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Baker: Dump Trump

Gov Baker says he "cannot support Donald Trump for president," but stopped short of endorsing Joe Biden.



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Is Baker also afraid to take a stance on if water is wet or not?

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As am I. In not fully on board with voting for Biden. He was zero intention of finishing his full term in office.

Third party, I guess!

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It's a lot safer than wasting your vote in person.

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Thank you for sharing your amazing mind-reading skill with us! Please do throw your meaningless vote away as you have planned.

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When did he say that?

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It's a GOP talking point as they try to scare people into thinking Harris will be the real President and that outcome would a bad thing.

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so this sounds like a win/win to me.

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trumpers thank you for your trump vote (aka voting 3rd party)

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.... that's not how voting works.

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“I won’t vote for a wanna-be dictator, but I’m too scared of his wrath and that of his adoring base to vote to restore democratic norms b6 endorsing Joe Biden.”

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To shut people up he should endorse just leaving the field blank. It's not like Hawkins is going win.

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I guess that was okay with the jackoffs because he was a male Republican?

I wonder if he would be singing a different tune if the militia losers had targeted him for the far more extensive shut downs that he ordered than Whitmer ordered?

Biden is pretty much a republican anyway - what is there to lose?

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96% of my popularity boils down to 'he's not one of those mean Republicans like Trump'"

At least I assume, since nobody has ever bothered to explain his popularity to me.

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“Health care is a right!”

(Elects health cartel kingpin)

I’m glad that the stock market exists so that I can make money while my intellectual inferiors stay poor as a result of voting for corporate types and against their interests.

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I’m glad that the stock market exists so that I can make money while my intellectual inferiors stay poor as a result of voting for corporate types and against their interests.

i’m not so sure that intelligence predicts interest in local politics.

also, you’re a libertarian lol

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But it certainly predicts decision-making.

Deval sat on the board of a company which made subprime mortgage loans and Mitt literally ran a company which existed to lay people off. Once is a mistake, twice is a trend, three times is a practice.

Also, I’m unenrolled, not Libertarian. Big two need to stop nominating people who suck. I voted Pressley. It happens from time to time.

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96% of my popularity boils down to 'he's not one of those mean Republicans like Trump'"

It could get him a Nobel Prize. The one that Trump thought he'd won because some pinhead nominated him.

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Mush from the Wimp

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he denounced syringes on his front yard and Trump. Whew, exhausting.

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but apparently the door was unlocked, and all he did was drop off some papers.

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I'm sure President Trump is grateful for Baker's latest weak-kneed pronouncements. Who would want Baker's endorsement? After all, 2/3 of all Covid deaths in MA occurred in nursing homes regulated by Baker's administration. Campaign finance logs show that Baker received massive campaign donations from the nursing home operators he was supposed to be regulating. In Holyoke, 76 U.S. military veterans died of Covid at the state soldiers home run by an unqualified director hand-picked by Baker. The unqualified director had donated a combined $1950 to Baker and Polito. The reopening of public schools has been an epic, statewide disaster in MA as Catholic and private schools thrive.

Baker presides over the state roads around Methadone Mile but his hatred for President Trump prevented him (or Mayor Walsh) from asking the President to send the Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild the Long Island Bridge for free, at a time when Trump was accomodating all requests from Democrat Governors in NY, CA and elsewhere. Most advocates for the homeless and mentally ill have stated a new Long Island Bridge is crucial to ending the ongoing human rights atrocity but that might make Trump look good. Much like the Commonwealth, President Trump will be better off without Baker's melodramatic involvement.

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210,000 Americans dead on Trumps watch. Funny how you left that out once again.

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Vote Democrat.

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Vote Libertarian.

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Keep sucking, fellow working people.

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Libertarians don’t win elections. Vote Libertarian and Baker still wins. But whatever makes you feel better.

Libertarianism is just anarchism for rich people.

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Because the electorate sucks.

Swing your partner, do-se-do! Round and round we go!

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So why do libertarians keep concocting these risible campaigns?

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To share their intellect with others.

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Nah. We’re good.

This logic sounds a lot like how Jeffery Epstein felt it was his obligation to spread his genes as much as possible with his New Mexico baby ranch.

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Me: "I have an obligation to make people think differently about spending, wars, and liberties."

You: "You remind me of a pedophile."

Rhetoric like this is why I'm not sweating another Trump presidency: This country deserved the first one, and frankly, it deserves a second one.

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I am laughing at the self importance of it all. You feel your message is soooo important that you are “obligated” (Christ’s sake) to proselytize to us simple folk (who suck) about salvation through Libertarianism. Have mercy.

