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Revere man charged with spray-painting swastikas on Muslim woman's car

Swastikas on a car in Revere.

Revere Police today announced they've arrested Jason Pagliuca, 38, of Revere on charges he sprayed swastikas on the sides and hood of a Muslim resident's car on Lantern Road on June 11 - and then sprayed "White Power" on the road near the car.

Police emphasized the help they got from the public to lead detectives to Pagliuca's home, where they say detectives found "recovered evidence directly related to the case," enough to warrant Pagliuca's arrest on a charge of defacement of real or personal property and a separate civil-rights charge: Property damage for the purpose of intimidation, based on the victim’s race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.

This was not the first time the victim's car had been targeted for vandalism, "but at least this time, someone was arrested," she said, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which had offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the hater's arrest."I used to lie awake at night, worrying about my car. Now I feel safer."

Innocent, etc.



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Also thank you to the public for getting this guy arrested.

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Let that sink in for a bit.

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one on mischievous teens.

Also, anyone who believes that Trump's repeated broadcasting of anti-Semitic memes, Nazi symbols and white power chants is just a string of unfortunate accidents hasn't figured out that he has nothing left to run on but inflaming white racism at this point. Stir that shit, and shits like this cowardly fuckhead are going to get stirred.

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Damn millennials.

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Oh, so when teens do this it’s mischievous eh? Nice. It’s bad behaviors at any age.

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that "mischievous teens" is often the Trumpie's first dismissive rationalization for this kind of hate crime. It used to be a more convincing trope. Formerly, when I saw this kind of vandalism, I'd wonder if it might merely be dopey adolescent boys trying to be badass and wild without any actual malice.

I was that kind of harebrained fuck-shit-up type as a lad: pulling down clotheslines, stringing hazard-warning sawhorses across the county road, chucking rocks at streetlights, shooting bottle rockets over the hoods of passing cars, carving up ancient trees with crap penknife graffiti. I thought hawking loogies from smoking pilfered Marlboro Reds made me look tough.

Typical shitty-nowhere-Masshole-town callow-youth behavior, or at least it was when I and my gang were pimply, newly testosterone-crazed, insecure 14-year-olds. We never went as far as spray-painting SS lightning bolts on the schoolyard walls, but we were unworldly enough that we might have done so, thinking it was totally *metal* without any clue about its symbolic hatefulness. "Fuckin' rock-and-roll, maaan, yeah!" Oof.

So, could spraying swastikas or chalking "White Power" on a sidewalk simply be the not-intentionally-malign handiwork of ignorant young louts? Doesn't apply here, as we have a grown-assed man dead to rights on it, but it's an argument I used to entertain because I was once a bored, under-supervised, knuckleheaded teenager, too. (Granted, we'd never stoop to Nazi dribble just to be provocative: our ne plus ultra of transgressive language was "motherfucker".)

In 2020, I no longer grant that benefit of the doubt, not in the wake of Flailing, Desperate President Very-Fine-People and his newly-empowered legion of mouth-breathing racists, xenophobes and religious bigots. As long as Trump has a soapbox, that convenient, tissue-thin "naughty baby nihilists" excuse won't pass the smell test.

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It's still bullshit that some adult in Bedford got away with spray painting racist graffiti in Bedford just because some teenager was involved. Why shouldn't this guy think he can get away with a slap on the wrist as well?


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Somewhat tangential to your description, but I've wondered whether the Hell's Angels motorcycle gang's use of swastikas on their garb (at least they used to, not sure if they still do)... is that really about Nazi politics, or do they just think it's the most "badass" symbol that makes them look tough? Genuine question, not rhetorical.

Of course they're mostly not literally teenagers. I have noticed that many guys remain emotionally adolescent well into their twenties or even beyond. Girls and women often mature faster.

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It shows the fallacy behind the idea that racist ideas are "a product of their time," and that they will magically go away as the older generations die off and the sparkling, new, improved generations come in. This kid was born in the early 80s. He should be young enough to know better, but he's not. Which shows how much better our schools and other institutions need to be, since they are obviously still churning out freshly minted bigots and racists.

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I could have given her the $1000 to clean the car.

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We got nothin' to run these ass-hats out of town on.

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But I know that Pagliacci is "clown." So would Pagliuca be something similar?

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And "Pagliacci" is plural: "clowns". The singular "clown" is "Pagliaccio"

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iT'S aN anCieNt inDiAn reLiGiOUs iCoN!!

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