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The dawn eclipse

Morning eclipse, with jet

Adam Balsam was among the many people who got up early to get a good view of the eclipse, which in his case meant a trip to Wollaston Beach. At first, it was disappointing, because clouds obscured the show as the sun broke above the horizon, but once the sun rose high enough, the show was on.

Jake reports he got up extra early so he could be in position at the top of the Great Blue Hill at 4:30 a.m. "After a cloudy start, my fellow early risers and I got a great view of the eclipse just after its 5:33 peak."

Eclipse over the Great Blue Hill

Even with the clouds, there were still some nice views to be had, he adds:

Eclipse over the Great Blue Hill

Jiayu woke up early as well and captured the eclipse over Boston and the Charles from the Harvard Bridge in this composite shot:

Eclipse over Boston

Ed Grzyb looked up from the Arnold Arboretum:

Eclipse over the Arboretum

Paul Friedmann got the meadow's eye view at the Arboretum:

Eclipse over the Arboretum

Matt Frank went to Winthrop:

Eclipse over Winthrop


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I was so annoyed by that cloud cover! I was so looking forward to the horizon shot but I'm happy to see people got so many cool shots

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Just like the 2017 event, you could still tell something odd was going on - the reduction of light was noticeable at full extent. Dimmer switch for the sun! Even when somewhat cloudy the sun pours into the east windows of my house at that time at this time of year, but it had an odd dimmed quality to it this morning.

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I woke up around 515-530ish to use the restroom and the sun just looked odd coming in from my pantry window. (which gets a full dose of the sunrise from the east)

Wasnt awake enough to realize it was the eclipse, but I remember thinking how darker it was & thought I misread the time when I woke up.

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in Walpole right where the sun is in you eyes at sunrise this morning wonder if the eclipse had any affect on a driver...

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We got a fairly advanced eclipse but unless you are looking for it most people don't even realize it's happening until much more advanced stages. The light from the sun is so overwhelming that it spills around the moon like a fat cat sitting in a small box. That's why most of these images are so dark, we had to filter out so much light just to get those clean lines... And the one really good backdrop here was a wonderfully done composite shot because it's impossible to get both worlds in one exposure. If you just snapped a picture of the eclipse today with no filter or without a crazy fast shutter speed you wouldn't get anything.

Although ironically the cloud cover may have filtered out enough light to make it visible for some with the naked eye but that would have been earlier on.

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Or, I guess, annular will do.

Total eclipses are amazing. I was at the 2017 one and would highly recommend driving wherever you an get to 2024 that doesn't have cloud cover. (Do not pick a spot and go no matter the weather, I remember listening to the radio on the way to our watch spot and hearing people say "well, it's raining, so we can't see anything." Luckily enough for us, the 2024 eclipse arcs from Buffalo to Burlington to Caribou, so we have a lot of options, although if the weather is good, Vermont north of Montpelier is probably closest/easiest. Until a few minutes before, however, you would never really know, except when passing clouds obscured the sun and for a second as the edge of the cloud passed over you could see the shape.

About half an hour before a total the total, it starts getting appreciably less bright, with shadows being less distinct than they normally would be but your eyes adjust like they do near sunset. It's only during totality that it's really amazing. But it is definitely worth it!

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I got to see a total one when I was in junior high - and I can't wait to see another. My most enduring memory is how all the birds on the JH playing field suddenly flew into the trees, thinking it was nightfall.

My niece has a camp in NH and a home in VT that are both in the swing of the 2024 event. We already have plans to crash at one or the other, and bring whatever provisions are requested. I suspect that will mean a Subaru load of Treehouse brew and Bob's meat packs.

There is a group plotting to meet where the bike trail in Burlington dead ends without the ferry.

My son and I may catch the annular in October 2023 as it swings through south-central OR, too. I didn't have enough vacation time or I'd have stayed with my uncle in Bend back in 2017.

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...a boat on Lake Champlain.

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2017 landed on my birthday so I took a week off of work , got my car fully serviced and packed what I needed... The plan was to go to South Carolina with an overnight stop in VA to crash at a friend's house. When storms started brewing the day of I changed course at a rest stop in NJ and booked a hotel room on Hotels.com right outside of Kentucky instead where it was dry. I still stopped in VA. The entire trip I planned my hotels via hotels.com at the last minute and was prepared to sleep in the car at a Walmart. Turns out hotels outside of major cities are eager to fill rooms.

I ended up staying at a Days Inn in Madisonville which is the next town over from Hyattsville which eas the epicenter of eclipse mania but much less crazy. I got some amazing shots of the eclipse and really felt connected with the world.

It was kind of fun to just be adapting every step of the way. The wonders of mobile internet lol

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Thanks for compiling these, Adam!

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I bought eclipse glasses for my shift. I was 7 stories up in Boston, MA but the clouds obscured sunrise again.
Around six though the show began for me.
Super Cool!

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