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Failed senate candidate learns you can only push a federal judge so far; he could be facing criminal-contempt charges in his conspiracy-based lawsuit against Bill Galvin


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All I can think of is Hulk Hogan in a suit, sitting with Shiva in some conference room at the Federal Courthouse going over their next move…..

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Dr Shiva has been studying the three demandments of Hulkamania - the training, the prayers and the vitamins!

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What a sorry excuse of opponents.

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He gets in the ring with the opposite sex

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That would be very wrong, but this guy is going to piss off the judge so much we may never find out.

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If you believe what we already know from Adam's extensive reporting on this to be true, then we already have a pretty good idea that Twitter was never asked by Galvin to ban Shiva.

This started when someone in Galvin's office in what, October or September, filed a complaint about a single absurd tweet from Shiva, for which they did not even act upon. And then by the end of October, there had already been a partial legal resolution between the Commonwealth and Shiva about not doing such a thing again during the election season.

Fast forward to early February when Twitter decided it needed to clean up the garbage on their platform post January 6th, and Shiva found himself banned by them.

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Is a manual put out by the National Association of State Elections Officials on how to respond to fake election news on social media, in which Michelle Tassanari, who heads up Galvin's election efforts, is credited. From one of my earlier stories:

Last month, Ayyadurai, who also lost a campaign against Elizabeth Warren in 2018, charged that a manual for elections officials on how to deal with election misinformation on social media was proof of the Secretary of State's global campaign against him - which he alleges involve software imported from the British Commonwealth - because it listed an official there as a contributor. The national association said that was nonsense, that, in fact, the examples of how to submit complaints to Twitter focus on what to do should Twitter ignore the complaints.

In his case, the Secretary of State's office says, it did nothing when Twitter ignored its complaint.

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Reporting by bloggers is interesting but people will say self serving things to the media.
It seems Shiva will torpedo his own case before we find out anyway.

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Or if they are, the media is collectively going: "Meh, we don't care, leave us alone." As far as I know, I'm the only one reporting on this case. I'll leave it to the reader to decide what that means.

I admit I'm fascinated by the legal wrangling and how he's managed to get this far with this case when pretty much every other fraud-alleging election suit has been tossed. But don't worry, nobody's making self-serving statements to lowly blogger me, either - everything I write comes from either court hearings or filings.

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And you wrote that the secretary of state's office said they did nothing when Twitter ignored their request to take down Shiva's tweet.
I assumed they said that to you.

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In the end, it doesn't really matter, I suppose, but I have never talked to anybody from the Secretary of State's office about this case.

Again, everything I've written comes directly from the court filings and hearings (in which, yes, the Secretary of State's lawyers - from the state Attorney General's office - have explained their side of the story). The federal court documents system is great that way (it would be even greater if it didn't cost 10 cents a page to read stuff, but whadaya gonna do?), as is the way court hearings are now on Zoom.

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Bills to make PACER generally free are starting to be a fairly regular thing in Congress; one will probably get through sooner or later. And there's also RECAP.

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And anybody who uses PACER should get the RECAP plugin for their browser. But I like being first with these court stories (yeah, I admit it, I like scoops), so often my file downloads are the ones populating RECAP for Boston-area cases.

In contrast, so far (shhh), documents are free to download from the state-court system (but it has its own drawbacks - it frequently crashes during the day on workdays and you can't get access to files in the criminal-court system without a docket number, which you can only get in person at a court).

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I don't care to reread what had been posted on this before, but it was unclear to me that Twitter did nothing. They claimed they did not ban him from the service. If Shiva was instead shadow banned and he can get Twitter to acknowledge that then this becomes a lot more interesting.

But Shiva is a cock up so that won't happen.

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As posting about them, because Twitter has never denied banning Ayyadurai - first for short periods and then, finally, permanently. There's nothing shadowy about it.

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here we come.

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wildly into a crowd of birthday-celebrating five-year-olds, then the cake, then the pool. Mercifully, all escape injury except the clown (and the cake.) News at 10."

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Even I can see through this transparent attempt to draw the decision out and I'm not even a judge.

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He's the Rudy Giuliani of John McAfees: no substance and no hope of any, chaotic, erratic, destructive, not mentally sound. Trying to remain in the public eye is his only objective.

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