Update: Turns out she grew up on Beacon Hill, so, yes, she's a Bostonian.
Until about 30 minutes ago, we here at the UHub hermitage in the hills had never heard of Hilaria Baldwin, a 'grammer and wife of one of the better Baldwin brothers, who had been claiming to have grown up in Spain, but came to the States when she was 19 and met the Baldwin and married him and lived a fabulous life and had his baby and did her own yoga show or something.
But it turns out it was not quite true, her mother would qualify for membership in the DAR and grew up in Longmeadow MA and Hilaria, or should we say, Hillary, now admits she grew up in Boston.
Except she didn't, according to the crack correspondents at the Daily Mail, who say she was in fact raised in Weston, and that's just going too far, because Weston is not Boston and now we're onto you. Cut that out.
Also, note to all the reporters now chasing this story, and here we train our gimlet eyes on you, New York Magazine, the Cambridge School of Weston, where this woman (we don't know what to call her anymore) went to school, is not "a private high school in Cambridge, Massachusetts." It is a private school in Weston, Massachusetts, which we'd have thought was clear from its name, but apparently not to New Yorkers.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Isn't she kind of young
By Wiffleball
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:44am
to be a grammer?
Facts are facts.
By Jay
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:53am
"Her parents moved to Mallorca, Spain in 2011."
If that's not Spanish, I don't know what is.
I have to say
By Sock_Puppet
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 11:01am
That's hilarious.
Caveat lector of the Daily Mail
By tblade
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 11:06am
The Daily Mail is notoriously sloppy, so it may be that the author sees that Hilaria neé Hilary graduated from the Cambridge School of Weston and then assumes she lived in the community that she attended school in.
But we locals know that is a private school that attracts students from many communities and has a residential program for students from far away.
Others - and take this with a boulder of salt - have mentioned she may have grown up in Cambridge or Needham. I’m just sayin’ read the Mail with a critical eye.
Cult of Celebrity claims another victim
By MrZip
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 11:14am
Ack! Head filled with more useless information about someone I do not care to know, not in this life. If I could only both cancel her AND delete all related files from my brain so I would have more space for useful facts like the words to the Circus Fun cereal TV ad song.
Socially isolated holiday time
By tblade
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 12:46pm
I’m typically not one for People Magazine or TMZ type entertainment “newsâ€, but the IG story outlining Mrs Baldwin’s charade was exceedingly more entertaining than WW1984 and way less depressing than the unfolding events in Nashville.
It’s good holiday time pop culture junk food.
in the Who cares Dept.
By anon
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 11:14am
Show business.
Who does care? A few more important things to take up Internet real estate.
One of the "better" Baldwin brothers...
By Friartuck
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 11:43am
Pretty much sums up 2020
Better Baldwin?
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 1:56pm
That guy has serious anger management problems.
And yet...
By mseskin
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 12:41am
Still better than Stephen.
I haven heard of him.getting in any trouble
By StillFromDorchester
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 5:37pm
What's his problem?
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 2:07pm
They are like the lillies of the field - they neither toil, nor do they spin.
Actually, they aren't even producing biomass or recirculating nutrients like lillies do.
I think the less kind term for them is "virulent parasite".
We all have our own origin
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 2:20pm
We all have our own origin myths.
Yes, we do
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 4:24pm
We all have our origin myths. And the moment you decide to monetize your identity by declaring yourself to be “an influencer,†your origin story becomes fair game for scrutiny and ridicule.
Oh no!
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 4:40pm
Don’t you let those pesky influencers get away with nothin’!!!
Oh no!
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 4:40pm
Don’t you let those pesky influencers get away with nothin’!!!
Aren't we all influencers?
By Ron Newman
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 6:00pm
If we aren't trying to influence other people, why are we here on this forum (and others)?
It's all about the monetization
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 6:24pm
You and I are indeed trying to influence other people, but neither of us is whoring out our online selves or our friends or our social media followers for commercial gain.
Rather harsh view...
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 6:50pm
..... of sales women. Don’t you think?
