality ever. I'd take Willie Whistle over her any day.

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I'm sure David Wade would like to forget about her too...

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Please make sure I get an invite to the cocktail party where this event plays out.

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Hajjar appears to have broken the Christie Mihos record.

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of grace...?

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So interesting! My husband dragged me out of my comfort zone and took the fam to the Fenway Tatte where he religiously gets his coffee and cookies on his break at Longwood. We magically did find a table for four but at one point, he joked that he wanted me to see the “social structure of Tatte”. I was too comfy in my chair with my face in a delectable pastry, so he proceeded to explain what he meant. The cashiers and clerks and servers up front = white, young. Through the large glass window to the back where the assembling and short order tasks were being done = older POCs (Latinos/Blacks). It was glaring and embarrassing. We still will go there but I thought it was just that day, but apparently it isn’t.

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Notice the passive construction and the indefinite "they." I have also noticed the POC back white front kichens, but I always came up with: That's wrong but what can I do?
Maybe I'll figure something out. Maybe: Call out the national chains. Maybe they'll be embarrassed enough to start making changes and then the smaller business will be embarrassed enough to make changes.
Would they?

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It's pretty standard to have attractive people (often younger) on the customer-facing jobs. That in itself sounds pretty normal, but if all the young attractive people were white, than that's not kosher.

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Two adorable whites to work the register backed up by a team of South American indentured servants.

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She forgot to mention Chubs the woodchuck who had gone to Salem Willows to get his first chop suey sandwich of the summer.

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This sounds like a bad dream mashup to me.

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Nice Decemberists reference!

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