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Just a tad upset with Brian McGrory

Michael Gee, late of the Herald, rips into the Globe in general, and Brian McGrory in particular, for the coverage of last night's gubernatorial debate:

"And Grace Ross?" McGrory wrote of the Green party candidate last night. "She seems really nice. But let's step beyond the political correctness and admit that she has none of the support and qualifications that entitle her to a spot on the stage. She's a distraction and she no longer belongs." ...

Fuck you, Brian, you arrogant, pretentious jackass! Who the flying fuck are you to say who belongs in an election and who doesn't? Aren't the debates supposed to show us Ross' qualifications for office or lack of same? Isn't her level of support (and the other three candidates') yet to be determined? Isn't that why we're voting on Nov. 7 in the first place? We're all so sorry democracy offends your super-developed sense of smell. ...

More (if less invectivized and less Globe-specific) media-suck rants here, here and here.



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