What you are failing to acknowledge here
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 7:57pm
Is the difference between, on the one hand, a sales person working in a store, and, on the other, that friend who invites you to what you thought was going to be a social gathering, until you find out that its a pitch to enroll you in some MLM thing, at which point you realize that you weren’t a friend but just a prospect.
Classy people draw a bright clear line between their personal and their.commercial dealings
Intelligent people...
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:03pm
... don’t assume internet influencers are their friends.
Sorry you got hurt.
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:49pm
I haven’t been hurt by anyone in this context. I don’t actually give a shit about this woman individually, other than to loathe the social / commercial phenomenon she represents.
To take an example, since they posted in this thread, although I don’t personally know Ron Newman or Adam Gaffin, they have developed a reputation that would cause me to take seriously their recommendations for movies, theater, local events, etc. if I were to find out that they had started to get paid for recommending things and weren’t disclosing that fact, I would think less of them and would feel somewhat betrayed.
It’s not a particularly complicated idea.
This woman seems to be getting....
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 7:16pm
.... flack for variations in her speech. This is not unusual for bi or multilinguals. It’s not always easy to switch from one language to another. Especially when you are tired, stressed or whatever. I guess that’s something some monolinguals don’t understand.
People don’t always speak with the same accent or vocabulary even when they are speaking the same language. They often aren’t even aware of it.
She's getting flack because her accent is fake
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:11pm
Someone dug up a video of her saying " how you say in English? Cucumber?" She was born and raised in the United States not Spain so if she forgot how to say Cucumber she is either incredibly stupid or a liar....we now know she's a liar,
You are clearly monolingual.
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:20pm
You are clearly monolingual.
You also seem to think the only language spoken in the US is English.
You clearly haven't read up on her.
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:33pm
She is multilingual but but her first language is English not Spanish.
Her Mother Moved to Spain in 2011 and she followed her...
She has claimed she was Born in Spain and moved to the USA and it's the opposite, she moved to Spain as an adult. I guess she could have a Spanish accent, but I doubt it.
I have no interest in this woman.
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:41pm
Why anyone would is beyond me.
If you have no experience expressing yourself in more than one language, you can only go by what those who do can tell you.
I don’t know her circumstances but people have learned second languages and lost proficiency in their first one. Or got stuck momentarily in one. It happens. Even if you think it’s impossible.
OK you have no interest in her
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:46pm
But you were quick to chastise me,
I guess In a few years one could lose the ability to remember how to say cucumber and gain a Spanish accent....I suppose that could happen, but it's highly unlikely, She's a fraud.
Unlikely according to you.
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 8:56pm
Unlikely according to you. Believe what you want to believe.
I have no idea if this woman is a “fraud†or not. I’ve never heard her speak. But momentarily forgetting the English word for cucumber or some other word and having trouble adjusting between phonetical systems does happen to people. Just never to you apparently.
Whatever identity this woman want to claim is her business. What’s the big deal?
I’ll say this much
By Waquiot
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 9:55pm
12+ years of prep school education in the Boston area and having parents who were born and raised in the USA as well would indicate someone who would know the word “cucumber†in English.
What’s your opinion on Rachel Dolezal? Was what she did okay?
And what is your experience
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 9:57pm
And what is your experience with language?
I know this much
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:06pm
I have friends and coworkers who speak languages other than English and they find her stereotypical and fake "help me" game to be highly offensive.
They may or may not like her.
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:36pm
But if they speak more than one language they know exactly what I’m talking about concerning confusion between languages when you are fluent in more than one.
Again, you don't get it
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:42pm
This has nothing to do with familiarity with language. She is a native and fluent English speaker who has been pretending not to be.
This is a con. An act. And offensive act at that - not much different than blackface.
Just keep repeating yourself on a loop. Over and over. You seem unfamiliar with the whole Baysian paradigm of incorporating new information.
They may or may not like her.
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:36pm
But if they speak more than one language they know exactly what I’m talking about concerning confusion between languages when you are fluent in more than one.
