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Braintree man charged with throwing water bottle at Kyrie Irving

WCVB reports. The guy faces a charge of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, which is a felony. A second man was also arrested on charges of attacking a cop.

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Garden fans, making us proud of our city since forever. Low point might have been 1972, when some lovely exemplar of all that is noble about our city, threw a popcorn box containing an actual, verified human fetus onto the ice.


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So we are not going to talk about how the Celts logo was stomped on disrespectfully after the game was over? Respect goes both ways. Does Kyrie think he was going to get away with that?

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Seriously? Chucking a water bottle at somebody's head is somehow no more dangerous than stomping on a team logo?

So, no, there's no moral equivalency here. Irving's act may have been childish, but not illegal. The fan's action was dangerous and is a felony offense.

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Was the water bottle full or not?

A full or partially full bottle can be a dangerous weapon. An empty plastic bottle is not a dangerous weapon. I have read every article I can find but I haven't seen any reference to whether the bottle was full (or full enough) or not.

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as a dangerous weapon. The classic example is "shod foot'.

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A shod foot can break bones and rupture internal organs. A marshmallow cannot. It is factually and legally incorrect to state that anything used in an attack can be classified as a dangerous weapon; the law exists for the specific purpose of drawing a distinction between attacks involving a dangerous weapon and attacks not involving a dangerous weapon, for example, pelting someone with hand-thrown marshmallows

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That’s your response to learning about a human fetus being hurled on to Garden ice in the ‘70s!?

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In what possible universe is stomping on a logo justification for assault? What the hell is wrong with you?

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A logo, on a polished hardwood floor, in the middle of a basketball court where guys run across it repeatedly for sport? Oh no how dare he step on that.

Respectfully, fuck off.

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Do you think he'll be able to take his place at center court if there's a game 6?

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So. In your world a man is never to blame for angry violent actions because there is always someone else to blame and men can't be expected to control themselves, like, ever?

Grow up. Seriously. Grow up.

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And based on nothing, really.

Paul Truth, based on his user name and post, just seems like a rabid Celts fan as well as an idiot.

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So we are not going to talk about how the Celts logo was stomped on disrespectfully after the game was over?

The most pathetic thing about the entire incident was the predictable (but still lamentable) response from the (white) Boston sports media and fans to blubber "but WHATABOUT the LOGO???".

Here's some truth for you, Paul Truth: grownups accept responsibility and don't blubber and whine and try to foist it off by pointing to an objectively less serious, less harmful action as justification. No one will ever respect Boston sports fans until you stop deflecting and fingerpointing every time something like this happens.

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Responding to disrespect of their favorite religious prophet by cutting off people’s heads, or to disrespect of their favorite sports teams by physically attacking the offender, or being cut off in traffic by pulling out a weapon… these are not things that civilized people do or condone or defend

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There's a paywall, but with some URL-hacking, here's the article:


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I grabbed this one from The Globe’s archive.


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Some of you young'uns may not remember that throwing things on the court and especially on the ice at the old Garden was a normal occurrence. The balcony was directly on top of the playing surface and it was easy to throw whatever.
At Bruins games, people threw things on the ice to celebrate a goal or a victory or to express their anger at a defeat or a penalty call against the B's.
At Celtics games, not as much, but it happened too. According to Johnny Most they were throwing batteries in Philly at Sixers games.
And in the 70s through the 90s it was not unusual for people to throw things on the field at Fenway, especially after a loss.
However a key difference between now and then is bottles and cans vs cups. They sold all drinks in cups at the Garden and at Fenway. And water in plastic bottles didn't exist. If you wanted water you would go to the bubbla or buy a cup and fill it at the bubbla.
And then they started selling water in bottles, and more recently beer in cans. It was a disaster waiting to happen.
If the bottle thrown last night was filled with water it was a dangerous projectile, and the guy should be prosecuted. If it was empty, not a big deal.

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that I can watch literally hundreds of times and never NOT laugh at it. It is among the great works of our time. Never let it be forgotten.

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You know it's going to be good when tradition enters the conversation.

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Not defending the action, but it looks like the only thing it hit was the floor?

Assault, yes, battery? probably not.

I am one not to defend a member of Lambda Chi Alpha, but bringing a loaded gun into BMC over 1/3rd filled bottle of Dasani being chucked should be causing much more of a stir out there than idiot does idiot thing.

Also, New York fans harping on Boston for throwing things (anyone remember that NYPD in riot gear had to line the field Yankee Stadium in 2004 after A-fraud knocked the ball out of Arroyo's glove and many dozen items were thrown at the Sox, so much that they had to leave the field) is chutzpah.

