How DARE Blue Mass. Group call the Inmates for Patrick skinheads just because they are white guys with shaved heads. Mass. GOP News is outraged by this racial calumny:
... The men have nothing to do with a skinhead movement and any reference to that effect is racially motivated. As we know the skin head movement was a racially based resurgence of neo nazi activism that originated in Europe over the last twenty years. The men in the photo are actually just locals that are sick and tired of the "soft-on-crime" position that Deval is denying when in fact he frequently supports convicted criminals. This type of race baiting is exactly the kind of dirty politics and fear mongering that is making this gubernatorial race so ugly. ...
And, of course, Blue Mass. Group controls the Patrick campaign, so they better get their boy to debate Healey one on one, because otherwise that means Patrick condones their comments. Oh, and stop complaining about Hub Politics, you racists.
On New England Republican, meanwhile, Vermont Woodchuck blames liberals for the skinhead movement because today's liberals were yesterday's SDS members. Or something. I'm sure it all makes sense after a drink or six.
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And don't call me a Klansmen...
By tblade
Sun, 10/22/2006 - 5:14pm
...just becuase I wore on my head a pointy white sheet while walking around my neighborhood last night! I was just going to a Halloween party as the ghost of our dear departed Governor Mitt Romney...(wait, that guy is still alive? You sure - I haven't seen him around lately? I mean, John Keller kept refering to Healey as "Governor" in a recent interview.)
And that burning cross on my neighbors lawn? It was symbolic of our shared, firey passion for Christ.
Call me crazy, I don't see any racial subtext in Kerry Healey's attacks. Except for that one that implicitly ties black men to raping women in parking garages.
"It’s lucky for the country that [John] Adams was only a smart lawyer. Imagine if he’d been an angry and arrogant criminologist." Peter Gelzinis, Boston Herald
By mt
Sun, 10/22/2006 - 5:57pm
Are the jumpsuit guys skinheads or not? While I have seen a handful of people in Massachusetts with some skindhead attributes (though not shaved heads) I've never seen anybody I would think of as a skinhead. They exist here?
We did have a couple
By adamg
Sun, 10/22/2006 - 6:40pm
But they got put away for awhile.
Oh, fer crying out loud.
Sun, 10/22/2006 - 10:19pm
Oh, fer crying out loud. It's obvious nobody at the GOP website ever listened to a punk rock album and are basing their definition of 'skinhead' on what they remember from Geraldo's impromptu nosejob. Skinheads come in all stripes from ultraright to ultraleft, to say nothing of the 'straightedge' types.
True, but...
By Mister Goat (no...
Sun, 10/22/2006 - 11:41pm
I agree, but I also must point out that very few people on Blue Mass Group have a clue about it either. And I say this as someone who posts there.
Everytime I read MassGOPNews
Mon, 10/23/2006 - 7:52am
Everytime I read MassGOPNews all I can think of is Minor Threat's "Sob Story". What I find most interesting about MassGOPNews' post is that he(?)can claim "The men have nothing to do with a skinhead movement and any reference to that effect is racially motivated." How does MassGOPNews know that the men have nothing to do with a skinhead movement?
Mon, 10/23/2006 - 9:16am
Clearly BMG made the comment using the racial denotation of the term "skinhead". That being the case I posted my thoughts based on that definition and not the alternative definition of "skinhead" as someone in the punk scene of Boston. To see more about the history of the skinhead movement please go back and review comments on as I have posted the history as it reads in
Of course I could be wrong and maybe the BMG critics of the men in orange jumpsuits protesting Deval patrick were actually punk rock band members. But, I wouldn't bet on that.
Clearly? There is no
Mon, 10/23/2006 - 10:33am
Clearly? There is no "clearly" about it. I see no indication of it being used in a racial sense and I'd like to see you parse their post to prove that it contains a "racial denotation", whatever the hell that means. Your own source at says:
"There are numerous individuals and groups also using the tag of "skinheads" who are not involved in white supremacist or otherwise authoritarian and elitist activities."
Kerry Healey's parking garage ad isn't racist, but calling two jerks with shaved heads "skinheads" is. MassGOPNews doth protest too much, methinks.