Making Money Off of Being "Exotic"
By Chokmah
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 12:14pm
There are millions of actual immigrants in this country who are not able to bank on their accent or name. In fact, they get passed over for job offers, promotions, or letters of recommendations. This rich anglo woman decided to make herself appear exotic for money. It's tone deaf privilege.
I don't care if she speaks several languages. It's not her fluency. It's the cultural identity she co-opted that matters.
My experience? I speak
By Waquiot
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 2:42pm
And yes, in my second and third languages, I could not think of the word for cucumber, mainly because I learned these languages while in high school and, most importantly, I grew up in an English speaking community the child of English speaking parents whose parents also spoke English. This means I'm kind of like this Baldwin woman, except that one of my grandparents actually spoke a language other than English as a child, and that I did not grow up on Beacon Hill.
Still, if she identifies as someone whose primary language is not English, does that make it so, regardless of evidence to the contrary?
It's not a big deal
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 9:56pm
Like most things posted on here, it's either interesting enough to comment or it's not.
She is getting flak because
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:03pm
She is getting flak because she is phony, not because her accent is phony.
The principle that people ought to be left alone to live their own lives goes out the window the minute they start promoting themselves as public figures.
We're pretty much done as a society
By Terrapin
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 7:27pm
This indefensible apparition of a woman is defined as an influencer by and regarded as still viable in polite society by woke anti-Trumpers solely because she is married to a loathsome man with a long history of horribleness because he successfully mocked Trump on SNL.
We have no hope.
So UHub is not polite society?
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:10pm
She doesn't seem to be particularly popular with the reality-based (aka "woke anti-trumpers") folks around these parts.
I don't seem to remember anyone excusing Baldwin's shitty abusive parenting, either.
Anyone who has ever worked in a diverse professional environment or an international setting should consider her fake Spanish act to be offensive and antagonistic.
“Anyone who has ever worked
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:40pm
“Anyone who has ever worked in a diverse professional environment or an international setting should consider her fake Spanish act to be offensive and antagonistic.â€
Omg. You are a clown! Now we are ordered share your opinion. Once again the expert of everything.
Get help
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:44pm
Seriously. Get help. You do this on every single thread with every commenter now: form antagonistic and uninformed and fact free assertion and repeat repeat repeat.
That isn't an argument or a discussion: that is pathological.
It probably means a lot ...
By Lee
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:54pm
... to someone with your ego to have the last word so I’ll let you have it.
And then...
By lbb
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 9:41am
...you proceed to not do that.
You really do seem to have issues. Maybe get that checked out.
Please don't use mental
By anon
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 1:47am
Please don't use mental health conditions as an insult.
Not an insult
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 11:23am
My post described the observed repeated inappropriate pattern of behavior, and included a link for seeking assistance.
Mental stress is already a serious public health problem. Pandemic isolation + winter + social strain is exacerbating that existing problem.
If you think that merely mentioning potential mental health issues is an "insult" then I think that you may want to examine your own issues surrounding the subject.
You didn't say it out of care
By anon
Wed, 12/30/2020 - 11:46pm
You didn't say it out of care for the person you were arguing with.
You effectively said, "you're a mental case", as a put-down.
Excuse me?
By Terrapin
Mon, 12/28/2020 - 10:47pm
Come on Swirls, you LOVED Alec on SNL! I believe in doing do you excused him so please forgive me if I call BS on your post. You laughed at a man who publicly abused his 12 year old daughter.
My point is that if it weren't for his ridicule of Trump, as a couple they would have been cancelled already by the woke for appropriating a Hispanic identity. And the NYT would be printing editorials celebrating the cancellation.
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 12/29/2020 - 12:20am
I actually loathe Baldwin. He's not all that funny as Trump, either. His SNL interp of Trump works only because it takes a bloviating narcissist with anger management problems to know one.
The SNL cold opens are hillarious because of Larry David, Kate McKinnon (especially her) Rachel Dratch, Maya Rudolph, Jason Sudeikis and others who do such great character work. I think the antics are better without Baldwin around - like the send up of Giuliani and Boones Farm Melissa the voting machine screen cleaner effing nailed it!
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