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Single-family house on Dorchester's Meetinghouse Hill could be replaced by 15 condos


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holy shit, that design is awesome. THIS is the standard people should be holding developers to. No more of this pre-fab multicolor panel bullshit. SOME attempt at respecting the architectural heritage of one of the US's only actual historical cities.

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if a little stark. Way better than the standard apartment building design we've been seeing.

But I kind of have the feeling they colored the first two stories white and the third dark so that it looks more like a two-story building at a glance. :-P

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Goes with architectural style of many buildings in Dorchester/Roxbury.
("Goes with" as in "similar/complementary", not "identical")

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Seems like a decent modern take on a mansard roof which are pretty common.

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Thank you - I was drawing a blank trying to remember the term "mansard".

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Trying to make it look like a small building at a glance was one of their goals. And goal met.

It is really nice to see some architects actually trying. Good on Zephyr.

I don't particularly appreciate architects, but I appreciate what they've done here. This is a good look, and I hope it catches on.


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What else do you see?

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See the vertical brown chunk of the building? That makes it look like the building ends there, when it doesn't - it's actually bigger there. Then a new white part of the building, in a different shape, pops up behind the brown divider (mechanicals are in there), and it looks like it's a different building, behind the first building, but it's actually the widest part of the same building. And behind that white extension is a light brown extension the same size.

That extension actually fits into a bump out in the weird-shaped lot. The tree you can see is in the neighboring lot.

That main door leads to a lobby that runs most of the length of the building, on the ground floor. The part that looks like a single house is one unit deep, and contains three floors of units above a parking level (plus an extra roof-level bedroom for a third floor unit). But then there are three more units behind it, all strung along that lobby, plus the one the bumps out on the right. I don't think it looks like that's what's going on at first glance - it doesn't look like the 'main house' part of it is hiding five times its bulk behind it.

Look at page 40 and 41 of the presentation for side and 3/4 top views showing all that's hidden behind that front house-looking part. It's like there's four more of them back there. Except they are all wider. And taller - even the roof steps up.


Sure, the building looks big, but they have well disguised how truly massive it is from the street.

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When I saw Meetinghouse Hill my immediate worry was that some historic structure was being slated for demo but this is one that definitely deserves to go! It blends into the neighborhood way better than what's there and replacing a single-family with 15 condos is a fantastic step in the right direction in terms of adding housing.

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My friend from St Peters Grammar School lived there, good times, good times. Her dad amason, they moved to Hull when Social enginering, bigottry, drugs and crime destroyed our communitty. It was a wealthy community before we got there too, What goes around comes around.

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