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I am one not to defend a member of Lambda Chi Alpha, but bringing a loaded gun into BMC over 1/3rd filled bottle of Dasani being chucked should be causing much more of a stir out there than idiot does idiot thing.

there are a number of heinous acts that occur each day, sometimes within the same zip code. we can only talk about one of them?

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1. Male
2. Suburban
3. Male
4. Sportsball Fan
5. Causing problems in our beautiful city.

5 for 5.

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You listed male twice. You mad bro? Nice sexism and classism. You are a standard bigoted Bostonian. Congrats!

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Takes one to know one.

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The joke sailed clear over your head.

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You gave both Kyrie and the national media the exact narrative they were hoping to come away from Boston with.

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you’d have a hard time disproving the “narrative” (can we please retire this meaningless word?) i assume you’re referring to – that Boston sports fans are often hostile to nonwhite members of visiting teams. i don’t think anyone was “hoping to come away” with that conclusion.

frankly, nobody cares about Boston right now because most of the sports teams suck. more to the point, I haven’t seen anyone call what the fan did “racist”, so we can all probably quit the victim act.

also, Kyrie Irving is an idiot and Jaylen Brown did a great job of explaining why. look up his response.

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Bruins are kicking ass

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Red Sox are #2 in AL East
And pats season is over

So that leaves one team that isn’t doing well

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the patriots don’t count because they aren’t playing right now?

i’ll amend my statement for you: nobody cares about Boston sports right now because the celtics and pats suck. baseball and hockey do not garner the national attention that the other two do. better?

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I think that you should add another three or four qualifiers to really nail down how what you originally wrote had so little to do with what you can back up.

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nobody cares about Boston sports : nobody is talking about what happened with kyrie irving last night in the context of racism. seems like a pretty straight line to me.

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Well, I personally don’t care but there’s an awful lot of money in and media coverage of Boston sports, so somebody cares. Even outside the Boston Sports bubble.

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Revs are #1 in the east, Bruins are winning in playoffs, Sox are #2 in the east so...

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Kylie did spend the better portion of the past week acting like the classic bad guy from pro wrestling, so if nothing had happened, Kyrie’s acting would have been for naught.

I don’t want to defend or condone throwing objects at people, but compared to other incidents just this year, this one was basically asked for.

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Are you teaching your kids this?

Asked for? Um, the dude is an entertainer. But I guess the Trump crowd never figured out that pro wrestling was a sham, so they can't be expected to "allow" an entertainer to entertain?

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Be respectful of other people.

Kyrie Irving played the role of "the enemy." He got the result that he wanted in that a fan was so mad at him that the fan threw a bottle of water at him. I'd rather that a fan didn't do that, but conversely if I was a Nets fan, I'd be as embarrassed at how Irving carried himself in the series as the Celtics and its fandom are with how one fan responded.

Also, cut the crap with the Trump nonsense. You are showing how unidimensional you are. Both athletes and fans have been acting boorishly since before Trump was in short pants. Professional wrestling just made a show of it, which it would appear Irving appreciates.

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I defend and condone throwing objects at people.

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Just as the other person person who has commented on my statement doesn't condone hitting people with bicycle locks yet has mentioned instances where she may have through about doing it, I would say that thinking about throwing an object at someone who is goading you on is perferrable to actually throwing it.

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I'd be inclined to believe you if you hadn't made your statement conditional with "but...this one was basically asked for."

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For example, if one of the Super Happy Fun Time nincompoops or what's left of the Westboro Baptist Church were holding offensive signs or chanting something offensive in front of a school or whatever, it wouldn't be right to cold cock one of them, but that's different from doing the same to a member of academia whose beliefs you disagree with that you may see walking down the street one day. Both cases would be wrong, but you kind of understand the motivation for the former action.

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Bad move Braintree boy you are banished from the Garden for life you probably will be fired from your job and your facebook friends will abandon you. Your only hope is to hire Jackie Chiles as your lawyer and claim you weren't throwing the bottle at Kyrie your intended target was the white cop on detail because throwing a bottle a cop is not a crime in Boston.

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When I encounter a science-illliterate quitter, I feel pity or scorn, not rage.

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Lol I hope K.i. Will be ok and doesn’t throw any balls at the audience again

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Must be from Connecticut

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It was an empty water bottle. Yes the guys and ahole, but you people make it sound like attempted murder.

Be careful they’re a hockey game on tonight.

Proof, the NBA is softer than European soccer now.

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might have been my choice of headline.

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The only crime involving water bottles at the Garden is the $12 they charge for it. That is the true crime here.

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