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Air National Guard to fly fighter jets over Boston Harbor on 9/11

The Boston National Historical Park reports the USS Constitution Museum will host 9/11 commemorations on Saturday that will include Old Ironsides going out into Boston Harbor between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Also, the Massachusetts Air National Guard will fly F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets over the harbor, within site of Logan Airport, where the two jets that hit the World Trade Center took off from.



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No thank you. Fighter jets on 9/11 always remind me of the fighter jets that flew around over NYC after our city was bombed. Mayyyybeee made me feel safe in 2001 but just makes me feel ill now. Just one survivor's opinion FWIW.

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I normally love fighter jets flying overhead but I would agree. Maybe a better testament would be to have no flights for a few hours.

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I remember hearing the fighter jets that night in Boston. It was not a comforting sound.

9/11 should be a remembrance of peace, not war.

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My memory of the jets was hearing them in the daytime, when we didn’t know if there were more attacks to come. Not something I care to relive, especially with more than enough going in the present day.

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Did two circles over the FD and looped out. Town was empty by then.

Speaking of planes, never forget that our government allowed a plane to land at Logan on Thursday 9/13 which allowed members of the Bin Laden family living at Flagship Wharf in Charlestown to leave the country when everything else was stopped.

So what if 15 of 19 of the hi-jackers were Saudi, the oil mafia families always work in tandem.

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Also never forget that George W. Bush rejected an offer from the Taliban to turn over Osama Bin Laden a month later. Would have made it tougher to start two illegitimate wars and funnel trillions to defense contractors if he took them up on it.

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Seeing the skies empty except for military aircraft was not a comforting thing. Maybe let's not.

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were actually really pleasant. I remember how oddly nice that aspect was.

(The fighter jets were... not pleasant, for a variety of reasons.)

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The Massachusetts Air National Guard had the first fighters in the sky that day looking for other potential hijacked planes. They were also over the WTC that day. In short, the MANG have a reason for commemorating the day, too.

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The fighter jets that day only represented what was to come: Wars, paranoia, and a significant change to American life for the worse.

That doesn't need to be commemorated.

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who were in charge of "security" that day going to stand out on the runway and wave?

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