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Newspaper blames Dorchester union for Worchester mistake

The Worcester Telegram is out with its explanation for how it came to run a full-page ad by IBEW Local 103 yesterday that urged "Worchester" residents to vote for Joe Kennedy III:

The city of Worcester was misspelled in a full-page political advertisement published on Page A16 of the Sunday Telegram. The client provided the camera-ready artwork for the advertisement, which included the mistake. It was not built by the T&G or Gannett Company Inc.

So nobody at the Telegram actually looks at their ad copy. Good to know.

The union is headquartered off the Southeast Expressway in Dorchester. The ad supported a candidate who had earlier issued a press release criticizing his opponent for ignoring several Massachusetts towns, including three that literally disappeared in the 1930s when their valley was flooded for the Quabbin Reservoir.



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...if the client sent camera-ready art -- what we used to call a "mechanical" back in the day -- it's really not the publication's responsibility to proof it. For all they know, the spelling might be intentionally wrong, meant to be funny. It might have been nice for them to call the client and check, but I doubt anyone at the paper even noticed, and nor should they have to.

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Dana, Enfield, Prescott and now Worchester.

Where does Ed spend his time?

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How many towns are named after Governor Endicott Peabody?
Endicott,Peabody, Athol, and Marblehead

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Where? Wear? Ware? It's Waya. Way out thaya. Nea UMAAAS.

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Somebody pulled these same Howie Carr talking points out of his ass on the Medford Politics list and got enough photos for a massive photo album.

If you don't every get out of your house, you might not see the guy. Other than that? Can't help you if you only pay attention to inflammatory tweets and not appearances.

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I think you missed the joke.

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but two points earned for internal strife created.

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Snark tags needed.

Ouch. Need to respawn.

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How do you pronounce "Worchester"?

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It probably rhymes with Dorcester.

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That's the native pronunciation

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And say it like you've been smoking for 40 years.

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But with an "ah" sound on the end?

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Worcester natives must pronounce it "Dochsta"

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I think we should put aside our disagreements, and devote ourselves to the common cause of persuading incoming BU students that "it's spelled Dorchester, but it's actually pronounced Dorkster".

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Not just for endorsing Kennedy, but for not finding a local shop to do the ad work here.

I wonder what the trust/hedge fund name-brand fratboy has promised them?

Why would they dislike the Green New Deal, which includes a lot of new electrical jobs? Wind turbines. Solar. New grid overhauls. Microgrids. All that requires electrical workers.

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Why does an electrician need the help of government ever? We all use it, so the jobs are there.

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All those laws that govern electrical safety?

And policy regarding the grid as a whole is absolutely high level.

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I'm reminded of that hooker Elliot Spitzer hired. He was wishy-washy on wearing a jimmy hat, and the chick goes "Do you want the sex or not?"

I mean, if I don't provide a safe work environment for the electrician, I'm not getting electricity, right? "Burning thing dangerous" was not a lesson for which I required government intervention, much in the same way I was done needing government help when I read "COVID-19 symptoms lung and heart damagey."

Also, I have a buddy who took the exam to be an electrician. I'm told that there's no questions about electricity on it, and that his interview was literally straight up "Do you know these people?" So, yeah, I'd have to surmise that an electrician's union is tits on a bull.

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if I don't provide a safe work environment for the electrician, I'm not getting electricity, right?

Sure, and if I don't provide a safe environment for my factory workers, they'll just go work elsewhere, right?

I'm told that there's no questions about electricity on it

I'm not an electrician, but about 2 seconds of Googling found me the requirements here, where it's pretty clear on pg. 7 that there are at least 80 questions about electricity on the exam. Maybe its time to reconsider how trustworthy your buddy is?

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I believe the above commenter was referring to the entrance examination and interview for local 103. That exam has no questions about electricity and the interview consists of monahan's favorite wet brains asking you if you've donated enough to noraid.

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I'm not an electrician, but about 2 seconds of Googling found me the requirements here, where it's pretty clear on pg. 7 that there are at least 80 questions about electricity on the exam. Maybe its time to reconsider how trustworthy your buddy is?

Are you implying that Will might have been talking out of his ass?

I'm gonna need my fainting couch to recover from a shock like that.

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Pro-labor legislation being one of them. The State government also procures a lot of electrical work via bureaucracies like MassDOT, the MBTA, etc. Labor unions would like to see their governments support union shops vs. non-union shops.

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Then just do better work for the price than the non-union shop.

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Do better shitposts on UHub, at that rate.

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But even then I don’t think they care about Kennedy or Markey either way this is some political back room promise/deal.

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Sue O'Connnell, who co-owns both Bay Windows and the South End News, provides an update on newspapers as they are composed today:

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And they wonder why their business sucks. Garbage in, garbage out. Minimum is $12.75 an hour, folks. I promise you rich people that you won't starve.

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Back in the day when there was a composition room, usually staffed with printers who were members of the typographical union, proofreading was part of their duties when laying out the pages. I ran across this video a little while ago that's a pretty cool look at the end of that era at the New York Times. Well worth the thirty minutes in my book.

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Your way was better though :-)

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I'm not sure where the T&G is printed, but I don't think it's in Worcester anymore. Their press deadline is somewhere around 8PM. Their convention coverage showed up a day and a half after it happened.

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Ah, Kennedy versus Markey, much like, catsup versus ketchup

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Love political ads that don't present any platform other than amorphous "change."

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Don't know how good their electrical work is, but they very good at Vandalizing the vans of non-union electrical contractors.

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given that you let Google load ads dynamically.

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and also don't see the ads.

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I had to go to great lengths just to see what ads would load -- I had to turn off uBlock Origin, NoScript, and Firefox's built-in tracking protection. And still the ads wouldn't load! So I opened a more advertiser-friendly browser, Chrome, and turned off my extensions there in a private browsing window. Finally I could see the ads I had been missing all these years.

...they were really, really irritating.

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You're right: Ads that just show up here through one of the two ad networks I use I don't check, except after the fact, when somebody complains they're scammy or spammy or whatever, and then I ask the ad network to shut them off.

Couple of caveats: I'm obviously not a multi-million-dollar media conglomerate that, at least in the old days, could afford to make sure they don't go to print with embarrassing typos (or, in the really old days, embarrassing "adjacencies," for example, you had to make sure an airline ad doesn't run on a page with a story about an airplane crash).

Ads that I do sell directly (for example, for a Boston city agency), however, I do check first to make sure they're legible, don't have typos and the like.

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is pronounced "dooster".

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Doostah, dammit, Doostah! Actually it's pronounced Dot among some people.

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is how it's pronounced. It's also never called Dot. Dot Day, Dot Park, Dot House, Dot Ave, Dot High are all acceptable, but the neighborhood name must always be fully, respectfully spoken.

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