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Masking their concern

Bostonjess tweets she just saw two college-age types on the Green Line wearing surgical masks.

Garrett Quinn tweets that Channel 7 just spent 13 minutes of a 30-minute newscast on swine flu. Hey, Garrett, Matt Lorch is on Twitter and he just asked: Medical expert we interviewed on air feels media coverage of swine flu is over the top. What do you think?

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There was a middle-aged woman wearing surgical mask on the 22 bus running out of Ruggles to Ashmont.

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The scary thing is it's too early to tell if the coverage has gone overboard.

I hope that's the case. But there's a chance it's not.

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I saw a woman wearing purple nitrile gloves at the Home Despot today.

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I just got home from the Allston Shaw's and while walking by the pharmacy to head to the milk/bread, I heard:

"Nope, we're all sold out of the flu masks, sorry."

My brain then came up with a devious plan to have a manufacturing facility that would keep a modicum of raw materials present for a wide range of products. Whenever the next media-whipped frenzy would churn into high gear, my factory would then start producing whatever gimmicky hokem would sell out first. Swine flu? We make flu masks. Bioterror? We make clean suits and bottled water. Hurricane? We make flashlights and storm radios. Winter? We make french toast.

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and also owns a TV network.

It's been known to work. :)

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Duct tape. Don't forget the duct tape.

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Some smartass put a surgical mask on a statue in Davis Square today. It was a good laugh on my way into the station.

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surgical masks that are open around the sides aren't really helping too much.
people should be looking for masks (either normal dust masks or "surgical" masks) that are N95 or N99 rated. this means the masks have been tested to keep out 95/99% of all particles in the air.

These masks normally have a little metal piece that clips around the nose and a vent on the front to exhale.

N99 masks can be cleared for use in hospitals and surgery (thus being surgical) or just for general industrial use, either type should do the job in keeping away the flu as long as its NIOSH rated N95 or N99

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