And I have to say you do a bang-up job here at UHub making us all think different. I’m sure you’ve changed so many hearts and minds. You should add “thought leader” to your LinkdIn bio.

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I mean, yeah? Issues which affect our country? What the heck is your bar for importance, then?

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To share their intellect with others.

Yeah, that's exactly what all the grownups think of every warty adolescent male who reads "Atlas Shrugged" and thinks "That's me!". "Gosh, I hope that kid shares his intellect with others."

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A Rand rebuttal! I've never seen that before!

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run some qualified candidates who aren't whack-jobs?

Even better, how about running some at local levels to prove they're capable of actual governance?

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Grafton, NH.

(a book: A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (And Some Bears))

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system, and nobly, with exquisitely-argued justification, throwing my vote away on a third-party candidate. To be fair, I was a college sophomore, the very definition of sophomoric, and a lot of weed was probably involved.

Then I looked at the consequences of draining a vote from the lesser of two evils, and started making a responsible choice between the only two realistic alternatives: A or B. Voting C inevitably only helped the worse of the two choices in -- my guy had as much chance of making a dent in the system as a fart in a hurricane -- with dire consequences for the country every time.

Work for change, sure. Petition for the end of the Electoral College and vote in legislators who support that if you think that has a chance in hell. But in the meantime, don't tilt at fucking windmills: there's too much at stake.

Holding onto the lovely dream of a world that might be someday, but ain't remotely that yet, is not a grownup choice when it comes to national elections -- never more so than this one, where the current wannabe-authoritarian regime is patently set on stealing it. Trump will shred every Constitutional protection of ordinary citizens against the obscenely rich and powerful if given the chance.

That's before what they have in mind for the rights of women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, immigrants. Have you talked to any of your friends from those targeted groups? What do they think about your third-party candidate, I wonder.

Reagan and W were bad enough. Don't be a tacit Trumpie out of jejune idealism. Your love of the democratic process that underpins our cherished republic won't be worth a goddamned fig if Trump gets in again. Make the fucking adult choice.

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Hell, I’m doing everyone else a favor: I’m using my privilege to vote for the person whom I believe will do the least harm as a leader. Bonus: She’s a woman!

Martin Prince won an election 2-0. We’ll see who the motivated Americans are in 20 days.

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about our system, but not enough to abandon my franchise, which is what I think voting third-party amounts to in America in 2020. I still have hopes and dreams, but when it comes to national elections, I think pulling that third lever is an abandonment of civic responsibility. I wish I lived in a world where a third-party candidate had a shot, but I've become a pragmatist, and thus will take my small step toward steering our outcomes toward the less-awful every chance I get.

I don't think you will find much satisfaction in saying, "Well *I* didn't vote for that asshole" if he wins and you didn't take your one small chance to keep him out of office. We're already facing a Supreme Court that doesn't remotely reflect the will of the electorate, and you have zero chance of voting them out. How much further erosion of our democratic institutions are you willing to accept for the sake of your pipe dream?

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and thus will take my small step toward steering our outcomes toward the less-awful every chance I get.

I will do so by not rewarding the 77-year old Wall Street and bank whore and warmonger and drug warrior with my vote. Seriously, I thought liberals looked down upon the South...yet they nominate the guy who was DOA until South Carolinians bailed him out? Sounds like Palmetto Staters opened the door that the Dems were looking for all along.

How much further erosion of our democratic institutions are you willing to accept for the sake of your pipe dream?

Sounds like a challenge to me. 2019 America wasn't tenable, and Biden isn't the answer either.

We can get a third party leader and do this the easier way, or we can just have the damn war already.

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a teenager's bong-soaked fantasy to me. The institutional barriers are too stiff. The only thing your third-party vote will do in 2020 is help get Trump re-elected, just like it helped Reagan and W. You are pissing into the wind of history and the current civic reality.

If you hope a third party might ever have a chance, you'd better act now, before we become a banana republic with the superficial trappings of a democracy but an authoritarian regime bestriding permanent minority rule. There won't be room in that one for Democrats to have a chance, never mind their popular majority, and GTFO with your Greens and Libertarians and every other single-digit-support fringe party.

We're facing an existential crisis of American democracy, and you're strewing flowers in the hope that people will just see the value of a whole new way of doing things. With all due respect, that's fucking nuts, self-sabotage of your professed ideals. Politics isn't an Aristotelian debate in a dorm room over Natty Lights and dab: you have to win hearts and minds to attain office and actually get shit done beyond the talk-talk-talk.

You're like the kid at the high school football pep rally trying to get people to sign his clipboard petition on more scrupulous recycling: essentially admirable but entirely ineffectual and ridiculous. You have some small leverage, but you're wasting it.

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Pass the dutchie on the left-hand side. And by that, I mean the farther left, because I voted for Bernie in the primary.

EDIT, since you made a huge one:

you have to win hearts and minds to attain office and actually get shit done beyond the talk-talk-talk.

Get (expletive) done? No you don't. The Trump presidency would have been fine and dandy (and infinitely better) if he had done nothing at all. All he had to do was be a fun, ceremonial president, greeting sports champions, and palling around with world leaders. But no, he had to do anything at all, because of his inability to just shut his trap.

I vote Libertarian in federal elections, because it's not about what the candidate will do for me, it's what the candidate will not do against me. They want to not tax me. They want to not go to war. They want to not send people to jail.

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If you keep accepting the false binary imperative of having to choose the less shitty of the two major-party candidates, the major parties will no incentive to stop giving us shitty choices.

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you can look to push candidates you like for the major parties, particularly for local positions, and get people out to vote for those candidates in primaries. Just look at how successful the Tea Party was at essentially hijacking the entire Republican party - far more successful than a separate Tea Party political party would have ever been.

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Trump get re-elected, you can kiss anything resembling free and fair elections buh-bye. Welcome, permanent minority rule. I'll gladly settle for Biden's less-shittiness, thanks, if that's the only practical alternative to Trump. And it is: a vote for a third party candidate is half a vote for Trump.

The notion that this aspect of our system can be remade is sophomoric, in my book, a lovely pipe-dream that when pursued in the real world always ends in sorrow.

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Voting for a third party will only help Donald Trump get re-elected. There was a time when voting for a third party didn't matter nearly as much. Now it does, because the stakes are way too high!

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If you sit on your dead ass all year and think that you've done your part by marking a ballot on the first Tuesday in November (if you even do that), you have no one but yourself to blame for your two shitty choices.

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an irredeemable putz, Fish, mealy-mouthing Trump's historic, lethal failure to lead a national response on the pandemic, while you take a cowardly shot at one of the dozens of governors who were forced to fend for themselves, having to compete with each other for basic resources while hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly died.

And it was all motivated by purely cynical, selfish political reasons. Trump knew the seriousness of the threat, and deliberately downplayed it in hopes of improving his re-election prospects. Eight months in, and he has still completely, utterly failed to contain the virus -- 44 states are now trending red again -- without which economic recovery from the dark hole he put us in will never happen.

I've seen some weird death cults in my day, but they usually don't have a national force multiplier. Trump obviously has contempt for your intelligence, believes you'll gratefully swallow his dumbest, most transparent lies. He's not wrong.

I suspect you'll wake up some day and wonder how you came for a brief time to worship an unspeakable, greed-driven, sociopathic attention-whore who wouldn't bother to piss on you if you were on fire. How big of a chump will you feel then? I sincerely hope it doesn't come at the cost of the lives of people you love.

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Most advocates for the homeless and mentally ill have stated a new Long Island Bridge is crucial to ending the ongoing human rights atrocity

Jesus, that whole sentence is (expletive). What a piss-poor low bar for public policy.

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Fish, it's well established that you don't care about the elderly, or addicted people, or veterans, or anything but your own narrow and unearned privilege. So who are you mad at, exactly? At Baker? He's a Republican! If he's a joke, why doesn't the Republican Party put up a candidate that you'd prefer? Why aren't you doing anything about it?

We all know the answers, of course: because 1)they'd get shelled out of the water and 2)you're lazy and entitled. But damn, talk about the one who smelt it dealt it.

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State GOP come to bear Baker will be lucky to get more than 70% of the vote.

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Politicians don't have any control . The ones who really control are the high wealth corporations.

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voice, despite every GOP attempt to suppress it.

We're now saddled with a Supreme Court that is far to the right of the vast majority of Americans, but that is not fatal. Electing a President and legislators who more accurately reflect the views of the average citizen is the best countervailing force.

Vote early, and encourage and help the people you love to do the same. We're perilously close to dying as a democracy, but we're not dead yet. People have the power to redeem the work of fools.

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Choose wisely while you still can, even if the choices ain't great.

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There isn't anyone else but these two in the election. UNFORTUNATELY.

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If only Baker would have endorsed him.....hahaha.
Who is the last non Democrat presidentiall candidate to win Mass? Reagan?

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